Chapter 42, Escape

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  Chapter 42, Escape

  Several tentacles kept waving, and the evil ghost accidentally made a mistake while moving, and then one of the tentacles directly pierced the side of the aircraft.

  Seeing the evil spirit make a mistake, the rest of its tentacles immediately turned into spikes, trying to penetrate the evil spirit's body or his aircraft.

  "Damn it!" Seeing this, the evil spirit hurriedly stretched its height, and then threw out several pumpkin bombs as cover.

  And in order to prevent Chen Lin'an from having time to stop him, he even directly scattered all the pumpkin bombs in the bag on his waist while flying upward, hoping to use these bombs to stop Chen Lin'an from blocking his work.

  "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

  There were six or seven bombs in total. When they were thrown by the evil ghost, they also made a harsh timing sound.

  The pumpkin bomb thrown by the evil ghost just now had a good effect in blocking the tentacles. When the flames exploded, Venom's tentacles also instinctively retracted.

  This also gave him the opportunity to gain altitude and throw the remaining bombs out at the same time.

  As the evil ghost expected, Chen Lin'an really didn't have time to stop him, because he had to deal with the six or seven remaining bombs. If these bombs were allowed to explode here, it is estimated that no one except him would survive. .

  And because it was a fire explosion, Venom would probably have suffered considerable trauma.

  In order to prevent this from happening, Chen Lin'an had to change his target and deal with these bombs first. As for the strange evil ghost, he could only wait until next time to deal with him.

  He doesn't have to worry that this evil ghost will not show up next time if he only does this job. After all, in New York, a city with simple folk customs, these strange weirdos will appear every now and then.

  In the past, they would always cause some trouble after appearing, and then they would be caught by Spider-Man and thrown into the police station.

  Now that Chen Lin'an has intervened, it is estimated that their lives will be difficult in the future. After all, he will not hold back and will definitely kill them as long as he has the chance.

  Seeing that his plan was successful, the evil spirit laughed triumphantly and flew out of the hole in the ceiling, leaving only a series of strange laughter echoing in the venue.

  Looking at the pumpkin bombs scattered on the ground and the timing sound getting faster and faster, Chen Lin'an couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips: "TMD, this guy is really insidious." Chen Lin'an did not dare to waste any time. After realizing the trouble of the matter,

  he He immediately grabbed the pumpkin bombs scattered on the ground.

  According to the observation just now, it took five seconds for these pumpkin bombs to explode from the beginning of time, and one second had just passed.

  The world seemed to slow down at this moment, and the rapid beeping sound also began to slow down.

  He shot out several forked spider threads with both hands and grabbed the bombs scattered on the ground. At the same time, Venom also controlled the tentacles to grab the remaining bombs.

  At the fourth second of the countdown, all the pumpkin bombs were stuck by spider silk and gathered in Chen Linan's hands.

  At the third countdown, Chen Lin'an concentrated the pumpkin bombs on his right hand and prepared to throw them towards the big hole in the ceiling.

  At the second countdown, Chen Lin'an threw all the concentrated pumpkin bombs hard and let them fly out of the venue through the big hole in the ceiling.

  At the last second of the countdown, pumpkin bombs flew in the air and got farther and farther away from the venue.

  When the countdown was cleared, the pumpkin bomb began to expand, and exploded with huge fire and heat.

  The broken ceiling trembled again because of the explosion, making people worry that the entire ceiling would fall down.

  This time the impact was greater than the last time, and the ceiling even began to make a rattling sound, and there were cracks along the large hole.

  Everyone in the venue screamed and hid against the wall. When they focused their attention on the center of the venue again, the black figure that was standing there just now had disappeared, and they didn't know where they went.

  In a remote corner of the exhibition venue, Felicia slowly opened her eyes.

  Looking at the familiar ceiling and big hole of the venue, she suddenly woke up, and then quickly hugged Chen Lin'an's arm next to her. She had been leaning there just now, so she subconsciously hid somewhere where she felt safe.

  "Don't be afraid, Felicia, that weirdo is gone and we are safe." Chen Lin'an's voice came from the side, his tone was soft but reassuring.

  Felicia calmed down after hearing this, and then noticed that the weirdo just now was indeed no longer in the venue. There were medical staff carrying stretchers to transport the wounded and the unfortunate victims, and many police officers were frowning. Surveying the venue.

  "Scared me to death." Felicia stroked her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Chen Lin'an and said with some confusion: "Why did I pass out just now?" Chen Lin'an

  also said with lingering fear after hearing this: "Just now A stone fell from the ceiling, and then a piece of wood on the ground bounced up, just hitting you, and then you fainted." "

  I was also scared at the time, but luckily you were okay, otherwise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life." Chen Lin'an said worriedly.

  Felicia looked at the worried Chen Lin'an and comforted her: "It's not your fault, Leon. If you hadn't taken me out of the middle of the venue, I might have been in danger." "Thank you."

  Felicia Biting her lips, she sincerely expressed her gratitude to Chen Lin'an.

  Hearing Felicia's thanks, Chen Lin'an couldn't help but feel guilty.

  In fact, what he just said about the stone falling and hitting the wood, and then the wood bouncing up and hitting her, was completely nonsense.

  The actual situation was that Chen Lin'an wanted to stop the weirdo called the evil ghost, but was helpless because Felicia was nearby, so he let the venom extend quietly, and then knocked Felicia unconscious from behind.

  Although all the techniques were used, there was still some pain. Chen Linan also felt guilty and guilty about this, but under the circumstances, he could not think of any better method.

  After Felicia woke up, they stayed in the venue for a while before walking out of the venue, because the police needed to ask them about what had just happened and make a simple transcript.

  On the way to send Chen Lin'an back, Felicia also told him about her feelings just now with lingering fear.

  But now that the matter has been resolved, looking back, in addition to fear, there are also some novel and unexpected feelings.

  "I really don't know why these strange people always appear in New York City." Felicia complained helplessly while driving.

  The evil ghost today was obviously a robber, but he insisted on wearing strange clothes, using strange equipment, and then gave himself a strange nickname.

  Chen Lin'an shrugged upon hearing this, looked at the flying scenery outside the window and said softly: "Maybe it's because the world is a little strange, that's why there are so many strange people." "

  You sound weird no matter what you say." Chen Lin'an heard that Yes, Felicia also joked with a smile.

  Chen Lin'an turned his head, blinked and smiled: "Maybe he was infected by that weirdo today, haha."

  (End of Chapter)

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