Chapter 46 Soul Egg Incident

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  Chapter 46: The Soul Egg Incident
  Because of this sentence, Ma Hun and Xue Dan got into a fight. Xiaodao had never dealt with the fight. After all, her trick was to cover her mouth and step on her head, so she could only seek help from Maya. After Maya intervened, she thought that Ma Hun must have really not noticed it, because the entrance to the men's and women's toilets is in the front, and the cleaning room is in the small iron door at the back. Xuedan was dissatisfied with Maya's side of Ma Hun. He saw Ma Hun go around to the back of the toilet. It was impossible that he didn't see the small iron door. He just deliberately didn't take it.

  Ma Hun was furious and asked: What if I don't take it? If you want to look after the girl yourself, why did you ask us to accompany you to pick up the girl? Lin Wu was still blowing in the wind over there in the wilderness.

  It's hard to say who is right or wrong in this matter, so Maya can't clearly support any side. Xiaodao is not good at fighting and can only worry on one side.

  While the four of them were discussing, arguing, and trying to persuade each other, Xiaodao discovered that Female A was surrounded by several zombies thirty meters away and had fallen to the ground, so she yelled quickly. The four people heard the sound and hurried over to help but it was too late. Female A died on the spot.

  Xuedan was very upset that he had not protected the female armor well. He looked at Ma Hun and asked: Are you satisfied?
  Ma Hun was so angry that he cursed loudly.

  Maya asked them all to get in the car. It was getting late, and she didn't want to worry about Lin Wu waiting alone in the wilderness. If she had anything to do, she could go back to the base.

  Where there are more than two people, there will be conflicts. The difference lies in whether they can tolerate each other. To maintain a happy and stable marriage, tolerance is more important than love. Conflicts and disputes are normal in collective life, but the outcome is hard to say. Maybe it's parting ways, maybe it's mutual understanding and tolerance.

  Curious Baby Lin Wu’s question is: Can the stone be processed? If not handled well, will these two cause a rupture? In the end, will two conflicting people live together, or will someone leave?
  This incident is similar to the Tangtang death incident. Su Shi was right and Tangtang was right. If someone had to be held responsible for Tangtang’s death, Su Shi was at fault and Maya who arranged the personnel was also at fault. If Ma Hun and Xue Dan remain in conflict, it is easy for others to choose sides.

  Xiaodao has a closer relationship with Ma Hun, so when Xiaodao described the incident objectively, she believed that Ma Hun did not intentionally refuse to take the medical kit when she saw it. Xuedan and Su Shi have a better relationship, what will they say? Lin Wu works the night shift, and during the rare day shift, he spends a day in the wilderness blowing the natural wind. He had a neutral attitude towards Xue Dan and Ma Hun, and he didn't know who to comfort. I believe that Stone and Maya are also neutral identities.

  For Lin Wu, he was just curious about the development of the next incident, and did not worry about the development of the base. These were things that Shitou had to worry about, and he didn't need to think so much.

  Shitou knew the situation between Xue Dan and Ma Hun relatively well. He knew that the relationship between Xue Dan and Ma Hun had never been very good, and neither of them would take the initiative to talk to each other when nothing happened. It had something to do with the first night of the game. Maya will not mediate private conflicts. She believes that private conflicts are private matters. As long as they do not violate the rules or damage collective interests, she allows such private conflicts to exist. Just like a department manager, it is impossible to mediate conflicts in the private lives of employees, and it is impossible to require employees not to have conflicts among themselves. That would be equivalent to imposing one's will on subordinates and interfering in their private affairs.

  Xiaodao asked: "Hey, who do you support?"

  "Huh?" Lin Wu was startled: "Who do you need to support?"

  Xiaodao thought for a while: "I don't know, when I was in college, there were occasional conflicts in the dormitory. Relationships Those who are good will get together and deliberately isolate others."

  Lin Wu asked: "You are someone else, right?"

  Xiaodao was shocked: "How do you know?"

  Lin Wu said: "Because getting together does not mean isolating others, only others. If you are too worried, you will think of the other party recruiting others to isolate you. I have also encountered similar situations. Unless we are best friends, we all maintain a neutral attitude." "What was the result?"


  Wu said: "The result was a second conflict. In After the school intervened, one of them was transferred to another dormitory to calm down. The relationship between the two was very bad until graduation. There were exceptions. I also had conflicts with others, and our chatter was still the same the next day." Xiao Dao asked: "What

  ? Conflict?"

  Lin Wu said: "During the World Cup live broadcast, we wore the uniforms of our rivals." "

  So childish."

  "Be childish as long as you are childish." That was the age of youth and passion. At one o'clock in the morning, the two walked out of the dormitory and each shouted the name of the team they supported. The whole building responded, and the war spread throughout the boys' dormitory. Everyone slapped their faces and set off fireworks, and no one was convinced. Lin Wu said: "I still don't want to hang out with the day shift anymore. I don't like the awkward atmosphere." I don't like the awkward atmosphere, and I don't have the ability or intention to change it.

  The sky was getting dark, Xiaodao looked towards the base, which was brightly lit. Before, she would have returned to the base happily. Today, she didn't want to go back. She would rather bully the lone zombies in the dark with Lin Wu. Fortunately, Xiaodao can always find something happy.

  "Look, that zombie was spawned."

  Facing the excited knife, Lin Wu looked confused: "Of course it was spawned." This is a game, otherwise how long would it take you to build an infirmary? The infirmary also won't offer a variety of features.

  "No, this is the first time I've seen zombies spawned."

  That's right. There are two principles for zombie spawning in the game. The first principle is that unless there are special circumstances, they will appear 15 meters away from the player under normal refresh conditions. The special case is the Blood Plague Guards. The second principle is that zombies will not be spawned in the safe zone, but it is not ruled out that lost zombies may walk into the safe zone.

  "Let me tell you, I discovered another blood epidemic today. This time the person guarding the blood epidemic was not a blind bat."

  Xiaodao asked curiously: "What is that?"

  Lin Wu said: "I don't know, but I think it is currently Meet the most perverted of mutant zombies."

  Stone's voice came from the edge of the cliff: "The two below, it's dark, go home and have a nest."


  There is a lot of rest time, resulting in long contact time between personnel, and you can't think of anyone. Will not work. Lin Wu didn't want to go to the backyard, but the main life of the base was in the backyard, and he had to go to the backyard even to sleep. I went to the backyard and found Maya alone by the bonfire. It turned out that at Ma Hun's request, he was moved to the indoor dormitory. Now there are only Xiaodao and Ma Hun in the indoor dormitory. It is estimated that the two of them are now chatting with besties.

  Xuedan had already gone to rest. Su Shi was sorting through the endless garbage, repeatedly taking apart the objects, then sorting them, and then merging them.

  Having electricity is really different. The whole backyard is bright and makes people feel extra comfortable. Shitou moved a table that Su Shi had just made, found a place to put it, and said, "I plan to turn the backyard space into a base entertainment room."

  (End of Chapter)

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