Chapter 20 One Night

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  Chapter 20 One night,

  Maya stood on guard. Lin Wu dug out a lot of garbage from the dead player's body and said, "Hey, there is something weird." He threw it at Maya.

  Maya grabbed it with one hand, and the item was called corpse odor masking agent. After taking it, your body will smell like zombies, and you will not be attacked by zombies during this period, which lasts for one minute. Side effects: moderate poisoning, losing 1 life point every second for one minute.

  "No wonder they are so confident. They can use this potion to lure a large number of zombies to attack our base." What Maya was thinking was that a resurrected player can obtain this drug, which shows that this drug is not rare. It can be seen that the base not only has to face irregular sieges by zombies, but also faces malicious destruction by other players. This means that the base requires a certain number of defensive personnel at all times.

  As he spoke, A's body disappeared. Lin Wu was so anxious that he hadn't even touched it yet, so he immediately attacked C. But the three people died so close that Lin Wu only had time to find a book in C's backpack.

  "Plumbing?" Lin Wu was happy and doubtful at the same time. He was happy because it was a skills book, but he was suspicious because he didn't know what plumbing was. The book only states that it is a skills book and does not explain what plumbing is.

  Maya didn't understand this either: "A gun barrel? A homemade gun barrel? Making a water pipe? Can it pass water?"

  Lin Wu said: "That should be called gun barrel science and water pipe science."

  Maya asked: "Do you learn it?"

  Lin Wu said Wu shook his head: "Men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, so you learn it." Under normal circumstances, everyone can only learn one life skill.

  Maya hesitated for a moment and said: "Keep it for now." Learn first and use it first. The earlier you learn, the better you can use your skills to create value. It's a pity that the meaning of plumbing cannot be understood literally, and it cannot be ruled out that it is a useless skill.

  "Women are also afraid of getting into the wrong profession, okay?" Maya retorted meaninglessly for the first time.

  Lin Wu curiously asked: "What is your occupation?"

  Maya answered the question unintentionally: "Let's go back."

  "Butcher?" He was so good at using knives, but he was too embarrassed to tell him his occupation. There was reason to suspect that Maya was a butcher.


  The two walked for a while, and Lin Wu asked, "Substitute?"

  Maya looked at Lin Wu and said, "I won't tell you."

  "Athlete." Lin Wu pointed at Maya with two fingers and made a fencing gesture. The mouth matches the sound of squeaking.

  Maya slapped Lin Wu's hand away and led the way without saying a word. Approaching the base, Lin Wu, who had been thinking about it all the way, caught up with Maya and said, "Cook."

  Maya was speechless: "Please don't be so boring and naive. Besides, if you want to guess, you can also guess some occupations that require intelligence."

  Lin Wu suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said: "College students? College students studying cooking? No, not... ..."

  Maya sighed, at least you know that you have denied yourself.

  Lin Wu said to himself: "You are so old, you can't be a college student."

  Faced with the irrefutable fact, Maya restrained her urge to draw the knife.

  Lin Wu ran to Maya, turned around and walked backwards, saying, "Technical school cooking teacher." The teacher met the age and intelligence requirements, and the cooking major met the knife requirements. Perfect!
  Maya had a blank look on her face: "Why can't she be a university cooking teacher?"

  Lin Wu suddenly said: "That's it."

  Maya said speechlessly: "No, I'm not a teacher, and it has nothing to do with cooking... Well, it seems to have something to do with it. "


  "No, Teacher."

  Lin Wu: "Butcher Teacher."

  "You just die." This is the first time Maya has been angry since she can remember. She shouldn't talk nonsense with him. She just talks more. There is a sentence: Women are also afraid of entering the wrong profession, but in the end they will be angry to death.

  Shitou was disposing of garbage at the newly built workbench on the second floor, and was a little surprised when he heard Maya's words. He is the one who knows the details of Maya. In the ten years he has known Maya, he has never seen Maya angry or happy. She has a poker face, and her emotions and anger are invisible.

  Shitou greeted: "Take out the trash."

  Lin Wu mumbled and went to the warehouse to dump all the garbage in the bag. He went to the second floor and asked, "Tou Shi, what does Maya do?"

  Shitou replied: "I know, but since she didn't tell You, I can't tell you. Come over and take over, sort out the garbage."

  Lin Wu took over, Shitou said: "Integrate all the fragments into higher-level materials, dismantle the switches, circuit boards and other items, and use the Sort the garbage, and saw the wood into planks... Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to visit the patient." Lin Wu said: "Visiting the knife."

  "Fuck." Shitou sat down helplessly and continued the tedious work of sorting out. 80% of the items in the warehouse are scrap. The stone has no skills and does not know what to make before it can make what. He can only sort out all the waste products without any goal.

  Maya reached the second floor, picked up the kettle and poured a cup of boiled water: "A lot of people came."

  Shitou replied: "As expected. There are 1 million people in ten cities, and one city has 100,000 people. The average of four counties is 25,000 people. That's equal to There are 12,500 people in each town. Assuming no players die, the number of players in Beishang Town is 12,500. If you count the buildings in Beishang Town, there are less than 100 buildings in all remote areas. The shortage of resources has erupted Later, players who could not settle in the countryside were forced to develop towards counties, cities, and even future cities."

  Maya said: "Perhaps developing in cities is the core content of this game."

  "Absolutely not." Shitou said: "If there are no firearms , two berserkers can flatten an 8-man base. Berserks appeared on the first day of the game, and more powerful zombies will definitely appear next. With the density of zombies in the city, and with the current abilities of players, there is almost no possibility of development. ."

  Maya agreed with Shitou and asked: "Is the church on the top of the mountain still too small to be used as a semi-permanent base?"

  Shitou replied: "One of the purposes of occupying the church on the top of the mountain is to survive the winter, and the other purpose is to collect bullets. There is no powerful It is unrealistic to go further with thermal weapons as support. Even if we settle in the county, we will still need logistical support from the church on the top of the mountain. In my opinion, before we officially establish our foothold in the future city, the church on the top of the mountain will be One of our most important bases."

  Shitou said: "The longer you live, the higher the points bonus, and the interest is compounded like a loan shark. With Shuguang's urine, she does not want any player to live for two years. But she is limited The fair mechanism cannot target certain players. According to my speculation, the waves of attacks and tests in the future will toss players to death. The essence of the Homeland game is not for the happiness of the players, but the relationship between the players. Competition. The more brutal the competition, the more valuable the points are." If the postgraduate entrance examination questions are all single-digit addition and subtraction, it will be impossible to tell who has real talent and learning.

  Shitou asked, "What happened to you and Lin Wu?"

  "It's okay." Maya: "I'm going to rest." Shitou

  said, "Hey, you can ask me politely if you need help picking up the trash. I'll think you're very nice. Be kind, and at the same time I will reject your kindness."

  Maya said: "I won't ask."


  "Because that's how you deceived Po Shi."

  Shi Shi slapped his forehead: "I almost forgot that you are Po Shi. Shi’s best friend.”

  Maya stopped talking and said, "I'm going to rest."

  Shitou: "You want to ask why we got divorced?"

  Maya replied: "I really want to ask, but I won't ask, because I have already had a lot of talk today. Good night!"

  "Good night."

  Maya walked to the stairs, turned around and asked, "Do I look very old?"

  Maya's question made Shitou stunned, and he answered after a while: "I have never seen someone older than you. Young and beautiful girl." Did you take the wrong medicine? To ask such a question.

  Maya nodded and went downstairs to the right dormitory to rest.

  (End of chapter)

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