Chapter 18 Merger

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  Chapter 18: Merging
  Shadow Base The first meeting was held in the infirmary to discuss the joint farm base. At present, the farm base has grasped the zombie situation in the church on the top of the mountain, and intends to join forces with the shadow base to capture the base on the top of the mountain. This alliance will become a merger after successfully taking the mountaintop base.

  After the merger, there will be a total of eight members in the base. Shitou plans to implement a leadership system, with Shitou as the commander and Maya as the deputy commander. Shitou is in charge of internal operations, including base construction, material management, resource coordination, personnel work, etc. Maya is responsible for field operations, weapon distribution, outbound team formation, searching for targets, etc.

  Lin Wu believed in Shitou. He was not dissatisfied with Shitou being the leader. What he was dissatisfied with was the rules of the command system. Whenever he entered the base, all items except for a melee weapon would be automatically put into storage. This rule is a good thing for the development of the base. You can go home and rest while others can use their own flashlights and steak knives when going out. This means that base members have no private property.

  Eight people certainly cannot implement the individual system. What if one person is in a bad mood and runs away with a roll of inventory? Or what if force is used when a conflict occurs? Or what if we drag all the cats and dogs into the base?
  Shitou analyzed his views on the game, and everyone thought Shitou's analysis was very reasonable. If you want to live long and well, you must stick together with many people. There are only four units in the Shadow Base, and it is impossible to maintain a healthy survival for three people. I have seen Kuang Meng's strength today. If such a Kuang Meng comes during the siege, the three of them may not be able to cope with it.

  What about a collective system? Shitou is worried that some people will form gangs, and where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. To be honest, Shitou said, there are 5 people in the farm base and only 3 people in the shadow base. After the church on the top of the mountain is stabilized, if they join forces to expel the members of the Shadow Base, the members of the Shadow Base will not be able to resist.

  Maya did not agree with the example given by Shi Shi. She said that in a situation, what should we do if there are two lazy people in the base? Deport them? However, their two friends are not willing to vote for expulsion. One may be because of their friendship, and the other may be that the two friends need the vote of a lazy person to protect their status and interests in the base.

  Shitou said patiently: "Lin Wu, this world needs you, but you can't ask the world to have you as the core. Sometimes you need to sacrifice to cooperate with the world." Lin Wu agreed: "I have no objection. Let's talk about the mountaintop church. We need to do it

  . What?"

  To the right of the church on the top of the mountain are two large factories, and to the left are five seven-story apartment buildings. Opposite the apartment buildings are five supporting shops.

  Maya said: "In this area, in addition to ordinary zombies, there is also a kind of bloody zombie, which is basically no different from ordinary zombies. The only difference is that the infection rate is twice that of ordinary zombies. There are many zombies inside and outside the church, including A mutant zombie: the explosive zombie."

  Maya explained the characteristics of the explosive zombie. This is a zombie with a big belly. It can run and chase. When it falls, it will explode, producing poisonous gas with a radius of 5 meters. Life will drop quickly if you are within the poisonous gas area. After inhaling poisonous gas, you will not only be poisoned, but also infected. The longer you stay, the higher the degree of poisoning and infection. Each poisonous gas lasts for about ten seconds after being generated.

  This is the first characteristic of explosive zombies. The second characteristic is that explosive zombies will make a loud noise after the explosion, which will attract nearby zombies. Maya believes that a head-on battle is necessary to take down the hilltop church.

  Maya drew a picture: "Four people need to guard the only passage to prevent zombies attracted by the explosion from pouring into the church. The other four people must clean up all the zombies in the church as soon as possible." Lin Wu said: "The blood zombie infection level is so high,

  this It’s hard to say how many people will die after a battle."

  Maya said: "We cannot rule out this possibility. If we are well prepared, I think the plan is very feasible, because we will use a special weapon."

  Lin Wu asked: "What is it?"

  "Molotov cocktail." Maya took out a homemade Molotov cocktail from her backpack: "Use the crafting table to make it. The materials are one-third barrel of gasoline, cloth strips and bottles. The Molotov cocktail covers a diameter of 3 meters. After a burning zombie touches other zombies, there is a high chance that other zombies will catch fire. From the current point of view, ordinary zombies will definitely die once they catch fire. Pay special attention to the fact that if an explosive zombie touches a flame, it will produce a violent explosion and can be cleared. Zombies within a range can also cause great harm to players."

  Lin Wu said: "The more explosions there are, the more zombies will come continuously."

  Maya said: "The function of the Molotov cocktail is to relieve the pressure on the defenders, and To create more time for the people in the church is not to eliminate the zombies. Once the church is captured, immediately establish a base to create a safe zone, and then work together to eliminate the remaining zombies in the safe zone." Shitou said: "Two gasoline units can make a

  barrel Gasoline, a barrel of gasoline can make three Molotov cocktails. We need a lot of gasoline packets, the more the better. In addition, we also need a lot of bottles and cloth strips."

  Maya said: "The first batch of resurrected players will return to the game soon. Based on the experience of the last death, I believe that many of them will survive tonight. With more people, there are more variables. So I decided to launch an attack on the church on the top of the mountain at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. I will make personnel arrangements at the farm base tomorrow morning." Maya said:

  " We will set off to the mountaintop church at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone still needs some rest time. Based on your injuries and infection levels, as well as everyone's combat characteristics, I made a time action schedule and tried my best to maximize every minute. Use it to the extreme."

  It was such a familiar feeling, Maya reminded Lin Wu of his ex-girlfriend again. She would even check the time of each air train in advance, calculate the time to kiss goodbye, and strive to achieve a seamless connection, not wasting a minute or a second, and allocating resources to the limit.

  Everything is settled, no problem.

  Almost every farm around the farm base has gasoline reserves, ready to refuel farm equipment. So the farm base is responsible for the gas packs. Shadow Base is responsible for searching residential areas and collecting bottles, strips of cloth and melee weapons that can be used to make Molotov cocktails. Starting at four o'clock in the afternoon, a team of knives and rocks searched the houses on the left side of the road. Maya rested and Lin Wu healed. At eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Knife and Stone came back to rest and treat themselves, while Maya and Lin Wu searched for the house on the right. The search ended at four o'clock in the morning, the injured were treated, and there was no rest for the injured.

  Dismantle the Shadow Base building at 6 a.m., leaving 4 units of food, and pack the rest into basic packages. Each person carries a basic package. Since there are 4 units of food left in the Shadow Base, which is just enough to consume the Knife, Lin Wu and Stone, Maya will exit the Shadow Base at 6 am. At about 7:20 in the morning, everyone arrived at the church on the top of the mountain. Maya carried the supplies and took the bicycle that picked her up back to the farm base. She joined the farm base to make Molotov cocktails and prepared to eat the food distributed at 8 a.m. Around 7:50, everyone gathered outside the church on the top of the mountain, and the battle started at 8:00.

  The above is the plan arranged by Maya. Although Lin Wu took Maya around today and took detours everywhere, Maya still accurately calculated the distance and roughly estimated the time it would take on the road.

  (End of chapter)

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