Chapter 109 Return to Beishang Lake

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  Chapter 109 Return to Beishang Lake

  The day shift staff gathered at the entrance of the tunnel. Because Lin Wu and Maya were soaked all over, they collected dead branches and lit a fire at the entrance of the tunnel. Taking this opportunity Maya arranged the work. Divide the team into two waves, with Lin Wu, Maya, and Ma Hun as one group. They can face multiple zombies and eliminate the fierce ones. Xiao Dao, Xue Dan and Shana were in a group, Xiao Dao was in charge of violent attacks, and the others dealt with scattered zombies.

  After the battle started, everyone found that the detachment was completely meaningless. Maya and Xiaodao were responsible for the basic work of killing monsters, and the others followed them for a walk and chat. Xuedan asked about the new base, and Lin Wu described it. It was incomparable to the Shadow Base. Ma Hun chatted about interesting things during the day shift. After not seeing each other for a long time, our relationship became even closer.

  This may be the reason why distance creates beauty.

  Slowly, Lin Wu and Shana fell behind. Lin Wu politely asked if he was used to command work. Unexpectedly, Shana, who had always been reserved, said directly: "One class, two commanders, what do you think?" Lin

  Wu "It's all work."

  Shana said with some regret, "If it weren't for my poor abilities and being involved in emotional disputes, you wouldn't have abandoned me."

  Lin Wu replied, "Not really, but I didn't say that either. Wrong. The day shift is very happy. Everyone is happily searching and joking together. Everyone carries a gun, and Maya has surveyed the search area in advance, so there is almost no danger." Shana said: "But

  you I prefer exploration."

  Lin Wu nodded: "Yes, exploration has risks. I take my own life and death relatively lightly. I don't want to kill others because of my willfulness." Shana nodded and said nothing

  . After walking for a while, Shana said: "If I die and must return to Beishang Town, do you dare to work the night shift with me?"

  Lin Wu asked in surprise: "Do you have an exclusive entry? What entry?"

  Shana shook her head. : "No, I mean if."

  Lin Wu said: "If you can be resurrected locally, then death will not be a punishment for you."

  Shana sighed softly: "What I want is points, not extravagant. No matter how high the points are, I just hope that my points will not be too low. To be honest, if I only do day shift work every day, my points can only be increased by the number of days I survive." Lin Wu said: "At least I will get points if I survive. In addition

  , I think you should ask Maya for more advice. She has a very good personal understanding of the game. In the apocalypse, supplies are scarce, especially bullets. Every shot is missing. Crossbow arrows have become the most practical long-range weapon due to their low production cost and recyclability. ."

  Shana said: "Cold weapons will be the mainstream for a long time at least."

  Lin Wu said: "So the first question you have to ask is: What do you choose as a cold weapon? Horse Soul is a blunt weapon, and there is no obvious Breakthrough. A small knife transforms into a fighter, a Mayan blade swordsman, and a snow egg heavy weapon. What about you? Wouldn't you just choose a blunt weapon?" Blunt weapons can be seen everywhere, and the branches obtained by cutting down a tree are considered blunt weapons.

  Shana said: "Main agility, secondary will. As someone who also has agility, do you have any suggestions?"

  Lin Wu thought for a long time: "I don't know. But I know that many skills appear based on long-term use of weapons. "I was stabbed because I had been using a steak knife to attack from behind. The quick shooter was because I fired continuously for two minutes during the church siege, almost getting a headshot." Shana said: "But many people

  fired Guns have killed more zombies than you, but no one understands the skill of quick shooter." After saying that, he glanced down subconsciously.

  Lin Wu immediately turned to cover his face and glared: "I definitely don't have similar entries, nor do I have similar behaviors." Shu generation, actually ruined my good reputation.

  Shana covered her mouth and kept laughing. Lin Wu was so angry that she turned around and walked away. Shana caught up from behind and said, "Hey, don't be like this. It's just a joke. Do you have any weapons to recommend?" Lin Wu slowed down

  . : "You can't follow Maya's swordsman route. Her main strength, high attack power bonus, and high decapitation rate. Main agility seems to only be able to take the sneak attack and execution route. Maybe you can learn to follow my route, unless you use wind stab, otherwise In most cases, I perform stealth executions."

  Go around, stab the head, and bring him down, all in one go. This style of play is inefficient, not even as effective as a stone wielding water pipe. The advantage is that it is safe and works wonders when sneaking into a dangerous area alone.

  As an assassin, Lin Wu gave up on being sneaky today and ran into the bus company with Maya, confronting the zombies head-on and almost getting beaten up.


  Lin Wu began to wonder if he had seen the wrong person that night. After receiving the nightmare at the entrance of the Youxian tunnel, Lin Wu found that the nightmare did not pay attention to Shana, but followed Maya and occasionally talked. It seemed that Maya was the only one. He is the person she knows best. Shana had no objection to this at all. Lin Wu deliberately stayed behind with Shana, chatting in a furtive manner, and Nightmare didn't even look back.

  In the past few days, the tunnel zombies have gone through a series of baptisms. Shadow Base has just turned the tunnel with extremely high density of zombies into a country road with only one zombie more than ten meters away. After walking for two kilometers, I didn't even see any wild fur. I thought back when the trade team passed through the tunnel, and you could see the wild fur everywhere.

  From this, Lin Wu thought of a problem. At present, most of the players are staying in the countryside. Even the Shadow Base will have to spend the winter before finding a way to develop in the county. Then there will be no players in Beicheng and Future City for a long time. Will the zombies there be denser than an ant nest? It seems that to go to the future city, you must at least prepare armored vehicles.

  Ah... car! Gotta get a car. I wonder if Invincible and Peanut will take pity on me and give them a car when I run to Invincible's base with Maya? Bah, a real man has the skills and abilities, can’t he just steal one by himself?

  Lin Wu recalled that the cars around the branch base seemed to be scrapped cars. One characteristic of scrapped cars is that they are very old and have visible damage to the naked eye. A drivable car must have at least 50% durability and 50% newness. If you drive the car until it explodes, the car will look like a scrapped car. The difference is that a scrapped car cannot be repaired.

  Taking advantage of Nightmare and Maya to exchange gaming experiences, Lin Wu stepped forward and said, "Sister Nightmare."

  Everyone looked at Lin Wu in confusion. Based on their understanding of Lin Wu, if Lin Wu didn't want to do something unspeakable, He wouldn't talk to nightmares so gently.

  "Say!" Nightmare didn't know Lin Wu, so he didn't think there was anything wrong. Lin Wu's tenderness lies not only in the fact that he can play with the knife in the mud, but also in the appearance, tender and juicy.

  Lin Wu said: "Sister Nightmare, you often appear in Zuoxian County. Have you found any cars?"

  Nightmare glanced at Maya and saw that Maya was also waiting for his answer, so he said: "There are two better cars near the bus terminal. One is an ambulance downstairs in the community, and the other is a survey vehicle near the car wash at the bus terminal. The ambulance has nine resource compartments, a large trunk, and can carry seven passengers. The survey vehicle only has four material qualifications and a backup The box is small and can carry five people."

  Nightmare said: "The survey vehicle has a special function. It can scan and display the buildings near the car, and present zombies in the form of red dots on the screen inside the car. Just like the electronics in the ancient computer online game era. Map. The scanning radius is 15 meters."

  Maya asked: "Is there a pickup truck?" She fell in love with pickup trucks after using them to kill Big Mac last time. The pickup truck has certain off-road capabilities, a high chassis, and sufficient cargo capacity. The disadvantage is that its speed and acceleration are average.

  Nightmare asked: "Don't you have a pickup truck?"

  Maya explained that Shadow had built a sub-base. Nightmare said: "Supermarket base? There are quite a lot of building materials over there."

  Lin Wu almost strangled the guy to death. It turned out that she was the one who took the building materials. gone.

  Nightmare continued: "There's a pickup truck at the Forest Park Fire Station. I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't be a scrapped car."

  After getting the information he wanted, Lin Wu quietly retreated, leaving Maya to deal with the nightmare. There are many topics between Maya and Nightmare, but most of the time Maya just politely handles the topics without taking the initiative to bring them up. Everyone in the Shadow Base could see that Nightmare had a crush on Maya.

  Lin Wu returned to Shana's area and saw Shana knocking a zombie left behind by the front team with a water pipe. Shana looked at Lin Wu and smiled: "This guy's head is really hard." The front team killed everyone, and Shana from the back

  team Challenging zombies...

  Lin Wu felt vaguely bitter and said, "It's just a game, don't take it too seriously." "

  What?" Shana didn't seem to hear clearly. She finally knocked down the zombie and stepped forward to hit it a few more times. Finally got it done.

  Lin Wu changed the subject and asked, "What do you think of Nightmare?"

  Shana looked at Nightmare's back, thought for a while, and said, "She's not a bad person, but I don't like her." "


  "Arrogant guy" ." Shana smiled and said, "I don't like to say bad things behind someone's back."

  These words were what Lin Wu said when the two of them were working night shift. Lin Wu could only laugh at this.


  After leaving the tunnel, according to Shi Shi's instructions, the day shift left two packages of building materials for Maya and Lin Wu. In addition, Shana traded some medicines for Maya. This made Lin Wu somewhat ashamed. It was only after he personally searched that he realized that the search work was the basic work of a base.

  Maya and the day shift agreed to meet at eight o'clock tomorrow. She is now at the lower farm and can assist the day shift in removing checkpoint zombies so that the day shift cars can pass.

  Returning to the supermarket branch, they were surprised to find a zombie in the dormitory and a zombie at the radio station. The two spent 5 minutes clearing away the zombies near the living area. As discussed on the return trip, the two quietly repaired their motorcycles near the Zuoxian Bridge, and then rode to the Forest Park. One purpose was to find the fire station in the Forest Park, and the other purpose was to go to Beishang Lake.

  Compared to Lin Wu, Maya was very organized. She first followed the system map to the park management office set up on the roadside. The management office has a detailed map of the forest park.

  The forest park is roughly a heart-shaped structure. The depression in the middle is Beishang Lake. Both sides of Beishang Lake go north into the forest. One road to the south is the road back to the highway, and the other is the road to the fire station. .

  Maya pointed at the map and said: "Let's go directly to Beishang Lake, and then go to the fire station. Then take this road back to the highway." "Why

  can't we go to the fire station first, and then go to Beishang Lake." After Lin Wu finished speaking, he said distressedly: " Although I know it's wrong, I always want to say something back."

  Maya said: "The rebellious character is left behind, hoping that others will agree with one's opinions and resisting agreeing with others' opinions. Everyone has a similar character to some extent."

  Lin Wu asked: "Is there any way to save it? "?"

  Maya said: "No need to save, your situation is not serious. You just want to find the mistakes in my decision-making to improve your position in the team. On the other hand, you admire me in your heart I believe in all my decisions, thank you."

  Lin Wu went crazy and firmly denied: "I didn't."

  Maya said: "If you know, let's go."

  Lin Wu was full of dissatisfaction.

  Maya walked in front and said: "You must be making faces behind me." "

  I didn't." After Lin Wu finished speaking, he said weakly: "It's just like two rabbit ears. How do you know?"

  Maya sighed: "Because of you Every time when he was convinced, he would always do some childish actions to vent his dissatisfaction."

  Lin Wu said 'oh', which Maya did not expect. She turned around and asked curiously: "According to what I know about you, you should do it again Childish actions express opposition, instead of oh?"

  Lin Wu said: "Have you ever taken a psychology class?"

  Maya: "A must."

  Lin Wu said: "They are all 5%, why didn't I feel it in Shana? What about human abilities that exceed ordinary people?"

  Maya said: "You have completely misunderstood. 5% just has some innate advantages. I can tell you for sure that I have definitely put more effort into learning and training than Shana. There are many mediocre people in the 5% club. On the contrary, there are many elites in the 95%. Nature is a gift, nurture is the key." Maya said: "In addition, the 5% does not only refer to IQ advantages, but also physical fitness

  . Genetic advantages such as art." No matter how hard an ordinary person works, he can't surpass a genius who works hard. Genius refers to the upper limit. Genius, like ordinary people, has no lower limit.

  Maya did not tell Lin Wu her true opinion of Shana. In Maya's view, Shana lives in a warm and happy family, and happiness education has a higher proportion than ability education. Therefore, Shanna did not perform particularly well in areas that she was not interested in. She excelled above average in her interests, music and painting.

  Maya didn't lie, she did know how to chat, she just didn't want to, and she talked more today than before. Although it is mostly for teaching reasons, it is rare to take the initiative to say so many words. The questions and answers he asked and answered when he first met Lin Wu were completely different. Or, don't make judgments based on your first impression of others. Only with time (the longer you get along, no other meaning.) can you see people's hearts.


  Going north to the lake, Maya and Lin Wu looked at the red dots on the cliffs on the left and right. Lin Wu asked: "How?"

  "The advantage of six wings is sneak attack." Maya said: "I will deal with them."

  After that, Maya said I went down to the lake and couldn't help but let out a 'Hmm! ' Turning around, she saw Lin Wu pretending to be frightened, and laughed angrily: "The water temperature is colder than I thought."

  Lin Wu replied seriously: "I understand."

  Maya ignored Lin Sansui and walked ten meters away. Go to the third island and clear the zombies around the island. At this time, there were more red dots on the cliff. Lin Wu waded to Island No. 1, ready to assist Maya at any time. After a while, a large-scale air attack by Six Wings began.

  Facing the six-winged bombing, Maya did not use firearms to shoot down, but quickly moved her position. Although the six wings can glide, they can only glide. The direction they correct when falling cannot keep up with the change in Maya's position. As Maya moved, six wings fell from the sky like hailstones, either hitting the island or hitting the water. When the height exceeds 50 meters, there is almost no difference between what hits the water and what hits the cement floor.

  In this way, the six-winged nest of six wings completed half of its suicide attack mission. The suicide was successful but the attack failed.

  (End of chapter)

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