Chapter 220 Rest Day

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  Chapter 220: Rest Day

  After all, this mission is part of an honorary mission and is not very difficult. Lin Wu carried Selu on his back and reached the underground level. Lin Wu didn't have any curiosity along the way, but Selu seemed to rarely talk to anyone, and told her story in a garbled way.

  It probably means that Fortress Company invited famous scientists in the name of academic seminars, but they were actually studying a sample. This sample was a zombie, perhaps the first zombie in the world. Fortress asked them to find the virus and find a way to deal with it.

  They were divided into several groups, some were studying symptomatic vaccines, some were studying virus changes, and some were studying genetic changes. The research work encountered trouble after a certain progress. They used hundreds of experimental animals and found that none of the animals were infected with the zombie virus. If you want to achieve breakthrough research results, you must use healthy humans, so you can know whether the vaccine is effective and how to detect infected people as soon as possible.

  During this period, they divided into two factions, namely the Madonna Opposition and the Cold-blooded Rationalists. In order to balance the contradiction, Fortress Company transferred the opponents to the A1 laboratory, while the others stayed in the original laboratory. Lin Wu had encountered a three-way intersection before and turned left to reach the A1 laboratory located downstairs of Tomorrow's office building.

  Sailu was originally a member of the A1 laboratory, but with in-depth research, she found that the zombie virus was extremely scary, so she changed her original intention. She believes that if a few humans are not sacrificed, this virus will destroy all mankind. Selu, who was transferred to an ordinary laboratory, was even more radical than the rationalists. The reason was that she saw the end of mankind and the countdown to mankind.

  Through her efforts, she isolated the first bottle of serum from the corpses of captive zombies. Serum is not immune to viruses, but it can eliminate viruses that may be present in the human body. Humanity relied on this discovery to finally ensure that 500,000 healthy humans flew to Blue Star.

  In order to stably obtain the serum production method, Selu's methods become more and more fierce, and more and more healthy humans are needed. Many Fortress agents were arrested for kidnapping civilians until the virus broke out on a large scale. After a virus outbreak, samples can easily become contaminated and provide a lot of erroneous data. In the final stage of the research, Selu focused on colleagues who would never be contaminated and had been living in an isolated laboratory.

  In the end Selu succeeded. To obtain serum stably, blood zombies must be cultivated. If ordinary people are genetically modified within 48 hours of being infected with the virus, they will turn into blood zombies after they become sick. Serum can be extracted from the separated blood of zombies.

  In order to continue to develop, Selu even came up with a way to build a blood zombie mother body. She believes that as long as humans control the mother's body, the mother's body can continuously produce the blood needed to make serum, and then humans can continue to make serum. As long as the serum is injected before humans become ill, humans can clear the virus from the body and establish an immunity period ranging from 1 day to 1 week.

  Although Selu had made a plan, she was unable to take action. She had to go back to the rear and with the help of a large number of resources, she could build the blood zombie mother body, which later became the blood heart. So Selu contacted the outside world, and the fortress agents received orders to dispatch the fortress operations team to pick up Selu. In order to allow herself to continue her research, Selu requested a pardon. She did not expect that as long as she could fight the virus, it would be impossible for humans to pursue any of her crimes.

  The Shadow Team finished their work and the group took Selu into the sewer. The person responsible for carrying Selu also turned into a double snow egg. After listening to Lin Wu's brief explanation, Maya and Shana asked Sailu many questions.

  The first underground floor is the A1 laboratory, and the second floor is the ordinary laboratory. So where is the third floor? Faced with Shana's question, Selu replied that it was just a warehouse where supplies, medical equipment, food, etc. were stored.

  Speaking of this, Selu said to herself: "It's a good place to build a matrix."

  "Oh..." Lin Wu pointed at Shana: "So it was you who did it."

  "What am I doing?"

  Lin Wu said : "It was you who reminded her to build the maternal blood heart on the third floor underground. You are one of the culprits of blood zombies."

  Shana went crazy: "I come from thousands of years in the future."

  Lin Wu: " turns out to be thousands of years in the future. You did it next year."

  After two punches and one kick, Lin Wu became much more honest. Maya habitually substituted reality: "Fortress Company has no malicious intent, it is just to research a solution to the virus. But the situation is out of their control. Not only did the zombie virus not be eliminated, but the zombie mother appeared instead." Xue Dan said: "On Blue

  Star Zombie viruses are mentioned in history books, but blood hearts are never mentioned. Blood hearts are mentioned in some informal records, but there are no clear photos to prove it. Historians believe that blood hearts are survivors trying to explain blood zombies And imaginary creatures. The few blood zombies are actually stained with blood."

  Everyone began to discuss reality and games. Although the rule of banning walking in the sewer was broken, Maya did not stop it. She just arranged for Lin Wu and Peanut to Be more vigilant.


  Sending the person to the agent, the agent said to Maya: "The password for the bullet safe is 123, thank you, goodbye."

  There was a sound of loading, and Lin Wu's assault rifle pressed against Selu's head: "Not enough."

  Two agents Drawing their pistols, the Shadow Men set up their assault rifles. Although some people don't agree with Lin Wu's robbery, Lin Wu has already done it, so what else can he do?

  Shana said: "We took such a big risk, but you only gave us a few bullets. How can we justify it?"

  An agent reached into his black suit and took out a brown envelope: "There is also a follow-up task. Guard the laboratory. The fortress mercenaries betrayed the fortress after learning about the virus. They called themselves the Alliance and contacted their comrades across the country to reserve supplies and take shelter. The culprits built their own shelter in Zuoxian Industrial Zone and plundered a large amount of fortress resources. Eliminate them , you can get everything they have."

  Agent: "There is a map in the envelope, and the asterisk on it is the location of their shelter." Shitou

  looked outside and asked, "Can I grab the helicopter?"

  He seemed to hear As Shitou said, the helicopter started and the propellers turned rapidly. One agent held Selu, and another agent protected the two of them, slowly retreating toward the helicopter. Lin Wu was not sure why the mission could not be completed. Considering the honor points, he never fired.

  When Selu was put on the helicopter, the system notified: The mission of rescuing Selu was completed and 250 honor points were obtained.

  This was a death sentence, and after receiving the verdict, everyone opened fire in unison. The two agents and Selu were killed on the spot, but the helicopter took off. The moment he left the ground, Lin Wu grabbed an agent's thigh and pulled his body out of the helicopter, and found a map from the body.

  This is a Zuo County firepower map. There are four red circles on the map. One of the red circles is a camp on the top of the mountain that Lin Wu and Shana visited. There are two large-caliber artillery pieces in the camp. The artillery strike range exceeds 25 kilometers. There are also game instructions on the map. If you occupy the fire point as an outpost, you can get fire support.

  Not just instructions, but explanations. After occupying the firepower point, the base headquarters can call for a round of 24 rounds of 155 mm caliber artillery support every 12 hours. Artillery support requires guidance. Guidance objects include infrared guidance devices, flares, etc. After unlocking the firepower point, these items can be produced in the production room.

  Lin Wu and Shana high-fived each other. They had guessed that the camp could provide firepower.

  Shitou was also very interested in this: "Do we still have outpost cards?" He knew not, but what if? What if this guy Lin Wu hid one secretly? Although he couldn't explain why Lin Wu hid it secretly, wasn't this a just in case?
  Everyone shook their heads.

  The system broadcast globally and released a medical patch: Because the majority of players believe that there are serious bugs in the current medical system, the system will be updated accordingly. The update is as follows.

  1: All medical problems are treated realistically.

  2: Please refer to the latest game description for specific content.

  It probably means that from now on, no matter fractures or bleeding, they will no longer be reflected in numerical values. For example, if a fracture is painful, taking painkillers can relieve the pain. If the fracture is touched again, the pain will continue, and you must take more painkillers. The system suggests that in the absence of a doctor, players can learn how to make temporary medical splints.

  Bleeding depends on the situation. If the wound is not treated properly, it may cause infection even if it heals on its own.

  In addition, real human reactions to illnesses and injuries such as tinnitus, dizziness, and vomiting have been added. Hope you all like it.

  Three: In order to meet the immersive needs of the majority of players, the clothing system has been specially updated. After the update, damaged clothes will no longer be refreshed. As the clothes become damaged, the warmth provided by the clothes will be reduced, and exposed skin may cause sunburn if exposed to the sun for a long time. Self-healing diseases such as sunburn cannot be treated in the medical room.

  In order to take care of the players' healthy mind, the damaged and exposed parts of the clothes will be automatically mosaic. When the clothes are completely unwearable, the player will be forced to be transported to the dungeon and step on the sewing machine for 12 hours to repair their clothes. The most important thing is that the location you teleport back to is the location where you teleported into the instance.

  Cut the zombies in half, and the people will be transported into the dungeon. The dungeon came out 12 hours later and found that his teammates had left...

  "This is revenge, revenge without clothes." Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "This is Dawn's revenge on players for challenging its authority." The whole world united to defeat Dawn.

  Maya was very indifferent: "Everything in our home is moving towards simulation. It's completely expected. I just didn't expect to take action on clothes so quickly." I didn't expect that the system would come up with a 12-hour confinement method as punishment. Players without spare clothing. For the sake of harmony, Sugon has put a lot of effort into the CPU.

  Shana smiled and said: "My baby's nickname is Xiang Xiangbao. Please call me Shana from now on."

  Shitou sighed: "Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. A good girl is ruined like this."

  Lin Wu asked. : "What Mo? Who is Mo?" No one else in the base seems to have such shameless qualities.

  Peanut burst into tears: "He is asking very sincerely."

  Everyone sighed.

  Shana was relieved of the job of digging oysters by Demon Lin. Su Shi processed the few rags into cloth, and Shana made a set of basic clothes for everyone. The durability of clothes has appeared and the durability has returned to zero. If there are no spare clothes, you have to step on the sewing machine.

  Lin Wu opened his mind and asked, "Will I have to do laundry in the future?" The

  oyster diggers all looked at Lin Wu. For them who were used to washing machines, washing clothes by themselves was a nightmare.

  Shitou added: "Do I need to take a bath in the future? Do I need to build a bathroom?"

  Cuiyu said: "Do I still need to wash my hair?" The long-haired girl hates washing her hair.

  Xuedan said: "We want to make a collective complaint and oppose simulation."

  Uncle Lin sat on a chair, eating potato chips and said: "When Shuguang needs it, it will listen to the public opinion. When Shuguang doesn't need it, it won't even look at it." Take a look at you." Shuguang is the housekeeper, not the district chief. It has its own operating logic. Its logic is to achieve its goals, and if you can be used by it, it will use you. Of course, it won't get rid of you just because you prevent it from achieving its goals. It also has rules and restrictions. In Lin Wu's words, Shuguang is not bad, but extremely treacherous.

  Why is Lin Wu here? I was bored, so I dragged a chair to the mud pit to cheer everyone up. Who knows whether you will lose next time you play mahjong, so when you are proud in life, you should be proud of yourself. By the way, everyone's fighting spirit will be ignited to carry on the mahjong night to the end.

  Because everyone dug too much, Ma Hun couldn't even bake it for ten lives, so Shitou finally made up his mind to build a kitchen. After digging out his share, Ma Hun went to work in the kitchen. Lin Wu calculated the time to leave and go back to eat some oysters. Before leaving, Lin Wu warned those who were still working: "I remember the weight, don't fish, do you understand?"

  Peanut waited for Lin Wu to teleport away from the instance, put his hands on his hips and said, "Next time I will definitely kill him. What a waste."

  Maya's mood was stable and she said while working: "Shouldn't we never gamble again?"

  Maya successfully silenced the audience with one sentence. Without Lin Wu, no one came to the rescue, leaving the scene in silence.

  Cuiyu: "I've dug it." He sighed loudly.

  Shana said at the same time: "Cuiyu, you can just dig up a few. Lin Wu won't embarrass you."

  Cuiyu was startled and said, "Does that mean he doesn't regard me as one of his own?"

  Shana was also stunned. I have to say that what Cuiyu said makes sense. Just because everyone was familiar with each other, Lin Wu was so troubled. The atmosphere of the Shadow Base with Lin Wu is much better than that of the Shadow Base without Lin Wu.

  Xuedan said: "No, you are a doctor, he doesn't dare to offend you." It was a reason, but it just showed that he was unfamiliar. If Shitou is kicked in the butt, Shitou will only fight with Lin Wu, but he will not fire Lin Wu. The reason he didn't bully Cui Yu was because he was worried about Cui Yu's revenge. Doesn't it just mean that Lin Wu and Cui Yu are in love?
  There was nothing that could be done about it. Let alone old acquaintances, Hua Hua and Lin Wu got along very well with each other. Only Cuiyu rarely talked to Lin Wu on a daily basis. Lin Wu couldn't bully such a good girl, and as a result, the relationship became unfamiliar. However, after all, there are ten people in a base, and we cannot expect everyone to be as good as one person.

  Having said this, Su Shi entered the dungeon and raised his hands high: "Six-star siege, six-star siege." What the hell is this dungeon? He's a messenger for a day.

  here we go again! After finally taking a day off, I not only had to dig oysters, but I also kept going back to work overtime. Unfortunately, I have to come back to dig oysters after working overtime.

  (End of chapter)

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