Chapter 90, Prison Break

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  Chapter 90:

  Doctor Octopus looked at the button in Kingpin's hand, his expression became increasingly grim. The words Kingpin just said were like sharp knives inserted into his heart.

  Although he wanted to tear the man in front of him who had humiliated him into pieces, he did not dare to make any real move due to the threat of death.

  "How about it? Doctor Octopus, have you thought about it?" When the pressure was at its maximum, Kingpin also urged.

  Doctor Octopus's face was extremely ugly. He was afraid of death, but he didn't want to give in so cowardly and become like the wild dog Kingpin just mentioned in his taunt.

  Looking at Doctor Octopus's face, Kingpin also felt that the big stick had hit him enough, and it was time to give him a sweet treat to let him come down the steps.

  His expression gradually softened, and a standard smile slowly appeared on his face: "It's not painful to work for me. I can give you a lot of funds to continue your research." "Just like my most

  recent My capable assistant Alister, while he worked for me, he also did not delay his own research." Kingpin patted Alister on the shoulder and smiled.

  Listening to Kingpin's promise, Doctor Octopus also had a hint of emotion in his eyes.

  After keenly observing this, Jin Bing also sneered in his heart. Taming a wild dog is very simple. In addition to giving it a sufficient lesson with a whip, throwing a bone to it at the right time will often have a better effect.

  Under the bright moonlight, a heavily guarded prison is hidden in a dense forest.

  It is surrounded by high walls, with sentries posted at intervals above it. Huge, bright searchlights shine back and forth on the ground, guarding against any disturbance.

  The prison inside the high wall is also heavily guarded. Each exit has several doors, and there are people constantly patrolling and checking between each door.

  In such a serious atmosphere, a palm-sized mechanical insect was crawling quickly on the high wall. Its color was gray, the main color of the prison, so in the current dim situation, almost no one noticed it. exist.

  It secretly climbed over the high wall, and then climbed through the wall of the prison inside to the cell where its target was.

  Through the narrow vent, the mechanical insect landed on the floor of the cell, and then opened its back armor, revealing what was stored inside.

  The man in the cell also noticed the mechanical insect. Looking at the open back of the mechanical insect, he also sat up from the bed.

  The bright moonlight passed through the narrow vent and just shone on his face. His face was as white as wall ash, and there was no hair on his head. He looked like a shelled egg.

  This strange man knelt down and took out a belt with what looked like a blue gem inlaid in the middle and a video phone from the mechanical insect's opened back.

  Looking at the familiar belt, a smile appeared on the strange man's lips. He put the belt on his waist and instantly transformed into a man in a suit and ties.

  After turning on the video phone, Alister's face was immediately revealed. He looked at the changed man and said softly: "Kingpin says hello to you, Chameleon." "Thank you Mr.

  Kingpin for me." Chameleon was very polite. responded to Alister.

  After hearing this, Alister continued: "You need to rescue several other people in this prison in the next fifteen minutes. They are Thriller, Mysterio, and Scorpion." "I think you

  should I also know them. Take them to the open space outside in fifteen minutes. A helicopter will pick you up there." "

  Understood. Thank you Mr. Kingpin for your generosity." Chameleon nodded and said, Alister also hesitated after hearing this The call was disconnected.

  This man called Chameleon is an internationally renowned criminal. His characteristic is that he can use the belt around his waist to look like anyone, as long as he uses the belt to shine on that person, or on his photo.

  In a previous mercenary operation, he was jointly captured by Spider-Man and SHIELD and imprisoned. Now Kingpin plans to get several other famous criminals, including him, out of prison for his own plan. .

  The Thriller, Scorpion, and Mysterio that Alister just mentioned, each of them has something special, and they have one thing in common, that is, they are all criminals who were caught by Spider-Man and imprisoned.

  Thriller's real name is Herman Schulz. Before he was imprisoned, he was an outstanding criminal. He was proficient in cracking and robbing various safes. In order to compete with Spider-Man, he also used his outstanding mind to create He has a piece of equipment that is unique to him.

  He developed a special glove that can release shock waves, and in order to eliminate the anti-shock force of the gloves, he developed a set of yellow grid-shaped electronic suits made of special materials.

  When he puts on this equipment, he can use the powerful shock waves emitted by the gloves to better commit crimes and target Spider-Man. Peter once had a lot of trouble dealing with him.

  Scorpion, like Thriller, is also a criminal who has had many problems with Spider-Man. He was originally just an ordinary person named Macdonald Gargan, a private detective.

  He was once hired by James, the boss of the Daily Bugle, to investigate Spider-Man. After being discovered, Peter went to James very directly and warned him not to do such a thing again, and that he would also add the rude Macdonald. The roots were stuck to the wall with spider silk.

  After Spider-Man left, James also vented his anger on Macdonald Gargan, scolding him as a waste. Unwilling to be humiliated, Macdonald Gargan was determined to change, so he was introduced to a man by James. the scientist.

  This scientist used scorpion genes and a combat suit to greatly enhance Macdonald Gargan's physical fitness, and he could also use the tail on the combat suit to release a corrosive mucus.

  The changed Macdonald Gargan became the criminal Scorpion under the temptation of power, and caused a lot of trouble for Peter. It was not until Peter caught him in prison that the criminal finally stopped.

  As for Mysterio Quentin Baker, he not only has a grudge against Spider-Man, but also has a feud with Venom. In his opinion, he could have controlled Spider-Man to death, but because of Venom's interference, this was the case. Let him fall short and be caught in the current prison.

  In addition to the people who are about to escape from prison now, Tombstone and Doctor Octopus, who have just woken up, also have a lot of trouble with Venom.

  Kingpin's purpose in getting these people out is to organize a criminal gang that mainly targets Spider-Man and Venom. If one person's strength is not enough, he will use the power of unity, but this unity is the unity of criminals.

  After getting his belt back, Chameleon began to switch identities seamlessly, fooling the guards in the prison around him.

  He easily opened the cell door of the other three people, and then worked with them to retrieve the equipment where the items were stored.

  With the equipment, the difficulty of escaping from prison was drastically reduced. After rushing out of the prison gate, the helicopter Alister mentioned had already parked in the open space.

  Kingpin used his connections and money to buy a helicopter that would stay here for five minutes without being attacked.

  In this way, several criminals who were not very simple finally completed their escape and were taken by helicopter to Jin Bin's building.

  The helicopter parked on the roof of Jinbin's building, and several people inside followed the guidance to the designated floor.

  The elevator doors opened, revealing a vast field with only a huge screen hanging above.

  As Chameleon and others approached, the huge screen also lit up. At the same time, Doctor Octopus and Tombstone slowly walked over from the opposite side.

  "Welcome to your freedom, my friends." Kingpin's figure suddenly appeared on the big screen. He looked at the six criminals below and said with a smile.

  "Let me introduce myself. I am Kingpin. I rescued you from prison so that you can work for me." Kingpin crossed his hands on the table and said directly: "I will give you what you need. Things, the same thing, you need to serve me."

  "Kingpin?!" The few people who had just escaped from the prison were also surprised when they heard this. They did not expect that it was this underworld legend that allowed them to escape from the prison.

  When they heard this name and thought of today's very smooth jailbreak, their concerns about Kingpin's identity were immediately put to rest.

  Only this underworld legend had the energy and connections to fly a helicopter into the tightly guarded prison to pick them up.

  The escaped Chameleon and others looked at each other. After a moment, the mysterious man looked at Kingpin on the big screen and said softly: "We are deeply honored by your help to us, but we don't know what you want to do."

  "We will not refuse within our ability to repay the help of this jailbreak, but if it exceeds the limit of our ability," the mysterious

  man's words also represent the opinions of several other people to a large extent, and he can escape. Of course, prison is a very happy thing, but they don't want to just work for free for no reason, and they don't know whether there is any danger.

  You must know that none of them have a law-abiding personality, otherwise they would not become criminals and be imprisoned.

  After listening to the mysterious man's words, Jin Bing was not surprised. He also knew what these people were like. If he really agreed to him so simply, he would not be so relieved.

  As a businessman, he has always believed that reciprocal interests are the best way to bind a person.

  Jin Bin smiled faintly, and then said softly: "I like to communicate with smart people. I need you to help me do a few things and kill a few people." "After these troubles are solved, you can do whatever you want

  . Everything, and I will also give you a lot of money."

  "Of course!" The six people nodded and said, although Spider-Man and Venom are not ordinary enemies, they really hate these two guys.

  (End of chapter)

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