Chapter 241 Green Dragon Bone

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  Chapter 241 Green Dragon Bone

  "Wuji Taoist Sect Furukawa, come to the banquet!" Master Furukawa said loudly.

  Tianyunzi stood up and said with a smile on his face: "Please!"

  Although he was a little dissatisfied with Wuji Dao Sect who was standing by and watching.

  But as the leader of the righteous sect and the master of a sect, he still has the courage and power.

  What's more, he already knew what kind of virtue this ancient river was, and knew that the Wuji Dao Sect had always wanted to replace their Zixiao Dao Sect.

  But the so-called virtue can be coordinated to convince the public.

  The Zixiao Dao Sect can stand firm in Zixiao Continent without falling, and is respected by countless human races. Being able to serve as the leader of the righteous path depends not only on strength, but also on virtue and structure.

  Master Furukawa quickly landed on the square and said sanctimoniously: "Haha, brother Tianyun, I'm really sorry, I'm a step late, but I just said, this is just a monster clan, what kind of trouble can it make in front of the Zixiao Taoist Sect? Come, there is no need for me to worry!"

  "Master Furukawa made a serious statement. This time, he really almost fell into the hands of this mere demon clan. The only way he could successfully survive this calamity is because of the help of those who have gained the Tao. It all depends on your seat. You all share the same hatred and share weal and woe, and we have just destroyed this group of monsters!" Tian Yunzi said with a smile.

  "Haha, brother Tianyun, don't you blame me for not coming to help in time?" Kohe said with a dry laugh.

  "Where, I know that nowadays the spiritual energy is declining, demons are raging, various sects have many affairs, and they are everywhere fighting demons and killing demons, and they are all busy. You and I are busy for the sake of the right way and for the human race. They are all important things. How can we blame the only one?" .

  Defending the right way and protecting the common people in the world has no distinction between importance!
  And I believe that if our Zixiao Dao Sect is destroyed, the Wuji Dao Sect will also take over this responsibility on our shoulders. Continue to protect our human race and our right way. !"

  Tianyunzi's words made Furukawa blush a little and feel guilty.

  This is the pattern. As for today's matter, if I were myself, I would definitely include those who stand by and watch as enemies.

  It is absolutely impossible to say such things. This may be the reason why he can become a righteous leader.

  "Furuhe is ashamed, but Brother Tianyun is right. No matter how the situation changes in the future, we, the Wuji Dao Sect, will always take protecting the right path and protecting the human race as our own responsibility." Furukawa said seriously.

  "Okay, I naturally believe in Master Guhe, come on, please take a seat!" Tianyunzi said.

  Furukawa was soon invited to the empty seat at the side.

  Based on Furukawa's strength and status in the world of cultivation, every time the nine major sects gathered together, Furukawa would be arranged to sit next to Tianyunzi.

  But at this time, he didn't have the nerve to worry about seats. It would be nice if someone could leave an empty seat.

  Furukawa sat down, and the masters of Taidao Sect and Wanjian Sect next to him ignored Furukawa.

  Their pattern is not as high as Tianyunzi.

  What's more, they are not righteous leaders, so they don't need to take the overall situation into consideration and give Furukawa a good look.

  They don't bother to deal with such treacherous and shameless people.

  However, the elders of Zixiao Dao Sect and Tai Dao Sect said with a smile: "Sect Master Furukawa came a little late. We have all eaten the Dragon King Meat. It will definitely be a great regret in this life for you not to eat it! "

  Yes, this Dragon King meat is cooked by the hands of the saints. Not to mention the taste. If there is such delicious food, who can resist eating grain every day!" "Haha, that's

  right. I'm afraid there are only Confucians in the world." The Taoist saint can cook such delicious food!"

  "Well, it tastes good and is a great tonic. This saint has integrated all the vitality and mana of the Dragon King into the ingredients. Taking one bite is like taking a panacea, which is better than the sky. All the elixirs are very effective!"

  Hearing the words of several elders, Furukawa laughed and felt a little regretful that he could not catch up with the dragon meat.

  Although he didn't know whether what these people said was true or false.

  But smelling the aroma wafting from the other three cauldrons in the air, he knew that the dragon meat must be very delicious.

  Moreover, the Dragon King's meat is definitely not comparable to other demon kings.

  It's a pity that I missed it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to eat it again.

  However, the Confucian and Taoist saints mentioned by those people aroused his curiosity.

  And he also had many doubts in his heart at this time, how did the Zixiao Dao Sect turn defeat into victory, and how did it destroy the demon clan and the demon sect.

  So he was silent for a moment and couldn't help asking shamelessly: "Everyone, who is the Confucian and Taoist saint you are talking about?" Not long

  after Furukawa arrived, the leaders of other sects also arrived one after another.

  Having lived for hundreds or thousands of years, they are naturally very thick-skinned, and they had already thought of excuses when they didn't come over immediately.

  At this time, nature is at your fingertips, and your face is red and your heart is not beating.

  However, they are also ashamed in their hearts. After all, what they did was not authentic, and they also feel guilty.

  Fortunately, Tianyunzi has always been generous, so he won't hate them for this.

  This time, they took the initiative to invite them to the banquet afterwards, also to give them a step up and let them express their opinions.

  Being able to come means that we will still be allies in the future.

  If you don't come, I'm afraid you will really be kicked out of the queue by Zixiao Daozong, and you will have no chance to hug others in the future.

  Today, the Zixiao Dao Sect was able to destroy the coalition forces of the Demon Clan and the Demon Sect. This strength really scared them.

  But later, these Taoist leaders gradually learned what happened and the truth.

  It turns out that there is really an expert behind this Zixiao Dao Sect.

  Especially when they heard about Wei Yi's various magical powers, these big guys who stood at the top of the cultivation world were also shocked.

  He grabbed the White Peng Demon King and threw it into the pot to stew.

  Even Dragon King Ao Ye was pressed directly on the chopping board, chopped, and then braised.

  They really regretted that they could not witness all this with their own eyes, and felt that they really missed too much.

  Of course, apart from being shocked, they were also full of curiosity about Confucianism and Taoism, especially when they heard that Tianyunzi also practiced Confucianism and Taoism.

  Soon after, the remaining demon king meat was almost cooked. Wei Yi directly summoned three large pots and asked Tianyunzi and Ye Hua to distribute the demon king meat to everyone present.

  Furukawa and others who tasted the demon king meat with their own mouths were instantly conquered by the delicious taste and the full energy contained in it.

  It’s not like they haven’t eaten any monster meat.

  But they know very well that monster meat is not delicious, or it is not easy to cook. Except for alchemy, ordinary cooking techniques cannot make the monster king's meat so tender and delicious.

  Therefore, this cooking method is definitely some kind of magical power in cooking and a Taoist attainment.

  Just the golden flames just now made them feel extremely extraordinary.

  After eating the demon king meat, several future sect leaders, including Furukawa, really regretted that they could not eat the dragon king meat.

  But at the same time, I am also glad that I made the right choice and seized the opportunity to reconcile with Zixiao Daozong.

  Otherwise, I might not even have a chance to eat the meat of the Demon King today.

  Not to mention the Confucian and Taoist practice methods they talk about.

  This is a path that can be practiced without relying on spiritual energy. In the future, when spiritual energy is exhausted, Confucianism and Taoism must be their last hope.

  Wei Yi and Taoist Priest Yipin left the banquet early and went to drink in a quiet place in the mountains.

  When Tianyunzi saw that everyone had almost eaten, he also stood up and said: "Everyone, maybe you all know that I left Zixiao Daozong in the past few months, but you don't know where I went. Today I will tell you that I What I’ve seen in a few months is nothing to say!”

  Everyone immediately listened respectfully.

  Tianyunzi talked about the current situation in the world, what he saw and felt during his trip to Xuanyouzhou, and his practice of Confucianism. He also told his experience again. After all, only a small number of people heard it before, and more people didn't know all this.

  So this time he officially told everyone, and at the same time combined his own experience to tell them what Confucianism and Taoism are.

  Afterwards, he also asked Jiang Haowen to describe his own experience and the Wenquxing vision that day.

  After finally knowing everything about Confucianism and Taoism, everyone was naturally surprised and happy. They saw new hope and gained a new understanding.

  Sure enough, there is no perfect path for people. Although their spiritual energy has dried up and they cannot continue to cultivate, Wenquxing and Confucianism and Taoism were born.

  It goes without saying that the power of Confucianism and Taoism is powerful. Some people have seen it with their own eyes, and those who have not seen it have just heard about it.

  And the food in their stomachs is also the best proof.

  As Tianyunzi said, the next era belongs to Confucianism and Taoism, and practicing Confucianism and Taoism is their hope for survival in desperate situations.

  "So from now on, our Zixiao Dao Sect will open a Confucianism and Taoism academy to teach Confucianism and Taoism. However, each sect is currently limited to five places, and all of them will be taught by saints in person!" Tianyunzi said loudly.

  This is one of the reasons why he summoned everyone today.

  Only by allowing Confucianism and Taoism to spread rapidly in Zixiao Continent and allowing more people to practice Confucianism and Taoism can the chaos and crisis caused by the exhaustion of spiritual energy be alleviated.

  And as long as a group of Confucian and Taoist practitioners are trained for each major sect, the remaining teaching problems will be solved by themselves.

  After the banquet, Tianyunzi specially invited the heads of the nine major sects to the hall alone.

  Then he poured everyone a glass of wine.

  The moment the drinks were poured out, everyone's faces were full of surprise. The rich spiritual energy made them miss and yearn for it.

  Everyone's eyes were wide open, staring at the wine glasses with hungry faces.

  "Come on, let's have a taste!" Tianyunzi was the first to raise his glass.

  Everyone couldn't wait and raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp. The rich spiritual energy and aroma of the wine made them feel refreshed and relaxed both physically and mentally.

  After drinking, their bodies felt as if they had been activated. The long-lost sense of abundance and pleasure made them extremely happy.

  "This is spiritual wine!"

  "Master Tianyun, this wine is so delicious!" Everyone sighed, smacking their lips with unfinished thoughts.

  "This wine is the spiritual wine brewed by the saint. I asked for some from the teacher, which can temporarily solve our urgent needs.

  After all, practicing Confucianism and Taoism does not happen overnight. It also takes a process for us to change to Confucianism and Taoism. Nowadays, the spiritual energy is thin, and each The family's resources are in short supply, and this spiritual wine should be able to temporarily solve this problem.

  However, the spiritual wine brewed by the teacher is also limited, so I can only pay close attention to our family and keep this matter private."

  After hearing Tianyunzi's words, Everyone's faces were full of surprise.

  In this era where spiritual energy is almost exhausted, a drink that can contain such rich spiritual energy is an absolute treasure.

  Of course the sect masters and heads of the nine major sects were very excited.

  Although practicing Confucianism and Taoism may be the path they must take in the future, before they can achieve success, they still have to rely on their original magic power to protect themselves, fight against demons, and protect the world.

  So this drink is the best supplement during their transition period.

  When they can achieve higher attainments in Confucianism and Taoism, they may consider giving up the path of cultivation completely.

  "This time I used one of the sect's most precious treasures to exchange for ten jars of wine from my teacher. I will give each of you one jar later as a thank you for your help to me, Zixiao Dao Sect!" Hearing

  Tian Yunzi said that he would give them an altar, and everyone was naturally surprised. Although the sect leaders who did not help him felt a little ashamed, they were just ashamed.

  They were too shameless to refuse such a good thing.

  "If you still need it in the future, you can buy it directly from my teacher. You have all seen how powerful my teacher is, so he naturally doesn't like ordinary money. If you want to buy it by then, you may have to talk to him alone. See Let's see what we can exchange for it." Tianyunzi said again.

  "Okay, no problem!"

  "This saint is indeed extraordinary. Now that his spiritual energy is exhausted, he can brew spiritual wine!" "

  Perhaps this is the great magical power of a truly Taoist master!" "

  If there is a supply of this spiritual wine , , we also have more time and confidence to face this disaster in the world of cultivation!" "

  Yes!" Everyone said one after another, but they felt a lot more at ease.

  Since the spiritual energy began to dry up, they have been feeling uneasy every day. They don't know how long their sect can last, let alone where the future will be.

  Today Tianyunzi brought them new hope and a backer.

  As long as Zixiao Dao Sect is here, Confucianism and Taoism are here, and these spiritual wines are here, the world of cultivation will not be completely in chaos.

  Today's destruction of the demon clan and the demon sect alliance gave them enough confidence. As long as they are united, there is no difficulty that they cannot overcome.

  After a long time, people from various major sects left one after another.

  "Master Tianyun, we have to resign as well!" Emperor Yu said, cupping his fists.

  Tianyunzi cupped his hands and watched Emperor Yu and others leave.

  After everyone left, Tianyunzi found Wei Yi and Taoist Priest Yipeng who were drinking and chatting on Donglin Peak.

  This is the place where previous sect leaders have retreated for training, so only senior members of the sect are eligible to enter.

  There are not many buildings on the mountain, and the scale is not grand. On the contrary, it looks very simple, but it also has a sense of returning to nature.

  Because it was quiet here, Taoist priest Yipian brought Wei Yi here.

  "Teacher!" Tianyunzi flew over and bowed to Wei Yi.

  "Senior brother, you came at the right time! Brother Wei said that the environment here is quiet and suitable for a Confucian and Taoist school. Why not change this place into a Confucian and Taoist school!" Taoist Priest Yipin said with a smile.

  "Okay, as long as the teacher thinks it's okay, of course it's okay!" Tianyunzi said with a smile.

  After all, this is not an important place. When the spiritual energy was abundant in the past, this was where the spiritual veins were located, and the spiritual energy was condensed using formations.

  But now that the spiritual energy has declined and the spiritual veins have dried up, there is no sense of existence here anymore.

  "Okay, then let's set the Confucian and Taoist academy here!" Wei Yi said, and then he changed his tone and said: "As for the spirit wine, I have decided what I want." "Teacher, please tell me!" "Just use


  . Then exchange the Green Dragon Bone with the "True Dragon Secret Book"!" Wei Yi said.

  He planned to give these two treasures to his white dragon for training.

  Tianyunzi hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: "No problem!"

  It was thanks to Wei Yi that he was able to destroy the demon clan and turn things around today.

  Otherwise, the Zixiao Dao Sect will be in trouble, and they will be unable to repay this kindness, and the green dragon bone and the "True Dragon Secret Book" will be useless to them.

  It's just to contain the Black Dragon Clan, so there's no harm in giving it to Wei Yi.


  (End of chapter)

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