Chapter 26, setting up a net

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  Chapter 26: Although Chen Lin'an of Buwang

  was speechless at Venom's complaints, it was undeniable that what he said was not wrong.

  According to Venom, his current mental state may be really unstable. If there is a riot, the first person to die may be himself, and then Venom will be the second one.

  "I think you should control your emotions. After all, you only killed one Paul Mark." Venom patted Chen Lin'an on the shoulder and persuaded him.

  "If you only deal with such a bastard and your spirit is so unstable, then when we see the brothers again later, we will probably have to finish the game ourselves before finishing them." "So, listen to my advice

  , Calm your mind, adjust your breathing, and put your mind in the most relaxed state." "

  I remember when I was watching TV, there were introductions on Asan Yoga and Chinese martial arts that can nourish the body, gather energy, and calm the mind. "

  If you have time, watch more and practice more. Let's set a small goal first. When we deal with the enemy, we won't be killed by ourselves. How about that?" Although some of Venom's persuasion sounds a bit unreliable,

  but Generally speaking, there is no problem.

  Chen Lin'an thought about it and felt that he should really pay attention to his mental problems. It seemed that since Old York had an accident and found out that the car accident was not an accident, his spirit has become more and more active and unreliable.

  It seems that there is one more pressing matter at hand now besides revenge, which is to find a way to calm down and protect your own life first, otherwise you will die before the revenge is done.

  After discussing with Venom how to deal with his mental state, Chen Linan also took out the things he had just taken from Paul Mark and placed them on the table.

  There are not many things, just a wallet and a mobile phone.

  Chen Lin'an also learned from Paul Mark that Harvey Harmon did not have a fixed home, but only a few places he visited frequently.

  There are several nightclubs and bars in these frequently visited places, as well as a few normal apartment buildings.

  If Chen Lin'an wants to deal with Harvey Harmon, he needs to investigate these places one by one.

  After looking at all the alternative places, I found that in order to monitor so many places without missing a beat, some technological means must be used.

  He decided to buy some surveillance equipment and place it at the entrances, exits and surroundings of all these places, so that he could accurately identify when and where Harvey Harmon would appear.

  It would be a bit silly and tiring to just run over and check the places he gave me one by one.

  After making the plan, while it was still dark, Chen Linan went out to some electronic equipment stores to buy what he needed.

  The quantity needed was so large that he visited almost every store in Manhattan in order not to attract attention.

  After taking everything home, Chen Lin'an also began the intensive manufacturing and debugging work.

  He wants to connect these monitors with the computer program he made before, monitor all these places at the same time, and alert Harvey Harmon as soon as he appears.

  After waiting for everything to be done, the night outside the window was already very dark.

  Chen Lin'an still didn't rest. He jumped out of the window with these things and installed them all in the pre-conceived locations.

  When I returned home, the sky outside had already lightened up. Now everything was done, just waiting for Harvey Harmon to show up.

  Only by getting all these things in place can Chen Lin'an rest peacefully.

  He closed the curtains and told Venom to wake him up immediately if there was any reminder from the computer.

  After hearing this, Venom quickly assured him that there was absolutely no problem, and then asked him to go to bed quickly. His current mental state urgently needed a deep sleep to relieve fatigue and relax his mind.

  When Chen Lin'an woke up again, it was already noon the next day, and he had slept all day and all morning.

  Seeing Chen Lin'an wake up, Venom, who was messing around in front of the computer, turned to him and said, "You're awake. How did you sleep? You should be full by now." Chen Lin'an also nodded after hearing this

  . , he looked at the time on the table and then asked sluggishly: "Why did I sleep for so long? Nothing happened during this period."

  Venom waved his hand and said: "This is normal, after all, I was tired during this period. My spirit has been tense."

  "Nothing happened during this period, and the computer program did not send out a signal. It seems that the guy is not very active." "

  We may not be so lucky this time and have to wait a little longer."

  Chen Lin'an Hearing this, he also took a long breath, and then said as if to comfort himself: "It doesn't matter, all good things come in a long way. Anyway, as soon as he shows up, we will kill him. I don't believe he can still hide." "His death.

  " It's already a certainty, it's just a matter of time, and his brother, the news about that mysterious brother may only be pried out from Harvey's mouth." Perhaps the

  venom possessed him . Strong self-confidence, or maybe it's because he no longer has any worries now that he is alone.

  Although he was about to face a behemoth like the Bloodhead Gang, Chen Linan's heart was untroubled. He just wanted to kill those people one by one and let the gang disintegrate little by little.

  "Gu~~~!" Just as thoughts were racing in his mind, his stomach made a hungry sound.

  Although his spirit has been rested, the physical exertion has not yet begun to be replenished.

  "Let's put it on first." Venom said as he handed over a piece of chocolate.

  Chen Lin'an stuffed the chocolate into his mouth and went downstairs to cook.

  He took out all the ingredients he was going to use, and Venom was also there to help him.

  After possessing Chen Lin'an, Venom finally understood how delicious human food can be.

  Some ordinary vegetables and meats, when cooked in a pot, become extremely fragrant and make people salivate.

  He once thought that the only things humans ate were junk food like pizza and hot dogs.

  While handling the ingredients, Chen Pingan took the time to steam the rice. Now that Venom is a big eater, he would steam a full pot every time he steamed rice.

  This is really a novel experience. After all, apart from restaurants, who else can eat rice and steam the rice pot full.

  While Chen Lin'an and Venom were busy in the kitchen, the doorbell suddenly rang.

  (End of chapter)

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