Chapter 248 What year is it today?

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  After clearing away the hidden dangers under Qingzhou City, Wei Yi felt relieved.

  He returned to the territory of Huaxia Daozhou again, and then piloted the giant eagle and flew towards the mountain range where the Human Emperor Palace is located.

  The entrance to the Human Emperor's Palace is hidden deep in a beautiful mountain range.

  The mist lingers there, and there is a natural maze.

  Without the guidance of the Immortal Palace's token, it would be easy to lose your way when entering it, and you would not be able to find the entrance to the Human Emperor's Palace at all.

  Following the guidance of the token, Wei Yi finally arrived at the entrance of the Human Emperor's Palace.

  The entrance is a very inconspicuous, even somewhat dilapidated mountain gate.

  It is covered with vines and green plants, which seems to blend in with the surrounding environment.

  If you don't look carefully, you can't even see the mountain gate clearly.

  Just when Wei Yi was about to walk towards the mountain gate, he saw ripples in the void inside the mountain gate.

  Immediately, an extremely old man with white beard and hair walked out.

  The old man saw Wei Yi at a glance, and couldn't help but ask: "Little friend, what year is it today?"

  Wei Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately told the old man the current year. It seemed that he had just graduated from the Human Emperor. Those who came out of the temple had been staying there for who knows how many years.

  Wei Yi knew very well that although the Human Emperor's Palace was opened only once every sixty years.

  But after entering, you can stay in and never come out.

  There are nine palaces inside, and each palace can be practiced and studied in.

  Only when you can pass the assessment of this palace can you enter the next palace.

  If you continue to be unable to pass, you will not be kicked out.

  After all, those who can enter the Human Emperor's Palace are already rare beings who have been screened by the Human Emperor's Palace token.

  These people themselves meet the basic requirements for the inheritance of the Human Emperor Palace.

  It's like a person has passed the entrance examination and has joined this sect.

  Regardless of his future achievements in cultivation, he will be able to inherit the position of sect leader.

  As long as you don't violate the sect's rules, you won't be expelled from the sect easily.

  Of course, if you have been unable to pass, if you want to leave, you only need to wait for the Human Emperor Palace to open again.

  So Wei Yi speculated that the old man left on his own initiative.

  Perhaps he was approaching the end of his life and failed to pass the assessment, so he chose to quit voluntarily.

  Hearing Wei Yi's words, the old man seemed to be in a trance. He pondered for a long time before sighing with a sense of loss: "Fifteen hundred years have passed..."

  Wei Yi did not speak. It seemed that his guess was right.

  "My little friend, is there any wine on you?" the old man suddenly asked again.

  Although Wei Yi didn't bring any wine, as soon as he thought about it, he took out a jug of wine from home.

  "Senior, please!" Wei Yi handed the pot of wine to the old man.

  A faint smile appeared on the old man's originally dejected face. He took the jug and said, "Thank you, little friend. Well, this wine smells really good!" "Senior, try it!" The old man immediately drank from the


  . After taking a sip, his face was suddenly full of surprise, and his slightly cloudy eyes became a little clearer.

  "It is indeed a good wine. This is my first time to drink such a good wine."

  As he said that, the old man took another big sip, with a look of intoxication and enjoyment on his face, as if at this moment, he had forgotten all his worries and worries. Pity.

  His mood suddenly became lighter, and even his cheeks glowed with a trace of radiance.

  He had stayed in the Human Emperor's Palace for more than 1,500 years and had never had any alcohol.

  One of the reasons that supported him to come out of it was that he hoped that before his life span was exhausted, he could return to the sect to take a look, walk around in the world, drink a pot of wine, eat a bite of meat, and have a good relationship with the world and himself. Say goodbye to my life.

  I didn't expect that the little friend I met when I first came out would have such good wine. It seems that over the past fifteen hundred years, the wine-making technology has also improved a lot.

  Of course, he can also see that this wine is not simple, it is not extraordinary wine, it can be regarded as a spiritual wine.

  "My little friend, you also want to come to the Human Emperor's Palace to seek opportunities, right?" the old man asked again.

  "Exactly!" Wei Yi nodded.

  The old man nodded. Seeing that Wei Yi was invited to the Human Emperor Palace at such a young age, he must be a peerless genius.

  "By the way, little friend, I wonder which sect you are the genius of?" the old man asked again.

  Wei Yi smiled and said, "A sect? Confucianism and Taoism!"

  "Confucianism and Taoism, this is the first time I've heard of this!" The old man pondered for a while, confirming that he had never heard of this sect before, but it has already passed. After such a long time, it is normal for a new sect to emerge.

  "Oh, by the way, little friend, I wonder if the Tai Dao Sect is still there?" the old man asked slightly nervously, although he knew that the Tai Dao Sect was very powerful and had a close relationship with the Zixiao Dao Sect, and its sect's heritage was Strong and lasting for thousands of years.

  But he was not sure whether any huge changes had occurred in the past fifteen hundred years.

  So I am still a little worried, for fear that when I come back, the sea will have turned into a mulberry field.

  "Of course, it's still there. Senior comes from Tai Dao Sect?" Wei Yi said with a smile.

  Hearing Wei Yi's words, the old man breathed a secret sigh of relief, but his eyes were full of desolation: "Yes, now that fifteen hundred years have passed, there must not be many people there who know me!" Wei Yi said nothing more

  . , after all, he can't understand what a person's state of mind would be like under such a large time span.

  The old man took another sip of wine, and the smile returned to his face. He turned his right hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand, which was immediately sent to Wei Yi through the air.

  "Little friend, thank you for the wine. This jade slip is given to you. It records the many avenues I have learned in the Human Emperor's Palace over the past fifteen hundred years, as well as the conditions of the first six palaces. Although I also We have only reached the sixth house, and the assessment may be different for everyone, but this jade slip should be able to help you save some time or avoid some detours. I hope it can be of some help to you." The old man said with sincerity.

  He did not complete the nine palaces of the Human Emperor's Palace, hoping in his heart that someone would succeed. If he saw someone inherit the position of Human Emperor in his lifetime, it would be regarded as a wish fulfilled.

  "Thank you, senior, this gift is so precious!" Wei Yi took the jade slip with both hands and said with great gratitude.

  The content in this jade slip is equivalent to a guide, and its value is far greater than a pot of wine.

  So Wei Yi took out a jar of wine from the wine cellar again and gave it to the old man: "Senior, Wei Yi, if you seem to drink alcohol in the future, go to Zixiao Taoist Sect to find Master Tianyun and tell him that you are my friend. That's it!"

  "Haha, okay, I Yun Yizi, then I wish my little friend a smooth succession to the throne of the emperor!" The old man said with his fists clasped.

  Wei Yi also cupped his hands, and immediately stopped talking, took the jade slip given by Yun Yizi, and flew towards the mountain gate.

  There were no words on the mountain gate, but when Wei Yi approached, the mountain gate echoed Wei Yi's token.

  A soft light emitted from it, and the ground shook slightly.

  Complex words flashed in the light, and soon a water mirror appeared in the mountain gate, with ripples on it, which should be the entrance to the Human Emperor's Palace.

  He turned around and cupped his hands to Yun Yizi, then walked into the water mirror, and his figure disappeared into the mountain gate.

  Wei Yi felt dizzy in front of his eyes, as if the world was turned upside down. When he came to his senses again, he saw a splendid fairy palace with carved railings and jade in front of him. There are clouds and mist on it, and the sky is filled with colorful clouds.

  At the back of the palace, there is a staircase that slopes upward, like a ladder standing in the clouds. It goes all the way up, and you can vaguely see another palace above.

  This should be another space, and the spiritual energy in it is quite abundant.

  Wei Yi looked at the plaque on the palace. There were four big characters written on it: "Honored Virtue".

  Withdrawing his gaze, Wei Yi picked up the jade slip in his hand and placed it between his eyebrows. He immediately sensed the majestic information recorded in it.

  According to the records inside, the first six palaces are: virtuous, good as water, open-minded as a grain, a promise of a thousand gold, a humble and four benefits, and a thousand feet without branches.

  It also represents a person's different characters and virtues, and it is also a kind of avenue.

  This is also easy to understand. If you want to become a human emperor, your character and mind must pass the test. If your virtue is not suitable, you will naturally be unable to bear the responsibility of a human emperor.

  But this sounds simple, but it is not easy to do, and the Human Emperor Palace's requirements for every kind of character are naturally extremely strict.

  It is even more necessary for those who break through the barrier to be able to go deeper, or to be able to understand the true meaning of virtue, or to have their own insights and insights.

  Just like the so-called "Looking at a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, seeing a mountain is still a mountain" are three different realms.

  When ordinary people see a thing, most of them only see its appearance, or have a superficial understanding.

  I am ignorant about many things, but I stubbornly choose to believe that it is the truth.

  Think that the mountains you see are mountains, and they are just mountains.

  As everyone knows, a stone thrown into the air will definitely fall back to the ground.

  But I never thought about why the stone fell to the ground.

  When someone starts to think deeply about this problem, trying to understand some kind of law hidden behind it, and when they understand the mystery.

  It's another realm.

  When this person studies and understands more deeply, he may be overturned by what he discovers.

  Just like some people once thought that the sky was round and the earth was round, and some people thought that the sun revolved around the earth.

  When people pursue the truth, they are in the process of breaking their original perceptions.

  This is to look at mountains instead of mountains, and this process is also people’s pursuit of truth and the pursuit of the great road.

  But many people still stay in the realm of looking at mountains instead of mountains.

  This is true even for many highly advanced cultivators.

  But when a person sees through the essence and sees the true meaning, his thinking can go directly beyond the surface of things, and he can understand its laws and essence at a glance.

  At this time, to see that mountains are still mountains is to understand the true face of the world; to see that water is still water is to grasp the laws of existence of things.

  This is a kind of sudden enlightenment after pursuing the truth, this is a kind of returning to nature after seeing the world.

  Therefore, although this first palace is about the principle and character of being virtuous and carrying things.

  But it is not just a simple and crude way of being virtuous.

  But to truly understand what it means to be virtuous and to unite knowledge and action.

  Everyone has a different understanding of virtue.

  Some people think that they are virtuous if they are honest, kind, and tolerant.

  Some people think that being able to be like the sea, embracing all rivers, and like the earth, carrying all things and tolerating different things, whether they are good or bad, good or evil, is the embodiment of great virtue.

  But there is no real standard for being virtuous, nor is it something that can be specified in detail.

  Just like the great road, it is illusory and illusory. It can only be achieved by slowly studying, learning and comprehending.

  The jade slips did not give Wei Yi a complete set of standard answers.

  It just gave him some direction, or something that Yun Yizi himself realized at the time.

  According to Yun Yizi's records, he spent more than two hundred years in this first palace.

  During this period, he entered the "Tao Realm" in the palace many times to practice.

  The so-called Tao realm is a world that is both real and illusory, evolved from a certain Tao, as if consciousness has entered a virtual world.

  At that time, you will lose your cultivation, even forget who you are, or become a beggar on the street, or a dignitary, a child, or an elder.

  No matter what it becomes, you will experience a period of life there and encounter many real things.

  After completing this practice, the consciousness returns to its original form, and everything experienced will be integrated into one's mind like a memory.

  When I look back, I already understand many truths and have many enlightenments.

  When your mood changes and you realize the true meaning of "loyalty and virtue", the palace will automatically open the steps to the next palace.

  In this way, only by passing the "assessments" of all palaces can it be possible to obtain the position of Human Emperor.

  After reading the records about the first palace in the jade slips, Wei Yi suddenly hesitated.

  He was really afraid that he would enter it, just like Yun Yizi, unaware of the passage of time.

  When I look back, things have changed.

  Moreover, the Human Emperor's Palace is opened once every sixty years, and each time it is opened, it will last for at least one year before closing.

  If I can't leave within a year, then when I want to leave again, it will be sixty years later.

  Although his wife and others have good cultivation and have lived for two to three hundred years, the second uncle and second aunt, nourished by his medicinal diet, are now much stronger than ordinary people. If they lived in Lingmulg Valley, they would live for dozens more A hundred years should not be a problem.

  But a period of time is really a very long time in this world, and a lot of changes will really happen in sixty years.

  Especially the changes in mood are irreversible, just like a father who suddenly left when his daughter was ten years old and entered a higher dimensional space.

  When he came out again, sixty years had passed.

  His once innocent daughter had already turned into an old lady with many children and grandchildren.

  Although he is still his father, she is still his daughter.

  But she is no longer the daughter she knew, and she will never be able to become the child who only has her parents in her life.

  So time is a very terrible thing. Once you miss it, you have missed it and you can never get it back.

  This is also the reason why many cultivators cut off all ties with the world.

  At this moment, Wei Yi really hesitated.

  He even began to reflect on why he wanted the position of Human Emperor?

  Is it all worth it?

  ...(End of chapter)

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