Chapter 262 Prey

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  Chapter 262 Prey
  Shana laughs at the hammer Lin Wu: "The atmosphere in the base has been a bit depressing these two days."

  Lin Wu asked: "The old man doesn't have any tricks?"

  Shana said: "The tricks of the stone can only be used for a while. When there is enough material, , any contradiction is not a contradiction. When there is insufficient material, everything is a contradiction. Of course I am too worried. Now it is just a small problem. The foundation of the shadow is still very strong and the cohesion is very strong. Ah..." Lin Wu:

  " What?"

  "Don't move." Shana said: "There is a big snake above us. It is curled up on a five-meter-high tree trunk, with its head hanging half a meter down. It sticks out its tongue at us, as if it is judging our identity and preparing to attack. ."

  Lin Wu said: "I can run away." If you catch me, you win.

  Shana was about to cry but had no tears: "I know." The unlucky Shana kept her hands on the ground, raised her head, and looked at the big snake. She didn't dare to move, for fear that if she moved, the snake would pounce on her.

  Lin Wu said: "We have a doctor, it's okay if you get bitten."

  Shana: "It's not a matter of biting."

  Lin Wu: "You run."

  Shana: "I can't move my legs."

  Lin Wu: " Oops."

  Shana: "What?"

  Lin Wu said: "A skinny tiger is 30 meters behind us, slowly approaching us." After hearing about the snake, Lin Wu was surprised, why hadn't he noticed it before? So the drone was brought back. He did not know that snakes are cold-blooded animals and drones cannot detect them hiding under the canopy of trees. As a result, the snake was not found, but a tiger was seen.

  Although it is not suitable to go out on a rainy day, people are beasts after all. I have been hungry for several days and have to go out to look for food no matter how heavy the rain is. Otherwise, what will my wife do? What to do with the children? The big tiger can starve, but the little tiger cannot.

  Lin Wu and Shana were both knowledgeable people and knew that the tiger's fighting power was extremely amazing. Although it is a carbon-based creature, its skull is three times harder than that of a human being. The Silencer in Lin Wu's hand and the .22 bullet in Jiye's hand may not be able to penetrate each other's head. If you are bitten by a snake, there is a doctor, but if you are bitten by a tiger, you have no choice but to be resurrected.

  "What to do now?"

  Lin Wu said: "Now there is bad news."

  "The lion is coming?"

  Lin Wu: "No, the tiger is leaving."

  Shana couldn't laugh or cry: "Isn't that good news?"

  Lin Wu : "You idiot, what is the purpose of our coming here?"

  "Fighting wild beasts." Shana burst into tears: "It's neither leaving nor coming. Can you get rid of the snake quickly?"

  Lin Wu: "Now we have to bet. A handful."

  "What to bet on?" An ominous premonition.

  Lin Wu: "Bet that my skills can lock the snake's head."

  Shana: "Don't want it? You can take the opportunity to hug me."

  Lin Wu: "Don't want it? This trivial matter of life and death, how can it destroy the purity between us? Friendship."

  Shana was silent for a few seconds and asked: "You are also afraid, right?"

  Lin Wu smiled bitterly: "Except for film and television works, I have never seen a real snake."

  Shana: "Then are you afraid of ghosts?"

  Lin Wu replied: "Not afraid."

  Shana: "That's right, you have never seen ghosts except for movies and TV shows. Why are you afraid of snakes?"

  Lin Wu said: "If I can see ghosts, I am the best person in the world. The two are completely different. Meaning."

  Shana: "It slipped a little more."


  "Come on."

  Lin Wu took a deep breath, kicked Shana on the head, and Shana was kicked aside. When the venomous snake saw a moving object, it pounced down, bit Lin Wufei's leg, and rolled up its entire body.

  "Fuck, fuck." Lin Wu jumped on the spot: "Fuck, fuck, fuck." The

  frightened snake bit Lin Wu's waving left arm again, and Lin Wu grabbed the snake's head with his right hand. While jumping, he shouted: "Fuck, fuck..." He had read a lot of books, but at this time, he could no longer use words to describe the panic in his heart at this time. Especially after I bought it, I found that this stuff was cold, slippery, and extremely disgusting.

  "Tiger." Shana pointed her gun at the tiger ten meters away and confronted the tiger: "Go away, go away." Her brain was not working well right now. Subconsciously, I felt that I couldn't kill the tiger, and I couldn't tell the difference between reality and games.

  "Fuck..." Lin Wu had no time to pay attention to the tiger and kept hitting the tree with his left foot. He just wanted to get rid of this damn poisonous snake. This is the fate of a hero who saves a beauty.

  Perhaps it was because the snake was hurt by being hit that it let go of Lin Wu's calf. Lin Wu grabbed the snake's head, twisted the snake around, and then threw it to the ground. Saying "Fuck", he jumped three meters away on one foot, still in shock. At this time, the venomous snake's cervical vertebrae had been shaken completely, and it was completely unable to move.

  A gunshot woke up Lin Wu. Looking back, I saw the tiger throwing Shana to the ground and biting Shana's left shoulder. Lin Wu hurriedly took out the gun, and Beretta took it out of his hand. He alternated his hands and finally caught the pistol.

  As Shana screamed, the tiger bit into Shana's shoulder bones, tore off a piece of meat, and pounced on Lin Wu. Lin Wu locked his head and fired, and the next second his head collided with the tiger's head, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

  Shana couldn't reach her backpack with one hand and saw Lin Wu being pinned down by the tiger. Anxious and frightened, she connected to the public channel and shouted: "Help, help."

  Maya first asked: "What's going on?"

  "Tiger" ."

  Maya: "Where is Lin Wu?"

  "Lin Wu is under the tiger."

  "You shoot."

  "My shoulder bones are broken."

  Shitou: "We'll be there soon, hold on."

  At this time, he had a mild concussion. Lin Wu woke up, his head was buzzing, and little stars were flying all over the sky. Push, I push... Lin Wu got out from under the tiger, his CPU was overheated and he was in a state of confusion.

  Shana's shouting finally woke up Lin Wu. He came over first and gave Shana a painkiller. He admired her wound and said, "I can bear it. It's amazing."

  Shana couldn't help but say a curse word: "XX , I can’t get painkillers. Leave me alone and cut the meat first while it’s fresh.” The sooner you cut, the more meat you’ll get.

  "Oh." Lin Wu half-knelt in front of the snake.

  Shana kicked him over: "Tiger, Tiger."

  "Oh, oh. Don't kick me. My mind is in a mess right now." If the brain was jelly, then the jelly was still shaking, and Lin Wu felt top-heavy.

  Taking out the dagger and glancing at the status, Lin Wu was shocked and hurriedly connected: "Poisoned, emergency medical treatment is needed."

  Shitou and Maya asked at the same time: "Are you poisoned?" "Well, I was bitten twice. Xingguang, help me. ."

  The bite force of tigers on Earth is average. They didn't kill anyone with two bites. Instead, they could poison people.

  Xingguang connected the cable, and Lin Wu's heartbeat slowly dropped. As the attending doctor, Xingguang was also very shocked: "Highly poisoned."

  Lin Wu: "I said poisoned. Wait, I will take a breath and cut the tiger."

  Shitou: "Do we still need rescue?"

  Lin Wu said: "It depends on whether you have a stretcher."

  Shitou: "It's okay, let's continue working."

  Lin Wu paused medical treatment, endured the slowly accelerating heartbeat and began to cut the flesh, and obtained A complete tiger skin, ten kilograms of meat. Lin Wu was so angry that the poisonous gas hit his heart, and immediately complained: "For such a big tiger, you give me ten kilograms of meat?"

  The little white rabbit said: "If the tiger complained, it would definitely ask: Why can his pistol bullets hit him?" My head."

  Lin Wu was startled: "You have changed." By the way, I cut off a kilogram of snake meat. Complaints are complaints, so I can't waste my time.

  Little White Rabbit: "No, I just gave an example to illustrate that your complaint is not valid. The game has given you attributes and skills..." "

  Goodbye." Lin Wu had already guessed what it was going to say, and he couldn't stop talking for five minutes. Come down.

  After Little White Rabbit left, Lin Wu continued to receive medical treatment, and Shana also received medical treatment from Cuiyu. Before the update, Shadow was concerned that telemedicine would be eliminated. Lin Wu complained about this matter. He complained that telemedicine was not consistent with common sense, in order to test Shuguang's attitude.

  Little White Rabbit gives an example of this complaint. You fall and are injured in the wild and cannot walk. You connect with a doctor who can tell you how to treat the wound. Little White Rabbit told a real case. A person without any medical experience, under the remote instructions of a doctor, used a sharp blade to cut the patient's throat to save the suffocating patient. The essence of telemedicine is to allow you, or your companion, to do what the doctor can do.

  Although the role of telemedicine is infinitely magnified in the game, there is a certain scientific reason for its existence. Little White Rabbit made it clear that telemedicine will not be canceled after the update.

  Take Lin Wu's current situation as an example. As a novice with zero medical knowledge, he will die quickly after being poisoned. With medical help, he was able to delay his own death until help arrived.

  Lin Wu's treatment time was half an hour, while Shana's treatment time was as high as six hours. Lin Wu, who was idle and bored, complained again, and the little white rabbit explained: Shana's bones were shattered and a piece of flesh fell off, but you were just poisoned and your body was not mutilated.

  Lin Wu stood up and stretched after finishing the treatment, and heard Shana scream: "Ah..."

  "What?" Lin Wu jumped five feet away.

  A thick ant appeared on Shana's calf, and more ants were climbing up Shana's body. Apparently they regarded Shana as food. Shana immediately stopped the treatment and stood up jumping up and down, hoping to shake off the ants. Then there was another scream, and Shana pulled the injury on her shoulder. She immediately knelt down and cried, crying very sadly.

  Lin Wu dragged Shana out and put her in the rain to solve the problem of ant bites. Then he connected with Shitou and said, "Tou Shi, come two people and carry Shana back." Shitou connected with Shana and said, "

  Sana, there is a need. Really?" Don't believe a word of Lin Wu's words.

  Shana was tired and said: "Please take me out of this damn place."

  Shitou read the seriousness of Shana's words. Shana, who has always been arrogant, can say such things, which shows that Shana's mentality has collapsed. Shitou immediately arranged for Ma Hun and Xiao Dao to pick up Shana, and comforted Shana through the radio and provided psychological counseling.

  Snakes, bugs, ants, and moisture defeated Shanna. Lin Wu did not act as a warm man and comfort and accompany Shanna. He was waiting for Shana to calm down.

  Lying in the water, squinting at the raindrops falling from the sky, Shana took a deep breath and asked, "I'm useless, right?" Before

  Lin Wu could speak, Shana continued, "I'm sorry, I don't want to lose my temper."

  "Because of the snake . "?"

  Shana said: "No, it's rain. My whole body is wet, and every time I move, my clothes will be pulled and chilled. My whole body is like being immersed in a water prison in a film and television work, with water snakes and rats gnawing on my body. Leeches. Wait for the bugs to get into your clothes, your mouth and nose. You who were supposed to protect me are also injured, and I should be protecting you at this time."

  Lin Wu smiled and asked, "Is it better to say it?"

  "Well, I I hate rain, I hate being caught in the rain, and I hate working outdoors on rainy days." Shana said, "Not today. Starting from the first day of the typhoon, I kept changing wet and dry clothes, which made me very uncomfortable." At that time. The sawmill was soaked in water and had to stay in bed and put on dry clothes. When you need to go out, you have to change into wet clothes. The process of changing into wet clothes made Shana very uncomfortable.

  Lin Wu understood that no one liked to wear wet clothes, and he knew the cold feeling well.

  Lin Wu said: "Don't have too high demands on yourself."

  Shana: "My parents said the same. But I am 5%. I should be better than everyone else. I am not good because I don't work hard."

  Lin Wu said . Wu said: "No, 5% also has its own advantages. For example, my ex-girlfriend is also 5%, but I don't like her."

  Shana asked: "Like me?"

  Lin Wu: "No. I'll give this The example means that in my opinion, you are the same as all 5%."

  Shana couldn't help but smile: "I like your example, but I can't help but want to hit you."

  Lin Wu said: "Relax, girl, If you hate it, just hate it. Be bold and make it clear to Shitou. I believe he will not force you to keep working on a rainy day."

  Shana asked: "What do you hate? Things, people, or things that are enough to make you emotionally collapse." "

  I ?" Lin Wu said: "I hate the depressive team atmosphere."

  Shana looked sideways at Lin Wu and said: "According to the current situation, supplies will become scarcer day by day. The lack of supplies will inevitably make the team atmosphere depressive."

  Lin Wu said: "If it is just because of the lack of supplies, I will do my best to help the base."

  Shana understood half of it and asked: "What are you worried about?" Lin Wu can accept the depression caused by the lack of supplies, because he will Do your best to improve this problem. Lin Wu couldn't accept the problem and couldn't improve it even with his own efforts.

  Lin Wudao: "I have always lived in a collective team, and I always subconsciously avoid groups with garbage emotions. But I found that in a group, there are always people who like to instill their own emotional garbage into others." Of course Shana

  knows What is emotional garbage? Her classmates all have families and parents, and some parents intentionally or unintentionally instill emotional garbage in their children. A simple example: After parents quarrel, it is considered emotional garbage for parents to cry to their children.

  In daily life, complaining is the most common emotional garbage. Complaining about the boss, complaining about teachers, complaining about work, complaining about feelings, usually the complainer will be in a much better mood after venting, but the listener will unintentionally accept these emotional garbage, causing his or her own mood to become gloomy and depressed.

  The most common emotional waste in teams is tantrums. The noisy atmosphere will infect everyone around you, making it difficult for people to concentrate. It's so big that it's irritating.

  Several classmates were chatting happily in the dormitory, when a man came in with a straight face, as if they had done something to offend him. Or he sighs, as if he has great grievances. This will cause several students to lose interest in continuing to chat.

  Shana said: "I believe that even in the face of difficulties, everyone will maintain a positive attitude."

  Lin Wu despised: "You also said earlier that the lack of supplies will make the atmosphere depressing."

  Shana said: "These are two different things. What I mean Everyone may be in a bad mood due to the lack of supplies, and maybe everyone will show it, but I believe everyone will work hard and live a positive life."

  Lin Wu nodded, and after chatting for a while, Xiao Dao and Ma Hun arrived. After a few words of greeting, they carried Shana away, and also took away the meat from Lin Wu's body. After watching them leave, Lin Wu communicated with Shitou and Maya. Shitou was very upset. Not only did he not notice Shana's mood changes, he also assigned her a lot of work in the past few days, causing her to keep soaking in water.

  In Lin Wu's view, Shitou's attitude was a positive one.

  If Shitou blamed Shana for being cowardly and put all the blame on Shana, it would have a negative impact on Lin Wu. We are all companions and should help and tolerate each other.

  Before Xiaodao left, he left a raincoat for Lin Wu. The coir raincoat is a system item made by Su Shi and sent to the lumberyard by Starlight. Shitou believed that among all the people who went on the mission, only Lin Wu did not have shelter from the rain, so he asked Xiao Dao to bring the raincoat to Lin Wu.

  Raincoats are ugly, but they are more practical than plastic raincoats. Lin Wu wrapped his head in a raincoat, found some firewood, and lit a fire under the big tree. How was it lit? Molotov cocktails of course! No one knows that gasoline is expensive.

  While warming himself by the fire, Lin Wu controlled the drone to search the surrounding area for prey.

  (End of chapter)

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