Chapter 188 Defending the City (Part 1)

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  Chapter 188 Defending the City (Part 1)

  Fortunately, the rich man Lin Wu brought some medicines outside the game, including a bleeding bandage that could last for 5 minutes without bleeding. The better news is that the two bleeding holes are very close together, and one bandage can treat both wounds.

  He couldn't stay here for long, so Lin Wu immediately left with Xiao Wai. As a result of being shot, Lin Wu's maximum life limit dropped by 20 points, and the sensitivity of his hands and feet also decreased. Fortunately, he was not worried about these side effects because of his double agility.

  A man and a dog walked out of the tunnel. It was already dark outside, and they bumped into a man. While the hunter was still identifying Lin Wu's companion, Lin Wu shot him three times in a row, killing him unceremoniously. Even at this time, Lin Wu did not let go of the body. Unfortunately, I didn't find any medicine, only bullets.

  Soon Lin Wu began to curse Shu Guang. As long as he walked faster, the bandage time would stop, causing the wound to continue to bleed. There was no problem with the logic, after all, he was injured, but Lin Wu didn't want to accept logic, he wanted to put aside the facts.

  My life is important and I don’t have time to discuss the specific situation with Shuguang. Then Lin Wu, who was a little anxious, realized that he was going the wrong way. I took out the map and looked at it for a while but I didn't know where I was.

  Lin Wu felt that he was going to be doomed today, everything was in darkness and there was not even a hiding place. There are still 15 bandages and two bottles of 50 painkillers, which can last about one and a half hours. This time was barely enough time for Lin Wu to rush back from the statue to the supply point in Area 4. Getting lost is now equal to death.

  Lin Wu looked at the savior Xiao Wai: "Will the hound lead the way?"

  Xiao Wai sat waiting for Lin Wu's order.

  Lin Wu showed the map to Xiao Wai and said, "Wangwang?"


  "Wangwang." It was refreshing to communicate with dogs.

  Xiao Wai stood up, smelled for a while and walked forward, which surprised Lin Wu. After walking for a while, Lin Wu discovered that he had been radiated. Since he didn't want to wear protective clothing, he took an anti-radiation pill. God, my liver and kidneys are so strong that I can take pills as snacks.

  Half an hour later.

  Lin Wu said: "Xiao Wai, something doesn't seem right. I've never seen these two rows of statues before." Perhaps it was a museum or an art gallery. The two rows of statues opened up a path leading directly to the building.

  Xiao Wai continued walking without saying a word, entered the museum, and walked out through the back door of the museum. Lin Wu became more and more suspicious as he walked further. This is an uninhabited area, not to mention hunters, not even players can see one.

  "Xiao Wai, have you heard of star anise and fragrant leaves?" Lin Wu is someone who has an electronic map. Although the electronic map was useless, I had never seen the nearby building pattern displayed on the electronic map.

  Xiao Wai continued walking, occasionally stopping to smell. After nearly an hour of walking, Lin Wu's bandages were exhausted. Now he could only take the painkiller bottle and eat the painkillers as snacks.

  When the first can of painkillers was finished, Xiao Wai stopped motionless beside an ordinary two-story villa. There are only a few walls left in this villa, and the stairs can be seen directly from the outside. It seems that there are still one or two rooms intact.

  "Here?" Lin Wu couldn't believe it: "The supply point has become like this?"

  Xiao Wai lay on the ground without answering.

  Lin Wu withdrew his suspicious gaze, took the medicine, pulled the bolt of the gun, and climbed over the broken wall into the villa. As soon as he entered, he saw fire inside. Lin Wu cautiously approached slowly, took another pill, and then stepped forward with a gun in both hands.

  This is the kitchen of the villa. There is a fire in the kitchen, and a broken pot is hung on the fire, and food is cooking inside. There were three people sitting around the fire, namely Xiao Dao, Xue Dan and Wannian Light Bulb Horse Soul. The three of them were startled by the sudden appearance of the person, and then they were shocked when they saw that it was Lin Wu. Lin Wu looked back at Xiao Wai: You are a real dog, you can find this. Is the knife so smelly?
  Xiaodao immediately stepped forward to give him a hug, and Brother Hundan also stood up. Lin Wu hurriedly said: "Wait, give me a bandage, a bleeding bandage." Xuedan hurriedly took out the bandage, and Ma Hun asked: "

  Old Lin, what's going on?"

  Lin Wu answered while applying bandages: "I was shot twice, why are you here?"

  Xiao Dao said: "Hide from the fog."

  Lin Wu made a sound, put away five bandages, and glanced at the pot, there were two boiling in it. Beef jerky. Is it so miserable?
  Lin Wu asked: "Where are Shana and Cuiyu?"

  Xiao Dao asked: "Don't you ask about Peanut?"

  Lin Wu said: "I know Peanut."

  Everyone asked: "Peanut is still alive?"

  Lin Wu nodded. "What do you think?"

  "Thought he was dead."

  Lin Wu asked, "Where are Shana and Cuiyu?"

  "They must be dead." Xiaodao nodded vigorously and affirmed, "I saw their bodies."

  Lin Wu Asked: "Where are their guns?"

  When they were separated from Peanut, they were divided into three groups. Xiaodao and Soul Egg brothers were looking for other companions nearby. They heard movement a hundred meters away and headed towards the construction area. As they approached the construction area, Shana appeared on the fourth floor of a building and shouted to them not to move forward if there were landmines. Shanna was then beaten to death.

  The shooter is none other than Golden Retriever Nightmare. After killing Shana, Jinmao launched a strong attack on Cuiyu, and soon Cuiyu also received the lunch box. When Xiaodao and the others bypassed the dangerous area covered by directional mines and went upstairs, the building was already deserted.

  The three of them were not very good at reading paper maps and quickly got lost. Fortunately, they met the Centurion players. There were several hundred people in this Centurion, and they were going to Supply Point No. 4, but they suffered heavy casualties along the way. They thought that the hunters were ambushing them on the only way, so they decided to change their route and go to Supply Point No. 1, so the three of them and the Centurion We arrived at supply point 1 together.

  At Supply Point No. 1, they worked to earn money during the day, and left the supply point to spend the night outside to avoid a head-on confrontation with the fog. Without a leader, and the three people's opinions are not unified, they have been stuck in this way for the past few days. Fortunately, they still had assault rifles, and they were able to successfully drive back the hunters in two encounters.


  After walking for one kilometer, the four of them arrived at supply point No. 1. At this time, the fog had just receded, and the players who had gone out to avoid trouble sneaked back to the museum supply point, fearing that they would be sniped by hunters in the distance. Lin Wu used night vision and stealth to kill an NPC first. After confirming that there were no other hunters, he took the three people back to the museum.

  After returning, Lin Wu spent 200 points to buy a table of food and wine for them, and went to the infirmary for treatment. After Lin Wu finished the treatment, he went to the dining room and found that they had finished the meal and were reluctant to leave. So Lin Wu spent another 200 to get another table.

  Lin Wu currently has 3,000 points left, and has opened a 100-point presidential suite for everyone so that everyone can have a good rest. Naturally, everyone had a lot of questions about Lin Wu's extravagant work. After asking, they learned that when they were frightened by hunters, they were able to kill the hunters to death. Comparing the two, it's really infuriating. Fortunately, the gap is already big enough, and Brother Soul Egg has no jealousy. Only Xiao Dao pulled Lin Wu and told him to call her the next time he earned points.

  In the early morning of the sixth day of the dungeon, the Shadow Supermarket team prepared all supplies and headed to the supply point in Area 4. Shortly after leaving home, Xiao Wai made meritorious service, and Lin Wu captured a hunter. Arriving in Area 3, where there was no radiation, Lin Wu tried to call Maya, and finally established contact with Maya when he entered Area 4. Maya was very surprised to learn that Xiaodao and others were still alive. After understanding the basic situation, Maya assigned the team.

  Ma Hun has a high life, so he goes to area 7 to join Peanut, and uses the role of a traitor to cooperate with the nightmare to eliminate the players. Lin Wu brought the knife and snow eggs to the statue. Maya would rush to the statue as soon as possible and kill as many NPCs and player hunters as possible. However, Maya asked everyone not to have too many expectations, because there are two secret supply points in the abandoned city. Although they are far away in areas 9 and 12, the NPCs have strange brain circuits and will definitely dispatch personnel to these two supply points.

  Let’s talk about Ma Hun first. The first task he accepted was to hide a backpack somewhere outside the library. Nightmare saw the right moment and pressed the button. With an explosion, more than a dozen players died in the west. In return, Nightmare deceived his accomplice into the ambush of Ma Hun and Peanut, and his accomplice was killed and licked. After resurrecting, he was killed by the knife guarding the spring.

  On the other side, Xiao Dao and Xue Dan were guarding the spring water, while Lin Wu and Maya were guarding the NPC. Although the NPC would resist, under the surprise attack of the two masters, they would basically be finished in one confrontation.


  On the seventh day of the dungeon, since all of the player's hunters were basically killed, and the NPCs were also killed until they could only hold small pistols, the player's survival rate actually improved. There are 2,000 survivors left. These 2,000 people are not only capable of fighting, but also very cautious. They will not even stop at safe supply points.

  Therefore, Nightmare had no interest in the copy. On the afternoon of the seventh day, Nightmare gave up his life to Peanut. Because of the friendship of fighting, Peanut beat Nightmare half to death but was still unable to kill him. The angry Nightmare almost killed Peanut. At that moment, Ma Hun felt like he had turned into a light bulb again.

  On the evening of the seventh day of the dungeon, Shadow gathered his team back to the supply point. The total of the 6 people's statistical points was 5100 points, and each person received 850 points. At first, everyone was worried that Lin Wu would be dissatisfied because he only got 850 points, but later they found that Lin Wu himself didn't care at all.

  Just when everyone thought they could leave the dungeon after spending one night, the broadcast suddenly announced that the excavation sites in Area 6 and Area 7 were about to be attacked by zombies. In order to protect the excavation sites, the portal system was opened.

  Each area has 10 directional portals that can only be teleported to the excavation site. An hour later, at 8pm, zombies will pour out of the tunnels and subway.

  Mission: Protect the Chief Engineer.

  Also participating in this mission are NPC engineers and NPC medics. Players can give the acquired building materials to engineers, who can build walls for players to defend against zombies. In addition, the fleet will provide airdrop services.

  The chief engineer is in a laboratory 50 meters away from the excavation center. He will use gene editing technology to change the genes of the green water in the green device. Once he completes the work, he is expected to eliminate all zombies in the waste city.

  The time is from 8pm to 7am tomorrow morning. Players in this mission will be immune to the damage caused by other players.

  If you do not arrive at the excavation site before 8pm to register, you will be deemed to have given up the task. Even if you survive until the end of the instance, you will only get 10% of the points.

  After registration, players are bound to the excavation site. If the chief engineer dies before 7 a.m. tomorrow, the surviving player in the excavation site will receive 20% of the points, and the dead player will receive 10% of the points. If the chief engineer survives, the surviving players in this excavation site can get 200% of the points, and the dead players can get 150% of the points.

  There is no death penalty for players and pets who die during missions.

  Tip: The zombies in this event include violent zombies, explosive zombies and giant zombies.

  A copy of a copy.


  There are lights everywhere in the excavation site, and the site is extremely bright. The garbage has been cleared away, the ground has been leveled and cleaned, and the area has been doubled. There are two NPCs standing outside the laboratory where the chief engineer is located, one is an engineer and the other is a field doctor.

  As the portal flashed, players kept appearing at the excavation site. Although the people were noisy, it was not very crowded.

  Maya spent a lot of time gathering everyone: "Fight in pairs, don't be stingy with bullets, survive as much as possible and destroy the zombies."

  Everyone nodded and divided into groups. Knife and Snow Egg are in a group, Peanut and Horse Soul are in a group, and Lin Wu and Maya are in a group.

  Shortly after the grouping, sirens rang throughout the camp. Engineers used the Great Summoning Technique and clapped their hands on the ground. A two-meter-high city wall stood up. The city wall was built to the southeast, connecting tunnels, subway entrances, and the player camp. Separate it. Every ten meters of the city wall there is a staircase to climb to the top of the city wall. There is a small door every ten meters for players to enter and exit sideways. At the same time, every ten meters of wall has a number, from east to south, from 01 to 30, and each wall also has a health value.

  "Go up the wall!" Someone shouted, and everyone rushed towards the city wall like a tide and climbed to the top of the wall.

  "Hey, why did you put the stick on the wall?"

  "Then where should I go?"

  "Go and guard the gate."

  Without unified command and control, the scene became chaotic and disorderly. At this time, countless green zombies rushed from the tunnels and subway entrances. They scattered and attacked the city wall. After several rounds of shooting, some zombies rushed under the city wall and began to beat the wall. Players went out from the small door and attacked them with melee weapons. These zombies ignored them and only scratched the wall.

  Suddenly, a plane roared past, a flashing sign appeared in the sky, and more than twenty parachutes with flashing boxes fell from the sky.

  "Grab the airdrop." Lin Wu turned around, where was Maya going? Regardless, Lin Wu rushed out with more than 30 players and ran into a group of zombies.

  Two Molotov cocktails were thrown out, and the zombies that rushed through the flames were on fire, screaming and running around. Zombies that were touched by it for a few seconds would also catch fire, instantly opening a gap in the zombie tide. Next, they will fight on their own, and if they encounter zombies, they will kill them. Will zombies passing by the player attack the player? The answer depends on luck, sometimes it does, sometimes they only see the city wall.

  Lin Wu relied on his cool position to reach an airdrop package first. To unlock it, he needed to complete the 3-second progress bar. Lin Wu drew his gun and killed the two zombies rushing towards him, then took advantage of the opportunity to block and open the box. Inside is a building materials bag, a pump-action shotgun that holds 7 rounds, and 50 shotgun rounds. Pump action means that to fire a gun, you have to pull the gun body once and push the bullet up before firing again. There are also 50 rounds of pistol ammunition.

  Lin Wu accepted the order, turned around and loaded the shotgun while running. After loading the bullets, he saw that the zombies had already rushed in front of him. With one shot, the heads of two zombies less than two meters away from him were blown apart at the same time. While backing up, pull the bolt of the gun, wait for the zombies to rush in front of you, and then take it down with one shot. After using up all 7 bullets, he turned around and ran away, loading bullets as he ran.

  Others were not so lucky. 35 players went to grab the 15 airdrop packages, but only 15 people grabbed the airdrop package, and only 10 of them returned safely to the city wall.

  "City Wall No. 4, No. 4."

  Lin Wu looked along and saw a female player taking an ax and hacking away at the zombies slapping the city wall. Although there was only one axe, facing the massive zombies, she only hated herself for being too slow to pull out the axe.

  (End of chapter)

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