Chapter 180: Do we really want to break the rules?

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  Chapter 180: Do we really want to break the rules?
  Next to Chen Lin'an's house, the people nearby had been secretly cleared out. An armed helicopter circled and landed on the road. Nick Fury, wearing a black windbreaker, jumped down from it.

  "You arrange the surroundings, and I'll go in by myself." Nick Fury ordered Agent Hill behind him, and then he pushed open the fence and entered the yard of Chen Lin'an's house.

  In the yard, Coulson and dozens of other agents were neatly stacked on both sides. They still couldn't speak or make any movements. Only the rolling eyes and the anxiety contained in them showed that they were still alive.

  Nick Fury's heart sank when he saw this strange scene, and he realized that he still did not have a correct understanding of Chen Lin'an's special abilities.

  He had already learned about this ability to control objects in the video between the other party and Professor Abomination. Unexpectedly, he seemed to have made some progress in just a few days, or it could be said that he had not used his full strength before.

  Either possibility is not a good sign for the current situation.

  After he stepped into the yard, the door not far away slowly opened, as if to greet him and ask him to hurry in.

  Nick Fury didn't stop when he saw this, and continued to walk forward slowly.

  Chen Lin'an was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and Venom was lying on the armrest of the sofa beside him, nibbling chocolate, and gave Nick Fury a faint glance when he walked in.

  Nick Fury sat on the single sofa next to him, then looked at the empty table and said, "I thought there would be at least a glass of water."

  Looking at Chen Lin'an as if he hadn't heard, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, you are the boss now, what do you want."

  "Actually, we really don't have much malice. We just want to take into account the security of some "big people". You know, everyone is here for work. "

  Nick Fury defended without a blushing face and put the responsibility on those politicians and military personnel in a few words.

  "Your words sound quite credible. If there are no stealth fighters outside, no fully armed tactical teams around, and no snipers in the distance."

  Chen Lin'an blew the tea leaves in the cup and raised his head to look at it lightly. A look at Nick Fury.

  "I'm curious what you want to do? It doesn't seem right to say that you look down on me, after all, because I have used such a large force alone." "But it doesn't seem right to say that you think highly of me,

  because if you If you really know my strength, you will know that these things are of no use."

  After speaking, Chen Lin'an also lightly snapped his fingers.

  As he moved, the ground in the yard suddenly cracked, and a very thick steel cannon protruded from the ground, aiming at the stealth fighter in the sky.

  All the surrounding agents and tactical teams who were ready to go suddenly seemed to be hit by electricity, and fell to the ground twitching.

  At the ankle of each of them, there is a small insect robot hanging there, injecting neurotoxin with its sharp mouthparts.

  As for the snipers further away, they only felt as if their heads were suddenly hit by a heavy hammer and they were a little dizzy.

  Then when they came to their senses again, their long barrels had been bent strangely, and the originally hard metal was twisted like rubber and pointed at their own heads. .

  All kinds of strange things were reported to Nick Fury's ears two or three seconds after Chen Lin'an snapped his fingers.

  Hearing that all his back-up plans were eliminated instantly, Nick Fury also knew that what he just said had no effect at all. The other party had already seen through his true nature and it was impossible to believe his lies.

  "I know those big shots are scared, and I also know that you, the king of agents, are wary of me." Chen Lin'an took a sip of tea and continued talking while letting the teacup float back to the table.

  "But at the same time, you should also know that I am completely different from the enemies or opponents you have encountered before." "

  I think you are a threat, so I have to eliminate you. This situation does not apply to me." "

  I am not arrogant . Say, no one on this earth can kill me now." "

  Similarly, if I really want to kill someone, no one can stop me."

  "You should be glad that I don't have any ambition to rule the world. You want to live your own life well, otherwise those people who are giving orders behind you will already have their heads moved." "

  You can convey these words to them word for word." Chen Lin'an looked at Nick Furr, whose face was getting darker. Rui said.

  "Their hegemony cannot be used on my head, because they can still stay there safely because my bottom line is still there and I am still willing to live within these rules." "You can help me ask them,

  they Do you really want to break the rules? Are you really ready?"

  After hearing what Chen Lin'an said, Nick Fury did not speak. He just paused, then took off his headphones and looked at Chen Lin'an and said.

  "Now I only represent myself. I will convey your words to them, and I believe they will make the right choice." "I

  just want to ask, are you still a human being? Or do you still recognize your own human nature?" Identity?"

  After hearing Nick Fury's words, Chen Lin'an looked at him strangely and said, "Of course I am a human being, I have always been." After saying that,

  Chen Lin'an also reflected why Nick Fury asked this question. : "I understand, you have been worried that I am no longer a normal person, but have been completely parasitized by alien life forms, right?"

  "Stupid and narrow-minded human beings." Venom was also lying on the sofa handle at this time , complained very disdainfully.

  Damn Black Braised Egg actually regards the noble symbiote as a parasite, which is even more annoying than that idiot Peter.

  "Don't worry, I'm a normal human being, more normal than most people." Chen Lin'an said with certainty.

  Listening to Chen Lin'an's words, Nick Fury was certain that what he was telling the truth was true with his years of experience as an agent.

  You can't blame him for being too cautious, because in this position, he has access to a lot of things, so he would ask such a seemingly ridiculous question.

  After all, he has really come into contact with alien life, and even interacted and cooperated with it.

  After confirming Chen Lin'an's answer, Nick Fury also explained: "Thank you for being willing to answer my question that sounds a bit nonsensical." "

  Although it sounds silly, it is really important, because currently S.H.I.E.L.D. The investigation shows that the earth is becoming more and more unstable recently, and I can feel that there are huge dangers and conspiracies that are gradually approaching." "

  Stark should have told you about that organization that he thought was funny. This organization is mine. idea."

  "Its purpose is to have a team of humans with extraordinary power stand up to resist and solve the crisis when the earth encounters an alien invasion or a huge disaster in the future." "I admit that after seeing your powerful power, I also

  have I am selfish and vigilant, but I set out for the safety of the earth."

  "So if you still recognize your identity as a human being, I would like to invite you to join this team to jointly resist possible dangers in the future."

  (End of Chapter)

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