Chapter 22 Breaking the throat

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  Chapter 22:
  Is this all about breaking your throat?

  Three hammers to kill instantly?

  To be honest, Wang Tao was also a little surprised.

  As your own strength improves, your experience becomes richer and richer, coupled with the enhancement of your weapons... it's not that the enemy is too weak, but that we are too strong!

  There was no time to check the loot, so he quickly looked around, but found no other zombies.

  "Where's the other zombie?"

  Wang Tao frowned. He had heard that there were two zombies in this room before!
  Zombies don't attack each other, at least Wang Tao hasn't seen one yet.

  So, unless the zombie jumped off the building, it was definitely still in the house!
  Wang Tao was not in a hurry to look for it. Although he had just swung three hammers seemingly simply, he used his full strength for each hammer and it also took some effort. Since there is no danger for the time being, he can take a breath of relief.

  After a few seconds, Wang Tao cautiously went to the bathroom.

  This house has the same layout as Wang Tao's home, with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom. Both bedroom doors were open, but the bathroom door was closed.

  Wang Tao felt that there might be something in the bathroom.

  He walked carefully to the bathroom door and kicked it violently.

  "Huh? No?"

  Wang Tao was a little surprised when he saw the empty situation inside.

  After making sure there was nothing in the bathroom, Wang Tao went to the kitchen again, but there was also nothing in the kitchen.

  Could it be in those two bedrooms?

  Wang Tao glanced at the door of the two bedrooms respectively, and there were no zombies inside either.

  "That's weird..."

  He looked at the doors and windows again. They were all tightly closed, and it didn't look like anything was getting out. There were no traces of blood or battle in the room...

  "Did I hear it wrong before?"

  Wang Tao doubted himself a little, but soon he put this doubt behind him. He is a person who believes in himself very much. Two zombies are two zombies. He most likely heard it right!
  "Let me see where you are..."

  Wang Tao took a deep breath and then went to the second bedroom.

  In addition to a bed, the second bedroom is a simple cloth wardrobe. The zipper of the wardrobe was open, obviously unable to hide zombies.

  He gripped the weapon again and lay on the ground.

  Not even under the bed.

  After confirming that there was nothing in the second bedroom, Wang Tao went to the master bedroom and found that there was nothing under the bed in the master bedroom.

  Then Wang Tao stood up and set his sights on the wardrobe in the master bedroom.

  The master bedroom is much larger than the second bedroom. There is a custom-made row of wardrobes against the wall with more than a dozen cabinet doors.

  This is the only closet in the whole house that has not been searched, unless the zombie really opened the window and jumped out and closed the window, or it was chopped into pieces and flushed into the sewer, or it was eaten by another zombie. . Otherwise... Wang Tao felt that it might be in these closets.

  "However, this closet is not big. There is a partition in the middle. Will zombies really run in? They even close the closet door? So smart?"

  Wang Tao was a little confused. He clenched the weapon with his right hand and opened the door with his left hand. A cabinet door.



  The moment Wang Tao opened the first closet door, a petite zombie huddled in the closet suddenly jumped out.

  Wang Tao was startled. He subconsciously swung the hammer, but missed.

  He was directly knocked to the floor by the strong force of the zombies, and the weapon fell out of his hands.



  The limbs of the zombie were pressed against Wang Tao's limbs, making him lie on the bed in a Tai-shaped position, unable to turn over. Then it opened its mouth wide, emitting a rotten smell, and its teeth, which were still dripping with mucus, were about to bite Wang Tao's neck.

  "Get out!"

  Seeing that he was about to come into close contact with this female zombie, Wang Tao's veins bulged on his forehead, and the biceps on his arms expanded rapidly. Then he just carried the zombie's strength and swung his right fist suddenly.

  "You have such a bad mouth!"

  This punch hit the zombie's face hard, and his head was knocked off.



  The zombie seemed a little dazed after being beaten, and his strength to suppress Wang Tao was much reduced.

  Wang Tao took the opportunity to raise his right foot and put it on the zombie's chest. Then he used both hands and feet to throw it towards the door.

  The zombie was directly hit on the door frame by Wang Tao.



  This blow did not cause any damage to the zombie, but it allowed Wang Tao to finally break away from the zombie's arms.

  Without even bothering to pick up his own weapon, Wang Tao stepped to the door of the room, then charged up his right foot and kicked the zombie who had fallen on the ground and hadn't gotten up yet.

  Bang -

  this kick caused the zombie to fly directly to the ground, flying from the room to the living room, smashing two wooden dining tables and chairs.

  Wang Tao took advantage of the victory and pursued it, suddenly jumped up not far from the zombies, his hair almost touched the ceiling, and then stepped on the zombies hard.


  Two hiking boots stepped on the zombie's knees respectively, and a clear sound of bone cracking was heard.

  The zombie's knees were crushed directly!
  The zombie that was about to get up fell to the ground again.



  Wang Tao originally wanted to step on its head, but he didn't know if he could step on the zombie's head. If the zombie's head was too hard and he fell, it would be in trouble.

  So Wang Tao suddenly changed his mind and stepped directly on its legs.

  It turns out that this works. The zombie's health bar was directly reduced!
  And that’s not the point. The point is that the zombies can’t seem to get up!
  They have no sense of pain. Broken arms and legs are considered fatal injuries to ordinary people, but to zombies, they are not fatal at all.

  But Wang Tao didn't expect this to kill it, he just expected the broken leg to curb the zombie's actions! Now it seems that it does work!
  Perhaps it's because the zombie still retains some human instincts, such as walking on two legs, so it can't get up at all after its kneecaps are shattered!

  This result made Wang Tao a little excited, because it meant that cutting off the limbs first might be a way to kill zombies in the future.

  After all, a zombie's limbs are not as hard as its head. As for their neck, although it is a weak point, most people may not be able to hit it.

  So if the survivors are smarter, they should be able to chop off the zombie's legs to restrict its movement, and then kill it completely!

  Thoughts were swirling in his heart, but Wang Tao kept moving.

  A zombie lying on the ground unable to get up is basically a living target. Wang Tao was not polite and stepped down hard, deforming its arms.




  Looking at the zombie with all its limbs broken but still grinning at him. A cruel smile appeared on Wang Tao's face under the mask.

  He was shocked just now.

  He must avenge this!
  Moreover, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, he wanted to try his damage ability.


  This female zombie seemed to know her next fate, and she suddenly let out an angry roar.

  Wang Tao clenched his fists, and then said viciously:
  "Keep shouting, it's useless even if your throat is broken!"

  (End of Chapter)

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