Chapter 60 Blood Plague Train

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  Chapter 60: The blood epidemic train

  trading team successfully arrived at the tunnel entrance. Maya ordered Xue Dan to drive the car aside, put the motorcycle in the back bucket, drain the gasoline into spare gasoline barrels, and then hide the two gasoline barrels. The last few people worked together to find branches and other cover.

  After hiding the vehicle, Lin Wu entered the tunnel first, followed by Shana, with Maya in the middle. The rear team followed ten meters behind.

  After walking only about ten meters, he saw six zombies blocking the way more than ten meters away. Lin Wu took the Silencer and knelt down on one knee, killing six zombies with six bullets. With Lin Wu opening the way, the team moved faster. It only took 10 minutes to cover 500 meters.

  A 15-car train stopped on the track. Maya gathered Lin Wu and Shana: "The gap on both sides of the train is only 70 centimeters, which is barely enough for people to pass. I'm worried that the zombies in the car will find us as we move forward and jump out of the window to attack us. ."

  Shana said: "It's best not to walk on both sides. When walking on both sides, be careful of the car hiding holes every 100 meters." The car hiding holes are 10 meters deep and two meters wide, and can contain many zombies.

  The rear team arrived soon after, and Ma Hun expressed his opinion: "Go through the roof?"

  Maya said: "It's only 50 centimeters high."

  Xue Dan said: "You can climb over."

  Maya explained: "Every train has There is a 60-centimeter connecting gap, and there may be a sound when crossing the gap. Once the screaming zombies in the carriage are alerted, it is easy to trigger a zombie wave. As a result, it is very likely that we will be trapped on the top of the carriage and be in a dilemma." Xiao Dao said

  : "Then fight through the bus."

  Maya said: "It's more dangerous. Bodies can be hidden under the seats in the bus. There is a luggage compartment above the head. The visibility inside the bus is very poor. If you are not careful, you will get into a hard fight and be unable to escape. .The safest way is to walk on both sides, with the crossbowmen opening the way, keeping absolutely quiet along the way, and trying not to alert the zombies. If the zombies are alerted, immediately retreat into the car hole, and use the advantage of the crossbow arrows and the Silencer to chase us in. The zombies who were hiding in the car hole were shot at the entrance."

  Lin Wu added: "I can detect the situation in the car hole." "

  Okay, Lin Wu No. 1, Shana No. 2, and I am No. 3. Follow us."


  Lin Wu took the lead in sneaking forward. When he saw a zombie, he squatted still and shined a flashlight on the zombie's head. Shana and Maya, who were following behind him, used crossbows to deal with the zombies. Lin Wu used the wind to stab through the car hole, and then reported the situation to the crossbowman through sign language. Once it was discovered that there were zombies in the car hole, two crossbowmen lay down at the entrance of the cave. Lin Wu provided a light source and the crossbowmen sniped and killed. Even if there are a lot of zombies in the car hole, as long as the zombies facing the player are killed immediately, there will be no commotion.

  It's completely feasible in theory, but there are a few detailed requirements in practice. The first requirement is that the crossbowman must have high accuracy. The crossbow is a very difficult weapon to operate. If you use it well, it is a magical weapon. If you use it poorly, you will get angry, and the system cannot provide corrections. The second request is silence. The third request is to pray that there will be no violent zombies.

  The members of the Shadow Base are of relatively high quality. They obey orders, be extra cautious, and move forward quietly. After walking four carriages, blood mist appeared in the air. Lin Wu immediately gestured for everyone to follow him into the car hiding hole.

  Previous problems can still be rectified. According to Maya, after being discovered by zombies, you can just escape to the hiding place and kill the chasing zombies, but it is another matter in the blood epidemic zone. Are there blind bats? Are there any night demons? Even if they don't show up during the day, will disturbing the zombies trigger a blood epidemic reaction? According to Lin Wu's experience, the first response to the blood epidemic is to violently bleed.

  Maya felt a little hesitant in her heart. It was a risk to go there and a risk to come back. Is it worth it? So she publicly asked everyone's opinions. She would not use her companions as a cost to complete this work.

  Shana spoke first: "I don't like to give up halfway. We have already thought of the danger before coming here. Since we have come here, if we give up now, will we be able to muster the courage to go again in the year of the monkey? Besides, the degree of danger we face is determined by We control, not the system. I have confidence in myself and everyone."

  Xuedan and Ma Hun nodded together: "Agree." They looked at each other and fist-bumped, showing a clear understanding.

  Xiao Dao naturally had no objection. Everyone looked at Lin Wu, who replied: "I won't hold you back, and I won't die. I definitely have no objection." Xiao Dao asked, "Won't you die? You only have

  one Sand Eagle bullet, how can you deal with it?" Xue Kuang Meng?"

  Lin Wu asked: "I run faster than you, why do you think Xue Kuang Meng will chase me?"

  The scene was silent: it makes sense.

  After the blood dog killed the other five people, Lin Wu might have run out of the tunnel. What? Lin Wu stays? The blood dog needs three shots to kill the sand eagle. Why should Lin Wu, who can't kill the blood dog, try his best?


  The blood mist was getting thicker and thicker. With the help of a flashlight, Lin Wu could see the blood zombies wandering in the carriage. The two crossbowmen were very powerful, and each shot was accurate. The arrows hit the head, and opened a safe passage on the left side of the train. Arriving at Car No. 7 smoothly, Lin Wu stepped forward and looked in, and found that there were no zombies in Car No. 7. On the top of the car was the huge heart of Blood Plague, and its tentacles covered the entire car.

  At this time, a violent low roar came from the right side outside the train. This sound meant that Kuangmeng had not discovered the player yet, and it also meant that Kuangmeng was less than ten meters away from the player.

  Lin Wu moved forward slowly, picking up small stones and dead branches on the ground and throwing them all into his backpack. The front team did not dare to show off their composure and followed Lin Wu slowly forward with their crossbows. Because of the light, the rear team crawled with their hands on the ground in order to reduce the noise as much as possible.

  Lin Wu turned around and stretched out two fingers, pointing at the top of the side of the train ten meters away, indicating that there was another Kuang Meng above. If this wild beast stretches its head to the left to check when the team is passing by, a big battle will be inevitable, and there will be no surprises in the outcome. The trade team will definitely be wiped out. Pass or not?

  Maya crossed Shana and walked to Lin Wu, pointing at her crossbow. Shana's crossbow and Lin Wu's Silencer, which was equipped with a simple silencer, stretched out three fingers, which meant three headshots, which could directly take away Kuang Meng. Although difficult, it is the only effective way to counterattack to continue moving forward.

  Lin Wu nodded, and the three of them stood up. Only part of the top side could be seen. They aimed their weapons at the side and moved forward slowly. Suddenly, a fierce one jumped to the left side of the top of the train. At a glance, they saw three players about three meters away from it.

  The three of them pulled the trigger like instinct, and two crossbow arrows and a bullet hit Kuangmeng's head almost at the same time. Kuangmeng immediately kicked his legs in the air and then remained motionless.

  Lin Wu tried to use his feet to reach for the violent corpse on the roof of the car. Maya pinched Lin Wu's small arm and pulled him away, pointing forward, signaling to continue moving forward. The group finally reached Car No. 11. As agreed, Maya and Shana squatted down. Lin Wu turned around and shined a flashlight on the rear group to provide a light source. At this time, Ma Hun repeatedly waved his hands to express that he couldn't bear it, so everyone chose a car hiding hole to rest temporarily.

  Sitting in the deepest part of the hiding place, everyone dared to breathe a sigh of relief. The battle was not intense, but everyone was extremely nervous, fearing that the entire team would be killed if they accidentally made a sound.

  Xue Dan said: "I suggest you come back and climb over the mountains. Isn't it just 400 meters above sea level?"

  Maya said: "It will take at least 10 hours to walk through the mountains and back to the base through the forest."

  Xiao Dao: "I agree to go over the mountains. At least you can breathe. ."

  Most people decided to walk through the mountains, but Lin Wu held the attitude that it was okay. Shana finally expressed her stance: "Known dangers are easier to control than unknown dangers. I don't agree with giving up the familiar terrain and environment and spending 10 hours entering the virgin forest. But I respect everyone's opinions. Keep your opinions to yourself.”

  Lin Wu said: "It's okay." Maya said: "   Those who

  walk on the mountain range raise their hands." Only Xiao Dao raised his hand, looked left and right, bumped Lin Wu down with his shoulder and glared at him.

Lin Wu immediately raised his hand and Xiaodao smiled with satisfaction.

  Maya said: "Those who walk through the tunnel raise their hands."

  Shana, Xuedan and Mahun raised their hands together.

  Maya said: "Decided to take the tunnel. Rest in place for five minutes and then set off."

  (End of this chapter)

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