Chapter 149, Suspension Countermeasures and the whereabouts of Dr. Banner

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  Chapter 149, Suspension Countermeasures and the whereabouts of Dr. Banner
  "So the effect of the reagent itself has not diminished, it's just because the mutation this time is somewhat beyond your expectation, right?" Chen Lin'an listened to Peter's explanation. Thinking.

  Peter nodded when he heard this, then shook his head and continued: "There is no problem with the gene stabilization reagent. After all, we have gone through many experiments and I have used it for so long." "The problem

  is my gene, it It's like a spring that has been pressed to the ground. It suddenly rebounds after letting go." "

  Although the effect of the potion itself has not weakened, because my mutation has strengthened, the effect it can have is still not as good as before."

  " But I can try to purify it again, which can improve the effect to some extent, and I will use my will to resist the suppression of the spirit by the mutated memory. Believe me, I will wait for you to come back." Looking at Peter's firm eyes, Chen Lin'an also

  solemnly The nodded.

  After talking about the potion issue, Peter then reminded: "By the way, before you leave, I think you need to renovate my place first." "It's best to reinforce it with

  several layers of alloy steel plates, and then connect it to the high ground." Piezoelectric, so even if I can't control the mutation, I won't be able to escape."

  Hearing Peter's words, Chen Lin'an rolled his eyes and said, "Weren't you very confident just now that you could resist the mutation? ? Why are you asking me to remodel your cell now?"

  "You have to hold on and think about Aunt Mei, what will she do without you."

  Peter also chuckled after hearing this: "I know, this is also for Just in case, this way you won't be able to escape even if you mutate, and it will also be convenient to rescue me when you come back." "

  Tsk, who are you looking down on? We will definitely come back before you mutate." The venom was on Chen Lin'an's shoulder He said unhappily while holding the tentacle.

  Looking at the proud Venom, Chen Lin'an and Peter also looked at each other without saying a word, but just smiled.

  Chen Lin'an looked at Peter, who was still pale, covered him with a quilt and promised: "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the previous agreement. You have to pay attention to yourself and don't really turn into a big spider, otherwise I won't I'll show mercy, but I have to remove all your legs."

  Peter felt very relieved when he heard Chen Lin'an's harsh words. He smiled and nodded before closing his eyes and starting to rest.

  Chen Lin'an's existence is Peter's last guarantee. Chen Lin'an will never give up on him before there is a chance of recovery. But if things are really irreversible, Chen Lin'an will respect his opinion and get rid of him before he causes immeasurable harm.

  Looking at Peter who was already asleep, Chen Lin'an also stood up and left the lounge.

  With Felicia's help, he first made a batch of gene stabilizing reagents, and then transformed the adjacent lounge according to Peter's requirements, laying steel plates and strong alloy cages around it to ensure that if Peter mutates, There is absolutely no way to escape from it.

  After doing all this, Chen Lin'an also turned on the computer, looked at the military's speculation on Dr. Banner's movements, and then called Tony Stark and told him that he wanted him to help find someone.

  "I have heard a little bit about the person you are talking about. Some of the equipment they used for their previous experiments were provided by the Stark Group." After hearing what Chen Linan said, Tony Stark also thought of some of the information he knew.

  "I will help you calculate his approximate location based on existing clues. However, the range will not be very accurate. You may need to spend some more effort to find the target yourself." After listening to Tony Stark's words, Chen

  Lin'an He also nodded, he had already expected this result.

  "Thank you for your help. I owe you a favor." Chen Lin'an said to Tony Stark.

  Tony Stark on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said, "You might as well say that all your pizza and burgers will be free from now on." After he went back that day,

  he ordered takeout for several days in a row, and then Out of curiosity, I also checked the pizza shop's information, and found out that Chen Lin'an was the owner. No wonder I enthusiastically gave him a few order cards that day. This business was done.

  "It's not impossible." Chen Lin'an smiled and said, "But the tip is important. Your home is so far away, and it will take a long time for the deliveryman to deliver it."

  Tony Stark also rolled his eyes when he heard this and said: "This joke is a bit lame. I'm Tony Stark. Do you need me to introduce myself to you again?"

  Of course Chen Lin'an was also joking. The guy who delivered food to Tony Stark during that time went crazy with joy. , because the tips in those few days can keep up with his salary for several months.

  "By the way, the military database has recently been updated about the traces of Dr. Banner. Do you want me to send it to you?" Chen Lin'an also said, thinking of the information recently updated by the military.

  When Tony Stark heard this, he just said lightly: "No, I'll go check it out myself later. Maybe I can make new discoveries and help you narrow down the scope." After hearing what he said,

  Chen Lin'an nodded and hung up. Got the phone.

  Tony Stark's entry into the military's database was like browsing his own back garden. He would find anything important by himself without Chen Lin'an having to worry about it.

  While waiting for news from Tony Stark, Chen Lin'an continued to try to purify the gene stabilizing reagent. He still had a little time before departure and could not waste it.

  By the time Tony Stark's message came, it was already the afternoon of the next day. After making the last batch of gene stabilizing potions, Chen Lin'an took out his mobile phone and saw the location that Tony Stark sent to him. scope.

  "How should I put it? Your luck can be considered good or bad. The good thing is that the location has been found and the area is not large. It should be in Rio de Janeiro in southeastern Brazil. This is based on the news updated last night. ."

  "The cause was that an old man drank a drink, and then suddenly couldn't control himself and exploded to death. Investigators found gamma radiation in his residence and broken body, so the other party suspected that this matter was related to Ban. It is related to Na."

  "The place where the beverage is manufactured is in Brazil, a beverage factory in Rio de Janeiro, so your target should be in Brazil." "The

  bad thing is also related to this news, because the military has sent people Go to the beverage factory to verify and inquire, so you have to act quickly." "

  If the military confirms the target, whether he runs away or is caught in the end, it will be very detrimental to your plan. There may be no way to invite him to do interesting experiments with you."

  After reading Tony Stark's message, Chen Lin'an stood up from his seat with a sudden surprise.

  Finally having a clue, he had to set off quickly. At this time, time was Peter's life.

   Thanks to Ahaya for the 400 starting coins.

    Thank you to Guiyoubai for the 100 starting coins

    . Thank you all for your support~ I love you~mua~~~
  (End of this chapter)

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