Chapter 58: This won’t delay you from doing things for your boss, right?

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  Chapter 58: This won’t delay you from doing things for the boss, right

  ? “Boss, now that the studio has money, shouldn’t the stationing matter be implemented?” Ellente suddenly asked.

  Xu Yi lowered his head and pondered. He originally planned to start thinking about the studio location when he got to university.

  After all, the focus of my future work must be on the university side.

  It’s not just an exorcism studio, but more importantly a laboratory. Since it’s decided to take the path of “poor people rely on mutation, and rich people rely on technology” to strengthen their bodies, it’s natural to make early preparations.

  Only by relying on top universities can it be possible to obtain those high-precision instruments.

  "Boss, large-scale exorcism studios actually have many stations, which makes it easier to carry out work." Ellente understood Xu Yi's concerns and said softly.

  "Do you have any good places to recommend?"

  Xu Yi also thought about it. The amount of money now is not much, but not much. There is no need to think about using it to buy a laboratory. It is better to confirm the studio as soon as possible. So as to advance the next step of the plan.

  "How about the area around Chinatown? I remember that there is a store there that is being transferred, and it would be a good location for the studio." Ellente spoke without thinking, obviously having an idea for a long time.

  "Let's take a look this afternoon!"

  Xu Yi was also very interested in buying a house. After all, it was the first time he bought a house after coming to this world.

  "By the way, boss, James gave us this together with the check." Arent took out an invitation from his arms and handed it to Xu Yi.

  "Tianhai Lake Resort will open in two days. Invite me to attend the ceremony?" Xu Yi looked at the text on the invitation and thought to himself.

  After a moment, he nodded, "Then let's go!"

  After all, he was a big customer, and there might be opportunities for cooperation in the future. If he didn't go, it would be a bit offending. After all, he only got 500,000 from the other party.

  What Xu Yi didn't know was that just because of this nod, he would be involved in a huge storm.


  On the outskirts of Chinatown, Xu Yi and Arent were looking at houses.

  "No wonder you keep thinking about it. This place is really suitable for a studio." After looking around, Xu Yi was very satisfied with the house recommended by Allente.

  It is not far from Chinatown and the city, and the transportation is convenient.

  The most important thing is that the store was formerly a coffee shop. It opened not long after the renovation. If they want to use it, it only needs a little modification and it can be used directly as a studio.

  save time and energy.

  "Boss, there is a small problem. The owner only sells this house, not rents it. The asking price is 160,000." Arent whispered in Xu Yi's ear.

  "It doesn't matter if I buy it, but what's the price?"

  Xu Yi just got 500,000 yuan. He hasn't even warmed it up yet, so he has to spend half of it. He's a little reluctant to part with it.

  "The price is a bit exaggerated. If you bargain hard, you should be able to get it for about 130,000 yuan."

  Xu Yi was really satisfied with the house. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

  In the evening, Arent finally reached an agreement with the homeowner and sold it for 132,000 yuan.

  After signing the contract, Xu Yi looked at the 79-square-meter house in front of him with an uncontrollable smile.

  The house has three floors. The first and second floors are studios, and the third floor can be used for living.

  Although the house Arent found for him was very nice, it was rented after all and was not as comfortable as his own house.

  For Xia people, the plot of the house is ingrained in their bones.

  "I will find someone to come over tomorrow. With a little decoration, our Shengyan Studio can be opened!" Arent also looked excited when talking about this.



  Arent returned home with a tired look on his face. He sat on the sofa and wanted to take a sip of water, but found that the kettle was empty.

  "Bellamy, is there boiling water at home?" "You want to drink water, but you won't burn yourself? You don't see anyone every day. You don't know, you think I'm living alone with two children?" "

  Bellamy came out with a mop and saw that Ellent's eyes were not eyes and his nose was not a nose.

  "When I was a real estate agent, I didn't run around the same way?" Arent muttered in a low voice.

  "What did you say?" Bellamy raised his eyebrows and stared at Ellente with an ominous look.

  "No! I didn't say anything!"

  Arent quickly denied loudly. His wife had never been satisfied with his behavior of quitting the real estate agency.

  "By the way, the child's tuition and fees will be paid next week!" Bellamy didn't pursue it and changed his voice.

  "Oh! I know!" Arent just nodded and continued to look for water.

  Bellamy was furious when he saw Alan's unconcerned look.

  Ever since Arent became an exorcism agent, he hasn't gotten a penny back from his family, and his money has been spent like water.

  "What an exorcist? He's not a liar, right?"

  Bellamy muttered in her heart more than once, but she didn't dare to say it out loud, because as soon as she said it, Ellen's face would change.

  "Wait a minute, please send your child to the Children's Palace. There are activities organized by the school there." Bellamy mopped the floor and said to Ellente on the sofa.

  "The Ford broke down and is being repaired now." Arent finally found water, took a big gulp of water into his mouth, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Didn't you tell me earlier? Where can I take a taxi now? I told you not to change jobs casually! You are running around with some exorcist, and your car is broken down! If you continue like this, you will not be able to survive!" Bellamy thought in his

  mind The accumulated anger was finally detonated. He threw away the mop in his hand, and the two children who had just come out of the room were startled.

  If it were in the past, Arent could only say nice words and slowly coax his wife.

  But things were different now. Arent glared at Bellamy, "What's it called? Didn't you just take the car to be repaired? What's the hurry!"

  He looked at his two children with a smile on his lips. "Have you changed your clothes? Dad will drive you to the Children's Palace."

  Bellamy was stunned by Ellente's yelling. Ellente was not usually so tough.

  She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ellente's gourd, so she could only follow Ellente out.

  Arent took out the key from his pocket and pressed the unlock button. The Mercedes-Benz luxury car in the aisle in front of the door beeped twice.

  "This car?" Bellamy's eyes widened as he looked at the Mercedes-Benz luxury car in front of him.

  "It's not mine. The boss bought a new car for the studio."

  Arent didn't say "new car", just "newly bought car". This neither deceived nor showed cowardice. He was proud of his genius. Liked it.

  The back door of the car opened, and the two children cheered and rushed in, touching here and there, looking very curious about the so-called luxury car.

  "Have you ever driven a car like this in your studio?" Bellamy touched the smooth door of the Mercedes-Benz and asked in surprise.

  In her impression, Arent's "boss" was an ordinary middle school student who would ride in her family's car when he went out.

  "This car is just so-so!" Arent straightened his back and tried to pretend to be calm, but the cracked corners of his mouth betrayed his good mood at the moment.

  He took out a wad of money from his pocket and said, "This is three thousand dollars. You can use it to pay for your child's tuition and fees!"

  Arent pushed the money into Bellamy's hand.

  Bellamy looked at the money, then at the Mercedes-Benz luxury car, and a thousand words finally turned into one sentence, "If you send your child to the children's palace, this won't delay you from doing things for the boss, right?" The corners of

  Ellente's mouth twitched slightly, The speed of this face change is really too fast.

  "Don't betray your boss's trust in you!" Bellamy saw that Arent didn't say anything, so he patted Arent on the shoulder, very much like the boss-manager who was used to drawing cakes.

   Thanks to my friend Mu Xinchang for the reward~ The foreshadowing has been laid, and I am ready to meet the "shy boy"~
  (End of this chapter)

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