Chapter 217, The Strongest Man on Earth

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  Chapter 217, Earth's Strongest

  It was already dark, and Loki left the underground warehouse after discussing the details of the operation with Agent Barton.

  There is a cocktail party in Germany tomorrow night, and that is the venue he chose for himself.

  Where will he appear gorgeously and elegantly, announcing his arrival to the whole world.

  At the same time, he would serve as a distraction, providing cover for Agent Patton's actual actions, allowing him to remove the iridium ore from the collection of the collector hosting the reception.

  Looking at the cool moonlight on the road, Loki also quickly ran through the information in his mind about the superpowers who may pose a threat on the earth based on his investigation and the information provided by Agent Barton.

  "Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, and Venom, haha, these are really ridiculous titles, like those given by a group of childish brats." Loki shook his head with a contemptuous smile.

  With the intelligence of Barton, a senior agent, Loki now has a very clear understanding of these people, including their abilities, characteristics and weaknesses.

  Among these people, he was very interested in Venom, whom even senior agents like Barton were very afraid of.

  According to Agent Barton, there had been operations against Venom before, but they undoubtedly failed miserably. In the end, it was SHIELD Director Nick Fury who personally took action to bring those people back.

  According to existing information, Venom's true identity is Chen Lin'an, the founder and helmsman of Zero Industries.

  He has a symbiotic relationship with a strange alien life form, and has extremely weird and powerful abilities.

  According to the evaluation results, no one on earth can defeat or completely kill Chen Linan.

  "A perfect servant and a powerful guard." Loki said to himself with stern eyes while thinking about the information about Chen Lin'an in his mind.

  It was obvious that he was attracted by this powerful being. With the power of the scepter, he could easily make a person his slave, just like Agent Patton and Dr. Sevig.

  One of these two people is responsible for scientific research, and the other is responsible for the secret service of the old bank, so in addition to this, he also needs a high-end combat force to charge into battle for him.

  Loki thought as he rushed towards the known home of Chen Lin'an. The person responsible for driving him was a staff member randomly recruited from the scientific research base.

  With the dedicated driving of the staff, it didn't take long before they arrived at Chen Lin'an's neighborhood.

  After getting out of the car, Loki pulled up his clothes, pushed open the fence and walked into the yard with a calm expression, then walked directly through the door and walked inside.

  It was late at night, and there was no light in the living room. Only the bright moonlight came in through the window and fell on the floor, leaving a silvery patch.

  "What a small place to live," Loki taunted as he walked.

  It's ridiculous that the strongest man on earth now lives in such a crowded place.

  Just as he took another step, a dark shadow passed across his neck, splitting the figure and turning him into scattered light particles.

  In the shadows at the edge of the living room, Loki's pupils shrank when he saw his clone being instantly scratched, and an interested smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "I can tell you're happy, right?" A hoarse voice suddenly sounded from behind Loki, causing his smile to freeze on his face and the hairs all over his body to stand on end.

  when? ! Why didn't he feel anything? !


  A burst of dark green magical energy instantly spread from Loki's body, and at the same time, it instantly deflected the sharp blade that had slightly pierced his back.

  The next moment, Loki's figure was at the window of the living room, facing the corner where he was standing just now, calming his breathing.

  He felt that the small wound on his back was healing. Although the wound was not big, it sent him an extremely dangerous signal.

  The Frost Giants have been enemies with Asgard for many years, and their level of combat power is evident.

  So although Loki is very reluctant to admit his identity as a frost giant, this race naturally brings him many advantages, such as strength, physical fitness, etc.

  Loki felt that he might have underestimated the so-called strongest man on earth. He originally thought that in an environment like the earth, even the strongest man could be as strong as a slightly larger ant at most.

  But the silent approach to his back and the fatal blow to his back sent him a dangerous signal, that is, his opponent was very powerful, and he would really die if he didn't take it seriously.

  In the darkness, Chen Linan took a step forward and exposed his harmless-looking face to the moonlight.

  I saw the same smile on his lips as Loki just now, but there was a dangerous cold light in his eyes.

  "It's really surprising. I was still thinking about how to find your trace, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself." Chen Lin'an said with a surprised smile.

  While Chen Lin'an was speaking, several sharp tentacles stretched out from behind him. They were like snakes, twisting and moving in the air.

  "I admit that I underestimated you a little. You are indeed qualified to be my opponent. You are different from the weak Earthlings." Loki raised his head slightly. Although he had just lost, he was still proud at this time. said.

  "I recognize your strength. Do you want to rule the entire earth with me? I can make you a king like me. You can choose where you want to start your rule." Although the other party is powerful, it is not

  very If you want to become your own slave, then take a step back, first stabilize the other party to reach a consensus, and try to use cooperation to persuade the other party to join your ranks.

  After hearing Loki's words and seeing the other party's proud but extremely solemn expression, Chen Lin'an couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then continued to shake his head.

  "Sorry, although this world is indeed very bad, I don't think it will be much better if you rule the entire earth." "

  Although you look down on the earth, to be honest, apart from your strength, you are actually more like a backward civilization."

  Hearing Chen Lin'an's words, Loki also frowned and cursed contemptuously: "You are such a stupid and blind earthling. You dare to laugh at God. Who gave you the courage." Hearing Loki's curse, Chen Lin'an just raised his eyebrows

  . He raised his palm and let the venom wrap it into a black sword while saying, "I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. The trouble you brought after coming to earth has caused me a lot of trouble." "I need to take care of you.

  " Throw it out of the earth and restore my daily leisurely life."

  "You can play your king's game wherever you want after leaving here."

   In fact, Loki is not weak at all, and can even be said to be stronger than most people in the Avengers. Strong, but in the movie, he always engages in melee combat as a mage, and then gets beaten badly, so everyone thinks he is very weak.

    Based on comics, movies and TV series, I have roughly compiled the abilities that Loki has. Of course, this does not include some bug-level settings.

    Loki's abilities: blast and use of magical energy; super strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, healing; shape-shifting, taking the form of other people or animals; cold immunity, which is his innate ability as a frost giant; illusion, creating illusions and Phantom; invisibility, shown when Thor Erli chatted with Thor; clone, there are phantom clones and physical clones, Thor Erli used the death of the physical clone to deceive Thor, and the old Loki also used this to deceive Thanos; mind Control, this is the power of the mind scepter.

  (End of chapter)

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