Chapter 97 Nail House

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  Chapter 97:

  The King of Nail Households stopped on the roadside, and Lin Wu sat on the street lamp in a daze: Do we really have to wait until dark?
  Lin Wu returned to Bawang, drove the car to a supermarket not far from the substation, and started searching in a half-fishing state. At this time, the system prompt came. Because Lin Wu had not slept for more than 24 hours, Lin Wu had acquired a fatigue state. In the fatigue state, he was easily injured. Daily jumping movements may cause fractures in his feet. And because he only had one hand, Lin Wu's work efficiency was extremely low.

  Lin Wu picked up more than a dozen novels in the supermarket and returned to the checkpoint. This time he learned to be smart and took a bucket of oil to add to Overlord before leaving the supermarket. When they arrived near the checkpoint, Lin Wu climbed onto the roof of the Overlord, using his backpack as a pillow, and lay back to read. Occasionally, he heard violent sounds and got out of the car to start a carnage. Lin Wu, with one hand, continued to kill violently.

  During this period, Ma Hun made a video call, during which Ma Hun apologized to Lin Wu and admitted that he said something he shouldn't have said yesterday. He also generously explained that he had a crush on Shana, so he was particularly angry after learning that Shana died.

  Lin Wu was very surprised: "You have a crush on Shana?" Why didn't I know?


  Ma Hun was defeated: "There is no reason."

  Lin Wu said, "You should have told Maya to put you in the same class. Xiaodao and I have always looked forward to attending a wedding."

  Ma Hun: "No, Xue Dan also likes Shana."

  "Why?" Lin Wu continued to be surprised, how come I still don't know?
  Ma Hun burst into tears: "There is no reason."

  Lin Wu continued to ask: "Why did you let Xue Dan?" Ma

  Hun replied: "We are brothers." Lin

  Wu asked: "Why did Xue Dan let you?"

  Ma Hun : "Because we are brothers."

  Lin Wu thought for a while: "You love Shana, and he loves Shana. You have common hobbies, so you will become friends." He didn't quite understand this logic. According to this logic, the first wife loves her husband, and the mistress also loves her husband. The first wife and the mistress should be good friends, but why do they fight to the death as soon as they meet?
  Shitou on one side really couldn't stand listening: "Lin Wu, as far as Shana is concerned, they are just two idiots, don't pay attention to them." Shitou knew that Lin Wu could not understand the behavior of two men being humble to each other after falling in love with a woman at the same time. .

  Ma Hun felt sad after hearing Shitou's words, it was true.

  Lin Wu remained surprised: "Shitou, do you know this?"

  Shitou: "Yes, we all know."

  Lin Wu: "Why don't I know?" Damn it!
  Shitou: "Hang up." It's annoying to ask endless questions about why, but I don't know how to answer. He knew that Lin Wu's CPU had not yet evolved to the love triangle stage. In fact, Lin Wu could understand ten million men liking one woman, but what he couldn't understand was the humility between men.

  Girls like to watch romantic dramas, the love in them makes them endlessly daydream. Lin Wu likes war and action movies. In classic movies and TV series of this type, there is either no love or only one-line and simple depictions of love. Saving Soldiers, Soldier Assault, Windtalkers, Hacksaw Ridge, War in the Pacific, Hurricane Rescue, Enemy, Black Hawk Down, and more.


  The sun sets at six o'clock in the afternoon. After losing the sunshine, the body temperature drops significantly. The zombies at the checkpoint clocked out. Lin Wu drove his Overlord past the checkpoint and quickly returned to Shadow Base.

  Time can heal all sorrows. Cotton's death made everyone grieve for a few seconds, Tangtang's death made everyone observe a minute of silence, and the pain caused by Shana's death did not last long. Of course, Ma Soul and Xue Dan are not included. At the gate of the base, the two apologized to Lin Wu for the phone call last night.

  Seeing that they were depressed, Lin Wu comforted them with a few words.

  Xue Dan nodded and patted Lin Wu on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will confess my love boldly next time."

  Ma Hun echoed: "Even if we compete with him, I will work hard."

  "This is what a man is. Lin Wu praised and said: "I'm going to rest first."

  Shitou nodded: "Go ahead."

  Lin Wu and Xiao Dao fist-checked and went to the hospital bed to rest.

  Shitou looked at Xue Dan and Ma Hun: "Are you sure it's okay?"

  Xue Dan chuckled: "It's okay. It's just that after she died, I regretted not telling her my thoughts in person."

  Ma Hun nodded in agreement, Shitou looked at Maya, Su Shi and Xiaodao: "You have no problem, right?"

  Maya said: "Shana and Lin Wu are on duty. If only one can survive, it must be Lin Wu. I have already thought about this when scheduling shifts. It's clear. Now that I think about it, my decision is very unfair to Shana."

  Shitou said: "That's because we have been together for a long time and you no longer treat her as a tool. Su Shi? What do you have to say about this matter? Do you want to say anything?"

  Su Shi said: "Shana is a good person. I am very sad to lose her. But I am also very happy that Lao Lin is alive." Everyone

  looked at Xiaodao, who had an innocent face: "Everyone knows my opinion. I will only say one thing. , I feel sad for losing Shana."

  Ma Hun had a good relationship with Xiaodao and said: "When we were on the phone last night, if Shitou hadn't scolded me first, would you have stood up for Lao Lin?"

  Xiaodao replied: "No, last night I I simply think that you are sad because you lost your partner."

  Xue Dan asked: "What about today?"

  Xiao Dao: "After learning about the situation today, I remembered something Shana once said that made me confused. I remember that I found The two of you were looking at Shana and me, muttering in a low voice. I asked Shana if something was wrong with them? Shana replied, well, they were with something. But they'd better not say it, lest everyone be embarrassed. I was very worried at the time. Curious."

  Everyone was very curious. After waiting for a while, when nothing happened, Xuedan asked: "Then what?" "

  Then what?"

  "Then how did you ask her? What did she say?"

  Xiaodao said: "I didn't Ask."

  Silent, Shitou said: "Let's go chat by the bonfire in the backyard. The temperature is a bit low tonight. Su Shi, have you made the thermometer?" The base now only has thermometers obtained through looting, and thermometers are medical items. The thermometers and televisions obtained by searching are classified as sundries and cannot be used directly. It must be crafted in the crafting room to be used.

  Su Shi said: "Yes."

  Shitou went to the warehouse and took out the thermometer and found that the real-time temperature had dropped to 11 degrees. Shana's death has caused the Shadow Base to lose one person who makes medicines, and now it still lacks a player who can sew and make clothes. What makes Shitou a little confused is that sewing skills are very rare, and no one in the left and right counties has heard of anyone who has mastered similar skills.

  Lin Wu got off the hospital bed and met Maya when he went to the backyard barracks to rest, and talked to Maya about Lili's doomsday alliance. Maya felt like she had discovered a new world. She didn't expect that the game could be played like this.


  Today’s campfire meeting is to discuss the doomsday alliance model. This model does not need to consider issues such as personal morality, but only needs to consider food issues. An alliance of about ten people, plus a large number of players, the more the better. When the number of players reaches a certain scale, the entire city can be turned into a safe zone.

  The hunter skill book is relatively rare, while the fishing skill book is a common skill book. Lin Wu Sha Kuang Meng averages half a day, and there are currently 6 fishing books in the warehouse. When everyone thought something was wrong, Xiaodao used a simple brain circuit to deny the Doomsday Alliance's way of survival. The reason for the denial is that fishing skill books are common skill books.

  Following this line of thinking, Shitou believes that no matter how big or powerful the Doomsday Alliance becomes, it will always be a low-end industry.

  In order to ensure food, most members of the Doomsday Alliance have the ability to produce food. This will inevitably make them lack other life skills and barely survive. Surviving in such an environment for two years can become a torture. In addition, the head of the alliance needs strong strength and the ability to deal with problems.

  Everyone discussed that it is not that the alliance is impossible, but that the alliance leader must control the force and have the ability to protect alliance members. Alliance members are responsible for production. In order to avoid major conflicts among members and to prevent the minor alliance from forcing the alliance to oust, the force of the minor alliance must be controlled.

  To put it simply, they are warlords who use force to seize population and land for development. It is feasible in reality, but it is very difficult in the game. Because every player is equipped with basic weapons, they can obtain weapons and have the strength to resist warlords. Since there is no fear of real death, if the warlord's oppression is slightly higher, it will cause resistance. Warlords cannot perfect their ruling power without oppression.


  Sleeping, chatting, and reading, the Shadow Base was extremely peaceful in the middle of the night, which made Shitou, the leader, somewhat unaccustomed to it.

  Shitou was listening to the radio and reading a book in the command post when he suddenly noticed a non-base player member appearing on the base map. Safety first, Shitou went to the dormitory and knocked on Maya's door. He picked up some weapons on the way and walked to the front door. He saw a female player fighting two ordinary zombies on the edge of the safe zone.

  "Hey, help."

  The female player turned around and shouted, which shocked Shitou and Maya. Isn't this Shana? The two immediately stepped forward to deal with the zombies and took Shana to the backyard. Shi Shi woke everyone up, Xiao Dao appeared first, hugged Shana's left arm and rubbed it: "I'm so happy."

  Shana stroked Xiao Dao's hair: "I'm very happy too."

  Su Shi appeared normally: "Mom Yeah!" He was instinctively frightened.

  "Hi, Su Shi. I'm Shana, not Maya." He was in a good mood and kept silent.

  Xuedan and Mahun came out of the barracks. After they confirmed that it was Shana, they looked at each other and each stepped forward to suppress their excitement and shake hands with Shana: "Back?" "Yes, back." The last person


  appear The person was Lin Wu who was woken up. While others slept to kill time, Lin Wu slept for real. Hearing the noise outside, he stumbled out of the barracks and saw Shana looking at him with a smile like a flower by the campfire for the first time.

  Lin Wu was shocked: "Are you talking about a nail-biting household in Beishang Town?"

  Shana looked angry.

  When Lin Wu stepped forward, Shana smiled and stretched out her left hand to shake hands with Lin Wu. Unexpectedly, Lin Wu hugged Shana directly and said with sadness: "It's really painful to live without you."

  Shana said this. Na's heart is full of joy, and the little deer is bumping around. The crowd eating melon looked at Brother Soul Egg with disdain: Are you very happy now?
  Xiaodao: I didn’t expect you to be like Lin Wu.

  Lin Wu let go of Shana, put his hands on Shana's shoulders and patted her twice, and said sincerely: "You really don't know how miserable my experience was after you died." Lin Wu took stock of the things he met throughout the day

  . Bad luck. Getting lost in circles, being slapped by a black bear, the car running out of gas, crashing on the road, and being blocked by checkpoints...

  Shana raised her hands to stop everyone from talking, and asked: "You just said that life without me is painful, is this the kind of thing? It's not emotional. Pain?"

  "Emotional pain? Yes." Lin Wu looked at Xue Dan and Ma Hun: "They have something to say." The

  two said together: "I'm glad Shana is back. Welcome, welcome."

  Sha Na Na Bingxue was smart and immediately changed the subject: "My chemistry skills are gone."

  Lin Wu was led as expected: "You won't do it again this time..." No, he shouldn't know that Shana was killed for the first time.

  Shana thought that Lin Wu had already apologized to her for this matter, and wondered why Lin Wu said half of the words.

  Lin Wu: "You made it all the way this time?" He was so smart that he applauded.

  "What?" She again didn't know how to answer. Shana said: "By the way, let me tell you a secret about the game first, a secret related to points."

  "What secret?" Everyone became interested.

  "Death." Shana said: "The player will be resurrected 24 hours after death. Under normal circumstances, the system will provide you with a cutout background, a stool, and more than a dozen books to let you spend these 24 hours." Everyone

  waits .

  Shana said: "But as the points increase when you die, your death treatment will also increase. My stool has been replaced by a chair, and the number of books has increased from eleven to thirteen. There are subtle differences between the two deaths and resurrections. Difference."

  Lin Wu said: "Do you mean to die if you want to know whether your points are high?"

  Shana shook her head: "I mean, by comparing the treatment of death, you can understand your current status. Points situation."

  Lin Wu said: "You don't have many points at all."

  Shana covered her face and said: "Don't say that to others, okay? I work very hard."

  Shitou interrupted at the right time: "Let's deal with Shana's skills first. , Shana, are you still willing to take the doctor or chemistry route?"

  Shana nodded: "Yes."

  Shitou said: "From the radio information, medical books are not difficult, and chemistry books are relatively rare. The advantages of chemistry can be used to make fertilizers ."

  Su Shi interrupted: "I can make fertilizer. But there is no bonus to chemical skills, so it requires more materials." "

  Small problem." Lin Wu said: "Stone, go to the warehouse and get the plug-in I searched last night. Bring it."

  "What plug-in?"

  "Composter." Lin Wu introduced: "Working for half an hour a day can provide the required fertilizers for farms, gardens, etc. After installing the plug-in, you can no longer use chemical fertilizers." Xiao Dao asked: "

  Installation Daddy?"

  Lin Wu asked, "Where did daddy come from?"

  During the discussion between the two, Zhong Shitou came back with a small basin in his hand: "This thing is good. If you are bored, just go to the farm to work, and you can accumulate half an hour every day." As he talked about installing the composter on the farm, there was an extra chair in the middle of the farm that was more than ten square meters in size.

  Shitou tried it himself: "As long as you sit on the chair, the timer will start."

  How weird! A man is sitting in the middle of a wheat field, with wheat ears covering his lower body. From the outside, there is not much difference from a sitting toilet.

  Xuedan said: "It seems that the topic we just talked about was not a composter." He was still more concerned about the development of the goddess's skills.

  (End of chapter)

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