Chapter 55 Night Detective

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  Chapter 55 Night Visit
  At six o'clock in the evening, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the day shift ended its work and went home. Shitou solemnly introduced new member Shana to everyone in the backyard, and all members welcomed Shana. They had seen Shana being abused by Lin Wu during the day, and their minds had subconsciously created the image of Shana as a pitiful, delicate girl who was exploited and oppressed.

  Shana has very good communication skills, and she made extra points in introducing herself and chatting, which made everyone have a better impression of her and easily accepted the newcomer.

  After introducing Shana, Shitou took out Lichenology and explained his views. After excluding Su Shi who is waiting for craftsman skills, hunter Lin Wu, Maya who is waiting for team command skill book, and chemical Shana, we are left with snow eggs, horse souls, knives and stones.

  Judging from the description of the stone, Lichenology is a purely collective skill, which is slightly inferior to the hunter skill that benefits both the collective and the individual. Even so, Xue Dan and the other three people all said that they could learn. After determining everyone's willingness to learn, it is up to Maya to decide who will learn.

  Maya said: "This is a long-term pure base gain skill. In my personal opinion, learners cannot engage in high-risk jobs on a daily basis. Lichenology at least includes the ability to collect herbs and even food, which means that to maximize the benefits of Lichenology, learners need I often go out. I should have been the most suitable candidate." Maya, the crossbow arrow, has a strong sense of tactics and is calm in situations. Her calm personality and knowledge of combat data are her greatest security.

  Maya said: "In terms of collective interests, I need a team command skill book more. Based on the above opinions, the most suitable learners are knives and stones. I recommend knives." Ma Soul turned his head and asked Xuedan: "This sentence

  is What do you mean?"

  Xue Dan translated: "The danger factor of the knife is lower than ours, and it is a more suitable person among not very suitable people."

  Ma Hun nodded and asked: "What do you want to learn?"

  Xue Dan: "Skills with combat buffs . What about you?"

  Ma Hun said: "Cooking skills."

  Xue Dan: "Aren't you tired of it?" Ma Hun is a chef in Blue Star.

  Ma Hun: "Unlike you, I learned cooking skills only because I like cooking."

  Xue Dan: "Hmph!"

  Ma Hun: "Hum back."

  Xue Dan: "Bounce back."

  Everyone paid attention to the two childish ghosts, This ended their counter-rebound and other operations.

  Lin Wu didn't know why the two people turned from being incompatible with each other into friends. The curious baby didn't have any curiosity about such things.

  Xiaodao learned about lichens on the spot under everyone's watch, and the situation was roughly the same as Shitou and Maya speculated. Lichenology: Add 1 unit of medical supplies to the base every day. Herbal medicines can be found in the wild, and can be made into patent medicines at the base, or converted into units of medical supplies.

  To Shitou and Maya's surprise, Lichenology also has a personal skill: primary poison resistance. Anti-poison ability increased by 20%. This skill is relatively useless, but the personal ability as a bonus is better than nothing.

  After the meeting, Lin Wu applied for supplies, but Shitou agreed without even looking at it. Maya didn't ask Lin Wu and Shana where they were going, but just told them to be careful. With Shana here, Maya felt more at ease, because if someone had to die, it would be Shana. Shana had already squeezed out the maximum value of the base materials, and she was not familiar with everyone, so her death would not leave too much regret for the base.

  Maya certainly doesn't want Shana to die. But if she had to choose, Maya would rather hope that Lin Wu could live. If she had to choose a death time for Shana, Maya hoped it would be before 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, so that she could save 1 food for the base.


  The place Lin Wu wanted to go was the checkpoint. When Shadow Base went to seize the transformer yesterday morning, Lin Wu pulled the zombies at the checkpoint away and got out of the way. Lin Wu, who was idle and bored, discovered five night devils while wandering around the tent area. He used the sun's reflection to kill the five night devils hiding in the container.

  Lin Wu suddenly thought of this while playing with guns in the afternoon. The zombies at the checkpoint will return to the container after sunset. At this time, there are only 5 zombies active in the tent area. If someone entered the tent area by mistake last night, he might have emptied the tent area of ​​supplies.

  Lin Wu never reported this matter to Maya and Shitou. If it was really wrong, Lin Wu would rather they didn't know about it. It’s not that I’m afraid of them blaming me, but I’m afraid that they won’t blame me and keep their words to themselves. The good news is that the team named Brother Cheng should be completely wiped out without any suspense.

  Since it was still uncertain whether the Night Demon would be refreshed, Lin Wu asked Shana to park 20 meters away from the sentry. The lone soldier zombie appeared under the street lamp again. Lin Wu solved it and pried open the iron door to enter the tent area. Lin Wu held the Sand Eagle in one hand and shuttled around the container looking for the Night Demon. Because he had a flashlight, he wasn't too worried about being attacked. After waiting for a few minutes, Lin Wu went down to the road and ran around again, but still found nothing unusual. If there is anything unusual, the zombies are like sardines in a can of sardines stuffed inside the container, staggering around and seeming to have fallen asleep.

  Lin Wu slipped out of the small iron door and saw Shana sitting on the hood of the car with her hands on her chest. When she saw Lin Wu coming out, she looked at Lin Wu and stroked one hand on the hood of the car. Lin Wu should have felt guilty for a few seconds, after all, Shana knew this car. However, Lin Wu felt that after a day of getting along, Shana no longer doubted herself. Lin Wu raised his hand to make a gesture, and Shana walked to the iron gate, squatted down next to Lin Wu, and followed Lin Wu into the tent area in stealth.

  The game manual explains that sneaking means crouching and walking, which can reduce the chance of being discovered by zombies. According to Maya's actual operation, the probability is reduced by 10%, which is a relatively useless system action. Lin Wu felt that it didn't matter whether it was useless or not. The important thing was that walking so sneakily at night was quite interesting. If you walk openly, you will be frightened by zombies that suddenly appear. If you walk sneakily, you may be frightened by zombies that suddenly appear.

  Speaking in human terms: This can effectively avoid being frightened by zombies that suddenly appear.

  Although it was a sunny day, the light in the tent area was extremely poor, and the only light was Lin Wu's flashlight. Shana pulled Lin Wu's clothes and walked for a while before she could adapt to the darkness.

  The two entered a tent, and Lin Wu used a flashlight to illuminate the entire tent. It was a tent with an autonomous generator. Lin Wu went to check the generator with a skeptical attitude, and sure enough he found that the generator was damaged. Hahaha, dawn! Although the generator was damaged, this tent was a world of gasoline. Only two gasoline packages were found, and there were also five barrels of gasoline. They were all in the open, so there was no need to search in depth.

  The two of them put the supplies on the car first. Shana pulled Lin Wu to wait for a moment. She took out a glass bottle with a rope tied around the mouth from her backpack. One end of the rope was hung on the back of the car. The bottle was placed near the iron door and pressed with a stone. As long as the car is moving, the glass will shatter and they can hear the sound in the tent area.

  After Shana finished, she looked at Lin Wu seriously and said, "Prevent someone from stealing the car." Under normal circumstances, the sound of shattering glass is similar to the sound of an engine starting. Shana deliberately made a trap to prevent others from stealing the car after pushing it far away.

  "It's very smart. It can prevent others from pushing the cart." Lin Wu waved: "Let's go."

  Shana was sure that Lin Wu was not stupid, so why did he act a little stupid today? There is only one explanation. Most of Lin Wu's brain cells only think about things he wants to think about and likes to think about. For example, in the soul egg incident, Lin Wu had no curiosity about the reasons and process of the reconciliation between the two.

  Speaking in human terms: In Lin Wu's eyes, Shana is no different from a passerby, and he doesn't care about Shana's thoughts. A negative example, he pays attention to Xiaodao and can make Xiaodao happy, who is unhappy. But it was just ordinary attention. Lin Wu treated Xiao Dao as an ordinary friend.

  Lin Wu has a very strong trait. He will filter out people and things that he doesn't care about, is not curious about, and doesn't care about.

  (End of chapter)

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