Chapter 65 Rest Time

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  Chapter 65
  After the break time marriage system is opened, prospective couples can determine the wedding date, wedding location and wedding details after forming a team. Couples can individually send invitations to anyone before the wedding begins. One hour before the wedding time, the system will open a copy at the wedding location, which will last for three hours. During this period, the couple's base will be protected by the system. Players holding invitations can enter the wedding instance within three hours to attend the wedding.

  If one party dies after marriage, the location after resurrection will be no more than 10 kilometers away from the spouse, and the spouse will obtain the other party’s real-time precise positioning information. If both parties die within 24 hours, they can choose to be resurrected together at the same location. In addition, Shuguang generously presented a wedding dress that was not warm and a pair of diamond rings within 20 carats.

  Lin Wu looked at it casually before closing the game manual, picking up Silencer and continuing to play. A woman would only delay his bolt-pulling speed, and getting married would only weaken his accuracy.

  "Maya, zombies are different from players. In today's tunnel PK, it was difficult for me to hit the player's head. Is there any way to improve it?" Lin Wu learned the basic shooting postures from Maya's teaching last time. When similar problems arise, Lin Wu naturally comes to Maya.

  Maya told Lin Wu that there was no very effective solution. In addition, the bolt-type long gun was not suitable for close-range gunfights.

  Maya said: "The Silent One is suitable for sneak attacks, but not suitable for frontal firefights. The reason is that the power is too small and cannot cause damage unless it is hit on the head. You once used a .50-caliber Sand Eagle to break the legs of a blind bat with one shot. . Therefore, I speculate that in the battle with players, the Sand Eagle can cause a lot of damage if it can hit the opponent. The Sand Eagle and the Silent One are two extremes, and you cannot combine their advantages." Maya continued:

  " When hunting, a hunter always waits for the prey to lower its guard before shooting. Instead of training your marksmanship, you should find ways to enhance your concealment and pursuit abilities." Lin Wu asked: "Does

  this guy do it too?"

  Maya nodded: " Yes."

  Lin Wu asked curiously: "What is your occupation?"

  Maya replied: "Soldier."

  The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Although mankind has been far away from war, bad guys have appeared throughout the ages. There are soldiers stationed in every region of Blue Star. The purpose of their existence is not to start a war, but to solve some problems in a neutral attitude. For example, religious riots, racial riots, private armed forces, etc. In a large area with a population of 1 billion, the number of soldiers is only 1,000. All soldiers are directly under the jurisdiction and dispatch of Dawn, so the soldiers of Blue Star are also called the Guards.

  The only large-scale operation of the Guards was two hundred years ago. One of the bosses of Fortress Company maintained a private bacterial team and secretly developed weapons that could destroy Blue Star, with the intention of forcing Dawn to recognize a personal kingdom independent of the Dawn system. Since the police force could not compete with them, Dawn issued a counter-insurgency order, and 17,000 soldiers from Blue Star rushed to an independent island in Blue Star to eliminate all the armed forces of the personal kingdom.

  oh! No wonder. No wonder I couldn't guess her occupation, no wonder she never said anything bad about Shu Guang.

  Maya did as she was told and led Lin Wu around the base, teaching Lin Wu how to use the environment to hide himself and obtain as much enemy information as possible. Arrange the sniper position, how to evacuate to the second position after shooting, how to get rid of the opponent's pursuit, etc. Zombies are mechanized and digitalized creatures. They have no misunderstandings in judgment or blind spots in thinking. Relatively speaking, humans are more difficult to deal with than zombies. However, human beings also have their own weaknesses because of their subjective judgments and instinctive reactions. The first lesson Maya taught Lin Wu was how to use the enemy's weaknesses to better attack the enemy.


  To celebrate the successful return of the trade team, the first Shadow Werewolf Competition was held that night in the backyard of the base. Although the game is simple, it has a relaxed atmosphere and constant laughter during the game.

  At seven o'clock the next morning, Xiao Dao woke up Lin Wu, and the two of them obtained buckets, poles, weapons, bullets, and medicines from the warehouse to carry water. It is 1 kilometer away from the nearest water source and the round trip journey is two kilometers. The two of them carry 4 buckets of water each time, which means they have to go back and forth 10 times in total. It takes about 10 minutes to walk one kilometer, and each round trip takes 20 minutes. In the final analysis, Lin Wu and Xiao Dao filled four water tanks, which took a total of two and a half hours. Due to the objective factors of encountering zombies on the road, it took more time than Shitou thought, but it was still acceptable. It was done twice a week, so it wouldn't bore anyone.

  Lin Wu had a lot of toys and refused Shana's request to start working during the day. He took a Silencer and ran around the base, listing Su Shi, Shitou and Shana as enemies for virtual sneak attacks and sniping, which annoyed the three of them. After being driven away, Lin Wu could only take the Silencer alone and go to the cliff to kill the zombies.

  Lin Wu has always abided by the 3-minute rule. One shot counts as one second. After 180 shots are fired, one shot counts as half a second. If it is not enough, continue to count. Shitou is too lazy to care about this matter. With the current armament level of the base, Shitou will let it go as long as the threat level does not exceed 6 stars.

  Su Shi: "Boss, do you think Lin Wu is a man?"

  Shitou: "Why do you ask?"

  Su Shi: "Shana is doing yoga on the edge of the cliff, doing the splits and lowering her waist. She has a graceful figure. I can't help but look at her with my eyes. After a quick glance, Lin Wu took a fire stick and ran around the base chasing rats."

  Shitou: "Boy, sooner or later you will find more interesting people and things. Haha, sooner or later you will find that chasing rats is more fun."

  Su Shi recycles waste, the stone squats on the radio, Lin Wu plays with a gun, where is Shana? She was also bored, so she did a set of yoga, wandered around for a while, and stood on the edge of the cliff singing a song. The beautiful sound of nature is so beautiful that even zombies walking under the cliff often turn back and gather on the edge of the cliff, trying to climb up.

  Lin Wu also heard such a beautiful sound and trotted to the backyard to see what was going on. He suddenly found a bunch of zombies gathering under the cliff. He immediately had an idea and started practicing fast shooting. He completely ignored Shana who was gritting her teeth and wanting to kick herself off the cliff. Speaking of which, fast shooters are much more interesting than aiming and shooting. Pull the bolt, lock the system, pull the trigger, and get a headshot with a high probability.

  After killing all the zombies at the bottom of the cliff, Lin Wu followed suit and howled into the sky twice, but it had no effect in attracting enemies, so he went to Shana for help. Due to her feelings, Shana could only go to the cliff and roar a few times to gather the surrounding zombies under the cliff. After Lin Wu killed all the zombies, he went to find Shana, but Shi Shitou told him: "I volunteered to work overtime."

  Lin Wu praised: "Shana is really nice."

  "Yeah, that's right." Shitou said He motioned Lin Wu to look at the pager in his hand, indicating that he was very busy, and waved Lin Wu to go away and play on his own.

  (End of chapter)

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