Chapter 9 The Art of Language

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  Chapter 9 The Art of Language

  The afterglow of the sunset burned quietly on the horizon, and Xu Yi wandered around the Bauhinia Cemetery.

  Bauhinia Cemetery is the nearest large cemetery to Chinatown, covering an area of ​​several thousand acres. Xu Yi came straight here after sending Lisa home.

  Of course he came here to brush up the psychic entries. The psychic entries require contact with the supernatural. The supernatural is about the same as dead people. Where are the most dead people?
  Cemetery, of course.

  "The scenery is really nice, the reliefs are so exquisite..."

  Xu Yi was dumbfounded after walking around. The environment of the cemetery was indeed good, but it was not as "supernatural" as he imagined.

  Could it be that all the dead people in America are good ghosts who abide by the dogma and have no thoughts of making trouble after death?

  Until he saw several pastors praying with Bibles, Xu Yi suddenly understood that it wasn't that he didn't want to be a prostitute, but that he couldn't do it.

  There are ghosts and devils in this world, and naturally those priests and priests are not just decorations. The church even has specialized exorcists.

  "What a mistake!" Xu Yi sighed secretly.

  He felt that he should be looking for the kind of mass grave instead of this formal cemetery.

  But now that he's here, he still plans to finish shopping. After all, the scenery here is really good.

  Foreign cemeteries are not like domestic cemeteries, but more like gardens. I heard that the British next door are even more exaggerated and are the first choice for camping.

  Xu Yi walked to the edge of the cemetery and saw a wooden house in the distance. The person in front of the door looked familiar.

  When he got closer, he saw that he was actually an acquaintance, the real estate agent he met at the barber shop.

  Arent was talking to a few people, probably the tenants who were inspecting the house.

  Xu Yi couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, but he saw the customer shaking his head repeatedly, thinking that they couldn't reach an agreement.

  The guest left, leaving only a sad-looking Ellente.

  "Mr. Arent, what a coincidence!" Xu Yi took the initiative and walked over.

  When he approached the house, his body suddenly paused, and the system sent another prompt.

  [Psychic entry experience +8, current progress: 19/100.

  I really have tried my best to find nowhere, but I didn’t expect to get an unexpected surprise here.

  "It's you!" Arent recognized Xu Yi, but obviously had no interest in talking.

  Originally, he was an intermediary, so he didn't care whether the house could be rented out, but when he heard that the house was for sale at a very low price, he bought it after being obsessed with money.

  Now it's impossible to rent it out, so it's a waste of money.

  "Won't you take me in for a visit?" Xu Yi asked softly.

  "You also want to rent a house? I advise you to find another one! This house is not very good." Arent sighed.

  He has given up on this house. Today is the eighth time people have come to see the house. After viewing the house, these people turned around and left, unwilling to rent it no matter how low the rent was.

  Xu Yi glanced at Arent in surprise. It was rare to see such a conscientious real estate agent.

  Arent did not refuse Xu Yi's request. After all, he had nothing else to do and was just passing the time.

  He opened the door and took Xu Yi to visit the house.

  The layout and decoration of the house are not bad. After Xu Yi visited the first and second floors of the house, he took a look at the attic.

  Allente planned to take Xu Yi away, but Xu Yi stopped, "Isn't there still a basement that I haven't looked at?"

  Allente looked at Xu Yi and hesitated, and finally sighed, "Look! Hurry up after reading it. Let's go."

  The basement door was pushed open, Xu Yi stepped into it, and shivered suddenly.

  It's still hot summer outside, but this basement is as cold as an ice cellar.

  Xu Yi glanced at Arent and found that the other person's expression was as usual. He suddenly understood that this was not cold in the physical sense, but the psychic entries at work.

  Although the psychic entry is less than 20% progress, it has already made his senses different from ordinary people.

  At the same time, the system sent information again. [Psychic entry experience +18, current progress: 37/100.

  He actually gave 18 experience points, plus the 8 points outside the door, it was now 26 points, far more than the previous total. As expected, the psychic entry requires contact with the supernatural in order to quickly gain experience.

  But the system prompts are not over yet.

  [You are in the "Resentment Funeral Home", signed in successfully, and received Resurrection Coin x1!

  This is actually a place of fear! Xu Yi was a little surprised.

  He has studied the sign-in function of the system for some time. Generally speaking, the more resurrection coins you get by signing in, the more dangerous it is.

  There is only one resurrection coin here, indicating that the level of danger is very low. The "Ogre's Dismemberment Kitchen" originally gave three resurrection coins.

  But this happened to meet Xu Yi's needs. He looked for supernatural places to gain experience for psychic entries.

  If it's too dangerous, he might turn around and leave.

  "Five hundred dollars!" Xu Yi suddenly said.

  Arent was stunned for a moment. At the beginning, he only wanted this house for two hundred dollars, and now it has dropped to one hundred dollars, but there is still no one.

  Did the other party mean the cost for half a year or one year?

  "Isn't the price of renting for one year too low? Besides, are you sure you want to rent? I won't lie to you, there is something wrong with this house." Arent persuaded kindly.

  Xu Yi shook his head, "What I mean is, you give me five hundred dollars, and I will solve the problem here for you."

  Arent was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, "Are you an exorcist?"

  He looked Xu Yi up and down. , Xu Yi is not old, probably still in school.

  But you can't tell an exorcist by his age. There are also many exorcists who are seven or eight years old. Sometimes, the younger you are, the stronger your spiritual power is, but when you grow up, your spiritual power will disappear.

  Arent made a calculation in his mind. He had not thought about hiring an exorcist, but the cost of hiring an exorcist was enough for him to buy three such houses.

  Exorcists are very rare these days. Things are rare and expensive, so the price of one shot is naturally high.

  There are also cheap exorcists, but they are either fakes or celebrities like the Warrens, who secretly called the Warrens' assistants and hoped that they would come to exorcise the demons.

  After asking about his situation, the assistant said that the Warrens were very busy recently and would come to help him exorcise demons when they were free.

  He is not a young man who has just stepped out of society. Of course he can understand the meaning behind his assistant's words. When will the Warrens be free? It was just a polite refusal.

  The exorcism charge is only five hundred dollars. The person in front of me is not a liar, right?
  "I'll give you 500 in the early stage. Once the exorcism is completed, we will charge different fees according to the difficulty!" Xu Yi said calmly, as if he had read through the other party's mind.

  Allen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xu Yi no longer as a liar.

  Xu Yi was speechless. In order to get a psychic entry, he was willing to do it for free. Unfortunately, the other party didn't believe it. What could he do? Of course it’s a price increase!

  This is the market for exorcists. According to newspaper reports, an exorcist helped a wealthy businessman exorcise demons and charged two hundred thousand dollars.

  This was two hundred thousand dollars in 1980, which could buy an excellent villa.

  The reason why Xu Yi was so anxious to create a psychic entry was because he had no such considerations. After all, exorcists are so profitable.

  When the time comes, I can exorcise demons, write entries, and "appreciate flowers" when I have free time. Wouldn't it be a wonderful life?
  "What's the follow-up cost?" Arent asked cautiously.

  "The situation of your house is not complicated. I estimate that three thousand to five thousand US dollars is enough. Of course, you can also choose another payment method." Xu Yi had already thought of his words.

  "In what way?" Arent's ears immediately perked up.

  After buying this house, he really didn't have much money, and he was still a little worried. After all, most regular exorcists had a church license. If the person in front of him didn't show it, of course he didn't have one.

  But there’s no telling, some exorcists just don’t like to cooperate with the church.

  "As an exorcist, I just debuted and haven't made a name for myself yet. As a real estate agent, you usually come into contact with a lot of people. I can exorcise this house, but you need to introduce clients to me." Xu Yi said softly. .

  "Of course, no problem!" Arent agreed and handed Xu Yi the spare key to the house.

  Xu Yi felt happy when he saw Arent looking like he had gotten a big deal.

  This is the art of language. If you say that you can help someone exorcise the devil for free at the beginning, you will definitely be regarded as a liar. But if you change your words, the other party will not only believe you, but also thank you?
  (End of chapter)

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