Chapter 137 Abandoned Capital (9)

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  Chapter 137 Abandoned Capital (9)

  The sun rose from the east and shone on Lin Wu's face. Lin Wu opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky in a daze for a few minutes, then turned over and stood up against the street lamp. He lay on the street lamp like a sloth, took off his sleeping bag and put it away, then slid along the pole to the ground, took out two cans and a bottle of water from his backpack and ate breakfast at will.

  As soon as I took a mouthful of the damn beans, I saw a man and a woman from last night walking over from a short distance away. The face is young and young. The boys are a little timid and half a step behind the girls. The girl was not open-minded either. She looked at the mummy in front of her and said, "My name is Feisha." Waiting.

  Lin Wu: "My name is Zou Shi."

  The boy said timidly: "My name is Zou Shi."

  Lin Wu spat out a mouthful of beans, stretched out his hand to sit on the floor, and then pulled off the six or seven bandages still hanging on his body. Why are you still wearing a bandage? I'm too lazy to talk about it. As long as it doesn't affect the movement, why is it so clean? Maybe if you get injured for a while, a bandage will be able to patch it up, right?
  Lin Wu said, "My name is Lin Wu."

  Fei Sha sat down and said, "Hello, brother Lin Wu. Thank you for last night."

  "You're welcome." Lin Wu asked, "It seems you are not very old."

  Fei Sha replied : "We are freshly graduated college students."

  Lin Wu squirted again: "Do you have a mirror?"

  Fei Sha didn't know what to do and handed over a small mirror. Lin Wu took the mirror and looked at his own peerless face in the mirror. Just as immature as the other person. After looking at old men and women for too long without looking in the mirror, I have completely forgotten my age.

  Fei Sha Zuoshi is from Tomorrow City. They have a total of eight members, all of whom are college graduates. Their base is called Youth. Eight people entered the Abandoned Capital dungeon together, but none of the tasks were completed. Instead, six people died. If Lin Wu hadn't taken action last night, they would have been reunited with their friends.

  Feisha asked: "Brother Lin Wu, where are you going? Are you alone?"

  Lin Wu replied: "I want to go somewhere."

  Zuoshi asked: "What's over there?"

  Lin Wu replied: "Me neither I know. If you want to do a mission, walk two kilometers north, there is an unconscious soldier over there. The retreat point is 700 meters away, it is a relatively easy mission." He did not intend to associate with strangers.

  After saying that, Lin Wu stood up, put on his backpack, and shook hands with the two people who also stood up: "Nice to meet you. Goodbye." "


  Lin Wu once again went on the road alone. In the afternoon, he met a lone woman. Apparently She lost teammates just like herself. The two of them walked past each other and nodded to each other in greeting without speaking. Lin Wu was optimistic. He didn't think about why he only met these few players? What he was thinking about was that he could still meet the players.

  He found a place to rest at night and continued on the road the next day. It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that Lin Wu finally reached the third assembly point.


  The third assembly point is a city hall. There are more than thirty steps in front of the city hall, and the steps are covered with landmines. Sandbags were piled up at the gate of the city hall. Two NPC soldiers with live ammunition each controlled a machine gun and looked outside warily.

  The soldier NPCs here didn't go through the motions. They recognized Lin Wu as the player. They didn't yell for his identity, and just watched Lin Wu walk past them.

  There are three floors in the city hall. Soldiers and scientists can be seen on the first floor. Lin Wu can't see any players from left to right. I soon discovered that mission information was displayed on the plasma TV in the lobby.

  There are 5 scientists and 10 soldiers at the third assembly point. They will stay at this assembly point for 4 days and 15 hours to collect the scattered scientists and soldiers.

  Announcement of the third assembly point.

  1. Whenever fog appears and covers the surrounding area, zombies will begin to attack the city hall.

  2. There are two doors in the city hall, front and back. When fog appears, soldiers are advised not to leave the city hall, at least not through these two doors.

  3. All new soldiers who join the assembly point go to the quartermaster on the second floor to change their communication headsets.

  4. The resources of this assembly point are limited. Currently, only ammunition and food supplies are provided, but no medicine supplies are provided. If there is any extra medication, give it to the Quartermaster.

  5. Obey commands and orders.

  6. Long live mankind.

  The bottom of the TV shows 5 scientists, 10 soldiers, and 1 search and rescue team. This is the current total number of people at the rally point.


  After Lin Wu read the announcement, he went to the back door. The back door was blocked with sandbags. A soldier with a machine gun lay down in the ten-meter-long corridor and watched closely at the back door. Lin Wu went to the second floor and changed from the quartermaster to a new communication headset. Channel 1 is the command channel, and the Quartermaster asked Lin Wu not to change channels as much as possible. Lin Wu handed the extra bleeding bandages and painkillers to the quartermaster. Ammunition and food were replenished from the quartermaster.

  There is also a room on the second floor called the lounge, where five soldiers and several scientists sit and read books and drink tea. There is also a coffee machine, a billiard table and other facilities.

  There were two soldiers on the third floor, one behind the other, holding assault rifles and watching the surrounding situation vigilantly. The 10 NPC soldiers are divided into two squads and assigned to their posts, and the system does not restrict the player's actions.

  Compared to compressed biscuits, the food provided at the assembly point is much better, including brown bread, black tea, pasta, instant noodles, drinks, etc. The kitchen is on the first floor, you can go to the kitchen to cook your own food if needed.

  Lin Wu went to the kitchen to cook himself two packs of instant noodles, then took the instant noodles to the third floor to eat while observing the surrounding situation. Although there are no buildings in the surrounding area, there are many steps. Together with the green belt, there are many shooting blind spots, which is very disadvantageous to the defender.

  Lin Wu was a little curious. Logically speaking, the five Mayans should have arrived at the third assembly point, but why didn't they see them?
  After eating half of the noodles, Lin Wu saw mist appearing a hundred meters away. Observing from another direction, I found that fog appeared in all directions. The commander's voice came from the headset: "Get ready to fight."

  Lin Wu picked up the tooth cup, quickly finished the noodles and drank the soup. At this time, the fog had approached about 70 meters from the city hall. Lin Wu could see faint green sound and shadow in the fog through the scope.

  When the fog approached 30 meters, the commander gave an order, and gunshots came from all directions. Lin Wu put on the night vision goggles and didn't see the zombies, but the soldiers had already opened fire, and it was impossible to tell whether they were firing blanks. Anyway, Lin Wu didn't even see a zombie corpse.

  The glass in the city hall was intact. Lin Wu opened the window glass and stepped outside. With his agility, he grabbed the cement board and pushed hard. He threw himself to the side and grabbed the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. Lin Wu sat on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and took Silence. The soldier pulled the bolt of his gun and prepared to fight.

  A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. At present, he has no idea whether the 10 NPC soldiers are a trap, so he must save his own life first. The outdoor machine is not strong? It didn't matter, Lin Wu had ropes and used the steel bars exposed outdoors to position himself firmly.

  At this time, the fog had spread to the city hall, first covering the forest fog outdoors. At this time, Lin Wu finally saw the vague figure of the green zombie. They were very fast and ran towards the gate as hard as they could. The NPC soldiers guarding the main gate were very powerful. The two machine guns swept away all the zombies that came close like a strong wind sweeping through fallen leaves.

  The NPC is pretty good this time!
  Commander: "All personnel retreated to the second floor and started stair defense."

  NPC just can't boast. Just now, no zombies could get closer than ten meters to the gate. The .50 machine gun is not a cover, it will leave a big hole in the human body, and carbon-based organisms will be scum in the face of heavy firepower. Why did you retreat?

  Lin Wu was very curious. If he didn't fire a single shot, would the third rally point be destroyed? After observing for a while, Lin Wu felt that he had wronged the NPC. The reason why he asked the soldiers to retreat to the second floor was to give the players a chance to participate in the battle.

  The clever Lin Wu couldn't see the zombies clearly outdoors, so he had no choice but to go back indoors. After going down to the second floor and half a step further, Lin Wu reached the NPC machine gunner. The visibility indoors was very high. Lin Wu saw batches of zombies running from the gate. After killing two of them with his gun, he found that the NPC's marksmanship was poor.

  More than a dozen zombies had arrived at the stairs. Suddenly, the NPC's shooting skills were amazing. Two machine guns killed all the zombies at the entrance of the stairs in an instant. At this time, Lin Wu was finally sure that the NPC was giving him a chance to kill people, and they would only kill the zombies that rushed to the stairs.

  Facing the defensive battle against the zombie tide, Lin Wu regretted trading the M16 with Shadow Base. The M16 has unlimited bullets and is protected by NPCs. It can kill flowers in the city hall.


  The terrain is good and the field of vision is wide. The zombies have only one path, and they can only walk in a straight line. After playing for a while, Lin Wu went to the lounge on the second floor to get a cup of coffee and found that the five NPC soldiers were still resting and reading, completely ignoring the earth-shattering fighting outside. Lin Wu came back with coffee and sat down, slowly driving at his own pace amidst the fierce battle.

  About ten minutes later, the commander's voice came: "There is a soldier who is lost in the foggy area 200 meters to the south. The situation is very dangerous. Is anyone willing to pick him up?"

  Lin Wu chose to shut up. TV made it clear that players are advised not to leave the city hall during the fog. Doing tasks at this time is because you think you have too many lives. The NPC soldiers turned a deaf ear and continued to spray ammunition. The commander shouted twice and saw no response, so he stopped saying anything.

  After another ten minutes, the fog dissipated and the zombies disappeared without a trace. Lin Wu asked in the channel: "Commander, I heard that a man was trapped two hundred meters away. I applied for rescue."

  Commander: "Okay, pay attention to safety."

  Is this okay?
  Lin Wu left the city hall, walked about two hundred meters south, and found the mission target among the ruins. But didn’t the mission just now say to pick him up? Why did the soldier fall into a coma? The position of the soldiers was not safe. Lin Wu had to sneak here. There were a lot of zombies around. Once he carried the soldiers, his stealth would be ineffective.

  Lin Wu changed his name to Lin Sheng, took out a rope from his backpack, tied it under the soldier's armpits, tied one end to himself and entered stealth, pulling the soldier towards the assembly point with difficulty. In this way, after spending a lot of time, Lin Wu dragged the people to the vicinity of the city hall, then carried the soldiers across the steps and entered the city hall.

  Lin Wu did not consider whether the soldiers would die from injuries while being transported. Lin Wu dragged him away. He still had a chance to survive. If he carried him away, both of them would be dead.

  In this way, the number of soldiers on the base increased to 11.

  In the next two days, no new players arrived at the third assembly point. With the efforts of Du Miao Linwu, the number of scientists had increased to 10 and the number of soldiers had increased to 22.

  The assembly point gets foggy every four hours, which is Lin Wu's only entertainment during these two days.

  There are still 48 hours before the end of the instance, and the assembly point has issued a new task: install locators on as many green devices as possible. According to the commander, they will evacuate in 48 hours. After their evacuation, the ocean fleet will bomb the target based on the positioning signal in order to destroy the green device.

  Lin Wu packed up his backpack again and brought food, water, sleeping bags, and bullets. After filling the remaining load with 100 positioners, we left the third assembly point. Compared to fighting the enemy with the heavy machine gun soldiers for the past two days, Lin Wu preferred to do something sneaky.

  Within 20 minutes after leaving home, Lin Wu attached locators to three green devices around the city hall. Then Lin Wu flew the drone with 40% battery power and circled in a circle, drew his own route on the map, and set off towards the fourth target.

  The Abandoned City copy allowed Lin Wu to experience the desolation of the doomsday. In the quiet world, zombies may appear at any time, making Lin Wu feel that he is an alien in the world and should be assimilated by the zombies. So far, Lin Wu has no enthusiasm for doing tasks, and instead works mechanically. In Lin Wu's view, the only redeeming feature of tasks is to provide himself with goals so that he can still have the motivation to move forward and survive.

  In the last 24 hours of the game, Lin Wu's thoughts improved again after breakfast. He seemed to have become accustomed to the end of the world, and there were no more erroneous and sentimental thoughts in his mind, and his survival instinct became stronger. Completing the mission and surviving became his only remaining goals.

  Just two hours ago, the second assembly point was breached by zombies, and players and NPCs were forced to retreat towards the third assembly point. They were not very lucky. When they retreated to the vicinity of the city hall, it happened to be foggy, and they stepped into the fog without knowing why.

  Lin Wu was already far away from the city hall and did not hear the gunshots or shouts of death. He followed his path and attached the locators to the green devices. Don't enter the building, don't take the path, and clear the zombies on the way forward. Lin Wu strictly implemented these three principles, allowing him to spend the last 48 hours of the dungeon without any surprises.

  At dawn on the last day, Lin Wu looked at the time and took the last bite of beans facing the rising sun. At the retreat point, he contacted the third assembly point through the headset. About 10 minutes later, a rescue helicopter landed. Lin Wu put away the Silent Man and boarded the helicopter, leaving the abandoned city.

  On the way back from the helicopter, Lin Wu saw countless bombers taking off from the Ocean Fleet and flying towards the abandoned capital. At this point, the first expedition to the abandoned capital copy came to an end.

  Lin Wu stepped off the helicopter and got an entry when he stepped onto the deck: survivors of the abandoned city. As an entry reward, you can open the electronic map after entering the ruined city.


  The dead player was not teleported out of the instance, but to the birth fleet. Following the broadcast, all players participating in the instance went to the deck of their own ship according to the broadcast instructions. Standing on the deck and looking out, the densely packed fleet covered the entire sea.

  At this moment, Lin Wu also saw Maya walking up from the gangway, and took the initiative to wave and greet: "Hi, Maya."

  Maya nodded, walked to Lin Wu and asked, "Are you alive?"


  Maya Question: "Why can't I contact you?"

  Lin Wu took off his headset: "I was rescued by soldiers. They asked me to join their team and changed the headset. What about you?"

  Maya replied: "We retreated to the third assembly They met Mi Wu at the moment and were all killed."

  "Oh." Lin Wu nodded repeatedly.

  A very bad word 'oh', which meant that Lin Wu was just asking politely, but in fact he didn't care at all about Maya's experience in the past few days.

  (End of chapter)

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