125. Chapter 125 Algorithm of Impurities in the Body

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  Chapter 125 Algorithm of Impurities in the Body
  Wang Tao found that if the impurities produced by the fusion of each crystal core in the body were calculated as 0.5%, and only integers were kept, then these data would probably be consistent.

  Wang Tao saw that when they fused a crystal core, it showed that the impurities in the body were 0%... It might actually be 0.5%, but it was rounded and not rounded, so it showed 0%!

  It is reasonable that Xiang Hongbin has fused 12 crystal nuclei and the impurities in his body are 6%.

  Wei Zhenguo fused 7 of them, and the impurities in his body were 3%, actually 3.5%! Maybe if he fuses another one, it will become 4%.

  Others are right, and so on.

  So Wang Tao came to a conclusion - theoretically, the upper limit for a person to be able to fuse crystal nuclei is no more than 200.

  Because if the impurity content of one crystal nucleus in the body is 0.5%, 200 crystal nuclei are 100% impurities, which will definitely turn into zombies.

  199 pieces are 99% impurities. Although this probability is infinitely close to turning into a zombie, there is still a theoretical probability that it will not change.

  Calculated based on 200 crystal cores, this number can be said to be more, but it can also be said to be less.

  It's said to be a lot because Wang Tao can currently fuse four different types of crystal nuclei. At most, he can fuse 40 crystal nuclei, which is still far from 200.

  It is said that it is less, naturally because, except for Wang Tao, who fused orange crystal nuclei with 100% success, the crystal nuclei fused by others all had a failure rate. And failure will also accumulate impurities!
  If the crystal nuclei a person fuses are all white crystal nuclei with a 20% success rate, and it only succeeds once every five times on average, then it has to successfully fuse 40 crystal nuclei, which consumes exactly 200 crystal nuclei! If your luck is even worse, 200 won't be enough...

  Therefore, the number of fusion cores is not too many.

  But Wang Tao suddenly thought of a question - since there is a first-order crystal nucleus, there should be second-order, third-order and other crystal nuclei. If the first-order crystal nuclei have accumulated so many impurities in the body, how can the second-order and higher-order crystal nuclei be fused?

  Is it possible that the first-order crystal core fusion is less and the second-order fusion is more? But this is obviously not possible. If you don't improve your strength at the first level, how can you survive to the second level...

  Wang Tao is very puzzled.

  But after all, he is not strong enough now, so it is useless to think about it so much. He should take care of the present first.


  "I speculate that fusing a crystal nucleus will accumulate about 0.5% impurities in our body... Therefore, the number of crystal nuclei we can fuse cannot exceed 200..."

  Wang Tao told them his speculation.

  "0.5%...200 pieces..."

  Everyone's expressions were not very good.

  Although they feel that they may not be able to fuse so many crystal nuclei, there is an upper limit, and it is not very comfortable after all.

  "I personally think that we should set a warning line. For example, when it comes to how many crystal nuclei are fused or how many impurities are in the body... Otherwise, if the fusion continues, something might really happen!" Ren Jie said with some worry


  Although fused crystal nuclei will become stronger, the price is a bit high, and it seems to be irreversible... Everyone

  frowned and discussed for a while, and then everyone agreed that 50% of the impurities in the body would be when 100 crystal nuclei are fused. , which can be regarded as a warning line. Try to control the impurities in the body within 50%...

  but that's what I say. But this is the end of the world. You can't live without strength. If you want to improve your strength, you have to fuse more crystal cores... There is no way.

  Seeing the sad faces of several people, Wang Tao clapped his hands and attracted their attention.

  "Everyone, don't be discouraged. I have another news to tell you!"

  "Huh? Is it good news?"

  Xiang Hongbin's eyes lit up.

  "No, maybe it's worse news."

  Everyone: "..."

  But is there any worse news than impurities in the body?

  "I found a gorilla zombie in the hospital yesterday. It's the same zombie we saw in the old mall before. It's stronger! But that's not the point. The point is, it actually ran to the hospital!" "What

  ? Did it go to the hospital?"

  Wei Zhenguo's expression changed.

  He obviously understood the meaning of Wang Tao's words - the distance between the old shopping mall and the hospital was much further than that from the base!

  In other words, since the gorilla zombie can run to the hospital, it is possible that it can run to the base!

  After everyone thought for a moment, they all instantly understood the key to the matter.

  Feng Mingan was a little confused.

  "Didn't you say that this gorilla-like zombie is a lord zombie? Then it should only move in its own territory. Why did it end up in the hospital?" "Is it possible that

  it expanded its territory and included The hospital has become his own territory..."

  Lu Gang suddenly said quietly.


  After everyone was stunned for a moment, Xiang Hongbin even cursed.

  "Damn it! It has enclosed the hospital in its territory, so it shouldn't have enclosed our base as well?" Liu He

  said at this time:

  "If it regards the base as our territory, can we Can't you block it?"

  He was not a combatant and had no intuitive feeling for the combat power of everyone in the base.

  "It's hard to say..."

  Everyone shook their heads.

  One thing to say, the Mizusawa base is still very strong because there are a lot of guns here.

  If we use firepower to cover it, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

  But the problem is, if so many guns are really used, how many zombies will be attracted!
  Even if everyone can kill it, if the continuous gunfire attracts zombies from the entire county, then the people in the base will still be alive... And Wang Tao just said that the gorilla

  zombie has become stronger again. A lot!
  Elite zombies have so many magical abilities, so if a lord zombie evolves the ability to block bullets, no one would be surprised...

  Dong Dong Dong -

  Wang Tao knocked on the table, making everyone respond. Come to your senses.

  "I think we have two things to do now. One is to find Shao Yong's traces as soon as possible. The other is to improve our strength as soon as possible - we can't move the base, we can only prevent the gorillas. How to deal with zombies when they come. If you want to deal with such zombies, your own strength is crucial..."

  Several people nodded.

  "As for the zombie crystal cores, if you trust me, you can leave all the crystal cores in the base to me for safekeeping. Next, I will work hard to hunt more zombies, and then arrange more suitable crystal cores for you. Core, try to fuse all your crystal nuclei to the upper limit in a short time!"

  Wang Tao looked at the crowd and said.

  Everyone was a little surprised by Wang Tao's words, but they all nodded.

  "Of course we trust Wang Tao. Then I'll leave it to you for safekeeping! Do you have any objections?"

  Wei Zhenguo looked at everyone, and everyone nodded.

  Wang Tao has the strongest combat power, he has killed the most elite zombies, he has taken out more crystal cores, and he has also helped everyone with analysis and suggestions. He is absolutely trustworthy.


  Wang Tao nodded with satisfaction.

  The reappearance of the gorilla zombie also gave Wang Tao a strong sense of urgency. He originally wanted to gradually improve the strength of his teammates. But there was no time now and he had to pick up the pace.

  The first is these zombie crystal cores. Wang Tao has to get all the zombie crystal cores.

  Then Wang Tao can synthesize these crystal nuclei. He does not need to synthesize all the epic crystal nuclei with a fusion success rate of 100%. This would be too fake. He does not want to expose his synthesis ability for the time being.

  But he can synthesize some crystal nuclei with a success rate of 60% or 80%.

  As long as it exceeds 50%, the probability of success is still higher. In fact, the success rate of 80% is not much different from 100% - none of them failed to fuse the red crystal core.

  This success rate is a very real success rate, not like some unscrupulous game manufacturers, where a 90% success rate is almost the same as 50%, and a 50% success rate is basically 20%...even some

  games Even more shameless, as long as it is not 100% successful, even if it is 99%, it may still fail, and the probability of failure is not small... Wang Tao has been tricked before.

  Besides, when Wang Tao synthesized these crystal nuclei, his purpose was not only to increase the success rate of fusion, but more importantly, he wanted to remove side effects and impurities!

  In fact, there are many crystal cores in the base now, but most of them are white and blue. After Wang Tao's reminder, no one dared to use them without permission.

  The side effects and impurities are like a big mountain weighing on everyone. After all, no one wants to become a monster or a zombie... As

  for how to explain it later... In fact, it doesn't matter whether Wang Tao explains it or not. Now in the end of the world, all kinds of magical things have appeared, which cannot be explained.

  Anyway, Wang Tao's bottom line is that he can't reveal all his cards without revealing his specific abilities. If it doesn't work, it's all down to his luck, let them guess...

  After determining the next development route, Lu Gang took all the crystal nuclei he had saved.

  Looking at this bag of crystal nuclei, combined with the crystal nuclei in his hand, Wang Tao thought that this could also increase everyone's abilities to +10!
  Then Wang Tao asked them what abilities each of them had successfully fused with those crystal nuclei, and what the upper limit of fusion types was.

  Wei Zhenguo currently only fuses two types of crystal cores, namely charge and shock wave. He feels that he can continue to fuse, but he is not strong enough now, and something may happen if he continues to fuse. This means that Wei Zhenguo can fuse at least three kinds of crystal nuclei.

  Xiang Hongbin's situation is basically the same as his. Xiang Hongbin also fused charge and shock wave, and could also fuse the third type, but not now. However, Xiang Hongbin has more crystal nuclei than he has fused, and his combat power is also stronger.

  Lu Gang has only fused two crystal cores so far, both of which are sprints. He felt that it would be no problem for him to fuse another type of crystal core.

  Feng Ming'an won't go into details. He can only fuse one type of crystal core, but his ability to vomit mucus is already +3, which is only 7 crystal cores short of +10. He only has one ability, and improving it is relatively simple.

  Ren Jie fused two crystal cores, one for screaming and one for self-destruction. He felt that he could no longer fuse. The two crystal nuclei were his upper limit.

  Liu He only fused one, which was the hidden crystal core.

  Ren Jie and Liu He can be ignored for the time being. They are not combatants and do not need to be integrated too much for the time being. Leave the crystal core to those in need.

  Mainly Xiang Hongbin, Wei Zhenguo and Lu Gang had to prepare the crystal nuclei of the three of them.

  Including Han Rui, she is also the main combat power of the base and needs to be improved.

  Wang Tao even thought that all the security forces should be turned into superpowers, and the base hunters should also select some people to become superpowers.

  Theoretically speaking, after giving ordinary people a crystal core and turning them into superpowers, the benefits they bring to the base are higher than giving this crystal core to other superpowers to increase their superpower levels.

  After all, the combat power of superpowers is very different from that of ordinary people. This is a process from 0 to 1. The improvement in combat power brought by a group of superpowers is generally greater than the improvement brought by a few people.

  Of course, high-end combat power must also be available. Sometimes high-end combat power is more useful than human sea tactics.

  So you have to grasp it with both hands, and you have to be hard with both hands!

  After discussing it with everyone, Wang Tao said:

  "Next, everyone has to kill more elite zombies to improve their strength, but don't fuse the crystal core. I will figure out a solution for the crystal core." "

  Okay. !"

  Everyone nodded.

  Whether it was Shao Yong's matter or the orangutan zombie's matter, everyone was very urgent, so after the meeting, these combatants immediately took people out to find the elite zombies.

  Ren Jie arranged for people to search for Shao Yong's traces, find the location of elite zombies, etc.

  As for Shao Yong, he also told everyone, asking everyone to be careful when going out recently.

  However, Ren Jie also revealed a piece of news - the committee is now considering the selection of people with special abilities. People with good character and strong abilities will have a chance to be selected!

  After the news that Shao Yong was still alive was announced, many people cursed him. If Shao Yong was not dead and was still very strong, then they would probably have to hide in the base as before and not go out.

  And when the news was announced that the committee was going to select people with special abilities, it almost made everyone excited.

  Become a superpower!

  This is definitely everyone’s most desired wish at the moment!
  Currently, only the committee members in the base are superpowers. Many people have also seen the battles of superpowers. Superpowers such as charge and shock wave, which have relatively strong combat capabilities, are simply what most people dream of.

  Unfortunately, with their strength, it is too dangerous to kill elite zombies! This is especially difficult since many elites have a self-destructor near them.

  Until now, probably with the exception of Han Rui, ordinary people have not been able to become superpowers.

  Therefore, the announcement of Ren Jie's news immediately made many people, especially hunters, ecstatic. They feel like their chance has come.

  They want to go out to kill zombies, continue to improve their strength, and strive to be selected!

  Shao Yong? Shao Yong can't stop them from getting stronger!

  At worst, be careful, try to move around the base, don't run too far, and run back quickly if you encounter any situation... Anyway, your strength must be improved! They are sure of this superpower!
  As for the security forces, although they are also very excited, they will not be too excited. After all, they have all received professional training, and Ren Jie told them that they will be the second batch of people to become superpowers in addition to the committee members. They have already made an internal decision.

  There is no way, who makes them strong and good character. Wang Tao still trusts the character of these soldiers.

  While everyone else was busy, Wang Tao took all the crystal nuclei home.

  Ding Yuqin was not at home. She went out to kill zombies with Gao Hua and the others in the morning. They are all around the base, so it is relatively safe. Zombies don't stay still all the time. After killing all the zombies around you, there will be new ones added, so you can't kill them all.

  Looking at these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao first wanted to find out if there were any crystal nuclei he could use.

  "Copper skin and iron bones, accurate shooting...not bad!"

  Although there is no self-healing, it is good to have these two crystal nuclei.

  He also happened to have one of each in his hand. After adding these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao synthesized them.

  A burst of colorful light flashed from the space backpack, and 5 orange and 1 red crystal nuclei appeared in his hands.

  That red crystal core was a precise shot, synthesized from two blue crystal nuclei. Wang Tao is going to give this to Lu Gang.

  Lu Gang is the one with the best marksmanship in the base, and he is also very effective with the bow. It is very suitable to give him this precise shooting.

  Wang Tao’s rule for synthesizing crystal nuclei is: add quality and add purity.

  The current first-order crystal nuclei are all 50% pure, which means that as long as he uses two identical crystal nuclei to synthesize them, the purity will become 100%, without any impurities, and the side effects will disappear.

  The side effect of precision shooting is terrible, blinding one eye. Therefore, this side effect must be eliminated, otherwise few people would dare to use it.

  As for the success rate, Wang Tao feels that there should be no surprises with this 80% success rate. The orange one is too eye-catching, but the red one is better. If it really failed, it can only be said that Lu Gang was very unlucky...

  The other 5 orange crystal cores were 4 copper-skinned iron bones and 1 precision shot.

  Wang Tao put all these crystal nuclei into his mouth in turn.

  Soon, all five crystal cores were fused.

  Wang Tao's copper skin and iron bones have been fused 6 times before. Adding these 4 times, it is exactly 10 times. His copper skin and iron bones ability has finally reached the upper limit.

  As for precision shooting, it was fused 3 times before, but now it’s only 4 times.

  Wang Tao's mana level is now 2500. He still needs 6 precision shooting cores and 9 self-healing cores to reach 4000 mana like Shao Yong.

  However, this self-healing crystal core is more difficult to obtain than accurate shooting. Wang Tao is going to go back to the hospital again. There are many elite zombies in the hospital, and there are self-healing zombies. Otherwise, it would be difficult to collect these 9 crystal cores from other places.

  Then Wang Tao classified the other crystal nuclei into categories and synthesized them.

  There is no need to synthesize all oranges. Use two blue or white and one purple to synthesize a red. Use one white and one blue to synthesize a purple. Occasionally, synthesize a few oranges... Soon, Wang Tao had a bunch of side effects

  and The impurities are nucleated.

  Looking at these crystal nuclei, Wang Tao showed a satisfied look on his face.

  This will not only greatly improve the strength of Wei Zhenguo and others, but also create many superpowers in the base! Even if the orangutan zombies really come, the base will not be without the power to fight!

  In the afternoon, Gao Hua suddenly came back.

  "Brother, I found traces of Shao Yong!"

  (End of this chapter)

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