Chapter 112 Returning to her parents’ home

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  Chapter 112

  The sentry tower back to my parents’ base has been built, and the 15-meter-high sentry tower stands on the rooftop of the supermarket. After returning to the supermarket base, the two people couldn't wait to receive the sentry duty card and reach the highest point of the sentry tower.

  In addition to reducing the threat level, the sentry tower also has a very special function. The noise threat level generated by shooting on the sentry tower is only 75% of the normal situation. If you shoot a zombie, the noise from the shot will be ignored. The effect of 41 is similar to what Maya thought. Unfortunately, the vision at night is too poor. There is no light at the supermarket base, and targets that are slightly farther away cannot be seen.

  Considering that I have only been lying on the hospital bed for an hour in the past 24 hours, I will have to work the day shift tomorrow morning. So Maya contacted Shi Shi: "Shi Shi, let the day shift go to work later. Lin Wu and I will go to the church on the top of the mountain tomorrow morning." She wanted to get two barrels of gasoline, a 5.56 bullet stamper, and most importantly, the design drawings of the dovetail dart. Shanna.

  Shitou asked: "What happened?"

  Maya said: "Forgot the sleep time."

  Shitou said: "That's what I'm worried about. You two team up and you forget all the time."

  Lin Wu was dissatisfied and took over the intercom Qi said: "Old guy, we are going on a mission."

  Shitou immediately changed his attitude and said viciously: "Little guy, what mission can take so long?" When we leave the tunnel at 10 o'clock, I count you guys back at the base at 11 o'clock, and I'll give you 1 Three hours to repair the motorcycle gave Maya enough to sleep for five hours. The actual situation is that the two spent 4 hours in the secret laboratory.

  Lin Wu replied: "Secret."

  Shitou: "Speak in human language."

  Maya took the intercom: "The mission is called secret, and we have completed 10%."

  Shitou wrote: "You have a good rest, see you tomorrow." Damn it Lin Wu has already gone to the sub-base, and it's still not possible to get a good night's sleep even in the middle of the night.

  "I said you didn't believe it, but she said you believed it. What do you mean? A one-on-one challenge?" Lin Wu asked angrily.

  "Come on, I'm afraid of you."

  "Come on."

  Maya was speechless when she heard the two yelling at each other. How could Shi Shi be so childish, yelling in the middle of the night and not wanting people to sleep?


  Lin Wula pulled the zombies, and Maya picked up Lin Wu on the motorcycle and rushed past the checkpoint. The two arrived at the Shadow Base at eight in the morning. Everyone is waiting at the church intersection. Everyone saw Maya's 41 hanging on the weapon rack for the first time, and they couldn't help but go out together and send trade invitations all over the place.

  Then there was the test of the gun outside the church. Everyone felt that the 41 was much easier to use than the Raider. The sound and recoil were not loud. In addition, the 5.56 bullet was much cheaper than the 7.62 bullet.

  Xiao Dao watched Su Shi playing with a gun and bumped Lin Wu's shoulder: "Look at Maya."

  Lin Wu refused: "We are doing this mission together."

  "They have guns, what do you have?"

  "That's why you have such an attitude. , you can’t do it without being angry to death.” Lin Wu raised his head and whistled, the drone hovering in the sky came quickly, hovering in front of Lin Wu and Xiaodao.

  "Drone?" Xiaodao's eyes widened and he reached out to touch it, but the exclusive item could only be touched lonely. Xiaodao immediately jumped: "I want to play, I want to play, I want to play."

  Lin Wu coaxed: "You can't play with the exclusive items." I didn't want you to know.

  "I don't care, I want to play." Xiaodao was heartbroken. He grabbed Lin Wu's shoulders and hit his head repeatedly: "You think of a way." "I have no way."


  yelled to attract everyone's attention. Seeing Wu People and machines, everyone gathered around without shooting. Xiao Dao saw that he really couldn't touch it and couldn't play with it, so he took a back seat and asked, "Does it have a name?"

  Lin Wu replied, "Little knife."

  Xiao Dao expressed satisfaction, "That's a good name."

  Xue Dan said, "Have you guys figured it out? Wrong? Less than 24 hours after you separated, there was 41 and a drone. What happened?"

  Maya explained: "The mission to go up to the lake."

  When Shana heard this, she was immediately heartbroken: "It's the one where I died. Lake?"

  Maya replied: "Yes."

  Shana held her forehead and was speechless. She was once so close to the mission.

  Ma Hun came out of the church and greeted: "The black pepper steak is on the table, everyone please come."

  Shitou: "They don't want to eat, especially this one named Lin Wu, he is full." It's completely over, these two people are 24 hours a day With so many good things mixed in, it would be difficult to take them apart except for death.

  "Wow, a drone? Has it been made?" Ma Hun was surprised.

  Lin Wu replied: "No, the mission reward comes from a purple box."

  Xiao Dao asked: "How did you accidentally open a drone? What should I do if someone else doesn't have the hacking skills to open a drone?"

  Lin Wu replied: "Shuguang and I After discussion, it agreed to let me fly the drone."

  "Tah!" There was a boo, I don't believe you.

  Lin Wu looked at Maya, and Maya nodded: "It's true."

  Lin Wu said: "This mission has a great background. It is related to the background of the game and is directly related to the nightmare."

  Shitou Lai said: "Tell me."

  Lin Wu: "No, that guy named Lin Wu is already full."

  "Haha." Shitou pressed Lin Wu's shoulder: "Brother, please come in."


  I definitely can't let Maya describe the story, she will be very simple Say: Enter the lab, answer questions, and win rewards. Lin Wu, on the other hand, created all kinds of suspense and embellished things, starting from the bloody battle with Six Wings, starting with a blind bat, then fighting with a helicopter, using tricks to trick the helicopter into landing, and the two of them had a fierce gun battle with the heavily armed fortress agents in the cafeteria...

  During this period, Maya did not correct or refute. She already knew that talking nonsense was one of Lin Wu's pleasures. Fortunately, Lin Wu only distorted the process of the incident and not the result. Thinking of the embarrassing incident of being beaten by a zombie crowd yesterday afternoon, Lin Wu didn't mention a word, not even telling himself the extent of his injuries. You should hide embarrassing things, and when you encounter something worthy of showing off, brag about it.

  What's interesting is that after Lin Wu finished blowing the blow, he began to correct the situation in front of everyone's shocked eyes, using the plainest words to truly and simply explain the situation. Of course, everyone had the urge to beat him up. It was hard for someone who was not very familiar with it, so he just raised the knife and stepped on his toes. Lin Wu was so painful that he wanted to take a painkiller on the spot. It's a pity that people are in other people's bases and can only trade, but cannot use firearms, skills and medicines.

  After some banter, Shitou brought the meeting to the point: "Nightmare should be a fortress agent, so her equipment is quite good. At the same time, as her most powerful neighbor, we should help her when she needs help. Next time we will ask for the map ."

  Maya interfaced: "Okay, the day shift applies for supplies and will set off in ten minutes. Shitou, get me two barrels of gasoline." Her tone was still that of the deputy commander of the Shadow Base.

  While everyone was preparing, Lin Wu wandered around, seduced Shana aside, and traded the swallowtail dart design: "Don't say I gave it to you."

  Shana glanced around and saw no one: "Then I should tell you how to get it. "?"

  Lin Wu: "It's none of my business."

  Shana said angrily: "I originally thanked you so much that I gave you a hug, but now I just want to give you a kick."

  Lin Wu said seriously: "You and I have been working the night shift for so long, and there is no benefit. I have always felt sorry for it."

  Shana also said seriously: "For this reason, I will not accept the design drawings. Let's go on the mission together, and we will do it together." We work and play games together. No one owes anyone anything. You didn’t bully me or occupy resources. Besides, the task of the secret laboratory should be ours. The reason is because of my lack of strength." Lin Wu:

  " I'm hiding something."

  Shana: "What's the matter?"

  Lin Wu said: "Shuguang said there is a point reward for this task."

  Shana put her left hand on her forehead and her right hand on Lin Wu's shoulder: "You don't have to tell me ."

  Lin Wu said: "Haha, you have to work overtime."


  Lin Wu said: "With 12 pieces of steel, it will take at least a day to dismantle the car."

  Shana had a headache: "All the cars around the church have been destroyed by you Remove them all."

  Lin Wu said: "There are more than a dozen scrapped cars near the supermarket."

  Shana looked at Lin Wu, who hurriedly said: "I promised Xiaodao to go with her to fight the blood epidemic. I have an idea."

  Shana : "What do you think?"

  Lin Wu said: "There are a bunch of fishing books in the warehouse. The day after tomorrow is market day. You can trade the fishing books for steel. As of now, the valuable trading items owned by Zuoxian players are not If there are more, changing materials and basic packages is also a way."

  On the other side, Shitou is communicating with Maya: "Maya, you have to be more responsible for teaching now and leave the overall command to Shana. The time and location of the day shift, etc. Leave it to Shana to arrange. If the work situation changes, you can contact Shana directly."

  Maya nodded: "Okay."

  Shitou looked at Maya suspiciously; "Understand?"

  Maya nodded: "Understood."

  Shitou said: "It will happen this winter. It’s very difficult. We only have a week at most. According to the material situation of the base, it’s okay to do so. In order to start the spring development, the initial investigation and arrangement of the Zuoxian base will be left to you and Lin Wu. Last time Lin Wu and Shana's investigation is very detailed. I hope you can make another trip in person to see the baseball field, fire station and sawmill. Which location is most suitable for our shadow." Maya: "Understood." Shitou said: "In addition, we must pay


  to Be safe, pay attention to rest, and don't forget your rest time because of playing."

  Maya nodded again: "I understand."

  Shitou asked: "The day after tomorrow is market day, what suggestions do you have?"

  Maya replied: "The space in the supermarket warehouse is huge. At present, Fishing books are popular supplies. I suggest exchanging fishing books for supply packs, and replace the serum with whatever you can. We should try our best to cash in the serum while we are the only ones who can quickly obtain the serum. Supply packs, materials, bullets, etc. Everything is fine."

  Shitou nodded: "It makes sense. In the evening, Xiao Dao and Lin Wu will go to the tunnel to get rid of the blood epidemic. Do you think this is okay? Let Xiao Dao not work the day shift and work the night shift with Lin Wu. They went to the tunnel originally for leveling up. Let them go to work in the tunnel now, and buy more serums and skill books on the last market day before winter."

  Maya: "Okay." After having 41, Maya can fight fiercely one-on-one. In addition to the 30 rounds of 41 bullets that come with it, the warehouse also has about 20 rounds of 5.56 bullets.


  Lin Wu pulled the monster, and the day shift car passed by. Lin Wu ran to the night shift motorcycle and passed the checkpoint before the zombies returned to the checkpoint. He didn't know how to ride a motorcycle, but he had a basic knowledge of bicycles and cars. After an hour of guidance from Maya's instructor, Lin Wu basically mastered the riding ability. However, even after mastering the riding ability, Lin Wu didn't have much fondness for motorcycles. Not only was the wind blowing too cold, but on the way back to the supermarket, I was attacked by zombies behind a tree on the roadside. I was thrown into a hug and threw the person and the car into sparks.

  Back at the supermarket base, Lin Wu was too lazy to clear away the zombies in the safe area. After killing the zombies near his residence, he took the Silencer and clocked in at the sentry tower.

  The sentry tower looks ordinary. You can reach the highest point through a spiral staircase. The highest point is a three-meter-high rain shelter. The system thoughtfully provided two chairs and a coffee table. It is also quite happy for players to bring a pot of tea and sit on it to hunt zombies. Because of the obstruction of supermarket buildings, the most powerful shooting areas are the North Gate Highway and the Birch Forest Park on both sides of the highway.

  At around seven o'clock in the evening, Maya came home from get off work. Lin Wu rode to work, went to Shadow Base to pick up the knife and headed to the tunnel. As for the fire station car, we can only put it aside for now. A knife is a small matter, but your reputation is a big deal. Moreover, the day after tomorrow market is related to enhancing the strength of the shadow base, so you need to buy as many skill books and serums as possible.

  The supermarket base, substation and hydropower station are on the left side of the bridge. There is a cement factory on the right side of the bridge. Maya's task for herself is to conduct reconnaissance work near the cement factory. Since there is a cement factory, why not go to the cement factory to search for building materials? That's because there is a blood epidemic in the cement factory.

  The sub-base is relatively far from the tunnel, and it has to cross checkpoints that are designed to embarrass people. Maya thinks that they can consider clearing the cement factory of blood plague. However, the cement factory is large, has a large number of zombies, and is open on all sides. It is very different from the terrain of the tunnel car, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You must first understand the situation before taking action.

  In the tunnel on the other side, Lin Wu, who was fighting the blood plague with Xiao Dao, felt that he was just a handyman. Brushing blood plague with Maya, Maya taking the mobs, and Lin Wu dealing with Kuang Meng. After replacing the knife, Lin Wu's only function was to lure monsters into Car No. 5. Then he sat aside and took out a thermos cup to drink tea, watching the knife bully the blood zombies.

  Compared to the Maya, the knife is more efficient. If you're good at swordsmanship, you'll need to cut a few times, but if you're not lucky, you'll need a few more cuts to decapitate him. The knife is not like that. One step will kill it, one step will kill it, one step will kill it... When encountering a violent blood attack, it is just a matter of stepping on it a few more times. The carriage is narrow, and Xiao Dao only faces one or two zombies at a time. When zombies climbed over the seats, she grabbed them and threw them out.

  Strictly speaking, the knife has the ability to brush blood plague alone. Of course, the premise is to get an injection. The knife's infection rises much faster than Maya's. Fortunately, the serum can guarantee that it will not be infected within two hours.

  Xiao Dao was busy playing and had no time to chat with Lin Wu who was idle and bored. Bored, Lin Wu could only look through the train's luggage rack. There wasn't much luggage in the luggage rack, it was basically debris. He finally found a book or a law book. There are quite a few small things, such as belts, red wine, shampoo, etc.

  In the early hours of the morning, after finally finishing a shift, Lin Wu pulled the knife and left with unfinished thoughts. No way, the system requires 5 hours of sleep every day. Lin Wu shoots during the day and practices at night. In order to be able to shoot better during the day tomorrow, he must sleep.

  The real reason: Teaming up with Knife is boring.

  After sending the knife back to the base, Lin Wu returned to the supermarket base and met two players, a man and a woman. There were not many players walking around late at night. They politely said hello to each other and passed each other. Lin Wu returned to the supermarket base smoothly.

  (End of chapter)

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