Chapter 231 Mountaineering Team

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  Chapter 231: Mountaineering Team

  At eight o'clock in the evening, the command post had lost contact with Shana's team. This is the shortcoming of simulation. The data in the game says that there is no discount for five kilometers, but after simulation, you need to consider issues such as terrain and magnetic field. Fortunately, the drone was not restrained. From a distance, Shana's team was seen camping on the hillside below Wangfu Cliff. The campfire was currently lit and the three of them were collecting wood.

  At the same time, people at the base also use their free time to stockpile wood. Take advantage of the new rules in spring and cut more logs in the parking lots on both sides of the base. After all, only the devil knows what summer will bring.

  Shitou and Maya took inventory of the base's supplies, and they considered the worst possible scenario. The first is food, because there are two major food sources: the beach and the farm, so there won’t be much of a problem. The second is medicine, which requires urging the knife to dig out more herbs. The water source is not a big problem, there is a small river at the back door, and you can just make water purification tablets through the medical office.

  Although ammunition is extremely scarce, it is enough to protect itself unless the unlimited ammunition at the base is cancelled. If unlimited ammo is to be eliminated, the noise threat system and siege system must be eliminated. The most troublesome thing is gasoline. Gasoline is a non-renewable resource for players. Except for the invincible base that increases gasoline every day, or the advanced skills that increase gasoline every day, the more you use, the less it will be.

  No gas means that the player's range of activities is reduced, and in the end he can only be trapped in the base. Looking at the pickup trucks and other cars at the base, none of them are fuel-efficient cars.

  Su Shi, who was passing by, rarely joined the discussion between the two commanders: "We need basic materials." "


  Su Shi said: "The sawmill has southeast, southeast, and northwest gates. They are just doors. The other locations are separated by iron mesh fences. The system comes up It is said that these fences are invincible facilities. If you enter the simulation system, the fences will definitely be damaged and materials will be needed to repair the fences."

  Maya added: "Our base is very large. The larger the base, the larger the fence area that needs to be repaired."

  Shitou asked : "In addition to basic materials, do you have any suggestions?"

  Su Shi said: "There are a lot of logs piled in the east and west parking lots. We can take the logs and make them into ground piles and arrange them into fences. To strengthen the strength of the iron mesh fence ."

  Shitou had a headache: "What a big project."

  Maya said: "Or use cars. Parking cars outside all the fences can block the attack of zombies except Big Mac and Furious."

  Lin Wu drifted over: "Or change the base."

  Shitou and Maya looked at each other, and Lin Wu hurriedly came back: "I'm joking." Don't take it seriously.

  Maya pulled out the map of Zuo County and pointed to the fire station base in the south of Zuo County: "The fire station can reach Beicheng by walking eastward, and you can also reach Beicheng by heading west in Right County." Shitou pointed to some buildings on the edge of the map and asked, "What is this place?

  " ?"

  Maya said: "There is no label, it should belong to the Beicheng system. Judging from the geographical location, it is a commercial dock. I judge that the Zuoxian River enters the sea from here." "Guys, we have only been at the sawmill for more than a month."

  Lin Wu doesn’t want to move. In order to move to the sawmill, Shadow held countless meetings and conducted 4 reconnaissances. The church on the top of the mountain only stayed for six months, and the sawmill had to stay for a year anyway.

  Shitou said: "You country bumpkin knows nothing. Don't put your eggs in one basket. You must always leave a way out for your company."

  Lin Wu retorted: "Don't you capitalists like to use leverage the most?"

  Shitou said: "Enterprises are different from capital. Capital values ​​profits, and the life and death of the enterprise has nothing to do with them. But enterprises must have diversified considerations to survive." For example, a manufacturer with a thousand people only makes accessories for one big brand. Logically speaking, if they excel they should survive just fine. But what about the overturning of big brands? Such as Nokia, such as Kodak. But if this factory has many other businesses when it takes over Nokia's business, it can shift its focus to other businesses when Nokia overturns. Maybe the life is not so nourishing, but at least you can survive.

  Maya agreed with Shitou, saying: "We don't know the degree of simulation, and it's difficult to estimate the changes. Therefore, we must have a backup plan. Finding a base where we can evacuate and where we can stay is one thing we should do. "

  Maya pointed to the map: "Take the 10-kilometer off-ramp of Highway 99 to reach Beicheng Road, and then drive more than 10 kilometers to the edge of the map. If you look at this railway track, it is directly connected to the edge of the map, which is what I think of Beicheng. The dock. The goods in the industrial zone are transported to the dock, and then transported to all parts of the world by ship. It is very logical."

  Lin Wu said: "I think it is good to take the road." The next best thing, you must not walk along the railway track. The idea of ​​walking to the dock.

  Maya looked at Route 99 for a long time, then pointed at the table: "Here, the drone should be able to fly to the dock."

  Lin Wu reminded: "Sister, this is the table, it has exceeded the edge of the map. This road is yours You imagined it, right?"

  Maya looked at Lin Wu and asked, "Did you forget that there is a traffic map on Route 99?"

  Lin Wu remembered that there was a traffic map erected next to Route 99, and there was a traffic map named Lemon 250 kilometers away. small town. Lin Wu argued: "What if the road is curved?"

  Maya: "Then straighten it. You go back to the weather station base and look at Shana and the others."

  Lin Wu: "Even if they are taken away by wild animals, we I can't help you either." Whether you look at it or not, the result is the same.

  Maya said: "At least we can know how they disappeared."

  Lin Wu drifted away, whatever you say is what you said, and you only drifted past the meeting when your brain was wattled.


  After a night of silence, the next morning, Shana's team began to climb Wangfu Cliff. Unlike the mountains Lin Sha climbed before, there is no road on Wangfu Cliff. The fire watcher arrived at Wangfu Cliff by helicopter, and the simple equipment and facilities above were all transported by helicopter.

  Lin Wu took a sip of tea and continued to report: "But Shana did not come unprepared. Facing the steepness of Wangfu Cliff, Shana calmly took out a bag of potato chips from her backpack, and the three of them ate while The discussion started around the cliff. Shana said: It's very steep. Peanut said: Can't go up. Ma Hun said: Let's go home. So they continued to eat potato chips. At this time, Peanut seemed to have thought of a way, and he took them from his backpack. ...Thermos cup! It seems that he planned to take a sip of water. He drank, drank, took two sips, two whole sips."

  Maya said helplessly: "I asked you to explain everything in detail, not to tell you a story."

  Xiao Dao He asked impatiently, "Lin Wu, do you think they can go up there?"

  "It's hard to say." Lin Wu could use a drone to transport ropes, but the weight it could bear was limited and it couldn't fly high. Wangfu Cliff is 200 meters high. It is not difficult to see from a distance because the slope on the south side is not very steep and there are many small trees. But no one knows the depth of the roots of the small tree. If one doesn't step firmly, he may fall down.

  Lin Wu, Maya and other nightmares resurrected and continued to work on the A1 task, so the morning was basically fine. Everyone drank tea, snacks and chatted. After Maya's reminder, Lin Wu confirmed that Shana and the others had started climbing from the south. At this time, there was a quarrel in the west parking lot. Xuedan said: "You are right, it is all my fault."

  Xiaodao: "Why do you shout so loudly when you know you are wrong? Let me ask you, where did you go wrong?" "

  I , My fault is that I am alive." After saying that, Xue Dan left angrily.

  Seeing this, Xiaodao also got angry and said, "What do you mean? Come here and work for Shudao Mountain. Mountain..."

  Xuedan stopped. When the knife counted two, Xue Dan went back obediently and said patiently: "I think the base needs us."

  Xiaodao shook his head: "No, you are impatient."

  Xuedan: "I am not."

  Xiaodao said: "You are, how about you tell me what the base needs you to do?"

  Xuedan started to think, it seems that there are currently two people in the base None of the tasks had anything to do with him. Xue Dan said helplessly: "It seems not."

  Xiao Dao: "So what?"

  Xue Dan apologized: "Am I wrong?" Xiao   Dao

  : "What's wrong?"

Lin Wu could hear it because he sneaked near the west parking lot after hearing the quarrel. Maya threw stones at Lin Wu in the backyard. When Lin Wu came back, Maya hadn't spoken yet. Sitting in the farm chair, Shitou had an unusually serious face and said seriously, "They might break up." "Break up?" Lin Wu and Maya leaned closer and asked softly

  . .

  Shitou said: "It can be known from their conversation that Xue Dan has never told Xiao Dao his true feelings, and his relationship with Xiao Dao is mainly based on coaxing. A man's patience passes faster than he thinks. On the contrary, the woman is The more times you coax, the greater the demand, and you will even deliberately be unreasonable to gain your lover's care. There is a certain subordination between men and women, but this subordination is not fixed." Lin Wu understood: "You make the decision on some things

  . , I make the decision on some things, and we discuss some things together."

  Shitou nodded: "This is the most basic respect. Seeing that they have formed a complete subordinate relationship, Xue Dan is obedient to Xiao Dao. Xiao Dao has a good character, but Xue Dan volunteers Giving up all power will result in Xue Dan not being respected by Xiao Dao. Xiao Dao cannot know where the red line is when enough is enough. He may even misunderstand that the lower the red line is, the more Xue Dan loves her. I think they understand love from the beginning There are mistakes, so the relationship cannot last long."

  Lin Wu said: "The so-called dog-licking has no good end." "

  Yes, if you do not respect yourself to please others, it is difficult to gain respect from others. Of course, this is not the case in some workplaces. Loyalty It is the quality that some bosses value most." Shitou added: "Like ancient emperors, they don't care how much the ministers contribute to the country, they are more concerned about whether the ministers are completely loyal to themselves." Maya also heard something and said

  : "Xiao Dao cannot give Xue Dan the same glory and wealth as the emperor, and Xue Dan cannot always treat Xiao Dao as the apple of his eye. In the end, it is inevitable that the two will have conflicts. Since the criterion for judging the depth of their love is the tolerance of the other party, things It will only get worse. The wedding is just a trigger, and it is a completely private matter for them." In collective life, nothing happened that only belonged to Snow Egg and Xiaodao, except for this wedding.

  Shitou: "Yes."

  Lin Wu was dubious: "Old man, are you so awesome?"

  Shitou smiled and did not answer. Maya said: "He can chase his wife and divorce her. His inference should be OK. I believe it."

  Lin Wu said: "Ex-wife Shi Shi? How dare a divorced man talk about love?"

  Shi Shi said: "I divorced because I saw that our conflicts were irreconcilable and neither of us would give in. After our peaceful conversation, we Divorce before the conflict breaks out and end the marriage decently."

  Lin Wu asked curiously: "What conflict?"

  Shitou said: "It's a long story, kid, don't worry about it, just do your thing."

  "Tsk." Lin Wula said Come to the drone interface: "They are climbing... They use the safety rope method to climb, which is quite creative."

  Peanut climbed up first, brought the rope to a certain point, and then looped the rope around the strong tree. Even if Peanut loses his footing, the friction between Shana and Mahun plus the trees is enough to hold Peanut back. Peanut climbed about twenty meters and used the rope to first pull Shana, who was lighter, into position, and then Mahun. The three of them used a rope and this relay method to keep moving forward on the steep cliff.

  About an hour later, the three of them successfully climbed to the top, and soon the system notified all sawmill members: Shadow occupied the fire tower heights and acquired artillery support skills. The three of them high-fived each other on the cliff to celebrate. But what happened next made Lin Wu and the others a little worried. The three of them ransacked the Firewatch Tower and each obtained a material package and many items.

  This will significantly increase their weight. Theoretically, as long as it is within the weight-bearing threshold, it will not affect the character's movements and endurance consumption. But that is for normal running and walking, and does not include climbing cliffs. Moreover, it was difficult to go up the mountain and even harder to go down, and they only had two ropes.

  What happened next proved that knowledge conquers all. Shana designed a double rope noose, used rope A to slide down to the location, and then pulled rope B. After rope B was straightened, rope A was untied, and the three of them dragged the rope to the location. Following the example of the gourd and the scoop, Shana's team descended from Wangfu Cliff easily and smoothly.

  Seeing that Shana's team had completed its most difficult test and that the time for nightmare resurrection had come, Maya and Lin Wu began to discuss matters regarding the A1 laboratory. Half an hour later, the nightmare came back to life, and I almost vomited blood when checking the locations of myself and my spouse Shana. She was resurrected halfway up a stone mountain, one kilometer away from Shana.

  The key is that after her death, she was not a member of the weather station and could not contact the ally base. The only good news is that she is a Bastion agent and still has the weapons in her backpack. But where is this? The only way is to find Shana. There is Shana's location on the electronic map, but there is only Shana's location.

  The straight-line distance is 1.5 kilometers, southeast direction.


  Lin Wu looked at the time and asked Maya: "The nightmare has been resurrected for an hour, why is there no sound at all?"

  Before Maya could answer, a response came from the command post. Shi Shi walked over slowly, sat down, picked up the intercom, raised his feet, and pressed the intercom button: "Who is it?"

  Ma Hun: "Shana is lost." Ma Hun's voice was loud and everyone heard it. Come around.

  "Lost?" Lin Wu asked. He thought about the possibility of death, injury, etc., but he never thought of losing it. Throw it out? Or just lost?
  Ten minutes ago, Ma Hun and Hua Hua descended from Stone Mountain. Peanut goes down first, Ma Hun and Shana retract the rope, and Ma Hun goes down again. Shana used two ropes to form a noose. As mentioned before, pulling rope B will untie rope A. Shanna exits last.

  But Shana didn't come down, and neither did the rope. Huama waited for a while and called Shana to no avail. Peanut took the risk and climbed back to the rope with his bare hands and found that the rope was still there, but Shana was gone.

  After Ma Hun finished speaking, everyone looked at Lin Wu, who checked the weather station cemetery: "There is no Shana's grave."

  Shitou asked: "Where can we go?"

  "I don't know."

  (End of Chapter)

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