Chapter 245 The Demonic Sword in the Netherworld

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  Chapter 245 The Demonic Sword Phaseless Demon General in the Nether Jedi Land
  laughed ferociously, and his body immediately turned into an afterimage and flew toward Wei Yi.

  He was extremely fast, as if teleporting, and appeared in front of Wei Yi, grabbing Wei Yi with all four limbs and arms at the same time, as if he wanted to tear Wei Yi into pieces.

  But the next second...

  boom -

  there was a loud noise, the air seemed to explode, and a circle of ripples rushed out from the chest of the phaseless demon general.

  But the figure of the Phaseless Demon General once again turned into an afterimage, hitting the ground straight.

  There was another loud noise, the ground sank deeply, the surrounding areas cracked, and sand, gravel and dust were swept out by the air waves.

  The formless demon lay with his legs upturned in the huge pit, somewhat doubting the existence of the demon.

  As a demon general, what he is most confident about is his powerful body and those four powerful arms.

  However, the guy on the other side, who was gentle and elegant, with fine skin and tender flesh, was actually physically more powerful than himself.

  The strength was even greater than his own, and that punch almost broke him into pieces.

  At this time, I was lying in the pit, my whole body was still shaken to the point of losing strength, and my body was somewhat unconscious.

  "Who is this guy? How can he be so strong!" The Phaseless Demon General was a little horrified.

  Didn't it mean that there are no gods in this world now? The strongest ones are only in the Mahayana realm.

  What the hell is this guy in front of me?

  Wei Yi looked at the monster that he knocked out with his face as usual, although he could see that the monster was very strong.

  It was not even weaker than the summoned monster he had encountered before in Hengzhou City.

  If he hadn't seen such a monster, he would probably have killed many innocent lives.

  "Just trying my ink painting artistic conception!" Wei Yixin said.

  Immediately, with a thought, the surrounding world instantly turned into black and white, turning into an ink painting.

  The miasma is like ink smeared in the water, slowly surging around.

  Wei Yi waved his hand, and the miasma dissipated directly.

  And the phaseless demon who had just crawled out of the deep pit would also notice the strange changes in his surroundings.

  Looking at the world around him that had turned into an ink painting, his pupils were filled with shock, and he felt panicked in his heart, not knowing what was going on.

  He stretched out his arms, and his scarlet eyes looked at his own body that had also turned into an ink painting in horror.

  "What's going on?" The Phaseless Demon General panicked and was shocked inside.

  Those scarlet pupils slowly turned into black and white.

  At the same time, a powerful coercion enveloped his whole body, making him suddenly feel like he was in that seal again, imprisoned by the powerful rules of heaven and earth.

  Wei Yi stretched out his hand, and five black ink marks shot out in the void instantly, like ropes, entangling the formless demon general.

  The formless demon general was frightened. He finally escaped from the seal and regained his freedom, not wanting to be sealed again.

  So he struggled desperately to break free from the rope, but found that he couldn't break free at all.

  Wei Yi clenched his fists, and the five ink-stained ropes wrapped the Wuxiang Demon's body tighter, and even the surrounding space was compressing towards the Wuxiang Demon.

  He felt as if his body was about to be crushed to pieces.

  The bones are making cracking sounds, and they may fail to hold up at any time and completely collapse.

  Although as a demon general, he has an immortal body, even if his body is crushed into a meat pie, he will slowly recover as before as long as time is enough.

  But for some reason, he felt deeply threatened by death at this moment.

  Wei Yi could feel the tyranny of the formless demon general's physical body, and could also detect the powerful regeneration ability of his body.

  Guess this kind of monster is difficult to kill.

  However, in his domain, he is the master of the rules, and it will not help even if the phaseless demon has an immortal person.

  He can also completely remove it from this world and turn it into ashes.

  With a thought in Wei Yi's mind, the five ink-stained ropes turned into five sharp blades. When compressed inward, the body of the phaseless demon was directly divided into several pieces.

  The phaseless demon roared, but did not die. Countless black thin lines stretched out from various parts of the body, connecting to other tissues.

  Then began to reorganize.

  "Sure enough!" Wei Yi knew clearly in his heart that if he were an ordinary Mahayana monk and encountered such a monster, he might not be able to completely eliminate it unless he sealed it.

  But this guy was unlucky enough to meet himself.

  Wei Yi waved his hand, and the body of the Phaseless Demon General, which had not yet been completely reorganized, suddenly exploded like scattered ink.

  It turned into countless ink droplets, and then struggled to aggregate, but those ink droplets seemed to be dissolved by water and began to disperse.


  At this moment, the Phaseless Demon General struggled, but found that he could not resist the power that destroyed his body.

  It was as if they could never break away from the laws of heaven. Even though his body was very powerful and immortal, he was unable to resist the power of this law at this moment.

  The body began to melt slowly, like ice and snow being burned by flames.

  The Phaseless Demon General felt the real fear of death and despair.

  He roared, roaring unwillingly and fearfully, but he couldn't resist at all. He could only watch his body disappear bit by bit like an erased ink stain.

  In the end, there wasn't even a trace of smoke left.

  The phaseless demon will not be able to understand until his death what kind of terrifying existence he has encountered.

  At this time, the other demons lurking under the Netherworld were also trembling with fear.

  Wei Yi's ink painting artistic conception can cover a radius of ten miles, although the netherworld is bottomless.

  But the scope of ten miles also covers a large area of ​​​​the abyss.

  Especially the demons lurking in the outer layer are almost all within the coverage area of ​​Wei Yi's domain.

  Naturally, they all noticed the changes in their bodies and felt the pressure that was like the power of heaven.

  Hearing the screams of the phaseless demon general, they wanted to escape, but found that they could not find the direction to escape.

  Wei Yi also looked at the Netherworld Jedi, and the demons covered by his domain were also under his perception.

  With a thought in Wei Yi's mind, the demons within the area's coverage turned directly into fly ash and disappeared into thin air.

  "Since you're here, let's go down and take a look!" Wei Yixin said. He didn't dare to enter this Netherworld Jedi before, but now his strength is enough to crush everything.

  This Netherworld Jedi was not a dangerous place for him, so he wanted to go down and see what was down there.

  By the way, clean out all the powerful demons inside.

  After all, he didn't know how long it would take him to return after entering the Human Emperor's Palace this time.

  I am worried that if I am not at this stage, some powerful demon will emerge from this Netherworld Jedi and threaten the safety of Daoxuan Youzhou Continent.

  Therefore, the treatment of the disease must eliminate the root cause. If the demons in this netherworld are wiped out, future troubles can be eliminated forever.

  Wei Yi quickly flew into the Netherworld. The abyss was larger than Wei Yi had imagined, and there were indeed many monsters and monsters living in it. The entire abyss is also filled with evil spirits, making people feel as if they are approaching the gate of hell.

  Wei Yi also saw many strange creatures and evil monsters here that he had never seen before.

  However, his physique is invulnerable to evil spirits, not to mention that he has the protection of Wenquxing, the true fire of the sun to resist the evil spirits, and the realm of ink and wash artistic conception.

  Once the domain is opened, all the evil spirits and ghosts will be swept away in a single thought.

  Although human beings have a little fear of monsters and monsters in their bones, in fact, Wei Yi is the real terror to those monsters and ghosts at this moment.

  "I didn't expect that there are so many monsters and monsters here!" Wei Yi went deep and cleaned all the way.

  But the Netherworld is very deep, and the abyss cracks stretch for thousands of miles. It is indeed a bit time-consuming and laborious to sweep them all.

  So he could only fly along the place where the evil spirit was the strongest.

  Because he knew very well that powerful demons would definitely gather in places where the evil spirit was strongest.

  And that is also the reason why all the demons exist and gather here.

  It's like a large number of flies suddenly gathered in a certain place, which means there must be rotten things there to attract them. If those rotten things are cleaned up, flies will naturally not be attracted, let alone provide a place for flies to breed. .

  Therefore, the evil spirit was the source of everything, and it was also the area he focused on cleaning up this time.

  Wei Yi continued to penetrate deep into the Netherworld along the source of the evil spirit, which seemed to be at the vertical position where he was just now. This may also be the reason why the monster came out from here.

  Not long after, Wei Yi also encountered another Demonic Cloud Vine, and it seemed to be even more powerful than the one he encountered last time.

  But no matter how powerful the Magic Cloud Vine is, in Wei Yi's eyes, it is like a small grass that can be easily pulled out and burned to ashes with a fire.

  Wei Yi went all the way deep, but he didn't expect that this Nether Jedi Land was so deep, and indeed as he continued to approach the place with strong evil aura, the demons he encountered became more powerful.

  But in terms of power, no demon can compare with the formless demon general.

  Therefore, those monsters pose no threat to Wei Yi.

  Wei Yi flew downward for nearly a hundred miles, which was several times deeper than the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in Wei Yi's previous life.

  Of course, in this otherworldly world, this kind of depth is nothing.

  The evil spirit here is very strong, but strangely there are no demons nearby.

  However, Wei Yi thought about it and realized that the previous monster should have been too powerful and drove away or scared away other monsters.

  So no other monsters dare to come near here.

  After flying for a long time, Wei Yi saw a dark red light in the dark depths, and even lightning seemed to be moving.

  The source of the evil aura seemed to come from there. Wei Yi quickly approached and flew downward for a while before he could clearly see the source of the light.

  It turned out to be a half-giant sword with a dark red color and an extremely weird appearance. It looked like it might also be a magic sword.

  But only the front half of the giant sword was suspended in the void. The whole body was black and deep purple. The sword seemed to be wrapped with veins like blood vessels, exuding a strange red light.

  There are slight cracks in the void around the sword body, and there are many thunders flying around the cracks.

  Moreover, Wei Yi observed carefully that every time the thunder flashed, he could vaguely see mysterious runes flickering around the half of the sword. It felt like some kind of sealing formation.

  And that evil spirit emanates from here.

  "This magic sword looks so weird, why is it only half a piece, and..." Wei Yi was thinking this, suddenly frowning, and looked at the magic sword carefully, "No, this is not only half, this sword should be From another world, through the space barrier, appeared here!"

  Wei Yi immediately opened his own ink painting artistic conception, and after careful perception, he immediately confirmed his guess.

  This magic sword penetrated the space barrier from another world, but was sealed.

  Otherwise, this sword might tear open the space barrier and open a passage, and the small cracks around it would be torn open by this sword.

  The evil spirit escaped along the magic sword and the surrounding space cracks.

  Wei Yi knew without thinking that the other side of this spatial barrier might be the place where monsters gathered.

  There may have been a powerful monster that tried to break through this barrier with the magic sword, but failed. In the end, the magic sword was sealed, making it difficult to move forward.

  But the evil spirit was not completely sealed.

  In other words, it was once sealed, but was later destroyed, causing the evil spirit to begin to escape again.

  It became the nourishment of countless monsters, and even gave birth to countless powerful monsters in the Netherworld Jedi.

  "This source must be completely eliminated!" Wei Yixin said.

  Immediately, with a thought in his mind, he used the power of ink painting to erase the magic sword from this world.

  But just when the ink artistic conception tried to erase the magic sword, Wei Yi suddenly felt countless thunder striking towards him, and the whole space seemed to shake suddenly.

  In a trance, it seemed as if a huge pupil opened in the void, and a terrifying aura surged out from the magic sword, like a bloody mouth, swallowing Wei Yi.

  That feeling gave Wei Yi a sense of fear and crisis.

  The powerful momentum tries to break free from the constraints and control of Wei Yi's ink painting artistic conception.

  The ink mark representing the magic sword trembled violently, as if it was struggling. Wei Yi erased a little bit, and it condensed a little bit again.

  It is constantly releasing powerful power to form another realm, which is counteracting Wei Yi's ink and wash artistic conception, allowing the magic sword to slowly change back to its original appearance from the ink and wash painting.

  Wei Yi was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party could actually resist his own domain. It seemed that this magic sword, or its owner, was very powerful.

  It is far from comparable to those monsters I encountered before.

  The other party may even have some powerful domain power.

  But think about it, how can a guy who can break through space barriers with a magic sword be an ordinary monster.

  Its realm and strength are definitely far beyond imagination.

  But Wei Yi did not give up. He continued to use the artistic conception of ink to fight against some kind of domain power emanating from the magic sword, just like an arm-wrestling between two strong men.

  If there is a stalemate for a while, if Wei Yi exerts his strength, the opponent's domain will be weakened, and the magic sword will slowly turn into an ink painting.

  But every time Wei Yi wanted to erase it, the magic sword would rise up and resist, bursting out with powerful power again, canceling out the realm of ink painting.

  After such a stalemate for a while, Wei Yi felt a little tired and his face was solemn.

  He didn't expect that this magic sword was so powerful that he couldn't shake it.

  Wei Yi then used the furnace of heaven and earth, hoping to use this magical power to burn the half of the demon sword.

  But it still ended in failure.

  The magic sword cannot be destroyed at all.

  However, Wei Yi noticed the runes in the void around the magic sword.

  Every time the resistance of the Demon Sword increases, the runes seem to become more apparent, constantly gathering strength to suppress the Demon Sword's power.

  Seeing this scene, an idea flashed in Wei Yi's heart, and he took it into consideration.

  "I can suppress the power of this magic sword first, and then find a way to erase it!" Wei Yixin said.


  (End of chapter)

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