Chapter 44 The Meng family is in trouble [Please follow up]

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  Chapter 44: The Meng Family is in Distress [Requesting for further reading]

  Wei Yi also came to Xiangman Building with two nursing staff.

  Everyone at the door was talking and pointing.

  Wei Yi also roughly understood what happened through everyone's words.

  Not long ago, someone was poisoned and died after eating at Xiangmanlou.

  A table of five people were all killed on the spot.

  Now the county government has received a report and came to investigate.

  The door of Xiangmanlou has been closed, and no one is allowed to enter.

  Therefore, Wei Yi could not enter and could only gather around the door with other people.

  "What can poison people to death?"

  "I heard that they ate poisonous mushrooms. There were poisonous mushrooms in the delicacies used in Xiangmanlou. Five people died on the spot." "

  Poisonous mushrooms, how could you be so cruel ? Be careful?"

  "No, according to the guild regulations, there are prescribed channels for purchasing ingredients for restaurants in the city. You cannot buy them privately. How could you buy poisonous mushrooms?" "Yes,

  this is too strange."

  " Well, nine times out of ten, someone has tampered with someone. This is nothing new." "

  Now that people are being eaten to death, Shopkeeper Meng can't escape his involvement." "

  Then it depends on the results of the investigation. If it can't be found, Who did it? The cook must bear the main responsibility. He might be sentenced to death!" "It's

  so heavy!"

  "Maybe there's someone from the Shanzhi Guild who bought it. They will be implicated!"

  "But the Meng family restaurant will definitely not be able to continue to operate. If something like this happens, the guild will definitely remove them. Shopkeeper Meng may have to face huge compensation!" "Oh

  , The Meng family is so miserable. Now even one restaurant can't be saved!" "

  Hey, I heard that shopkeeper Meng's uncle passed away, so the last protective umbrella of the Meng family is gone!" "

  No wonder, I said how can everything be so good? Something happened suddenly!"

  "Oh, what a world!"

  "The Meng family is completely finished this time."

  "Yes, we will never be able to eat the delicious roast chicken again."

  The crowd was talking, and Wei Yi I can basically understand it.

  He didn't need to think about it to know that this matter was probably related to the Wan family.

  In the past, Meng Shuilian's uncle, whom the entire family was afraid of, was the county magistrate, and he was also an official of one of his parents.

  Now that Meng Shuilian's uncle passed away, the Wan family no longer had any scruples, so they began to kill the Meng family.

  It's really despicable.

  However, he had just experienced Wan Zihe's despicable methods a few days ago, so he didn't find it strange.

  The Meng family may not be able to avoid this disaster.

  The Wan family and Zheng Zhixian were already colluding.

  The county government came to investigate, and it is estimated that the final result will be very unfavorable to the Meng family.

  As those around them said, the Meng family's fragrant building must be completely closed down, and it will face huge compensation.

  It is still unclear whether Meng Shuilian can be implicated and convicted.

  I can only say that this world is too dark.

  After a long time, the door of Xiangmanlou opened again.

  "Get out of the way, get out of the way!" the Yamen servant yelled at everyone to disperse.

  Immediately, I saw a few government officials escorting a group of people from the restaurant out of the gate.

  Everyone's faces were filled with panic.

  Meng Shuilian walked in the front, her face was pale, her head was slightly lowered, her eyebrows were furrowed, and her face was filled with sadness and indignation.

  "Shopkeeper Meng!" Wei Yi suddenly called out.

  He couldn't help but attract the attention of everyone around him.

  Meng Shuilian also looked at Wei Yi, her dim eyes seemed to be a little brighter, but her expression was extremely complicated.

  "Shopkeeper Meng, don't worry, the sky has eyes and retribution is clear!" Wei Yi said firmly with firm eyes.

  Naturally, he would not sit idly by and watch what happened this time.

  The last time the Wei family was in trouble, Meng Shuilian helped a lot.

  As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

  When the Wei family was most short of money, Meng Shuilian even took the initiative to send fifty taels of silver.

  You know, in this world, even between brothers,
  fifty taels of silver is a huge sum of money that requires a written document to be borrowed. But Meng Shuilian didn't even mention when the Wei family would return it.

  Moreover, the Meng family was not well off at that time.

  Fifty taels is probably all I can put out on my account.

  He, Wei Yi, naturally cannot forget this kindness from others who have given everything they have to help you.

  Now that the Meng family was in trouble, he naturally couldn't stand by and watch.

  But Wei Yi also knew that he couldn't be too anxious now.

  We need to wait and see what happens and see what the county government and Wanjia do.

  Then decide how to help the Meng family.

  However, things that should be taken care of during this period naturally still need to be taken care of.

  The relationship that should be entrusted also needs to be entrusted, at least to ensure Meng Shuilian's personal safety.

  That old pervert from the Wan family can do anything.

  After hearing Wei Yi's words, Meng Shuilian's face regained some color, and she looked at Wei Yi and nodded.

  After Meng Shuilian and others were taken away, several other government officials carried away the body of the deceased.

  The two government officials who left last put a seal on Xiangmanlou.

  After all the government officials left, the crowd slowly dispersed.

  Wei Yi also brought two nurses to Wanjiange Pavilion, but when he reached the door, he stopped, took off the money bag he brought with him, handed it to the two of them and said, "You two go to the county government office first. , take care of it, and ask them to help take care of Shopkeeper Meng."

  "Yes, don't worry, boss!" the two said seriously.

  They could also see that the relationship between Wei Yi and Shopkeeper Meng was not simple.

  He wanted to help the Meng family.

  So after the two left Wanjiange, they first went to the county government office to do some research and inquire about the news.

  But after the two left the county government, they did not return to Wanjiange, but went directly to the Guo family's mansion.

  He told Guo Pixiu about this.

  "Very good, you two are very good at doing things. I already know this. Go back and tell Wei Yi to reassure him!" Guo Pixiu said with a smile.

  It's not that he takes pleasure in others' misfortune, it's just that he always wanted to make friends with Wei Yi.

  Now that he has such a good opportunity to perform, he naturally can't miss it.

  The most important thing is that he can sell Wei Yi's favor and go against Wan Zihe at the same time. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

  "You guys should go back to Wanjiange first. I'll go to the county government office to find my uncle later!" Guo Pixiu said.

  His uncle is the chief clerk of the county government, and can also be regarded as the second-in-command of the county government.

  After Wei Yi came to Wanjiang Pavilion, he learned in detail about the details and differences between the seventh-grade swordsmith assessment and the fifth-grade swordsmith assessment with Du Yujiang.

  Du Yujiang also told him in detail.

  The assessment of the seventh-level swordsmith is actually not much different from that of the ninth-level swordsmith.

  The content of the assessment and the content of the test are also similar.

  There are also corresponding sword inspection sticks to test the ultimate performance of the sword.

  But the assessment of the fifth-grade swordsmith is different.

  Although the swordsmith also completes the creation of the sword in a closed environment.

  But other people are not allowed to watch the whole process.

  And the performance testing of swords is also very different.

  Except for some basic tests.

  The five-jeweled sword differs from the one-jeweled and three-jeweled swords in two aspects.

  First: the performance stability of the sword in different extreme environments.

  For example, leave the sword in a high temperature or cold environment for a long time,
  and then test the performance and changes to see if its stability is qualified.

  Second: the resistance of the warrior’s blood energy.

  As long as the warrior reaches the seventh level, he can extract the blood energy and pour it into the sword, so that the sword can obtain better performance.

  It can even have the effect of restraining evil spirits and suppressing ghosts and ghosts.

  However, the long-term infusion of warrior blood will cause the internal structure of the steel sword to change.

  Over time, the sword will become brittle and may eventually become completely useless.

  But an important performance feature of the five-jeweled sword is that it is not afraid of the infusion of the warrior's blood.

  Even after a long period of blood infusion, the performance of the sword is still very stable.


  (End of chapter)

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