109. Chapter 109 Super Power Charge

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  Chapter 109: Super Power·Charge
  After the acid rain, although the zombies became stronger, their speed became much slower.

  When the committee broadcast the news, many people were immediately moved - he might still be unable to defeat the zombies that had slowed down, but they could outrun them!
  For many people, as long as they don't hunt zombies, don't make too much noise, and don't encounter some special zombies, the risk is actually lower now than before.

  These special zombie illustrations were made into booklets and distributed at the base. So as long as their eyes are brighter and their luck is not that bad, they should be able to go out and search for supplies.

  Shuize County is large and has a large population. After most people turned into zombies, the supplies left behind were naturally abundant.

  After these survivors have been stable in the base for more than a month, some want to remain stable, but others are ready to take risks.

  So in the past two days, there have been a lot more registered hunters in the base.

  The base requires these hunters to try not to stay out overnight. If they are forced to stay overnight, it is best to notify the base. Otherwise, there will be no way to help if there is danger.

  Yesterday, two hunter teams, mainly newcomers, notified the base that they were surrounded by zombies and were not in danger for the time being, so they planned to spend the night outside and come back the next morning.

  However, this morning, when the staff at the Shuizhe base asked about each other's situation, there was a stranger's voice over there.

  They said that all 14 people from these two teams were captured by them. If you want to redeem these people, you have to exchange them for 14 zombie crystal cores.

  If the base doesn't redeem people, they will kill one person every other day until they are all killed.

  The staff wanted to hear the voices of the two team members, but the other party directly turned off the intercom. And they only talked about redeeming people, but they didn't even say where they were redeeming people...

  The staff were a little suspicious, whether they had picked up something belonging to the hunter team, or if all the people in the hunter team were dead...

  "What do you say?"

  Wang Tao looked at the other committee members.

  Everyone frowned.

  In the last days, there is a shortage of people, but human life is not valuable.

  If they are asked to offer other things to redeem people, such as some food, that is not non-negotiable. But taking the zombie core is too much. There are only a few superpowers in the base right now! They have no use for zombie crystal cores!
  A human life is not necessarily worth more than a zombie core.

  "We can't compromise! Damn it, are you threatening us? Just fight!"

  Xiang Hongbin said angrily.

  "I also think we can't compromise, otherwise there will be a second time if there is a first time. We can't compromise every time, right? Just hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches!"

  Lu Gang also said with eyes wide open.

  Not only his two soldiers, Feng Ming'an, Ren Jie, and even the technical guy Liu He agreed to fight.

  Wei Zhenguo spoke at this time:

  "I also agree with not compromising, but the question is, do you know who the other party is and where the other party is?" "


  Everyone was suddenly stuck.

  "If I guessed correctly, that group of people should be Shao Yong's people!"

  Wang Tao said at this time.

  "If we really want to have a festival, we can only have a festival with them. Under normal circumstances, if our people are caught by other survivors, they will definitely report themselves. Those small survivor forces, after hearing our reputation, , Either kill and silence them, or let them go. After all, so many of our guns are not fake - but they dare to directly kidnap people! I have reason to suspect that they are Shao Yong's people." After hearing this analysis, everyone nodded slightly


  But if it is Shao Yong, it will be a bit troublesome. Because Shao Yong obviously wants to stand up for his former younger brother Cao Xin...

  No one wants to fight with the survivors at this time unless necessary.

  But if it is really unavoidable, no one will be afraid.

  "But he didn't say the specific place of the transaction! Even if we really use zombie crystal cores to redeem people, we have to have a place..."

  Feng Ming'an frowned.

  "Perhaps there are two possibilities..." Wei Zhenguo frowned and said, "One is that many of our people died... they want to delay it for a few days. The other is... they want to give us a kick! I want to kill a few people first!"

  After hearing this, everyone became even more angry.

  No matter what it is, it means that these two hunter teams have suffered casualties!
  "The top priority is to check where the other party is while waiting for news from them..."

  Ren Jie touched his chin and spoke.

  I am in the light, but the enemy is in the dark... I am a little passive.

  "Well, we need to investigate carefully. I will inform you that the next task of searching for supplies will be suspended and we will focus on investigation!"

  Several people immediately reached a unanimous opinion - no compromise, let alone substituting crystal cores for people, but they can Attempt to rescue.

  Wei Zhenguo announced the news that the hunter team had been kidnapped, but did not mention the zombie crystal core.

  After the other hunters in the base got the news, they were immediately frightened and some did not dare to go out.

  Seeing this situation, Wei Zhenguo felt helpless. Finally, we got some more hunters, but within two days of prosperity, they didn't dare to go out again.

  These kidnappers really deserve to die!


  In the evening, Wang Tao came to Han Rui's house.

  Han Rui, who had just finished taking a shower, looked a little unnatural when she saw Wang Tao arriving.

  "What are you doing here..."


  Wang Tao spoke concisely.

  Han Rui was stunned for a moment, and then her face instantly turned red with embarrassment.

  "You - we agreed that we should live our own lives when we return to the base, and no one should disturb anyone! Why don't you keep your word?" "

  Huh? When did you say that?"

  Wang Tao sat on the sofa carelessly and said The face is confused.

  "On the bed-"

  Han Rui quickly shut up.

  She had just finished taking a shower. She was wearing pajamas and her hair was still a little wet. When Wang Tao saw Han Rui, his index finger twitched.

  But he was here to talk business, and he only verbally teased Han Rui.

  Han Rui glared at Wang Tao fiercely:
  "Don't mess around! Sun Weiguang will be back soon!"

  Upon hearing this, Wang Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "That's even more exciting!"

  "...You're perverted!"

  Han Rui was a little anxious.

  After all, she is a relatively traditional woman, and she is still in her home now. Later, her man, who although she has no feelings, is still her husband in name, will come back. In addition, some new neighbors moved in around her apartment, and they all knew that Han Rui and Sun Weiguang were husband and wife...

  So if something happened to her and Wang Tao at home, how would she meet people in the future?
  Wang Tao felt that he was indeed a little perverted, but there was someone more perverted than him -

  Sun Weiguang suddenly came back.

  When he came back, he saw Wang Tao sitting on the sofa. His wife Han Rui had just finished taking a shower and was talking to Wang Tao with a red face.

  This made Sun Weiguang subconsciously say:
  "I... cough, you guys are busy! I suddenly remembered that I have something to do and I have to go out again..."

  After saying that, Sun Weiguang left directly and closed the door thoughtfully.

  Before Wang Tao said anything, Han Rui's face turned red and white.

  "He, he's at the door!"


  Good guy, this Sun Weiguang is really perverted!

  Wang Tao felt ashamed.

  Han Rui was still a little resistant to Wang Tao, but when she saw Sun Weiguang like this, she became furious. I was so blind back then that I actually fell in love with Sun Weiguang!

  Han Rui walked directly to Wang Tao and sat down.

  When Wang Tao saw this, he pretended to be surprised and said:

  "Huh? What are you doing?"



  Good guy, you can do the same to the other person!
  And Han Rui was not satisfied with verbal teasing, she directly straddled Wang Tao.



  an hour later.

  Wang Tao, who had put on his pants, said with an indifferent expression:
  "Women, they just delay things."


  Han Rui, who was a little exhausted, put her arms around Wang Tao's neck, lay on him and ignored him.

  At this time, the door opened. Sun Weiguang saw the disheveled Han Rui sitting on Wang Tao's lap. He suddenly turned red and entered his room with his head lowered.


  Wang Tao really didn't expect that Sun Weiguang could stay at the door for so long.

  Han Rui didn't even look at Sun Weiguang.

  But... she seems to have experienced Sun Weiguang's feeling, which is really exciting...

  "Okay, the chores are done, it's time to get down to business."

  Wang Tao patted the soft flesh on Han Rui's body, and then took out an orange Crystal nucleus.

  "This is..."

  Han Rui's tired spirit suddenly cheered up. She has never seen such a beautiful crystal core!

  "Charge Core, do you want to use it?"

  Wang Tao said with a smile.

  I waited all day today, but no news came from the kidnappers.

  It is impossible for everyone to wait at the base all the time, so after discussion, the committee members decided to go out to hunt elite zombies in the next few days to prepare for the battle that may come at any time!

  Han Rui's perception ability is very useful to Wang Tao, so Wang Tao wants to improve Han Rui's strength.

  Originally, he planned to synthesize the charge crystal core into the epic and keep it for himself. If you can't find a self-healing core, use a charge core instead.

  But after thinking about it, Wang Tao felt that it was not necessary.

  Judging from the current situation, charger zombies are not too rare. At least they have met Xiang Hongbin a few times. Wang Tao will definitely come across it again in the future, and the possibility of getting another epic crystal core is very high.

  Moreover, Wang Tao does not dare to fuse the fourth type of crystal core now. It is a waste to put the charge crystal core in his backpack. In addition, he may start a war with other superpowers at any time... so he might as well put the charge crystal core. Improve people's strength.

  Han Rui was a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

  Wang Tao taught her about the quality of the crystal core. This orange crystal core is a 100% successfully fused crystal core!

  Doesn’t Wang Tao himself need it?

  Han Rui suddenly thought of the scene where Wang Tao held him in his arms when he encountered a self-destructing zombie.

  "Does he really like me instead of just lusting after my body..."

  Han Rui was a little confused.

  "Don't you want it?"

  Looking at Han Rui who was in a daze, Wang Tao frowned.

  The reason why he gave it to Han Rui was, of course, because Han Rui had always been his teammate, and increasing Han Rui's combat effectiveness was to increase his combat effectiveness.

  But if Han Rui doesn't want it, then he will give it to someone else. He feels that Xiang Hongbin and Wei Zhenguo are also suitable.


  Han Rui said quickly.

  "Then open your mouth."


  Han Rui opened her mouth subconsciously. She always felt that this posture was weird.

  Wang Tao stuffed the crystal core directly into Han Rui's throat as if giving medicine, causing Han Rui to cough repeatedly.

  Han Rui gave Wang Tao a fierce look, then she quickly closed her eyes and carefully felt the power of this crystal core.

  After a while.

  "So sleepy~"

  Han Rui felt like she couldn't open her eyes, and then she fell asleep on Wang Tao's chest.

  Wang Tao took her back to bed.

  The next day, early morning.

  Han Rui got out of Wang Tao's arms with a red face. She scratched her messy hair in embarrassment.

  "Uh... I didn't do anything last night, right?"

  She fell asleep completely last night and had no memory of anything.

  Wang Tao shook his head.

  "You sleep like a dead pig, what else can you do?"

  Wang Tao stayed here to observe Han Rui and see what changes she would have after fusing the second type of crystal core, and whether there would be any changes during the fusion process. problem appear.

  It seems to be okay so far. She has been sleeping soundly and her body does not have much fever, which is different from Wang Tao's situation.

  "...You are the pig!"

  Han Rui muttered in her heart, and then asked with some expectancy:

  "Want to try the new power together?"

  "Of course." Wang Tao nodded first, and then asked "By the way, do you think you can fuse other types of crystal nuclei now?"

  Han Rui closed her eyes and felt it carefully, then opened her eyes with a look of surprise.

  "I seem... I can continue to fuse different types of crystal nuclei?"

  "That's not bad."

  Wang Tao was a little surprised. Looking at this situation, Han Rui can at least fuse three different types of crystal nuclei.

  "You pack up and go to the complex to wait for me. Let's go out and try out your powers."


  Han Rui nodded expectantly.

  Wang Tao went home first, picked up some equipment, and then told Ding Yuqin that he might not return to the base in the next few days.

  Ding Yuqin stared at Wang Tao with some resentment. Wang Tao was at the base last night but did not rest at home, but she was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

  "Wang Tao, be careful outside!"

  "Well, don't worry, sister-in-law."

  Wang Tao kissed Ding Yuqin on the forehead, and then drove to the complex.

  Han Rui is already waiting for him.

  Wang Tao first went upstairs and asked the base if they had any news about the kidnappers, but the result was no.

  A day and a night passed without any news from the other party, and no one from the two teams came back.

  Obviously, the hunter team really suffered casualties.

  If he died at the hands of zombies, forget it. But if he died at the hands of other survivors, Shuizhe Base would definitely avenge him!

  "Everyone, try to get more zombie crystal cores. Whether I can become a superpower depends on you!"

  Wei Zhenguo encouraged everyone. His injury hadn't healed yet, so he naturally stayed at the base.

  Several outgoing committee members were divided into three teams.

  Xiang Hongbin, Lu Gang and others led a group of soldiers. Feng Ming'an and some policemen formed a team. Then there is Wang Tao and Han Rui who are a team.

  The reason why Wang Tao did not join them was because Wang Tao was not used to their fighting style.

  Xiang Hongbin and the others fought in a militarized manner, and Feng Ming'an and the others also had their own fighting methods. Wang Tao would not be used to it if he had been there.

  To take the simplest example, if Xiang Hongbin gestures, other teammates will know what to do. But Wang Tao could only look confused. Not to mention their various tactics and skills.

  So this is the reason why they either lead soldiers or police. It's not that they don't want to lead others, but that ordinary survivors really can't keep up with their pace and will most likely become a drag.

  Of course, Wang Tao's strength will definitely not hold him back, but he is quite awkward, so let it go.

  However, when Wang Tao was at the base, he would often ask Wei Zhenguo for some military knowledge. Once you become more proficient, you can start acting with them.

  "If you encounter elite zombies that you are unsure about, or elite zombies that you cannot deal with, you can contact me. As long as I have time, I will definitely go there."

  Wang Tao said to the other people.

  "That's a must! You are the number one combat force in our base. If I have any difficulties, I will definitely come to you!"

  Xiang Hongbin patted Wang Tao heavily on the shoulder, and everyone else nodded.

  Wang Tao high-fived several people, and then took five homemade bombs from Liu He.

  These are improved versions of previous models, and their performance is much more stable. Liu He said there will definitely be no problems like before.

  Wang Tao took a fancy to the timing function of these bombs, which was easier to use than grenades. Grenades only lasted a few seconds and had no place to run.

  This time bomb has plenty of time. If you run farther away after the timer is set, you don't have to worry about attracting zombies.

  "Let's go."

  When he came downstairs, Wang Tao asked Han Rui to get in the car.

  But after seeing Han Rui's dress, Wang Tao was a little stunned.

  Today, Han Rui is wearing a black combat uniform, with a tactical vest hanging on the chest, a tactical helmet and sunglasses on her head, and her face is covered with a black scarf. She carries a sniper crossbow on her back and a pistol on her waist. A dagger, a fire ax, and a small shield on his back.

  The increase in blood volume has greatly enhanced her physical fitness, and this little weight is not a problem at all for her.

  "This look is very handsome!"

  Wang Tao praised.

  Han Rui was a little proud. This was originally a set of special police equipment, which she received at a high price from other survivors yesterday.

  "Don't tell me, we are quite matched when we stand together."

  Wang Tao is also fully armed, but Wang Tao wears a skull mask, which makes him look more like a villain.

  Han Rui rolled her eyes at him, and then the two got in the car and left the base.

  ten minutes later.

  "Eh? You're lucky today!"

  Wang Tao saw a violent terrorist holding a hammer on the road.


  And there is not much blood, which is just enough for Han Rui to try out her new power.

  Han Rui handed the crossbow to Wang Tao, then got out of the car and took the shield behind her, holding the shield in one hand and the fire ax in the other.

  Then she took a deep breath and launched her supernatural power, Charge, at the violent terror in the distance.

  Whoosh -

  Han Rui kicked off her right foot and rushed towards the violent terrorist.

  At the same time, a faint white transparent light shield appeared outside Han Rui's body.


  Han Rui slammed into the violent zombie.


  The violent terrorist was directly knocked away, and Han Rui took advantage of the situation and struck out with an axe.




  "Damn it, it's just seconds away!"

  (End of this chapter)

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