Chapter 13 Three Steps to Exorcism

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  Chapter 13 Exorcism in Three Steps Walking to

  the city library, Xu Yi stared at the words in the newspaper and frowned slightly.

  After school today, he neither went to Rose Street nor the funeral parlor, but came to the city library.

  He had scanned almost all the antiquities on Rose Street, and there was very little entry experience available, so he was too lazy to go there.

  He came to the library to look up information.

  In this era, unlike later generations, any information you want can be found by just searching online.

  If you want to find information, you can only use books and newspapers. Local libraries usually have the habit of collecting newspapers.

  There are three steps to exorcism. The first step is to find clues, the second step is to find the source, which is usually some kind of lodging, and the third step is to exorcise the demon.

  I came to the library just to try my luck, but I didn't expect to actually gain anything.

  "Psychic Funeral Parlor, Aikman and his psychic assistant Jonah!"

  Xu Yi stared at the newspaper thoughtfully.

  In the past, that house was actually quite famous.

  The original owner of the house was named Aikman. It is said that he found a way to enhance his psychic ability. With his assistant, the psychic boy Jonah, he was able to communicate between the Yin and Yang worlds.

  As a result, people who wanted to see their deceased relatives flocked in, and the psychic funeral parlor became famous for a while.

  Xu Yi thought of the charred ghost he saw in the funeral parlor.

  Who is the other party?

  The homeowner Aikman can be ruled out because the body shape is too different, but the psychic boy Jonah is possible.

  Subsequent reports in the newspaper stated that during a certain channeling ceremony, an accident occurred and a raging fire broke out in the house.

  After the fire was put out, the original homeowner died on the spot, while the psychic boy Jonah ended up missing.

  Xu Yi thought about the skeleton in the crematorium.

  If there were no accidents, the charred ghost figure was most likely Jonah, because he felt a strong "spirituality" in him.

  People with psychic abilities have "spirituality" that ordinary people don't have. Xu Yi only realized this after his psychic entry was almost full.

  Why did Jonah hide in the crematorium? What accident happened during the channeling? Xu Yi didn't know.

  He roughly figured out the identity of the charred ghosts, but where did those bandaged ghosts come from? New questions arose in Xu Yi's mind.

  It is impossible for a funeral parlor to wrap a bandage on a "guest", and there are dense red runes carved under the bandage.

  Xu Yi suddenly felt something in his heart and went back to read word by word.

  "Aikman claimed to have found a way to enhance his psychic abilities..."

  Could the red runes be some kind of spell?

  Vaguely, Xu Yi felt that the truth was very close to him.

  He then checked the newspaper and a piece of information caught his attention.

  "Highway construction...cemeteries moved...more than a hundred corpses disappeared..."

  Xu Yi thought about the layout of the funeral parlor, thoughtfully.

  "The great cause of exorcism starts tomorrow!" Xu Yi saw that the sky was completely dark outside and knew that he could not make it in time today and could only wait until tomorrow.


  It was another new day. After the bell rang, Xu Yi waved goodbye to Lisa and prepared to go to the funeral parlor in the suburbs alone.

  What he didn't notice was that Martin was hiding in the shadow of the school gate, secretly observing him.

  Since the last "encounter" in the alley, Martin lay at home for several days and recently recovered.

  He went to his mother and called the police, claiming that Xu Yi was the real ogre and a terrifying serial murderer.

  Unfortunately, no one believed him, and his mother even found a psychiatrist for him.

  He firmly believes that he is not crazy!

  "Since you don't believe me, then I will find out the evidence with my own hands!" Martin made up his mind and followed Xu Yi secretly.

  Recently, he has been secretly observing Xu Yi. After school every day, Xu Yi would go to the desolate suburbs. An ogre avoids crowds and goes to the suburbs whenever there is nothing to do. What is he doing?
  There is no doubt about the answer.

  If Xu Yi knew what Martin was thinking, he would definitely sneer at it.

  He is indeed a brainless man. If Xu Yi is really an ogre, once Martin is discovered, the result will definitely be very miserable.

  Martin was not the only one who secretly observed Xu Yi, Maria was doing the same thing.

  Since Xu Yi taught Martin and his gang a lesson last time, Maria has not been harassed by Martin for a long time.

  "He did all this for me!"

  The three major illusions in life are not only possessed by men, but also by women.

  Xu Yi taught Martin a lesson and had little to do with Maria. He was just trying to vent his anger on his predecessor and avoid being disturbed.

  He was busy writing entries and had no time to pay attention to some school bully.

  "Martin is following Xu Yi in a sneaky way. What does he want to do?" Maria frowned.

  Does Martin want to take action against Xu Yi? Maria's heart suddenly lifted.

  no! Xu Yi must be reminded.

  She quickly called a car and asked the car to follow her.

  Xu Yi knew nothing about what happened behind him. He had already arrived at the funeral parlor in the suburbs.

  "Mr. Arent, long time no see!"

  In front of the funeral home, Xu Yi saw a familiar figure, it was Arent who he hadn't seen for a long time.

  Arent said he was free today and was ready to come over to "help."

  Xu Yi knew very well that he was here to help. Apparently he started to get suspicious when he saw that he had not moved.

  "That couldn't be better!" Xu Yi expressed his thanks.

  Who would refuse free labor? He could only raise his hands in approval.

  Just as the door of the funeral parlor opened, the sky suddenly darkened, followed by a thunder explosion, and it looked like a heavy rain was about to fall.

  "Today is such a good weather!" Xu Yi sighed and

  Allente glanced at Xu Yi doubtfully. He really couldn't figure out what's so good about this damn weather?

  Xu Yi smiled and did not explain.

  Didn’t the other party suspect that he was a liar? Then let the other person experience it for themselves.

  Once the heavy rain falls, the opponent will not be able to escape midway.

  To deal with such a naive and fun-loving person, you should weld the car door shut and let the brothers in the haunted house give each other a perfect experience.

  Martin stared at Xu Yi from a distance, brainstorming in his head.

  The desolate suburbs, the coming storm, the innocent man who was tricked into coming here...

  the elements are all in place, and Xu Yi still says you're not an ogre?
  Martin feels that he cannot call the police yet because Xu Yi is too cunning. Only by having conclusive evidence can Xu Yi be brought to justice.

  He saw the window on the side of the house, and his heart moved.

  The lock on this old-fashioned window was so backward that he once "accidentally" opened it.

  "After collecting Xu Yi's evidence, we will secretly call the police!" Martin felt that his plan was foolproof.

  The window lock was old and Martin opened the window without any effort at all.

  He glanced inside to make sure no one was there, then carefully turned inside.

  When Maria arrived, she happened to see Martin climbing through the window and entering the house.

  At this moment, thunder exploded in the sky and heavy rain poured down. At this time, it was too late to wait for the people inside to open the door.

  In order to avoid getting wet from the heavy rain, she climbed in through the window.

  (End of chapter)

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