Chapter 256 Tugboat

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  Chapter 256 Tugging
  Lin Wu woke up from his drowsiness, opened his eyes and saw Peanut’s face. It was so big that it startled Lin Wu. Turning around, I saw Cotton lying on his back sleeping. Monk Lin Wu Zhang Er sat up confused and looked at Xiao Wai in front of him: "What's going on?"

  Xiao Wai lay on the ground, doing standard movements, meaning: I don't understand, I don't know, don't ask me.

  Lin Wu stood up and swayed out of the warehouse, only to see Maya still fighting hard under the scorching sun. Lin Wu was careless, yawning slowly and wandering over. He got rid of a zombie on the way, and it seemed that the clean-up work was half done.

  Maya, a smart person, saw Lin Wu and knew what Lin Wu was thinking, so she responded quickly: "I think they are too tired, so let them sleep for a while."

  Lin Wu asked with concern: "Are you tired?"


  Lin Wu Wu sat down in the shade on one side: "Then I will sing to you."

  Maya frowned, pointed the blade directly at Lin Wu to stop the noise, and then turned and walked away. She pulled out a few zombies from the group of corpses, then fought and retreated to remove the impact of the zombies, and finally turned back and killed all the zombies. To ensure the safety of pushing the tug, sufficient width needs to be cleared. Based on the above factors, Maya's advancement is not fast.

  Lin Wu leaned on his pillow and raised his feet and asked, "Why not use a repeating crossbow?"

  "There is only one box of crossbow arrows left." Maya glanced at Lin Wu and said, "Please help me contact Su Shi."

  "Huh?" Lin Wu She didn't understand and asked: "Is your headset broken?"

  Maya explained: "I rarely give orders directly to Su Shi. Contacting Shitou and asking Shitou to explain to Su Shi seems to make Su Shi and I very familiar." Lin

  Wudao : "Do you have social phobia?" This type of person will make a small thing very complicated in daily social interactions. Even before talking to the salesperson, they need to prepare their lines and maybe rehearse them in their minds. possible situations.

  "No." After Maya chopped down the last zombie, she came over and sat next to Lin Wu. She took out the tea from Lin Wu's kettle and took a few sips: "Before, you and I were branching out in the supermarket. I always thought that I was the deputy commander of the shadows. . But after establishing the Doomsday Fortress, I feel that the relationship has changed. Compared to Shadow, I am more like a guest. Thank you." Maya took the towel handed over by Lin Wu to wipe her sweat.

  Lin Wudao: "Being assigned to the supermarket sub-base, you treat it as a normal job, because you don't need to spend energy taking care of the supermarket base and can focus more on the construction of the shadow base. In the Doomsday Fortress, you spend a lot of money Focus on studying the situation near the base. All matters big and small are entirely your responsibility. You don't have the time or energy to interfere with Shadow's affairs."

  Lin Wu said: "You treat the supermarket base as a hotel, but treat the Doomsday Fortress as your home.

  Maya treats the base as a hotel. He folded the towel and put it in his backpack, preparing to wash it before returning it to Lin Wu.

  "What you said makes sense. Maya took her own kettle and poured water from Lin Wu's kettle. She ignored Lin Wu's angry glare and said, "I think the core reason is that Shitou has not made up his mind, or he does not think that Doomsday Fortress is a better base." It was only because of my strong attitude that he also wanted to leave a way out for the sawmill, so he agreed to capture the Doomsday Fortress. "

  Lin Wu took his own kettle and shook it, then took Maya's kettle and shook it. Angrily, he took a sip, shook it again, and took another sip. He didn't give it back to Maya until he felt that the two kettles were about the same. Maya watched Lin Wu's performance silently the whole time. , resisting the violent impulse.

  After replenishing water, we continued to work. Maya stood up and walked out of the shadows and walked into the scorching sun. She instantly felt the heat of the sun, but she did not hesitate and walked towards the next batch of zombies. Lin Wu crawled to the edge of the shadow

  , He asked Xiao Wai to come under his head and asked: "Don't Shitou have a clear answer? "

  Mayala Zombie replied while running: "I understand that he can't give an answer now. Because with the two large grids of the Doomsday Fortress, it cannot support so many people. The vegetables, rice and wheat grown on the two farmlands of the sawmill can achieve self-sufficiency in food, but the main problem now is meat shortage.

  Lin Wu said: "My deskmate in high school was a fishing enthusiast, and he was also a slacker. " Every Saturday night, he would drop a string of fishhooks by the river and come back to reel in the line the next day. Fish can often be caught.

  "No, this method is not efficient enough. " Lin

  Wu burst into tears: "I am a fake hunter. I don't want to climb the mountain. I don't want to climb the mountain." "Kicking her legs and rolling around.

  Maya finally couldn't bear it anymore and took the time to come over and kick Lin Wu's butt. Then she turned around and continued to kill the zombies: "We are going to build a beach trap. "

  Huh? " "

  Maya said: "There is a beach in the northwest area of ​​the base safety area.

  Lin Wu said: "It's all sand and gravel, no beach, no resources. " "Strictly speaking, it's not a tidal flat. You can still dig clams on the tidal flat.

  Maya explained: "When the tide goes out, about a thousand square meters of tidal flat will appear. We will build a 200 square meter cofferdam on the tidal flat. In this way, when the tide rises, the seawater will carry the fish across the cofferdam, and when the tide recedes, the seafood will remain within the cofferdam. After making the cofferdam, we can obtain a certain amount of meat regularly. Meat can be used as hire fee or you can eat it yourself. "

  Maya said: "In addition, we can also arrange gill nets and set them up in the Zuoxian River or in the sea. Hang the buoy at the top and the bottom at the bottom. If fish swim by, they will get stuck in the fishing net. Building a gillnet is not difficult, as long as you have fishing line and time.

  Lin Wu was curious: "How do you know this? " "

  Maya said: "After being selected, I spent a week making up for classes and learning from an expert how to survive in the wild. In addition we can also use nets to catch birds. From my observation, I think the meat resources around us are very abundant, which is why I named the base Doomsday Fortress. Excluding accidents and illnesses, even in the real world, I am confident that I can survive here with you. "

  Lin Wu praised in his heart, Maya thought and did things in an orderly manner.

  Maya said: "In order to build the cofferdam faster, we can also use cars. I decided to take a day this week to get this done. The trickier thing is the stone..."

  "Yeah. "Lin Wu closed his eyes and waved, indicating that he should stop talking. This kind of trivial matter is not worth mentioning. You can make the decision yourself. Don't disturb my sleep. In an instant,

  Maya was full of murderous intent. She was chopping melons and vegetables. She was invincible and directly confronted her. The zombie was chopped into four pieces. Angry, Maya did not dare to be careless. She was still very careful when pulling monsters, and the distance was still good. After the update, she could not even fight two ordinary zombies head-on at the same time without being injured. .

  When facing two zombies, Maya will take a step back and then take a step to the left, allowing zombie A to block zombie B, ensuring that she only faces one zombie at all times. When facing three zombies, Maya will update the Complex positioning to avoid falling into the siege of zombies. It can be seen that after the update, the battle is more demanding on players. The original brainless stance output has been changed to adjusting the position and movements at all times. Peanut returns to the battlefield first, and Maya

  rests Replenish water. Peanut took down two zombies while concentrating, but was scratched in the subsequent battle against the two zombies. The injury was minor, but the clothes were major. The clothes on his shoulders were torn open with a big hole, which was his original suit. Clothes. Fortunately, Shadow has Shana Tailor, who can sew and mend.

  After Cotton came back from his nap, the four of them joined the battlefield together, and the cleanup progress immediately accelerated, opening up a 307 road leading to the slope. It seems that the tugboat is small and exquisite, but it takes a long time to push it. You know, this thing is extremely heavy. Even though there are wheels at the bottom, it took a lot of effort to push it up. However, this thing is just like the mine cart. It is very difficult to push it when it is first moved. Once it is moved, it is easy.

  The zombie spawn rate dropped a lot. No new zombies spawned on the newly opened road. Two zombies that wandered over were shot by Maya. This indirectly shows that the activity of zombies has increased and their wandering range is wider.

  The tugboat went down the slope, and the four men tried to hold on to the tugboat, but to no avail. The tugboat slid down, broke through the water and entered the sea, causing considerable waves. Everyone went into the water and continued to push the tugboat. After pushing it out three meters, they climbed on board.

  Peanut took a deep breath and entered the cockpit, reviewed the driving manual again, and then began to prepare the car. Preparing a car can be simply understood as warming up the car. The system simplifies the process of preparing a vehicle. The crew does not need to check any devices. They only need to wait for ten minutes and watch the progress bar finish.

  The sound of preparing the car was not very loud, but it also attracted some zombies to watch. Peanut was nervously reviewing the driver's manual while the other three sat on the back deck. The hull is not large, and the rear deck is only eight square meters in size. The three of them sat on one side, feeling exhausted all over their bodies. They each lay on the ground, not wanting to move or talk.

  There was no anchor, no mooring line, and the tugboat floated on the sea. With the sound of the whistle, the propeller began to rotate, the vehicle preparation was completed, Peanut controlled the ship to enter the main vehicle system, and the tugboat began to sail forward. Peanut controlled the rudder and looked ahead with a serious face.

  After driving for a while, Peanut, who had just relaxed, became even more nervous. He had already seen the Doomsday Fortress and determined the location where the ship was anchored. Peanut's mind was quickly calculating. Although Maya, who was leaning outside the cockpit, was anxious, she never said a word. She was relieved when she saw that Peanut's control system entered a semi-stop state.

  The tugboat slowed down and approached the parking spot on Seawall Road. Peanut let the vessel pass sideways and slowly straightened the port side. As the speed decreased, the port side of the ship hit the shore, and the tugboat was damaged by 1%. 1% is caused by two reasons. One reason is that the car stopped half a beat late and did not perfectly grasp the speed and distance. The second reason is that there are no tires or other buffers at the docking point.

  Peanut left the cab, went to the bow of the ship, picked up the cable and jumped off, climbed up the slope to the sea embankment, and tied the cable to the stone pillar on the side of the road. This is not over yet. Along with the waves, the hull of the ship keeps touching the seawall road back and forth.

  Peanut returned to the cab to check the condition of the ship. So far, the small touch has not damaged the hull, but if buffers are not installed as soon as possible, once the wind and waves increase, the tugboat may suffer greater damage.

  The few people who returned to the Fortress of Doom had no time to rest and drove out in the pickup truck. They drove the car to a road not far from the Shadow Base, where there were many scrapped cars. After pulling over and clearing away the zombies, Maya led everyone to peel the tires together, and contacted Su Shi and asked Su Shi to make a simple hanging board.

  Shitou Pidianpidian ran over to help. He vaguely guessed that the Doomsday Fortress had obtained a ship. After he asked tactfully, Peanut confirmed his guess. Put the removed tires in the back of the pickup truck, take the siding, and the Doomsday members return to the fortress. Due to Peanut's anxiety, he was afraid that the ship would sink due to collision in a short while, so he returned in a hurry without greeting everyone.

  Seeing that the end has come and gone so quickly, Shadow and the others are full of curiosity. After learning from Shitou that Doomsday had obtained the ship, they all said they wanted to visit.

  When they arrived at the Fortress of Doom, Maya and others were placing hanging boards. They first fixed the siding to the slope of the seawall road with ropes, and then fixed the tires to the siding. Although it is very crude, and although the materials used are rope and wood, it looks like it can be used. At least the tugboat no longer makes the disgusting sound of metal and stone colliding and rubbing.

  After the Shadow Crowd drove to Seawall Road, the first thing they saw was the busy Doomsday Crowd and the tugboat. Before they could marvel, they saw the armored vehicle. Shitou and Ma Hun exclaimed at the same time: "Armored vehicle."

  The driver Shitou stepped on the accelerator and passed by the doomsday crowd. I really don’t know what these people think. Why do you need a broken ship when you have armored vehicles?

  Stroking the cold steel and looking at the military green camouflage monster, Mahun and Shitou were full of praise. Shana and Xingguang, who came with the car, were watching: "Aren't you going to help?"

  "Shh." Shitou glanced at the busy doomsday crowd, quietly opened the door and got into the driver's seat of the armored vehicle, and immediately Hun understood and immediately followed him to the passenger seat.

  Shitou did not start the vehicle, but slapped the steering wheel unwillingly: "No gas."

  But Shitou and Ma Hun had no choice but to get out of the car, and pulled Shana and Xingguang to help the Doomsday people. At this time, the Doomsday People had completed their work and settled the tugboat. Shitou put his arm around the shoulders of Lin Wu who had just landed, took him aside, and whispered, "Make a price." "


  "I want to get the armored vehicle to the sawmill."

  "What do you have?"

  " Two hundred kilograms of meat."

  "Your meat."


  "Go to hell."

  "Do you believe that labor and management will build a tank later?" Shitou said softly: "You lend me the armored vehicle today, and I will build it tomorrow. I'll give you the tank."

  "Why didn't you talk about fighter jets? Anyway, it's just a big picture, why not make it bigger." Lin Wu didn't accept this idea at all.

  Amid the commotion, Maya took people to the second floor to drink tea, but Starlight and Peanut stayed on the shore to discuss the tugboat. It was obvious that Starlight liked this ship. In her eyes, this tugboat is as small and exquisite as a mini car, and extremely cute.

  After Peanut learned that Starlight was a captain with a certificate of competency and a yacht pilot's license, he kept asking Starlight about driving issues. Starlight was very enthusiastic and asked Peanut to enter the cab with him and answer his questions in detail one by one.


  Shitou saw that the sports car still had some self-control, so he pretended to be 13. But not today. After half a cup of tea, he took the initiative to interrupt the three topics and kept the topic on the armored vehicle. In his heart, he even considered the possibility of moving to Doomsday Castle to build a farm.

  Of course Lin Wu felt good about armored vehicles, but it was just good. Seeing that Shitou really liked it and was annoyed by Shitou, he waved and said: "Take it, take it."

  Shitou didn't wait for Maya to say: "Thank you, thank you everyone." They shook hands one by one.

  Maya had no objection to Lin Wu's decision. The reason why she likes armored vehicles is their performance and combat effectiveness. She has lost some interest in armored vehicles because of their overwhelming fuel-burning ability.

  The fuel consumption of 60 liters per 100 kilometers refers to running on flat ground. If you drive out to crush zombies and keep reversing and moving forward, you will not be able to get down without 150 liters of fuel. In addition, the armored vehicle is relatively large and is not suitable for entering complex traffic areas such as living areas, so it is not within her tactical considerations.

  (End of chapter)

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