Chapter 183, Special Treatment

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  Chapter 183, Special Treatment

  Chen Lin'an ignored Tony's nonsense and jumped directly from the hole, then pulled him up and put him on the sofa aside.

  Then Chen Linan looked around again, poured a few glasses of water from the surviving kettle, and drank it directly for Tony to help him sober up.

  "Ugh!" After Tony calmed down for a while, he lay down on the sofa and started to vomit. After vomiting, he collapsed on the sofa again, like a dead fish.

  "So if you have been lying there, then who was the person I saw flying out when I just came here?"

  Looking at Tony who was a little more awake, Chen Lin'an also asked.

  When he was approaching the villa, he saw a steel armor flying directly out of the villa, a silver armor.

  He originally thought that Tony was going to perform some show of falling from the sky, but when he arrived, he found that the real owner was still lying underneath.

  Since Tony is lying here, who is the person who just went out?
  "Rhode, we had a fight, and then he flew away in his armor." Tony shook his dizzy head, feeling a little more awake than before.

  In fact, he didn't drink much wine, and he wasn't completely dizzy.

  The vomiting and dizziness were mainly due to the beating and jumping up and down that had just made him a little confused, plus the effect of a little alcohol, so he couldn't control his nausea.

  After hearing Tony's explanation, Chen Lin'an looked at him with strange eyes and said, "Who is drunk? Are you kidding me?" "Even if he is

  Rhodes, he can't easily penetrate your armor. When did the Stark Group's confidentiality measures become the same as those in public toilets?"

  Tony laughed and shook his head without saying anything. Chen Lin'an also understood something when he saw this.

  He sat on the other side of the sofa, took out a watch from his pocket and threw it to Tony, while continuing: "This is your birthday gift." "So

  you compromised and gave them a set of armor, blocking They talked about it."

  "Anyway, since we have been entangled in this matter, it is better to compromise within a certain limit. At least Rhodes is your friend."

  Chen Lin'an quickly understood Tony's thoughts, but he still didn't understand something. continued to ask.

  "What's wrong with you? Your behavior during this period is like dividing the family property before you die." "

  Let Pepper be the CEO of Stark Group, and let Rhodes leave here wearing an armor." "

  I I guess you should have drafted an agreement, which stipulates that after your death, all the shares will be transferred to Pepper, and the steel armor should only be used by Rhodes." After hearing this, Tony also looked up at the ceiling and continued

  . : "That's a good guess. I also left my collection to you. The racing cars I personally modified can meet all your racing needs." After hearing

  Tony's words, Chen Lin'an also shook his head and said, "So I should still want more. Thank you for your generosity, but I'm sorry, your current attitude makes me want to punch you." "

  What happened to you? Is it related to the graffiti on your neck?"

  Chen Lin'an heard Tony also touched his neck subconsciously, and after a moment of silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "I'm going to die from palladium poisoning."

  Tony briefly explained the reasons for doing these things, and then sighed deeply, Staring at the ceiling blankly.

  After listening to Tony's explanation, Chen Lin'an also understood why the other party had been having those strange attitudes and changes during this period.

  "Since you already know that time is running out, why are you still wearing armor now?" Chen Lin'an said with a dark face, and forcefully removed Tony's armor.

  Then he stood in front of Tony, leaned down and looked into Tony's eyes, and said in a very serious and angry tone.

  "Now that you are still alive and not dead, why are you so anxious to close your eyes? How do you know that there is no solution to the problem until the last moment?" "You know that you don't have

  much time, and you still have to wear a suit and have a party. How do you think about it? Are they all blocked by pizza?"

  "And why didn't you tell me earlier? How did you know that I couldn't solve it?" "Do you think

  you are the only one with a smart head?" Chen Lin'an sprayed Tony to death. Shower head.

  This time Chen Lin'an also had a profound understanding. Although Tony was older than Peter, his persistence and understanding of life were far inferior to Peter's.

  If Peter had given up on himself like Tony when there was a problem with his genes, how could he wait for a turnaround later?

  Thinking of this, Chen Lin'an became even more angry. This guy is already in his thirties and almost forty, why is he still so immature?

  "I have tried all the known elements and all the combinations, but none of them can replace the palladium element." Tony listened silently to Chen Lin'an's venting, turned his eyes to the side, and then sighed.

  Feeling Tony's low mood, Chen Lin'an continued: "Tony, you have to know that nothing is impossible. There are still many unknown things in this world. As long as you can still breathe, things will turn around."

  " But, uh...!!!"

  Before Tony could reply to Chen Lin'an's words, Chen Lin'an's hand had already strangled his neck.

  There was black venom surging in his hands, seeping into Tony's neck.

  After being surprised and panicked at first, Tony quickly realized that Chen Linan was using special methods to try to treat him, so he stopped struggling and just sat quietly.

  This process lasted for about two minutes, and it was only after two minutes that Chen Linan's hand left Tony's neck.

  At this time, the dark red mark on Tony's neck had faded a lot, but it was still not completely eliminated.

  "Oh! I feel like my condition has improved a lot. If I try it twice more, the problem will be completely solved."

  After feeling the change in his physical condition, Tony's dim eyes lit up again.

  Chen Lin'an, who was thinking about it, shook his head when he heard this and said: "It's not that simple. I just helped you suppress the spread of toxicity and alleviate the symptoms of palladium poisoning. The real problem has not been completely solved." "But even so, we are

  now It also gives me a lot more time."

  After hearing Chen Lin'an's reply, Tony Stark was not disappointed.

  Chen Linan's special techniques and effects surprised him, but he also knew that palladium poisoning was not easy to solve.

  Chen Linan just tried to use the venom to remove all the toxins, but the symptoms of blood poisoning are as fine as blood cells, and there is no way to directly remove all the venom. He can only adjust his body strength to suppress and relieve it.

   I saw that some readers here are struggling with why Tony can't use lithium batteries instead of palladium energy plates as energy sources, and then connect an external Ark reactor as the energy source for the armor. I think this idea is obviously very good, but why not do it.

    The author here can only say that he also doesn’t understand it, but this logical flaw exists. I believe other fan authors are the same. There is no way to round it up. The only explanation is based on the report made by Black Widow later, indicating that Iron Man 2 Tony is not the Iron Man that he will be in the future. His personality is still very weird, extreme and even self-destructive. Many problems are caused by his personality, which is why he has been unwilling to give up palladium energy and armor.

    If you really want an explanation, this is the only one, or you can just pretend you can't see it. It's like watching a movie. Just take it in and don't think too much.

    The more I dig into it, the more painful it becomes. In the past two days, I scrapped several chapters of the manuscript because I was struggling with this, but I found that there is no way to get it back, and I can only let it go without getting entangled.

  (End of chapter)

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