Chapter 86, Peter’s Trouble and Bank Robbery

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  In Chapter 86, Peter’s troubles and bank robbery

  time passed by peacefully. In the blink of an eye, autumn has passed, and the New Year is about to usher in.

  At the end of 2009, Chen Linan lived a relatively leisurely life. During this period, New York City seemed very peaceful. There were no weird people suddenly appearing, and even some vicious crimes were much less than before.

  However, although there are fewer, it is not completely absent. As long as there are humans, some vicious cases will never disappear, because not everyone can control the evil thoughts in their hearts.

  On the street in the evening, at the entrance of a large bank, a dozen police cars were parked outside in a semicircle. The policemen in the cars were wearing thick autumn and winter uniforms, looking at the closed bank with a serious look.

  "People inside, you have been surrounded. Putting down your weapons and surrendering as soon as possible is your only option." A bearded police officer was holding a loudspeaker and speaking loudly to the gangsters inside who were robbing the bank and holding many hostages.

  Perhaps because the weather was too cold, or perhaps because the sound was too loud, the beard on the bearded police officer's lips kept trembling. As soon as the fine snowflakes fell on it, they were turned into water droplets by his breath, and then fell to the ground along the beard.

  "You have ten minutes to prepare. We need two cars to leave here. I will kill a hostage in one minute." A burly man wearing a black hood and a very rough voice shouted to the police outside.

  "My patience has its limit. If you don't care about the lives of the hostages, then I certainly won't care either." "The

  countdown starts from now!"

  Listening to the robbers' wild remarks inside, the bearded police officer was also very angry. He hammered the roof of the car to vent his anger.

  After hammering, he turned to the policeman next to him and said, "Go and prepare two cars. Remember to install the most concealed positioning devices for me." The

  policeman next to him nodded after hearing this, and then turned back to make arrangements.

  After the bearded policeman finished instructing the car, he picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and said anxiously: "Are the special forces team here? Where are the snipers?" "The special forces team is coming soon, and the snipers are looking for the commanding heights

  . "A noisy voice came from the intercom, replying to the bearded police officer.

  "Damn it! These robbers deserve to go to hell!" The bearded police officer cursed angrily. He had cleared up the relationship for a long time some time ago, and finally got a response and could continue to climb up. Who knew that this would happen today.

  If he doesn't handle it well, let alone take a step up, he won't even be able to keep his current position.

  The sound of helicopters overhead slowly approached. The bearded police officer looked up and saw that the helicopters had the logos of different media printed on them, especially James' J-3 Media, which was the most conspicuous.

  Looking at the helicopter hovering above like flies, the bearded police officer felt even worse. Now every step he made would be magnified in front of the eyes of the citizens of New York and even the country.

  "Damn it! Damn it!" The bearded police officer, who was getting more and more agitated, kept pacing on the spot and cursing angrily. There was no specific subject, and he didn't know who he was scolding.

  On a building not far from the bank, Spider-Man Peter Parker was standing on the top of the building looking down. He should have jumped down and sneaked into the bank immediately, and then fought the gangsters inside.

  But at this moment, some strange changes occurred in his body. These changes made it impossible for him to jump down the stairs without hesitation like before.

  "It's really bad! My spider ability has disappeared again." Peter thought in his heart with great depression and anxiety as he put his hand on the fence on the roof to feel if there was the same adsorption feeling as before.

  When he jumped from the roof of the opposite building just now, his spider ability suddenly disappeared. If he hadn't reacted quickly and shot out the spider silk in time to climb up, he might have fallen directly from the building.

  The force of pulling the spider silk just now made his arm feel a pain, and the disappearance of the spider's ability made his physical fitness no longer what it was before.

  You must know that it is impossible for ordinary people to fly with the strength of ordinary people, because the effect of gravity and the upward pulling force of the spider silk will instantly break his arm.

  Peter didn't know what happened to him recently. His spider ability suddenly started to come and go. At first, he thought it was because he was too tired and didn't get enough rest.

  For this reason, he also took a full day of rest. At first, he felt good after resting, but soon his body began to lose its ability.

  "What should I do? There are so many thugs with guns that I can't handle in my current state." Looking at the situation below and the time slowly passing by, Peter felt extremely anxious.

  Whether he himself was injured or not was secondary. What he worried about was what if the robbers were not completely eliminated, what would happen if these angry desperadoes killed the hostages indiscriminately.

  Just when Peter gritted his teeth and made up his mind, ready to give it a try, he saw a black figure suddenly appear on the street outside the bank.

  Chen Lin'an was standing on the street next to the bank at the moment. Because he was standing relatively hidden, and everyone's attention was now on the bank and the robbers, not many people saw him.

  When Peter saw Chen Lin'an, Chen Lin'an also saw him. Although he was confused as to why Peter stood still on top, Chen Lin'an did not hesitate and kept thinking about how to deal with the robbers inside without hurting the hostages.

  After thinking for a moment and having a plan in mind, Chen Linan immediately stepped aside and found an entry point from the bank floor plan and detailed information sent from the computer in his secret laboratory.

  While Venom was sleeping, not only did his combat skills improve rapidly, but he also used his laboratory and whims to add many small designs to facilitate combat, including the database connected to the secret laboratory. A sort of.

  Chen Lin'an found the back door of the bank from the map, and then sneaked in quietly from there.

  Next to the small door on the side of the bank, a robber wearing a black hood is guarding here with a gun. His mission is to keep an eye on the small door and immediately notify his accomplices inside if something unexpected happens.

  Just as he slowly walked aside in front of the door, and then turned around to continue the process, a sharp blade suddenly penetrated from behind the door, and then stabbed straight into his throat.

  A lot of black blood came out of the robber's mouth as the blade penetrated. The blood was blocked by the hood, and then slowly seeped in without spraying out a drop.

  Silently, a robber was quietly harvested.

  After the robber died, the small door he was guarding slowly opened. Chen Linan entered sideways from the outside. Then, while retracting the short knife stuck in the door, he slowly placed the robber's body on the ground.

  Chen Lin'an originally used a long straight knife at first, but later found during the battle that the long straight knife was too long and the tiny time it took to unsheath it would affect his fighting rhythm, so he changed the knife to one with a 45-centimeter blade. Short sword.

  After switching to a short sword, Chen Lin'an's fighting became much smoother. In addition, he would sometimes smear blood-sealing poison on it, which would greatly improve the smoothness with which he could deal with his opponents.

  After Chen Lin'an placed the robber's body, he continued to sneak in quietly. Before reaching the lobby where the robbers gathered, he eliminated two more watchmen without making a sound.

  "There are still sixteen kidnappers. Taking into account their scattered positions and the influence of the hostages, they should be able to be solved in the remaining three minutes."

  Chen Lin'an stood in the aisle not far from the hall, looking through the infrared structure of his eyes and Using thermal imaging technology, he can see where people outside are standing.

  Venom was sleeping, and he couldn't sense it directly like before, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered, after all, Venom's perception was convenient and clear.

  Thinking of this, Chen Lin'an also missed Venom a little. Although that guy had a hard time singing and speaking, he was still a bit uncomfortable now that he couldn't hear it.

  After retracting his divergent thoughts, Chen Lin'an also took a deep breath, adjusted himself and prepared to attack.

  He first took out two smoke bombs, then pulled them open and slowly threw them out. These were the ones he had just borrowed from the police outside. After all, the thing happened suddenly and he couldn't be fully prepared.

  If he could prepare properly, he could prepare two poisons directly from the laboratory, and there would be no need to go through so much trouble now.

  Unfortunately, imagination is just imagination after all, and reality still has to be faced.

  Thick white smoke quickly filled the space, and the kidnappers inside were not fools. They realized something was wrong as soon as the smoke bomb rolled in.

  Just as a kidnapper subconsciously grabbed the place where the hostages were squatting, a blade of light suddenly lit up from the side, cutting off his outstretched arm.

  The poison spread rapidly from the wound. Within two seconds, the kidnapper was foaming at the mouth. The blood vessels on his face were quickly dyed black, and his whole body twitched and lost his breath.

  After dealing with the kidnapper, Chen Lin'an also pushed several large counters in front of the hostages to help them block stray bullets for a while.

   Remember to keep reading~
  (End of this chapter)

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