Chapter 25 Three days quick success

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  Chapter 25 Three Days Quick Success

  Wang Tao turned over and sat up.

  He came to the window and slowly turned the FM button on the radio.

  "Zizi... Red Stone Survivor Base... Zizi... Provide water, food... Zizi... Safety... Zizi... Repeat... Red Stone Survivor Base... Zizi..." "

  Red Stone Survivor Base..."

  Wang Tao muttered to himself, stroking the stubble on his chin.

  From the name, it should be the survivor base in Hongshi County.

  According to previous official information published online, due to the sudden incident and not much time to prepare, the official plan is to build a survivor base in each city.

  The survivor base of Huangfeng City is in Hongshi County.

  The reason why we chose that place is because there is an army there and there are certain defensive measures that can be used directly.

  However, in the days when the virus broke out, infections also occurred within the army, and there was chaos. Especially after the communication was cut off, Wang Tao didn't know whether the base in Hongshi County was still there.

  Now that he heard the news about the Hongshi County base on the radio, Wang Tao was still very happy.

  Since they can still transmit radio, it means they should have a certain situation under control.

  But I haven't heard any news about counterattack or rescue, which means that they should be able to protect themselves now, and they can only protect themselves...

  Anyway, this is good news. It can be regarded as giving Wang Tao a motivation or a goal - at least there are so many survivors still alive, how can he die first!


  The radio played for a while and then went silent. I don't know if it was turned off automatically or if something went wrong.

  Hopefully it's the former.

  After praying silently, Wang Tao turned on the intercom again.

  Similar to the radio, the walkie-talkie is also turned on once every night, but the radio still hears the sound twice, but the walkie-talkie hears nothing.

  It's understandable, after all, without a repeater, the range of this kind of civilian walkie-talkie is only two or three kilometers, so it's normal to not hear any movement.

  However, I don’t know if he was lucky tonight, but after hearing the news on the radio, his walkie-talkie finally started to make noise!
  "Zizhi... here... sizzling... Mizusawa University... survivor base... sizzling... received it, please answer... received please... sizzling..."

  Listening to the intermittent voices inside, Wang Tao's eyes One light.

  Mizusawa University is a nearby school, about five kilometers away from his happy community. Judging from the meaning of this sentence, could it be that someone built a survivor base inside Mizusawa University?
  Mizusawa University is a school built in recent years. It is located in a relatively remote location and is relatively sparsely populated. However, it is relatively close to Huangfeng Film and Television City. Many college students work part-time in the film and television city.

  Wang Tao has also been to Shuize University several times. His impression is not bad, not bad. It is just an ordinary school.

  There is a security force squadron of about dozens of people near Mizusawa University. If these soldiers are not infected or die on a large scale, they should be able to build a small survivor base... Wang Tao pressed the PTT button of the walkie-talkie


  "I received it, I received it."

  Wang Tao did not give his detailed information. After all, he didn't know what the specific situation was over there, so it was better to keep an eye out.

  But there was no response to what he said.

  "Zizi...Mizusawa University...base...received please...reply...repeat..."

  "I received it, I received it, I received it."

  Wang Tao repeated a few words, but after waiting for a while, then Still no response from Bian.

  "Is it because the power of my walkie-talkie is too low?"

  Wang Tao suddenly felt depressed.

  The principle of walkie-talkie communication can be simply understood as centering on one person and distributing signals to the surroundings. Under the same terrain, the higher the power, the farther the signal is transmitted.

  The four walkie-talkies that Wang Tao collected from 602 are all ordinary civilian models, and the communication distance may be only two or three kilometers. The walkie-talkies at Mizusawa University may be high-power, with a communication distance of more than five kilometers.

  This means that their signal has a long transmission distance and can be transmitted to Wang Tao's walkie-talkie, so Wang Tao can hear it.

  However, the signal of Wang Tao's walkie-talkie was weak and could not send it over such a long distance, so they could not receive what Wang Tao said.

  This is a bit painful. Wang Tao also wants to know about the other survivors.

  After trying a few more times and determining that communication was impossible, Wang Tao shook his head.

  "Sleep, sleep!"

  Although these two signals cannot communicate, it is still good news. At least it means that human beings are not dead...

  Wang Tao's sleep quality tonight was the best in the past few days.

  The next day.

  Wang Tao woke up at around six o'clock. As soon as he finished washing, he heard a knock on the door outside.

  When she opened the door, it was Ding Yuqin who came to make breakfast for Wang Tao.

  After Wang Tao exercised briefly for a while, Ding Yuqin prepared the meal and went back after making sure that Wang Tao had nothing more to say. Wang Tao didn't say to let her have breakfast. After all, he had agreed before that he would only give her one meal.

  After the meal, Wang Tao began to put on his equipment.

  He suddenly felt that it was really slow to dress alone, but he was too lazy to call Ding Yuqin. After finishing dressing up, Wang Tao went to the second floor and knocked on the door of 202.

  "Brother, you're here! Come in quickly!"

  The bald man quickly opened the door for Wang Tao.

  Wang Tao said before that he wanted to learn all the skills of this locksmith, but he had no time in the past two days and was delayed.

  After looting 601, he had enough food for the time being. He planned to learn all the lock-picking techniques first, and then deal with the zombies in 101 and 102.

  The principle of lock picking technology is actually not difficult, especially if there is a master to teach you step by step. It mainly depends on practice. The more you practice, the more proficient you will become.

  Wang Tao seems to have a talent in this area, and he learns it quite quickly. Anyway, the bald man always praised Wang Tao for his talent. He said that he studied for two weeks before passing the exam. And according to Wang Tao's learning speed, it might be almost done in two days.

  The facts were similar to what the bald uncle said. It took Wang Tao another two days, plus the previous study time, a total of three days to master the lock-picking skills including key matching skills of the bald uncle—— There was a small key machine at home, which Wang Tao exchanged for some grain.

  "Your learning ability is so strong! I have nothing to teach you now. The next step is practice. Practice is more important than theory..." The

  bald man sighed.

  "Haha, thank you very much for the past two days, uncle!"

  Wang Tao smiled and thanked him.

  Of course, he didn't just talk, he also gave the bald man a lot of food, which was considered an equal exchange.

  "Let's help together!" The bald man smiled at first, and then suddenly felt melancholy. "I hope my wife and children can also meet a good person like you..."

  Wang Tao was noncommittal about being issued a good person card. He asked curiously:

  " Where are your family members?"

  The bald man took out a family photo from his pocket and stroked it gently.

  "They have all returned to their hometown to visit relatives in the countryside. The countryside is much safer than the city! Before the Internet was cut off, my wife and I talked and said that there were basically no people in their village, and naturally there were not many zombies. It was very difficult to hide at home. It’s safe... Sigh, I don’t know if there is a chance to see them...”

  Is the countryside safe? Wang Tao encouraged:

  “Of course there is a chance!”

  (End of Chapter)

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