Chapter 113 I feel like I can do it again

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  Chapter 113 I feel like I've done it again.

  The heroic spirits Wei Yi summons every time can exist in this world for up to twelve hours.

  Moreover, the heroic spirit cannot speak, but it can communicate spiritually with Wei Yi.

  So after Jing Ke's heroic spirit appeared, he quickly knew what happened.

  He also knew the purpose of Wei Yi calling him here.

  He looked at Wei Yi and nodded, spitting out a white rainbow from his mouth and turning it into a sharp sword.

  A murderous intention suddenly arose, and the whole person's aura also underwent earth-shaking changes in an instant.

  It was as if he had gone from an honest and responsible ordinary person to a frightening killer in an instant.

  An awe-inspiring lone hero.

  And naturally he knew Jing Ke's ability instantly.

  Having transformed into a heroic spirit, he is no longer an ordinary swordsman.

  Instead, he possesses extraordinary strength and many miraculous abilities.

  Moreover, what Wei Yi summoned was not the complete body of the heroic spirit. The upper limit of its ability completely depended on the realm of Wei Yi's Forest of Pen and Ink.

  It can be said that the higher the level of the Forest of Pen and Ink, the stronger the fighting power of this heroic spirit will be.

  With a thought in Wei Yi's mind, Jing Ke's heroic spirit instantly turned into a faint light, blended into the poems of "Jing Ke's Song", and disappeared.

  Later, Wei Yi wrote another sentence on the paper with the magic method of penetrating into the wood: Jing Ke spontaneously combusted after leaving.

  After doing all this, Wei Yi folded the paper and put it away, preparing to conduct an experiment tonight.

  After breakfast, Wei Yi continued to practice fitness skills in the practice room.

  But secretly sent Orange to sneak into Wanjia, monitor Wanjia's movements, and follow Wan Yinchang.

  However, at this time, Wan Yinchang was sitting in the hall of his home with a proud look on his face.

  Looking at the flattering and flattering shopkeepers below, as well as the gifts they sent, he drank tea alone.

  He had successfully received the document issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs this morning and became the president of the Qingzhou City Chamber of Commerce.

  This also means that his days of swallowing his anger are over.

  He, Wan Yinchang, will once again ascend the commercial throne of Qingzhou City and become the true uncrowned king.

  From now on, the entire business in Qingzhou City will belong to his Wanjia, and no one can challenge his Wanjia's status.

  No one dared to be an enemy of the Wan family anymore.

  Those who have been against him and betrayed him will be dealt with one by one this time.

  Especially the Meng family and the Wei family.

  Moreover, not long ago, Wan Zihe had already brought the people in the house with the documents issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

  Go and notify all the merchants' guilds in the city to hold a meeting at his Wanjia Tinglin Tea House.

  Prepare to officially announce the establishment of the Qingzhou City Chamber of Commerce and his status as president.

  Now that Su Che has resigned, the Tianren Sect will soon arrange officials from their own party to take up posts.

  The forces of the Tianren Sect will also officially enter Qingzhou City, with this backing and support.

  From now on, this Qingzhou City will truly become his world, and no one can compete with him.

  "Let's just say, sooner or later, this Qingzhou City will belong to Mr. Wan, no, it will be the world of President Wan!" "

  Sooner or later, it has always been the world. President Wan is just keeping a low profile and letting those clowns rule. Just jumping around for a few days!"

  "Haha, yes, how can those young boys be compared with our President Wan? What is strategizing and foresight?" "

  Yes, from now on, we will follow President Wan to the death. No two hearts!"

  "Yes, yes, from now on we will all follow President Wan's lead!"

  Those wealthy businessmen who had been colluding with Wan Jiahang showed their loyalty with flattering faces.

  "Okay, okay, you guys should hurry up and help inform everyone to have a meeting at Tinglin Tea House." Wan Yinchang waved his hand, although he knew that these people were also cunning and could adapt to the changing circumstances.

  But if he wants to completely dominate the business of Qingzhou City, he also needs helpers. These people who have followed him are always more reliable than others.

  "Yes, yes, I'll go now!" "Then I'll say goodbye first!" All the shopkeepers stood up, bowed, and then walked out of the hall.


  In the main store of Xiangmanlou, the girl in green walked around the restaurant, admiring the paintings and poems on the wall.

  During the time she came to Qingzhou City, she heard too much about Wei Yi, about Xiangmanlou and Lanling Wine.

  Now it was her first time to come to him in person to find out.

  She didn't know much about poetry, calligraphy and painting, but she still thought Wei Yi's calligraphy and poetry were very powerful.

  And the business at Xiangmanlou is really booming.

  Even though it was not meal time, the restaurant was still full.

  However, everyone in the audience seemed to be looking forward to the arrival of the storyteller.

  And listening to their discussion, it seems that it is about the love between humans and fox monsters.

  This made the girl in green become very interested.

  I also want to hear what kind of story this storyteller is telling.

  Soon after, the storyteller arrived at the restaurant, and everyone was immediately excited.

  And as the storyteller clapped the gavel in his hand, the restaurant suddenly became quiet.

  The storyteller continued to tell the story from yesterday, with rich emotions and vivid colors.

  They even use various ventriloquism techniques to make people feel as if they are actually on the scene, and their hearts rise and fall along with the story.

  Completely immersed in the stories he told, I was surprised, happy, sad or painful.

  The girl in green was also listening to the story told by the storyteller attentively, with a pair of beautiful eyes also glowing with complexity, and she was even more surprised in her heart.

  She didn't expect that what was told in this restaurant was really a love story between a human and a fox demon.

  And it’s not like other stories that blindly vilify goblins.

  They are believed to be man-eating monsters, harmful spirits, ugly, terrifying, heartless and cruel.

  In short, it seems that all bad things are added to the demon.

  But in this story, the fox demon has an image of great love and righteousness, an image of unswerving loyalty, a beautiful image of repaying kindness, kindness and gentleness.

  This is similar to his master and many companions.

  And in her opinion, the hearts of demons are sometimes purer and simpler than those of humans.

  The most complex, dangerous and unpredictable thing in this world is the human heart.

  It is true that in reality there are many monsters that kill and eat people, causing harm to all.

  But in order to plunder resources, humans have killed tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, in a war.

  Lives were devastated and blood flowed into rivers.

  He often burned, killed, and looted the enemy's cities, committing all kinds of crimes.

  If really compared, those big monsters who are causing trouble are just a drop in the bucket.

  Therefore, both humans and monsters are both good and evil, and cannot be generalized.

  So listening to the story at this moment made the girl in green very happy.

  Sure enough, among humans, there are still people who understand them and understand them.

  And seeing that the people around were listening with gusto, it showed that not all of them were resistant to and afraid of goblins.

  There are also many beautiful yearnings and expectations.

  I am even more willing to believe that there are good people among fairies.

  As the story unfolds slowly from the storyteller's mouth, there are ups and downs and lingering love.

  It also deeply moved the girl in green, allowing her to be completely immersed in her emotions, and her eyes became moist unconsciously.


  (End of chapter)

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