Chapter 25 Lighter and Evil Spirit

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  Chapter 25 Lighters and Evil Spirits
  Xu Yi returned home and immediately started to modify the lighter.

  Remove the fuel box, unplug the old fire core, clean the remaining kerosene, clean all parts, and then reassemble.

  "I wonder if it will work?" Xu Yi looked at the refurbished kerosene lighter and took a deep breath.

  Lighters are involved in the future of exorcism. If the idea is true, it will definitely be a lot more convenient.

  He took out a blood collection needle, pricked his thumb, and at the same time activated the ability of blood ectoplasm.

  The blood injected into the lancet instantly turns into a white gel-like liquid.

  Xu Yi only transformed a drop, he had already experimented.

  Converting one drop per day will only cause a slight feeling of fatigue and will not interfere with daily life.

  After converting two drops, you will be exhausted, and after three drops, you will directly enter a state of exhaustion. As for more, Xu Yi does not dare to try at all, for fear of draining himself dry.

  The blood collection needle extends to the filling port of the lighter, and the ectoplasm flows into the fuel cartridge along the small port.

  "I hope it will work!" Xu Yi stared at the lighter.

  There are not many things that can directly affect dark creatures. Most of them are Bibles, crosses, holy water...

  But these things are strictly controlled by the church. You can only obtain them by joining the church and becoming a priest.

  Of course, he is not referring to the factory imitations on the market, but to items truly blessed by God.

  Therefore, blood ectoplasm is particularly precious!

  If he sells it to the outside world, he will definitely sell it for a sky-high price, but as the current "core competitiveness" of blood ectoplasm, he will naturally not sell it.

  Xu Yi pressed the fire button, and sparks burst out from the flint.

  The biggest disadvantage of blood ectoplasm is that it makes the body exhausted. If you think of transforming blood ectoplasm when you are in danger, it will definitely be a recipe for death.

  So reserve in advance.

  The lighter made a clicking sound, but no flame came out.

  Xu Yi sighed, isn't it possible?

  Using ectoplasm instead of kerosene to make an "exorcism lighter" is the best way he can think of for the time being.

  Ectoplasm must be ignited in order to cause damage to dark creatures, but the exorcism lighter can omit this step.

  "One-click ignition, automatic exorcism, ectoplasm lighter, you deserve it!"

  He pressed the fire button, and a bunch of pale golden flames rose up amidst the clicking sound in the air.


  Xu Yi felt the special fluctuations in the flame and was overjoyed.

  The reason why it was not lit just now is because the ectoplasm has not yet soaked into the wick. This ectoplasm is more resistant to burning than kerosene. A drop of ectoplasm can burn for about three minutes.

  Xu Yi stroked the lighter and couldn't put it down.

  This is the first magic exorcist he made!
  What I have to do now is to add drops of ectoplasm into the lighter every day, until there are ten or eight drops, and then think of a way to transform the lighter.

  In his vision, the exorcism lighter should have two forms, an ordinary lighter form and a Molotov cocktail form.

  This is not difficult to achieve. As long as you add some parts to the fuel box, you can use the "throwing Molotov cocktail" skill when you encounter a powerful supernatural being.

  Suddenly, a rapid siren sounded outside the window. Xu Yi came to the window, frowning slightly, and saw two police cars parked in front of his restaurant.

  Could it be that those societies are fighting again?

  He came to the first floor with doubts and met Xu Changrong.

  "Dad! What happened?" Xu Yi asked.

  "It's Irene's house next door..." Xu Changrong looked at Xu Yi, hesitated to speak, and finally said, "Irene is dead!" "She

  was so good, how could she die?"

  Xu Changrong shook his head. , "I don't know, it is said that he died at home, tentatively it was suicide." Xu Yi suddenly remembered what happened on Rose Street that day, and for some reason, he felt vaguely uneasy.

  "Go to the hospital! Little Lisa discovered what happened to Irene. Maybe she was frightened. Little Lisa has been unconscious." Xu Changrong added.

  Xu Yi's heart was in suspense, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger.


  Connor Hospital.

  "Come back! Come back!"

  Xu Yi pushed open the ward, and a melodious chant came. Only one light was turned on in the ward, so it seemed very dark.

  There was a brazier in the center of the ward, with yellow talismans burning quietly inside.

  This place doesn't look like a hospital, but rather like a place where things are done.

  It stands to reason that someone would be stopped from burning things in the ward, but no, the doctors and nurses passing by just looked at him curiously.

  The hospital staff were not surprised. After all, strange things happened frequently in this world, and exorcisms often appeared in the newspapers.

  If a doctor encounters a strange illness, he will even take the initiative to persuade the patient's family to seek help from a priest.

  "Aunt Kathy! Uncle Andrew!" Xu Yi greeted.

  "You're here!" Casey glanced at Xu Yi, nodded, and then returned his attention to the field.

  Although she favors boys over girls, Lisa is her daughter after all, so she will naturally be anxious when encountering such a thing.

  Andrew snorted, obviously not pleased with Xu Yi.

  Xu Yi can understand the other person's mood. It's strange that Xiao Baicai, who has finally been raised, hangs around others every day. He has a good attitude.

  He stood next to Andrew and looked towards the center of the room. Lisa was lying quietly on the hospital bed, motionless.

  It was fine yesterday, but suddenly it became like this today?
  Xu Yi sighed secretly. He looked at Lisa's pale face and felt a little distressed.

  This also strengthened his determination to follow the path of an exorcist.

  The world looks peaceful on the surface, but secretly it is turbulent. Without enough power, wealth or anything else will be nothing but a flash in the pan.

  Xu Yi quietly approached Lisa. Cathy and Andrew both saw his little movement and frowned slightly, but did not stop him.

  The reason why Xu Yi did this was of course to trigger his psychic ability.

  Still three meters away from Lisa, Xu Yi stopped. A cold feeling hit his face, and he took a breath of cold air.

  The chill I felt in the funeral home before was nothing compared to what I was seeing.

  "Burn her to death! Burn her to death!"

  An angry shout suddenly came from his ears, and the scene in front of Xu Yi began to change. His psychic ability was activated, and he slowly sank into the illusion.

  In the dark night, the fire burned brightly, and the cross stood in the center of the fire.

  An old woman in black clothes was tied to a cross, her face was covered with wrinkles, her narrow pupils were flashing with fierce light, and crows were flying around her in the sky.

  The angry crowd gathered around the fire and cursed angrily. Among the crowd, Xu Yi also saw a priest wearing white clothes.

  Who is this old woman? Witch?

  His psychic powers take him "back in time" and he concentrates, gathering as much information as he can.

  But the next second, the witch in the flames suddenly raised her head, as if looking at Xu Yi.

  The flying crows screamed and rushed over. Xu Yi subconsciously covered his face with his hands. No crows hit his hands. The crowd of crows in the sky disappeared, and his sight returned to the hospital.

  Xu Yi's face was gloomy. There was no doubt that Lisa was haunted by an evil spirit.

  (End of chapter)

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