Chapter 86 Overlord

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  Chapter 86 Overlord
  After Lin Wu explained his hacking skills, Shitou expressed his opinion on this, saying: "The last two functions of hacking are very practical. There are many cars left on the road. If we can unlock the car locks, we can do whatever we want. If you choose a car, you might even be able to drive a bus. Do pure base skills require a lot of materials?"

  Lin Wu said: "It's up to Su Shi to judge whether it's a lot or not."

  Su Shi looked at it for a while and said, "Compared. There are fewer drones than upgrading radio stations. Even if most of the materials are missing, it is not difficult to collect them. Only the gaps in electronic components are a bit big." Lin Wu said: "Don't be in a hurry. If it's enough, it's not enough

  . Force it." You could say it's a rubbish skill, but it's terrifyingly strong. To say it is a magical skill is to offend one's conscience. To sum up, although the skills are good, they are not useful.

  Su Shi said: "Hacking skills can upgrade the radio station to level three. There must be a lot of materials needed to upgrade the second level to the third level. After upgrading the second level radio station, you can decide whether to use the resources to make a personal computer or upgrade to the third level. Radio."

  Xiaodao looked at Lin Wu: "You are a black hole of resources."

  Lin Wu glared, Xiaodao smiled fearlessly.

  Shitou corrected: "The hacking skill is a base skill. Even the drone is a team combat tool, not Lin Wu's personal skill, and the materials are provided by the base. Of course, drones are not considered." Shana looked at Lin Wu: "Not

  really Satisfied?"

  Lin Wu answered honestly: "Yes." Compared with the bear trap incident, Lin Wu had made great progress. Although I am very dissatisfied with my hacking skills, my mentality is much better. The difference is that the bear trap is the result of Lin Wu's work for nearly a week. Hacking skills are something you get by chance.

  It's not about whether things are valuable, but how much people value them. The easier things are to get, the less they will be cherished. Water is a cheap source of life, diamonds are expensive junk stones.

  Xuedan felt a little sorry and said to Lin Wu, "At least it's not a skill that's trapped in the base."

  Lin Wu laughed it off: "Yeah, that's right. Bad hands." He glanced at Maya.

  Maya was stunned. She knew Lin Wu was joking, but this caused her to not know how to respond to this sentence. Xiaodao held Maya's hand with both hands and smelled it, then said to Lin Wu: "No, it's a fragrant hand."

  Shitou knew it was time to speak by himself, and said: "Okay, the meeting is over. Lin Wu and Shana will work night shift tomorrow. Pay more attention to the electronic components during the day shift and turn up the radio first. The meeting is over."


  At ten o'clock the next morning, when Lin Wu was killing people with a bear trap near the base, two cars parked nearby. Lin Wu picked up Kuangmeng's corpse and touched something with his left hand, and greeted with his right hand: "Hi Cuiyu, Hi Peanut, don't you charge for gasoline?"

  Cuiyu smiled and said: "Have you forgotten? Our base will automatically produce oil every day? Peanut

  : "You are carrying a headless violent beast."

  Lin Wu: "I know."

  Peanut: "Don't tell me this is shadow life."

  Lin Wu: "No." Throw away the violent beast.

  Peanut: "Get in the car."

  The two cars turned left onto the church trail and parked in the church parking space. The idle Shitou had already seen the visitor and came over to shake hands with the two and say hello. He looked at the car coming from Peanut and said, "This car is a bit awesome." It was a jeep that smelled like doomsday armor.

  "Overlord." Peanut introduced to Shitou: "The off-road jeep is modified and its durability is three times that of ordinary vehicles. The tail is specially strengthened. The damage to the car caused by the tail hitting zombies is reduced by 60%. When surrounded by zombies, it is a sharp weapon to break out. . Nine material package transport compartments, four reinforced doors, double fuel capacity." "With

  pedals under the four doors, players don't even need to enter the car." Peanut stepped on it, holding on to the armrest of the car with one hand and making a pistol with the other. Action shooting.

  Peanut leaned over the steering wheel and pressed the button, and the roof automatically folded up: "It's not just a convertible. There's also an armed station in the back compartment, you can add weapons by yourself." Shitou guessed Peanut's meaning and didn't say anything: "Modified car? The cost is huge

  . Right?"

  Peanut did not deny it: "Even if there is a car repair shop, even if there are skill bonuses, the brothers have to work hard for a week to get enough materials. There is nothing else in the Invincible Base, but there are many cars. Our boss said that this Overlord is Invincible A little return gift for Shadow. Please don't take it personally, Boss Shitou."

  "You're so polite, sit inside." Shitou said, "Lin Wu, ask Ma Hun to come back and get some snacks to go with the wine." "Copy that."


  Yu looked confused. : "What's the appetizer?"

  Shitou smiled and said nothing, and invited the two of them to sit at the table and chairs in the backyard. Lin Wu applied for a bottle of red wine that he had found in the apartment. As for the apartment building, it has a lot of wine and food. There are 4 buildings and hundreds of refrigerators storing a lot of ingredients.

  After a while, Ma Hun came back on his motorcycle, exchanged a few words with the two of them, and then went to the warehouse to get the ingredients. In less than five minutes, six dishes and one soup were delivered to the table. Shitou La Ma Hun kept company, and went to the warehouse with Cui Yu and Peanut. Had a few drinks.

  Peanut held the wine glass and sighed with emotion: "Your living standard is too high." Chicken wings increase the upper limit of two hours of endurance. Stew adds one hour of life limit. Braised eel plus two hours of weight-bearing...

  Shitou said modestly: "No, no, we usually prepare a dish at seven or eight o'clock in the evening." When Shana, who works the evening shift,

  heard that there were guests, she put down her book and went from the dormitory to the backyard to say hello to the two. , sit down and chat together. Shitou talked about his thoughts on the development of Zuoxian County. As the deputy commander of the Invincible Base, Peanut supports the idea of ​​the Horn Base. The two bases use the safety zone to build a larger safety zone. But now everyone is not sure about Zuoxian County’s geographical location and whether it has the conditions to become a horn.

  Peanut and Cuiyu also have a mission to go to Beishang Town to recruit people. The target is an advanced fishing player. In addition to contributing two pieces of food to the base every day, he can also make his own fishing net. Get up early and put the net down in the evening. Catching 20 kilograms of fish is not a problem. Recruiting this player will increase the base's food supply by 3 per day.

  Shitou also knew this person. He said softly that this person had a perverse personality. Of course Peanut wanted to ask more questions, but Shitou answered frankly that this person was not very gregarious and was rather suspicious. Peanut is open-minded and says that the brothers have good tempers. Shi Shi knew that the invincible food was the biggest problem, so he said nothing more.

  Before leaving, Shadow Base had nothing to give, so Shitou brought three packages of building materials and two packages of food as a return gift. Everyone sent the two to the intersection and waved goodbye. The Overlord sent by Peanut stayed at the base.

  As an experienced driver, Shitou experienced the Overlord for the first time. According to Shitou, this car has S-class handling and is extremely enjoyable to drive. There are only two shortcomings. One is that the speed is reduced due to the addition of shell armor. The second disadvantage is fuel consumption, which increases fuel consumption by 25% compared to an unupgraded off-road jeep.

  (End of chapter)

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