Chapter 217 Honor Mission

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  Chapter 217 Honor Mission
  Under Shitou's encouragement, Shadow was able to hold a meeting every night to waste his youth. Lin Wu went to the beach first during everyone's heated discussion. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything. But you can hear the sound of sea water, and you can also feel that the sand under your feet is not sand in the traditional sense. The leisure beach even has night lights and bonfires at night, which makes it a top-notch resource beach.

  Shitou entered the beach and walked behind Lin Wu with a torch: "Look, this is the beach I built for you."

  Lin Wu said: "Shitou, although I can't see clearly, I don't think this beach is a good place."

  Shitou said . Huandao said: "Build another leisure beach if you like. Excluding the kitchen, there is only one small grid left. Speaking of which, why are you here during the meeting?"

  Lin Wu said: "The topic of this meeting is sacrifice. It has no direct relationship with me. If I participate, it's called murder."

  Shitou said: "Yes. Everyone knows that it is important for players to have trade skills, but trade does not have any bonus for the players themselves. The difficulty is that we think trade is important, but Compared with their own skills, everyone thinks they can avoid trade."

  Lin Wu asked: "Is this considered egoism?"

  Shitou said: "No, of course not, I really think that my skills are more important. But there is nothing wrong with egoism. If people don't benefit themselves, society will not develop."

  Lin Wu smiled and said: "Don't you middle-aged and elderly bosses like to draw collectivist pie the most?" "

  Some people just like to eat pie. Is it bothering you? Don't like to eat it? Naturally, I will fill him up with money. Go back." Shitou and Lin Wu said as they walked: "You don't have to express your opinion, but you can't escape." Go to the green ring location on the beach, choose to teleport to leave the instance, and the teleportation will start counting down

  . . Lin Wu was surprised, and Shitou explained: "The first transmission takes 30 seconds, the second time takes 1 minute, the third time takes two minutes, and so on."

  Lin Wu: "What if the transmission takes 10 minutes and an siege occurs? " What should I do?"

  Shitou: "Are you full to hold on? Are you willing to run in this rotten place...several times a day." After thinking about it for a while, I still couldn't figure out how many times 10 minutes is.

  Lin Wu asked: "How many times?" He was too lazy to count.

  "Get lost." As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Wu disappeared and was teleported back to the base. Before he could speak back, Lin Wu was so angry that he was smoking. I planned to wait for the old guy to come out, but Shana called me over. It turns out it's time for everyone to express their opinions. Damn Stone, he was so good at timing, he pulled himself out and roasted himself while he hid in the copy.


  Lin Wu sat down and said, "What kind of meeting are we having? Wouldn't it be nice for us to have two tables of mahjong during this time?"

  Xiao Dao immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, okay."

  Maya said: "Let's talk business first and then play cards. Lin Wu, which skill do you think is more appropriate to discard?"

  Lin Wu opened his mouth and replied: "Sana, she won't survive the winter anyway." Shana

  immediately changed her face, her original smile turned into an angry look, and put her hands on her hips, trying her best to Lin Wu looked at Lin Wu fiercely.

  Xuedan said: "On the other hand, Shana can't learn trade." After she died, all investments were in vain.

  Lin Wu said: "Then let's go to Peanut. He is a newcomer and should be bullied." "

  Exactly." Everyone expressed their disdain for Lin Wu's discriminatory words.

  Lin Wu said: "Or Ma Hun? The food cooked by Ma Hun is much better than the food cooked by the chef."

  Ma Hun couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. He said it was derogatory to himself. People said that his food was more delicious than the food cooked by the system kitchen. . Just to praise myself, it takes the system one minute to cook a dish, but it takes one minute to kill a fish. Absolute praise.

  Shana waved her hand and said, "Go and play, just pretend we didn't ask you."

  Maya stopped Lin Wu and said, "Where's the command school?"

  Lin Wu said, "The command school is useless and seems useless. But I have experienced several Every time I barely managed to escape the critical crisis, I thought that if it weren’t for the morale bonus of command school, I probably wouldn’t be alive now. I’m asking you to learn command now. If someone dies in a critical moment, wouldn’t it be me? What's your fault?"

  Maya: "What's your opinion?" She didn't intend to let Lin Wu go.

  Lin Wu said: "There must be a road before the car arrives. Since we only want combat medicine, let's just buy combat medicine. Next time we are greedy for other skills, we can pool money to buy them. Why should Shadow, with his wealth, care about three melons and two sons? Besides, , do you think merchants will sell combat medicine every time?"

  Su Shi: "I agree with Lin Wu, just buy combat medicine directly."

  Xiaodao hesitated: "But the sawmill is our semi-permanent base, we should put our sights on In the long run."

  Lin Wu asked: "You don't want to play mahjong?"

  Xiao Dao immediately said: "Lin Wu is right." Anyway, there is still a lot of time to decide, and this meeting will continue endlessly. The quasi-reset skill person speaks, everyone speaks. In response to everyone's comments, the quasi-reset technical personnel will speak. In response to the speeches of the quasi-reset skill personnel, everyone raised their own questions.

  Soon, two tables of mahjong were set up.

  Shadow doesn't play mahjong very much, because two are short of two. Before, they could play mahjong, and the only ones interested in mahjong were Su Shi and Ma Hun. After Peanut joined, he taught Xiao Knife step by step. Everyone learned mahjong while watching and began to participate in the game. However, it is not very exciting no matter how you play. The core reason is that there are no stakes, so everyone has no sense of winning or losing.

  Lin Wu came up with a bad idea: "Let's play a big adventure. The winner can ask the loser to do something healthy and safe." Maya, a spectator, asked: "For example?" Lin


  said: "For example, run outside the door and shout three words: I You're stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid."

  After saying this, even the childish knife despised: "Childish."

  At this time, Shitou leisurely arrived in front of two mahjong tables and gave everyone three consecutive Crossbow magazine: "Lin Wu and Maya have suffered a lot in the past few days, and so have everyone. So I propose to take a day off tomorrow." Everyone looked

  at the magazine together, waiting for the stone to link rest with the magazine.

  Shitou said: "We will eat oysters tomorrow night. Each magazine has ten crossbow arrows, and each person has 30 crossbow arrows. Each crossbow arrow represents 5 kilograms of oysters. To put it simply, for every crossbow arrow lost, 5 kilograms will be dug tomorrow. Oysters. The deadline for betting is one o'clock in the morning."

  Shitou saw that everyone was silent: "Don't you dare?"

  Lin Wu: "How do you calculate?"

  Shitou said: "Maya and I will bet on one of you, and how much that person loses, we will Dig as much as you want."

  Xue Dan: "Is this a day off?"

  Shitou spread his hands and said, "There will always be someone who takes a break."

  Lin Wu looked at everyone and said, "I'll do it."

  "Do it." Everyone spoke one after another, as long as I'm not the loser. .

  Shitou said: "I bet on Xiaodao."

  "Okay." Lin Wu said: "To ensure fairness, Xuedan and Xiaodao are separated."

  Shitou said hurriedly: "No, let us feel a little bit of the rotten smell of love."

  Xiaodao was shy. Red face kicking stones.

  Lin Wu ignored the stone and asked: "Maya, what about you?"

  Maya's brain started to work, recalling the winning rate of past poker tables and everyone's level of experience, and replied: "I bet on peanuts."


  The resource beach is very large, 70% is land, 30% is sea water, and there is a light rainbow-colored air wall around it. Why is the land so big? Because there is a large muddy field. Walking on the muddy ground is a kind of torture in itself. One foot is deep and the other is shallow. Sometimes the upper body moves and the feet are not pulled up, and the whole body is slapped on the mud.

  After walking through the mud, there is a reef area. It is not a smooth and flat reef, it is covered with oysters, barnacles and other dependent shellfish. There are many crabs among the rocks.

  After passing through the reef area, we finally entered the sea. The water was turbid due to the silt bay. If you touch it, you will find that there is still a rock underneath. If you are not careful, you will trip over it.

  Continue walking forward and enter the coral reefs, where countless fish live here. The water quality in this area is relatively clear, but you can only do snorkeling. swim? After swimming around, there will be more than a dozen bloody wounds on the body.

  Since it is a resource beach, the system also provided an artificial pier, which was built all the way to the deep sea blue hole 50 meters away. It is different from traditional deep sea blue holes. There are four blue holes here, each of which is bottomless. It's a pity that it's only half a square meter in size, so it can't be used for anything else except fishing.

  From a leisure perspective, this beach has a lower happiness index than the creek at the back door. If you fall down in a creek, you will most likely drink water. If you fall down on the beach, you will either eat mud or drink sea water. The key is that sea water is salty and drinking too much will hurt your throat.

  The eight workers took home-made iron pieces, put on gloves, walked through the mud step by step, and finally came to the reef group and started to pry the oysters on the reef.

  The sun rises and shines on the muddy ground, and a hot and smelly smell permeates the entire copy. Lin Wu tied his hands at the portal and looked at the eight people who were working hard, and said to Su Shi: "They are all brothers and sisters. I can't bear to see them suffering." Su Shi said: "Then we won't watch   .


After that, the two laughed together and walked away. Shana heard the deliberate laughter, grabbed a bag of mud and threw it towards the two people in the distance. Last night's poker game was a complete turn of events. Su Shi made a desperate counterattack and finally took over the banker for five consecutive rounds. Lin Wu won first and then lost, because he won too much in the past, so he couldn't lose anymore in the future.

  The worst thing is Peanut, who is proficient in mahjong. He can say that he can play, but it does not mean that he is proficient. He lost all his chips and had to dig 150 kilograms of clams with Maya. Shitou wasn't much better. Xiaodao had a straightforward personality and was repeatedly blocked. In the end, he also lost a hundred kilograms of clams.

  Su Shi went to the production room to live a happy otaku life in his own little world. Lin Wu and Xiao Wai went to the west parking lot to play and beat mice. They used the hunter's second skill as quickly as possible to get 20 stars of agility.

  However, rats in sawmills are more difficult to deal with than rats in supermarket bases. One reason is that there are many bunkers and large logs stacked everywhere, and rats like to shuttle between the gaps in the logs. One reason is that the rats here are not short of food and look down on the bait Lin Wu put out.

  While they were playing hard, there was a noise from the west. Lin Wu stepped up and looked around, and saw an NPC running with one hand covering his chest, followed by a large group of zombies. This NPC is much kinder than the businessman. The businessman not only runs the Z line to pull monsters, but also deliberately slows down. The NPC came straight towards the base.

  Lin Wu immediately changed into an assault rifle. That is Lin Wu. After all, he is from the weather station base. When he goes shopping at the main base, he carries a complete set of equipment with him.

  Soon the NPC ran into the safe area. Lin Wu stood beside him and kept firing, causing zombies to fall one after another. After a while, all the more than 20 zombies were killed.

  The NPC is not an ordinary person, he is a fortress agent. It was the first time that Lin Wu saw such a miserable fortress agent without a backpack. Although he has not seen it a few times. The purpose of the NPC is to release honor tasks. Honor points can be exchanged for various services through the radio station, but the price is very high.

  The NPC team was attacked by zombies, and he was the only one left in the team. During the breakout, he was not only injured and infected, but also lost most of his equipment and basic mobility. NPC contacted the headquarters via satellite phone, and the headquarters said it would send a helicopter to pick him up as soon as possible. But before he gets on the plane, he must be injected with serum to prevent him from bringing the virus to the quarantine area and to prevent him from getting sick on the helicopter.

  Hearing this, Lin Wu thought that Shuguang was dissatisfied with his inventory, so he sent an NPC to cheat him of the serum, and prepared to kill him: Is your NPC's life worth a bottle of serum?
  The NPC explained that there was a resource box dropped along with them during the action. This resource box can be stored for a long time, and its purpose is to provide emergency assistance to Fortress agents in regional operations. Don't touch the resource box unless necessary. This resource box contains the serum that the NPC needs.

  The NPC said: "There is a red cross mark on the box, and the password is 789. You must not enter it incorrectly, otherwise it will explode. You cannot take away the entire resource box, otherwise it will explode. This is the location of the resource box." Lin Wu looked sideways

  . The mobile phone in the NPC's hand has a live animation picture on it. At first glance, Lin Wu felt that it looked very familiar. At a second glance, wasn't this the football field at the exit of No. 99 Sewer Channel 1? The resource box is located near the goal frame.

  The NPC said: "Sir, everything depends on you." The body tilted and fell to the ground. At the same time, the 30-minute task countdown begins.

  Lin Wu's brain moved at the speed of light. Exercise 1: Can you save him by pricking him with a needle? Maybe, but there is a resource box over there, and the serum is only part of the resource box. I pricked him and he left. Who could I cry to when I didn't have a shot of serum?
  Exercise 2: Can you reach Exit 1 by yourself? The answer is yes. The flood discharge sewer is not complicated. Just walk along the main waterway and turn left when you reach the location. That location has a special sign.

  Exercise 3: Is half an hour enough? It should be enough, enough to get the resource box by yourself anyway. As for whether the NPC lives or dies after getting the resource box, it all depends on God's will.

  Exercise 4: Do you need to call someone else? excuse for not digging clams.

  Exercise 5: Are you a night devil? I'm not sure if I can challenge Lin Wu alone, but adding Xiao Wai will definitely be enough.

  Lin Wu took Xiao Wai to the production room. Su Shi asked about the sound of gunshots. Lin Wu simply explained that there was an NPC mission. If he didn't come back within an hour, he would immediately ask Shana and Maya to go to the sewers to fish for people.

  According to Lin Wu's request, Su Shi went to the item warehouse to get the fairy wand and bow. The two of them tied the fairy wand to Xiao Wai's back and hung the bow around Xiao Wai's neck. In this way, Lin Wu could see Xiao Wai's expression in the dark and deduce whether there was a night demon nearby.

  Why not strap a flashlight or a headlamp on to Little Wai? Of course not. Firstly, Xiaowai's face cannot be seen, and secondly, Xiaowai's lantern swinging around would blind his master Lin Wu's eyes.

  After three minutes of preparations, one person and one dog ran towards the weather station. Su Shi looked at the NPC lying on the ground: "What to do with him?" Lin Wu said: "

  Shoot and kill him in 26 minutes." Since I can't save you, then I hope you can make some contribution to us.

  Su Shi shouted: "Do you want to call someone?"

  Lin Wu: "No need." One person and one dog walked away with a little light.

  (End of chapter)

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