Chapter 225 Sneak Attack

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  Chapter 225: Sneak Attack
  While the three were discussing, the soldier returned to the work area and closed the door. Lin Wu was confused: "Why should we close the door? No matter what happens outside, it is better to open the door than to close it."

  Maya praised Lin Wu in her heart. She is indeed a smart person. Does this mean that the secret passage into the shelter is at the door? back? When people from the outside rush in, they will inevitably open the door. The door happens to block the entrance. Only by closing the door can the entrance to the shelter be discovered.

  Lin Wu: "You can only let me try."

  Maya said: "Pay attention, although we can't see the sniper, the sniper can see everything in the outside world. If the forehead protector breaks, run for your life. We will cover you."

  If the gunman is there . Through the window, the gunman can see the outside world. At the same time, the outside world can also see the gunman. But the shooter is one to two meters away from the window, making full use of the light and environment, making it impossible for outsiders to determine his location. Just like when we stand by the window and look outside, people outside can also see us. But when we stand two meters away from the window in a dark place, the outside world cannot see us. But we can still see the outside world.

  Lin Wu descended into the water tower, sneaked forward, and successfully arrived near the reeds, squatting beside the reeds. In front of him was the railroad fence. He climbed through the railway fence to reach Platform 2, jumped off the 1.5-meter-high steps, crossed two railways, climbed up the 1.5-meter-high steps to reach Platform 1, and arrived outside the south gate of the waiting room.

  Another route is to continue walking forward and transfer from Platform 2 to Platform 1 via the railway overpass. Unfortunately, the overpass seems to have been artificially collapsed and turned into a broken bridge.

  Lin Wu took a deep breath, got out of the fence through the hole in front of him, and reached platform 2. I jumped off the platform and landed on my toes, but I didn't expect that the rails were full of pebbles, and they made strange noises as soon as I stepped on them. Although the sound was not loud, it was extremely harsh in the silent night.

  Maya didn't hear the sound because she couldn't see where Lin Wu was because of the difference in the steps. Lin Wu squatted on the spot, motionless, waited for a long time, and then gently raised his feet. Unexpectedly, before his feet even left the ground, he felt the small stones loosening on the soles of his feet. Lin Wu was sure that lifting his feet would inevitably cause the small stones to make a sound. So I slowly put my feet back and stepped firmly.

  He was only 10 meters away from the south door, and he knew that snipers were searching the windows for the source of suspicious sounds.

  Maya: "How is it?"

  Lin Wu didn't dare to speak. He was the only one who could save him now. Or there may be nightmares. Nightmares bravely devote themselves to fighting to gain some noise for themselves, and maybe they can escape.

  Why are the railways paved with small stones? The ignorant Lin Wu didn't know that this small stone was called a ballast and had its own special purpose.

  Nightmare: "Lin Wu stepped on the small stone beside the railway track." She didn't know the scientific name of this thing.

  Maya said: "Ballast? Lin Wu, lift your feet slowly, as slowly as you can, to reduce the movement and collision of small stones as much as possible. Since he can't see you, even if he hears the sound, he can't see you." That's what he

  said Said, but Lin Wu was very close to the sniper's whistle. After all, Lin Wu's skill was stealth, not invisibility, and he got here with the help of Ye Mu. But now there is no other choice.

  Lin Wu first stepped firmly on his left foot, then slowly raised his right foot. There was a soft click from his right foot, and the sound of small stones rubbing against each other was heard from his left foot. The sound was not loud, but Lin Wu believed that the sniper had already started searching for the source of the sound.

  Lin Wu stepped on the railroad track with his right foot and began to retract his left foot. No matter how slow it is, as the left foot leaves, the small stone still makes a impact sound after being released.

  A bullet hit one meter away from Lin Wu. Obviously the sniper did not see Lin Wu and the shot was just a test attack. Lin Wu took the opportunity to retract his left foot and squat on the railway track.

  Nightmare said: "I saw the arm. Maya, you should be able to snipe him from that position."

  Maya remained unmoved: "It's a trap. I don't believe he would expose his body when he suspected someone was approaching."

  Lin Wu stepped onto the second rail and relied on the rail to approach the south gate. Now that he was under the one-and-a-half-meter-high platform, he believed that even if he wasn't sneaking, the sniper wouldn't be able to see him. But the next step was an extremely dangerous step. Lin Wu needed to climb a step up to a height of one and a half meters. Once on the steps, the distance between him and the sniper was only 4 meters. Even with the help of night, the sniper could definitely see Lin Wu.

  Maya asked: "Does the other party have night vision goggles?"

  Nightmare replied: "There should be."

  Maya: "Did you bring a Molotov cocktail?"


  The sniper put down the clothed mannequin and continued to stare ahead, especially 2 Platform number and the area of ​​​​the reeds. Then he saw something flying out of the reed community and exploding on Platform 2. The flames exploded instantly, and the firelight blinded the sniper's eyes with the help of night vision goggles.

  The sniper immediately lowered his head and retreated. He needed time to regain his vision. Lin Wu had already climbed onto platform No. 1, and two wind thorns rushed into the waiting room. At a distance of 4 meters, it is impossible to lock the head, but there is no need to lock the head at such a close distance. Ji Ye fired three shots to knock down the sniper, and Lin Wu stepped forward and noticed something different.

  Lin Wu was not sure whether it was because of the update or because of the battle with the NPC. The NPC's state after being shot was very real. The body will twitch and be unable to resist, but death will not occur immediately. As if he wanted to shout, but didn't make a sound, Lin Wu imitated the movie and stepped forward to refill the gun, then took a step forward and squatted down to touch the corpse.

  The Echo M16 was modified from the M16 by Alliance weapons expert Bigfoot. After modification, the gun's range is reduced by 30%, allowing only single-shot shooting. In exchange, the accuracy is slightly improved, the noise is greatly reduced, and it also has a flame suppression effect. However, because it is a modified gun, in addition to the built-in double scope, other plug-ins such as silencers, mouthpieces, extra magazines, etc. are not allowed. The mute value is 90, and gunshots can be heard within 5 meters.

  This Echo M16 can be said to be a very distinctive assault rifle. Lin Wu felt that this gun alone was worth today's salary. Lin Wu reported: "Get the sniper." The second time he touched the corpse, Lin Wu only got 10 rounds of 5.56 bullets.

  Nightmare entered the waiting hall, and the two of them leaned against the door of the work area. Nightmare gently turned the door handle and nodded, indicating that the door was unlocked. Lin Wu reached out and turned the doorknob. Nightmare put down the night vision goggles on his helmet and raised his thumb. Lin Wu opened the door and Nightmare came in with a gun. Then Lin Wu heard the sound of shooting. The nightmare rifle was equipped with a silencer. The sound was not loud, but it was not as loud as the sound of an NPC falling to the ground.

  Lin Wu entered the work area and saw two NPCs wearing camouflage uniforms lying dead on the ground. Lin Wu went up to touch the bodies and got an assault rifle. Nightmare also cooperated with Lin Wu and touched another corpse. When it was over, he touched the assault rifle and threw it to Lin Wu.

  Lin Wu inserted the gun into his backpack and zipped it up. Because the gun was too long, part of the gun was still exposed outside the backpack.

  Nightmare closed the door, pulled up the night vision goggles, and searched with a flashlight and found that there was obviously something wrong with the floor on the ground. The rest of the floor is made of cement, but here is a wooden floor.

  Lin Wu pulled up the wooden board, Nightmare looked down with the gun in his hand and shook his head. Lin Wu borrowed the light of a flashlight and stretched his head to see a straight staircase going all the way down. Nightmare's night vision device allowed him to see more clearly, and said in Lin Wu's ear: "About 10 meters." Then he pointed at himself, and then pointed down, indicating that he should get off first.

  Lin Wu nodded, put down the board, and walked to the side. Nightmare slid down the ladder, and then Lin Wu heard the constant gunshots. Fortunately, the sounds made by Nightmare's guns were all from a one-sided massacre. Lin Wu also slid down the straight ladder.

  This is a 500-square-meter underground world with vents and electricity. Under the dim light, you can see that the underground world is divided into several unit structures. The first thing you see is a double bed without a door. The NPC soldier on the bed was killed by the nightmare without any reaction at all.

  Lin Wu continued to touch the body, and Nightmare dropped Lin Wu and walked inside. This time Lin Wu felt lonely, but the other party had nothing. Lin Wu refused to give up and touch another corpse. Gunshots continued to be heard from the front, only the sound of nightmare guns.

  After missing again, Lin Wu trotted to the hall with his gun in hand for support.

  This is a general hall with a stone bonfire in the middle and a table beside the bonfire with some opened cans of beans on it. Bedding and blankets were spread on the floor on one side of the hall, and 8 non-soldier NPCs were lying on them.

  Nightmare's right hand was on the gun, the muzzle of the gun was drooping, and he took the pistol with his left hand and pointed it at the NPC. Judging from their clothes, they should be just ordinary people. Maybe they were civilians taken in by the Alliance, or maybe they were family members of Alliance members. Lin Wu didn't think about this problem and looked at the shelves on the side, which contained boxes of cans and biscuits. Lin Wu also found their water source. Even the latrines they dug were found.

  Overall, it seems that humans can really survive here.

  Nightmare set up the locator and said, "Let's go, this place will be attacked by missiles in 5 minutes." "Five minutes

  ?" Lin Wu looked around: "A lot of things." Cans, bullets, and ammunition packages have to be transported for several hours. .

  Nightmare pretended not to hear anything, and traded an assault rifle and a loot box to Lin Wu: "The mission reward belongs to you, and the mission points belong to me." Overall, this loot box is

  similar to other loot boxes, and is a purple-level one after gold. treasure chest. The difference is that there is a bracket after the treasure chest with the word alliance written inside, indicating that this is a treasure chest obtained from the alliance.

  Lin Wu took the treasure box, glanced around, and put two cans in his pocket: "In the future, you know who to look for for this kind of work. Let's go." Take some to show that he has worked hard to search.


  5 minutes later, a ground-penetrating missile hit the train station, a small mushroom cloud rose, and then fire and smoke rose into the sky, attracting nearby zombies. Areas that were originally sparsely populated by zombies are so overrun with zombies that it seems like the Alliance Train Station shelter never existed.

  Dashuang, who was on duty, patted the screen of the military camp: "Everyone, get up, get up." The night shift was unmanned in the early morning. In order to allow the field staff to work with peace of mind during the day, Dashuang took the initiative to take over the heavy responsibility of night duty.

  Shitou opened the screen and asked sleepily, "What's wrong?" At midnight, if Lin Wu doesn't make trouble, you can make trouble.

  Dashuang said: "Lin Wu asked everyone to get their guns and go to the east parking lot."

  Shitou said weakly: "Tell him to die."

  Dashuang: "Maya..."

  "I'm sorry." Shitou hurriedly put on his shoes and shouted: "Get up Come on, get your gun and start working. Hurry up."

  A few minutes later, the pickup truck arrived at the east parking lot with a group of zombies. The people who were waiting in the east parking lot killed the zombies indiscriminately.

  Shitou walked over angrily, preparing to preemptively scold Lin Wu to relieve the hatred in his heart. Then accepting Maya's explanation, Lin Wu, who was treated differently, became furious. Killing two birds with one stone, revenge kills the heart. Ha ha ha ha!
  Lin Wu got out of the car and swung his backpack. Shitou saw a pile of assault rifle barrels behind the backpack, so he held Lin Wu's arm with one hand and said gently: "Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work. Ma Hun, go get a midnight snack, everyone." You're all hungry, right? Haha."

  Lin Wu: "You came over with murderous intent just now, looking very fierce." "

  No, no." Shitou explained: "You look more fierce, but you are very kind at heart. Hi, Maya, thank you for your hard work."

  Maya supported the pickup truck with one hand and jumped out of the back: "I'm okay, I almost didn't do anything."

  Shitou asked: "Where did you go?"

  Lin Wu replied: "I won't tell you. "

  Shitou was born out of fear and slapped Lin Wu on the back of his head. Lin Wu was so angry that he went up to hug Shitou and knocked him down to the ground. The two of them started fistfighting on the ground and tore each other's hair.

  Everyone stepped forward and pulled the two people apart, and the two said harsh words to each other. At this time, Ma Hun brought a pot of pork vermicelli and invited everyone to eat together. Dashuang went to get the dishes and chopsticks diligently. Lin Wu sat down first and took out his personal dishes and chopsticks from his backpack. Shitou came up and was about to criticize Lin Wu for bringing personal dishes and chopsticks to work, but he saw Lin Wu holding a purple loot box in his other hand.

  4 assault rifles and a loot box, what else can you say? Shitou asked everyone to sit down, and turned to Lin Wu and said, "Where did this happen?"

  "NPC." Lin Wu said, "Whose wife is Shana? Don't you want us to have dinner together?"

  Peanut and Ma Hun looked at each other and thought for a while. Yes, Ma Hun said: "Isn't it a nightmare?" He always forgets who his wife is.

  Maya's gang divided the dishes: "I collaborated with Nightmare on a mission, and the weather station base received 100 points of honor."

  Shitou was dissatisfied: "Why not Shadow?"

  Maya said: "It's too far from the mission location, so it doesn't count for me. Honor."

  Xuedan took the treasure box and asked: "Why is the alliance marked in the introduction of the treasure box?"

  Xiaodao: "Stop being so silly and hurry up and open the box." Are you so patient? This is a purple loot treasure chest, a treasure chest that can produce the same level of drones as Lin Wu.

  Shitou said: "Dashuang, you come to unpack."



  Lin Wu asked: "Are you sure you don't want Shana to participate in the unpacking ceremony?"

  Shitou said: "I'm too lazy to run."

  Lin Wu said to Dashuang He said: "Open." As an employee, there is no reason to be more diligent than the boss.

  Da Shuang did not go through any more cutscenes, and neatly opened the treasure box. Three cards were suspended in the air. Da Shuang said: "Choose one from 3. The first choice is two blue outpost cards." "Wow." Everyone's eyes lit up

  , Xiaodao praised: "You are luckier than me."

  Shitou: Nonsense, what kind of garbage can be found in the purple treasure chest? A bunch of rednecks.

  Dashuang smiled brightly and continued: "The second option is the expansion card. The radius of the base safety zone is expanded to 10 meters. A large grid is added. You can choose the location of the large grid at will. Tips: It must be a flat open space of 4 meters by 4 meters. There must be no other obstacles."

  "Wow." Everyone clapped together.

  Dashuang said: "Special reward for the first kill, a reward for the first attack and successful elimination of the NPC armed station. Base research card: can build a base research institute and unlock the base technology tree. Note: After unlocking specific base technology, the technology tree will exist permanently. ." Tears ran down. Everyone in Beishang Town knew that Shadow was strong, but only by personal experience could one know how ridiculously strong this group of people was.

  Maya understood: "After unlocking a certain technology, even if the research institute collapses or we move, the effects on the technology tree can still affect the base."

  Dashuang didn't know if Maya was right, so he read the last piece of information: "Build the research institute It requires 40 construction units, 10 food units, 10 gasoline units, 10 ammunition units, and 10 medical units. The more manpower provided, the faster the research speed." (End of Chapter


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