Chapter 64 Food Compressor

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  Chapter 64 Food Compressor

  Health Volume [1000/1000]

  Blue Volume [100/100]

  His health bar and blue bar have not changed, they are still the same as before.

  What changed was that a line of words appeared below his health bar.

  [Hidden attribute: Physical fitness]

  [Physical fitness: Physical fitness is different from ordinary people, exercise can improve more, and the upper limit is higher]

  "Sure enough, I also have hidden attributes! No wonder every time I finish exercising, I feel that I have gained a lot! "

  Wang Tao was a little happy.

  But having said that, Ding Yuqin can see the hidden attributes when he kills a zombie, but he can't see it until he has 1,000 drops of blood... This is a bit shameful!
  "Wang Tao, are you okay?"

  Wang Tao turned around and saw Ding Yuqin's worried face.

  "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm fine. By the way, how long have I slept?"

  "You've been sleeping for three hours! You're so motionless, it scares me to death!"

  Seeing that Wang Tao was fine, Ding Yuqin breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Three hours..."

  Wang Tao nodded. As long as I'm not in a coma for three days like last time, I'll be fine.

  "Are you hungry? It's getting dark. I'm going to cook for you..."

  With that said, Ding Yuqin was about to get up and leave.

  But Wang Tao grabbed his hand and took him to the bed. Then Wang Tao put his arms around Ding Yuqin's waist, looked at her big watery eyes, and said with a smile:
  "I'm hungry, but I want to eat some dumplings first."

  Wang Tao felt that his physical strength was extremely strong now and he needed to use it up.



  the next morning.

  When Wang Tao woke up, he saw Ding Yuqin in his arms looking at him with big bright eyes.

  "Sure enough, there are only cows that are dead from exhaustion..."

  Last night, Ding Yuqin was killed and her armor was thrown off. As a result, she woke up first in the morning, and her face looked red.

  On the contrary, Wang Tao himself felt a little sore in his waist.


  Ding Yuqin rolled her eyes at Wang Tao charmingly, and then got out of his arms.

  "I'm going to make breakfast!"

  "Call my husband before I go."


  Ding Yuqin finished speaking in a low voice like a mosquito's snort, and then left as if running away.

  "Tsk, tsk."

  After Ding Yuqin left, Wang Tao continued to think about the issues that he hadn't figured out yesterday.

  "Where did my five drops of blood go... Could it be that after the blood volume exceeds one thousand, killing zombies will not increase the blood volume limit?"

  Wang Tao felt a little uncomfortable. If that's the case, doesn't it mean that 1,000 blood is the end?

  But he has also seen zombies with two thousand blood and unknown monsters with tens of thousands of blood...

  "Try again later. Ordinary zombies don't add blood, so kill special zombies! I don't believe it..."

  After a simple wash, Wang Tao did not leave the room. But with a thought, a production drawing appeared in his hand.

  It was the [Food Compressor Drawing], and then he took out all the required production materials and crystal nuclei.

  The words "available" appeared on the drawing instantly.

  After choosing to use it, these materials turned into several streams of light and flew into the production drawing, and then a line of words appeared on the drawing.

  [In production, 59:59 left]

  "An hour? Fortunately, you can wait a while."

  "Wang Tao, it's time to eat!"

  Ding Yuqin's voice came from outside the door.

  "Here we come."

  After breakfast, Wang Tao began his morning exercise.

  After conducting some simple physical fitness tests, Wang Tao felt that his current comprehensive physical fitness at 1,000 blood points was at least two to three times better than when he had 100 blood points!
  He now felt like he could smash a zombie's head with one punch without using any weapon... At

  a certain moment, Wang Tao became energetic and looked at his backpack.

  [The food compressor has been manufactured]

  With a thought, Wang Tao was about to take out the machine, but a message popped up that there was insufficient space.

  "...How big is this thing?"

  The place where Wang Tao exercises is in the corner of the living room. There are a lot of things piled here.

  He came to the middle of the living room.

  Ding Yuqin is doing yoga wearing yoga clothes.

  Wang Tao walked over and slapped her on the butt unceremoniously.

  Ding Yuqin suddenly looked at Wang Tao with a red face.

  "It's not good in broad daylight..."

  "What are you thinking about, sister-in-law? I mean you're blocking me, get out of the way." "


  Ding Yuqin was immediately ashamed.

  But with the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Ding Yuqin was startled.

  "Wang Tao, what's going on? What's your power?"

  In the living room, a huge machine full of wasteland punk style appeared.

  "That's right. Go get a small bag of rice."

  Wang Tao didn't explain much.

  He himself was actually very confused. With just dozens of small materials, he could build such a big machine? This unscientific!


  Ding Yuqin didn't ask any further questions. She always remembered that she must not do anything that would make Wang Tao hate her.

  Soon, Ding Yuqin came over with a 2.5 kilogram bag of rice, and Wang Tao brought the same amount of water.

  After the food compressor is manufactured, a prompt will pop up on it.

  To make nutrient solution, you need the same proportion of food and water, and there is a certain amount of loss during the production process, and these losses provide energy for the machine... In other words, if you take good care of it, this machine can be used for a long time.

  There are three windows in front of the machine, two for input and one for output.

  After pouring the rice and water into the "Input" window, I felt the machine vibrate slightly.

  After a while, the "output" window in the middle opened, and four thumb-thick plastic tubes appeared, with yellow viscous liquid inside. There is also a line of text written on the plastic case.

  "2000 calories, rice flavor...shelf life is 1 year..."

  Ding Yuqin read out the words on it with some curiosity.

  "For a normal person, 2,000 calories of energy should be enough for a day, right?"

  Wang Tao is not too clear about this. Anyway, he knows that for himself, this is definitely not enough.

  "This is nutrient solution..."

  Wang Tao explained briefly.

  After hearing this, Ding Yuqin's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "Wow! This is awesome! It's very useful to us!"

  Wang Tao took food from the entire community, small restaurants and convenience stores home. Although there is not a lot of food in these places, after all, they are not granaries dedicated to storing food, but adding them all up, it is still a lot.

  Many foods have a short shelf life and will definitely go bad if stored for a long time, and they are also inconvenient to carry. It would be so convenient if we could make this kind of nutrient solution!
  "Well, go and classify the foods that have a short shelf life or are inconvenient to carry. I'll see which foods need to be converted into nutrient solution." "Okay!" Ding Yuqin immediately took the notebook


  pen , excitedly went to classify the food.

  With a thought, Wang Tao put these four nutrient solutions into his space backpack.

  "Sure enough, it can be stored in a space backpack! What a good thing!"

  Wang Tao suddenly thought, since any food can be used to make nutrient solution, can food contaminated by blood also be made into nutrient solution?
  "Bring some contaminated food back to try, and kill a few zombies to see how the health bar is..."

  (End of Chapter)

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