Chapter 62 Going Home

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  Chapter 62:
  The trade team just set up a trap to find out who is following them. They did not discuss whether to expel the other party or kill the other party. In Lin Wu's view, there was no need to discuss whether to expel or kill them. They must be killed. The reason is very simple, kill them, and after they are resurrected, they will only hate you one by one. Drive them out and they will unite to hate you.

  What's more, the two sides have communicated before. They have a farming book in their hands, and it can't be justified without killing them.

  As soon as Lin Wu fired, everyone shot together. Compared to zombies, it was more difficult for players to get headshots. After a round of shooting, only Lin Wu's first sneak shot hit the head. Fortunately, the trade team had strong firepower and took away two lives in one round.

  At this time, the remaining three people made a mistake in judgment. One person fled out of the tunnel, and the other two fought desperately with the trade team. They were attacked first and lacked actual combat experience, so they did not cause any real harm to the trade team at all.

  Lin Wu stared at Heitan who was escaping. It was obvious that Heitan had increased his agility and was running very fast. But today is not a race between man and man, but a race between man and bullet. Lin Wu easily hit Hei Tan, who was running away in a straight line, pulled the bolt of the gun, and then shot Hei Tan and knocked him to the ground.

  Lin Wu ran nearby and shot the corpse again. Unexpectedly, the corpse turned over and stood up and cursed: "Bullshit."

  Hei Tan had two ideas as to why he faked his death. If Lin Wu licks the bag, he will sneak attack Lin Wu. If Lin Wu didn't lick the bag, he would be able to escape the disaster. Unexpectedly, there was something wrong with this guy's brain. He was motionless and wanted to take another shot.

  Lin Wu shot again, but still missed the head. Seeing that the others were more than ten meters away, Heitan took out his machete and rushed towards Lin Wu. Lin Wu hung up the gun, took off the dagger, and stabbed it with the wind, dropping black charcoal instantly.

  Players are completely different from zombies, and it is very difficult to get a headshot without a sneak attack.

  "Got it." Xiaodao shouted, "Farming science."

  Soul Egg and the other two advocated driving away rather than destroying. At this time, Xiao Dao's shouts were mixed with excitement, which made them feel that this was a premeditated robbery rather than self-defense, which made the two of them somewhat uncomfortable. Of course they didn't say it out loud. After all, there was nothing wrong with killing people and they couldn't blame anyone.

  Several people who advocated killing also had differences. Shana thought that she had clearly rejected them, and if they still followed, she was seeking death. Lin Wu's idea was the simplest and crudest. They had farming skills, and we had reasons to kill them. In this case, would we be worthy of ourselves if we didn't kill them? Maya believes that solving the problem at the entrance of the tunnel where there are few zombies is the wisest choice.

  Xiaodao, on the other hand, has no idea at all. She will shoot when others shoot her. It's okay not to kill people, but it's okay to kill people. It’s okay not to loot the backpack, but there’s nothing wrong with looting the backpack. You won’t be unhappy if you don’t have trophies, but of course you will be happy if you have trophies.


  The first time I walked through the tunnel, I didn't know there was a blood epidemic, causing everyone to wander on the edge of life and death. On the way back, the trade team was already prepared for the train's bloody heart area. To put it bluntly, you need to find a few firecrackers from the Rangers base, light the firecrackers to attract zombies to the right channel of the train, and the trade team will take the opportunity to pass through the left channel.

  During this period, Maya also made another discovery. Although the sound alarmed the blood epidemic, it did not spawn powerful zombies, not even bleeding zombies. This means that as long as he does not attack the blood plague, he will not attack players. This exposed a weakness of Blood Plague. There are currently 20 pipe bombs in Shadow Base. Xue Dan proposed to make 'C'F4 and use the pipe bombs as tube mines, which can greatly enhance the power.

  Su Shi can use the crafting station to consume ammunition packs to craft F4, but without the corresponding skills, not only is there a certain risk in the crafting process, but more materials will be consumed. Shana's chemistry skills have no bonus to production, and since she has no intelligence, more materials will be wasted if she makes them.

  Maya believes that if Shana focuses on making medical supplies, assuming her life can be advanced, Shana will advance to pharmaceutical skills. On the contrary, if Shana focuses on making bullets to earn experience points, it is possible that Shana's advanced skills will become gunpowder-type specialization skills.


  There are also advantages to the small number of people in Zuoxian Mountain. No one comes to such a remote place as the entrance of the tunnel for a walk, and the cars and motorcycles are well preserved. After leaving the tunnel, everyone worked together to remove the cover, refill the gas, get in the car and return to the base.

  After arriving at the base, everyone rested separately. Xiaodao went to the road next to the base to find trouble with the zombie heads. Ma Hun and Xue Dan walked to the edge of the cliff to talk secretly. Maya looked through the magazines and newspapers she collected, hoping to get information about the game. Shanna took paint pens and a herringbone ladder and painted on the church's exterior wall. Graffiti and painting are Shana's hobbies. Lin Wu immediately applied for the Silencer. He sat on the edge of the cliff facing the commercial street, taking aim and trying to figure out how to hit the head of a moving target. As for Cuiyu, he has been picked up by people from the Invincible Base.

  Shitou warmly welcomed everyone at the entrance of the base, and went to the warehouse to count the goods alone. After finishing the work, she communicated with Maya. Maya talked about Shana's chemistry specialization. She thought Shitou was good at seeing people. After introducing her background, she asked Shitou: "Do you think Shana will stay in Shadow Base for a long time? If so, Shitou will stay for a long time." , I support her taking the gunpowder route. If she can't stay long, I support her taking the medicine route. Medicines are precious in the early stages of the game, but in the middle and late stages of the game, gunpowder will be a direct reflection of strength." "Ring of the Fortress." Shitou sighed and said

  . : "5% of you guys want to get the Fortress Ring, right? I really admire Shana for being honest about her inner thoughts. If you want it, you just want it, without being secretive. I like her character, so of course I want her to She can stay in the Shadow Base for a long time. But there is only one winner of the Fortress Ring. If you don't die, with her current strength, it will be difficult for her to surpass you in points if she stays in the Shadow Base." Maya said: "One million immigrants

  . 5%, there are 50,000 people competing for the ring of the fortress. I just try my best and don’t have too many extravagant expectations." "I

  prefer that you are serious in everything you do."

  Maya said speechlessly: "You really know how to talk. ."

  "I'm not kidding." Shitou said: "I also like Xiaodao's innocence and simplicity. Her character will infect others, making them full of energy and living with a more positive attitude. I also like Lin Wu's character. You Saying that Shana may leave the Shadow Base, let me tell you that Lin Wu is more likely to leave the base. After getting the Silencer toy, all he could think about was playing with guns. It is difficult for someone who likes to play to stay in one place for a long time, or he can always find fun. , or there is really no place to go. Damn it is his hunter skills that give him the possibility to fly alone and be a lone wolf."

  The hunter provides one piece of food every day and dismantles the base buildings to recycle 100% of the materials. Without the bonuses and debuffs of skills and entries, a building materials package can produce 4 units of building materials, and 4 units of building materials can happen to make a bed. As long as Lin Wu has a building materials package, he can survive as a lone wolf. Of course, in the absence of a medical room, Lin Wu couldn't be injured. Objectively speaking, Lin Wu would basically not be injured unless he provoked mutated zombies.

  Shitou said: "Don't worry too much, Lin Wu will not drop the knife. Have you ever thought about why Lin Wu is the only one playing with guns in the entire base?"

  Maya: "That's a bit weird to say."

  Shitou said: "Because I Others' applications were rejected. Fortunately, Lin Wu's contribution was large enough, and everyone has no objection to Lin Wu receiving special treatment. Recently, I am more worried about Xue Dan and Ma Hun." Maya didn't understand


  "Based on what I know about their characters, I think they have become very good friends after the soul egg incident. A pair of good friends both like a girl, and I am worried that there will be a bloody incident in the Shadow Base." Shitou said this, lightly Sighing: "The easiest thing to manage is people, and the hardest thing to manage is people."

  Maya nodded: "I prefer rigid dogma to the ever-changing human nature. Have things been sorted out?" "

  Okay." Shitou Shouted: "Brothers and sisters, the meeting is about to begin."

  (End of this chapter)

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