Chapter 234 Goodbye A1

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  Chapter 234 Goodbye The A1
  bombing brought some trouble to Lin Wu. Although there were few zombies around, they could not withstand the loud explosion. In less than ten minutes, zombies arrived at the explosion point one after another, inevitably bumping into Lin Sha and the two who were resting on the ground. At the same time, there was good news. While killing enemies, Lin Wu discovered special zombies, several zombies wearing white coats.

  This shows that the signal interference in this forest may not be a natural factor, but an artificial signal interference. There is most likely a laboratory hidden in this forest. Currently, Lin Wu and Maya have cracked two of the ten secrets. Now they know the exact location of A1 and the possible location of the next laboratory. This gave Lin Ma, who had no hope of completing the secret mission, any hope.

  The bombing situation is not as bad as Shana said. In theory, Shana is right. The sound will attract zombies within a kilometer range. But the actual situation is a little different. Zombies are attracted by the sound of explosions. If they are disturbed by a new sound source on their way to the sound source, they are likely to abandon the old sound source and check out the new sound source.

  Lying on the ground, looking up at the stars in the sky, and listening to the unknown sounds of insects around him, the bored Lin Wu fell into sleep. This sleep is not recognized by the system. However, after entering summer, there is no longer a systematic sleep, and everyone's sleep situation depends on their own sleep time and quality.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, Shana finished the treatment, stood up and moved her body, walked to the edge of the ground and sat down, holding her knees with her hands and looking into the dark distance. I don't know how much time passed, but when I looked back, I saw Lin Wu sleeping soundly with Xiao Wai on his pillow beside the campfire. This was unnecessary sleep. Shana knew that the reason why Lin Wu fell asleep was because he didn't want the two of them to have in-depth contact in a specific environment.

  Shana made a decision that once she arrived on Earth, she would give him a good look. The game is not good. Lin Wu has the characteristic of a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. With a handful of painkillers in his hand, he can do whatever he wants.


  Lin Sha returned to the base smoothly the next morning, and the field staff had a day off. That day happened to be Mahjong Night, so the second day of Mahjong Night was the Labor Food Festival, which was another day off. The mahjong bet this time was grilled fish, and Shana had the worst luck. She had to catch 50 fish. The winners are Lin Wu, Dashuang and Xiaodao.

  During the last mahjong night, Shana and Maya relied on their superior IQs to kill everyone. They thought they could be undefeated today, so they decisively joined forces. But they were grouped with Lin Wu, Shitou and Da Shuang.

  No one expected that Da Shuang would be a Ma God. After others got the mahjong, they started to put the cards of the same suit together, and even placed them in groups of three and two. You don't need to adjust your position at all. You can know what cards you need at a glance, and you can guess the opponent's hand from the cards played by others.

  It was supposed to be a crushing double game, but Lin Wu's luck was overwhelming and he repeatedly got into trouble. Although Shana remembered most of the mahjong positions, she couldn't find the tiles she needed. Whenever he wants to touch it, Idiot Lin will hit the bar. The more anxious you are to get angry, the more crazy you are, the worse your mentality will be, so that the stone will profit from it. Although Stone lost in the end, he only lost five fish.

  The other table's knife knives swept three restaurants. If you are addicted to food, you will be lucky if your knife skills are not good. Unexpectedly, the most important thing in playing mahjong is luck. In one game, Xiaodao even hit three gold coins, which shocked everyone. The so-called three-player means that after hitting two gold coins in a row, you still have one gold in your hand and you touch it yourself. (Gold, universal card.)
  No one knew that Lin Wu, who was extremely agile, had already started practicing stealing cards. He tried several times, but no one noticed. But because I had enough chips, I didn’t use agility to cheat. But Lin Wu knew that he would be invincible on the mahjong night in the future.

  Maya communicated with Nightmare about the A1 laboratory issue on the night of the food festival, and finally decided that Nightmare would go to the A1 laboratory again as a fortress agent. If the nightmare mission fails, Lin Wu and Maya will visit the A1 laboratory as ordinary players.


  The stairs going down are still the same stairs, the laboratory is still there, even the statues and koi are complete, as if the battle that happened a few days ago never happened.

  After the last experience, Nightmare took a pistol and called the statues one by one, only to find that the statues were statues.

  Nightmare turned and faced the entrance: "Safe."

  Lin Wu and Maya came out. Nightmare took a step forward and stepped on a rope noose that was exactly the same color as the floor. Then Lin Wu saw Nightmare being pulled to the ground and dragged into the bamboo forest on the roadside. During this period, Nightmare made no effective resistance at all. Lin Wu stared at the weather station cemetery for about seven seconds, and Nightmare's tombstone suddenly appeared.

  Lin Wu greeted: "She's dead, let's go."

  Maya could only leave with Lin Wu, and the two walked up the long stairs. Lin Wu asked: "Do you have a plan B?"

  Maya replied: "I can't say it's a plan, it's just I expected this result. I'm glad you agreed to abide by the contract and didn't ask for separate tasks."

  Lin Wu said: "I just want to see how the so-called fortress agent died."

  The two arrived at the underground parking lot and went down the steps again. However, they are not sure that this will work, nor are they sure that A1 will meet ordinary players in other ways. Therefore, after arriving at the entrance, Lin Wu, the leading soldier, attacked first. He is different from Nightmare, he is a crooked person. As long as you are human, Xiaowai can smell it.

  Then why didn't Xiaowai get released before? In Lin Wu's opinion, ten nightmares are not as good as one Xiaowai. He let Xiao Wai out even though he knew there was an assassin. This was irresponsible to Xiao Wai. Assuming this is a real scene and cannot be resurrected, will Lin Wu take risks with Xiaowai?
  Of course not. Not only would Xiao Wai not take the risk, but Lin Wu himself would not come. You know clearly that there are assassins, and you know that there are dangerous weapons inside the door, but you insist on coming here to seek death. Who can you blame?
  Walking out of the intersection, Lin Ma knew they were right. The passage that originally had only a few lights was now extremely bright, and a small speaker disguised as a stone was playing soft music. Even so, Lin Wu still took Xiao Wai around to touch around and even grilled a koi. After wasting 20 minutes, Maya began to unlock the nine-square grid.

  The door opened and the two men stepped aside, but they did not expect such a hail of bullets. What I saw was a laboratory. There were armed guards at the door and the staff were busy inside. The guard was originally on alert, but after scanning and confirming that they were human beings, they immediately lifted their hostility and enthusiastically led the two of them to the chief engineer's office.

  This is character!
  The chief engineer warmly received the two people, gave them coffee and hot cocoa, and then introduced the A1 laboratory. The A1 laboratory is more like an assembly line factory, its main job is to refine serum.

  The background of the story is quite time-travelling. Selu successfully cultivated the blood heart in the laboratory on the fourth floor underground, which is the staircase leading to the right at the fork in the road, which made it possible for humans to produce serum in batches. The original blood heart is a genetically modified animal and plant synthesis. It has vines like tree roots, and also has the characteristics of animal hearts and blood.

  The A1 laboratory guards use various weapons and methods to capture zombies and send the zombies as food to the blood heart. The blood heart will begin to grow after devouring the zombies. According to the scientists' arrangements, the guards used anesthetic gas to put the blood heart into a comatose state, and then began to extract blood from the blood heart. Finally, the blood is transported to the A1 laboratory and purified into serum.

  After acquiring a method to mass-produce the serum, Bastion Corporation converted the Tomorrow Office Building into a temporary military base and expanded its laboratory. The A1 laboratory is not only the floor that Lin Wu and the others saw. The floors above belong to the A1 laboratory, which includes the zombie breeding ground, training ground, dormitories, living areas, etc.

  As time goes by, the blood heart's drug resistance becomes stronger and stronger, and the Fortress Company constantly replaces the anesthetic gas. After successfully operating for several months and refining 30,000 serums, Fortress Company encountered a difficulty, that is, the anesthesia technology mastered by humans could no longer put Blood Heart into a comatose state.

  Since chemical means were not possible, humans decided to use physical means, using electric shock to temporarily paralyze the blood heart. This method is very effective, but physical means also have drawbacks and are easily destroyed. Just a few hours ago, a team of guards went to the fourth floor to collect blood from the Blood Heart. Unexpectedly, the power system in the room was destroyed by the Blood Heart's tentacles, resulting in the death of five guards.

  Guards have combat capabilities, but not repair capabilities. Engineers have repair capabilities but no combat capabilities. Just when they were desperate, the appearance of Lin Wu and Maya brought them hope. That's right, if Linma comes next month, their power system will not be damaged until next month.

  All plots and NPCs serve players.

  Mission: Repair the two distribution boxes on the fourth underground floor, in the room where Bloodheart is. The chief engineer was particularly enthusiastic. He already knew what was wrong with the electricity. He gave them two connectors and used the projector to teach them step-by-step how to replace the connector: "Press the button and pull it out, and then plug the new connector in." ."

  Lin Wu tilted his head and asked: "Can I kill him?"

  Maya: "No."

  The chief engineer ignored Lin Wu's provocation and continued: "The distribution box is in the east and west rooms, pay attention, pay special attention."

  The two people listened. listen.

  The chief engineer said: "You have to open the cover of the distribution box to see the connector."

  Maya looked at Lin Wu: "You can do it after completing the task."

  The difficulty of this task certainly does not lie in the process of replacing the connector. There are three rooms on the fourth underground floor. The first room is a 500-square-meter hall, which is also Xue Xin's residence. This primitive blood heart is like a tree planted on the ground. After it reaches the ceiling, its tentacles spread throughout the hall. There is an explosion-proof door on the east and west sides of the hall, and the distribution box is inside the explosion-proof door.

  Unlike other quiet blood hearts, this primitive blood heart's tentacles, or tree roots, are constantly twisting and even slapping the ground. Simply put, this is a grumpy Teng tree. You can understand it if you think about it. Blood was drawn and electric shocks were taken for three days and two. Only if you don't get angry can you be evil.

  The hall was brightly lit, and the two of them stood outside the explosion-proof glass door and observed carefully. Why are there lights but no electricity? Without him, only the equipment that electrocutes the blood heart is damaged.

  Maya said: "There is no pattern at all." There are tree roots on the ground, and vines are hanging from the ceiling. Occasionally, a vine will be lifted up and drawn towards the floor, making a very loud sound.

  Maya: "I'll go first." After saying that, she swiped the card to open the door, took out her Tang Dao, and walked straight to the Blood Heart. At this moment she is not an electrician, she is a woodcutter.

  As soon as they entered the coverage area of ​​​​the blood heart, one person and one tree started a crazy battle. Maya flew up the Tang Dao, and the sharp Tang Dao cut off all the incoming vines. But there was a small problem. The vine was soft. Although it was cut in the middle, one end was still whipped on Maya.

  Only a crackling sound was heard, a vine fell to the ground, and the ground was dyed red with blood. Lin Wu was about to applaud, but saw Maya turn around and run away. She ran to a safe area next to Lin Wu, took out the painkillers and swallowed them. She was whipped numerous times all over her body and the pain was unbearable. To be able to beat Maya, who is so strong-willed, to the point of running away, it is obvious that being whipped is not an easy task.

  Maya pulled up her trousers and saw five blood stains on her left calf. The good news is that the blood stain will not bleed and will heal itself. The bad news is, the blood marks were from the whip.

  Maya rubbed her calf and body with her palms: "Not only does it hurt, but it also feels very itchy." Painkillers are not anti-itching medicines.

  Lin Wu asked: "Are you infected?" Lin Wu was more concerned about Maya's life safety.


  "Then take a rest."

  It was so thoughtful. Maya paced back and forth, scratching her body for a long time, and the blood marks finally receded.

  Maya took a deep breath: "Okay."

  Lin Wu said: "Hit the east and west, and then go up."

  Maya looked at Lin Wu, but Lin Wu didn't look at her, and touched the dog's head: "Stay here, it hurts."

  Maya killed again with anger. After turning back, there was another crackling sound. Lin Wu took the opportunity to enter the hall and ran towards the east explosion-proof door. After swiping the card, the door opened. Lin Wu entered the small room and saw the distribution box at a glance. At this time, a vine came after him, grabbed Lin Wu's calf and pulled Lin Wu away.

  Fifteen seconds later, Lin and Ma fled to Xiao Wai together, took some painkillers, and the two of them scratched themselves. Only then did Lin Wu feel Maya's pain, his whole body felt itchy, and he wished he had eighteen hands to scratch his body all over.

  Maya: "Close the door." Because of Lin Wu, she was whipped ten seconds longer. In just ten seconds, she was whipped 28 times. Physical injuries can cause changes in a person's mood. Maya's tone and expression indicated that she was in a violent state.

  After setting off for the third time, Maya held up the vines while Lin Wu rushed into the east door and immediately closed the door before replacing the connector. Maya escapes to safety for another round of scratching. After being notified by Lin Wu that she had succeeded, she could only rush into the hall and cover Lin Wu back to the safe area.

  Maya, who had been whipped countless times, couldn't hold back this time. She clenched her fist and hit Lin Wu's shoulder twice. Lin Wu understood this very well. This kind of painful and itchy physical attack made people extremely irritated. What Lin Wu didn't understand was why Maya hit herself instead of Xiaowai? Obviously Xiaowai is easier to bully.

  Maya continued to be whipped, and Lin Wu went to the west room to change the connector. Maya continued to be beaten, covering Lin Wu's exit from the west room, and the task was completed.

  After resting and waiting for the itching to pass, Maya took a deep breath and calmed down, bit the rubber band, gathered her hair with her hands, and tied it again. Then he turned to look at the side and asked, "Are you looking at me?"

  "Haha, you look at me and I look at you. There are only two of us. Either you look at me or I look at you." Lin Wu laughed dryly.

  Maya bit her rubber band and focused on combing her hair with her hands. Her expression was serious and her eyes were steady, like a soldier preparing for a charge. At this moment, Lin Wu admitted that Maya was charming.

  Maya ignored Lin Wu's nonsense, tied up her ponytail, and said, "Let's go."

  "Yeah." Lin Wu greeted, "Silly dog, Xiao Wai, let's go." Xiao Wai couldn't understand just talking about silly dog.

  (End of chapter)

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