Chapter 109, press conference and evil spirits

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  Chapter 109, Press Conference and the Evil Ghost

  Chen Lin'an ignored Peter's question and just waved his hand, then motioned for him to watch TV because the press conference had already begun.

  The introductions and introductions of Brand Group and Herbert Langdon were being played on the big screen in the venue.

  "Now let us welcome Dr. Herbert Langdon of Brand Group with applause." Following the host's high-spirited introduction, Herbert Langdon came up from the stage with a smile on his face.

  He had neatly combed brown hair and was wearing a straight, ironed dark blue suit. He looked elegant and handsome.

  After a few simple implicit sentences, Herbert Langdon directly entered the topic and began to introduce his own research.

  "Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for coming. Today I stand here to announce to you that a new era is coming." "

  That is a new era that allows us to understand genetic variation factors!"

  Herbert. Langdon raised his hand and pointed at the lit big screen and introduced it to the people below with great enthusiasm.

  "Everyone knows what DNA is, and also knows that it is the chemical composition shared by us and animals, and contains the characteristic coding of all our functions." With the introduction of the team,

  a familiar figure appeared in most of life. DNA double helix structure model.

  Herbert Langdon pointed to the model at the back and continued: "We all know that this is the basic structure of our DNA, but sometimes these gene chains also undergo special changes. We call this change a mutation."

  Following his words, the DNA structure on the screen began to move. Several red dots suddenly appeared on the double helix structure of the same color. These red dots represented mutated genes.

  "For a long time, we have been helpless about these mutated genes because they are too small and too complex in structure." "All

  scientists are helpless about this phenomenon and cannot control the mutations of these genes." "

  But now, All of this is about to change, because I have found a way to overcome this problem." "The

  future of the world will change because of my discovery. Today you will witness history and witness a day that spans the ages."

  Herb Ter. Langdon smiled confidently while controlling the playback of the picture on the screen and said to everyone: "With the help of the new generation of supercomputers and my personal research, our Brand Group is about to complete this great project. Achievements."

  "Next, let me give you a brief introduction to the basic situation of this research and the future uses it can produce."

  After the basic opening remarks, Herbert Langdon began to speak to the media He explained the basic situation of his research to the audience.

  Of course he wouldn't say the core content, and even if he did, people present might not be able to understand it. What he wanted to talk about was ideas for solving this problem and the results that this research can produce in the future.

  These things alone have already made the people present feel excited and expectant.

  Most of the purpose of talking about these topics is for the public and well-funded investors to see. With the release of this research, the share price of Brand Group should soar a lot.

  Chen Lin'an and Peter certainly knew that the content shared in this event did not involve much core, but they still listened with interest.

  As he listened, Peter wanted to have face-to-face communication with Herbert Langdon even more. He believed that communication with the other party would definitely give him more inspiration, which would be very helpful for him to solve his mutation problem.

  Thinking of this, he also turned to look at Chen Lin'an and said, "Did Mr. Hank say before that he and Herbert Langdon had been colleagues for a period of time? Maybe we can use this reason to visit him." Chen Lin'an

  heard Yan Ye nodded and said: "It's a good idea, but if it's just a simple colleague relationship, he probably won't reveal too much information to us." "

  Mr. Hank has not been in contact with him for many years, who I don't know how valuable their friendship is now."

  Chen Lin'an's words made Peter a little distressed: "Although I say that, it's not possible."

  While he was speaking, something unexpected suddenly appeared on the TV.

  Suddenly, a large hole was opened in the ceiling of the venue by a bomb. A devil in khaki clothes rushed in from the hole, and then threw several bombs on the stage where Herbert Langdon was sitting.

  "Stupid Langdon, you don't think I can't even handle the old trick of warehouse explosion." "

  What a naive guy, your stupid behavior completely ruined our deal this time."

  Looking at the wolf running away in embarrassment Herbert Langdon, the evil spirit stood on the aircraft and warned with a sneer.

  "Listen, you guy, I can give you another chance. Our deal is still the same as before, but this time the cost has increased five times." "This

  is your punishment for breaking your promise and breaking the deal. I hope you can If you can learn this lesson, don't thank me. This is the basic principle of life that I teach you for free." "I will come to

  collect it soon. I hope you can prepare the cash early, otherwise I will let you know that it is illegal to break promises. What are the consequences?"

  After saying a few words wildly, the evil ghost flew out from the big hole in the ceiling again.

  He has not appeared in this period of time, and today is the first time he has appeared in the public eye recently.

  As for why he wanted to hide during this period, it still couldn't get around his old acquaintance Norman Osborne.

  He originally thought that Norman Osborne would be killed in the explosion. After all, he had prepared so many bombs, but he did not expect that when the other party came out to move around later, he seemed to be completely unscathed.

  Not only that, but a guy named the Green Goblin actually directly attacked Kingpin, his previous assassination target.

  Wilson Fisk is Kingpin, and the evil spirits only found out about this recently.

  After knowing this information, the evil spirit didn't know that this guy called the Green Goblin was Norman Osborn's new thug.

  Since he had a falling out with Norman Osborn before and the Green Goblin showed too much strength, he had the good sense to hide it to avoid being found and killed directly.

  He was hiding from XZ during this period, and even if Norman Osborn knew his original identity, there was no way to find him.

  Originally, he was planning to complete a deal in a low-key manner today, but he did not expect that Herbert Langdon would actually dare to play tricks on him and even want to blow him up.

  Thinking that the Green Goblin has been quiet recently, the evil spirit who has been keeping a low profile for so long finally decided to make a high-profile appearance to teach Herbert Langdon a lesson and let him know that when making a deal with him, he should obediently come up with money.

  Seeing the evil spirit flying out of the venue, Herbert Langdon gritted his teeth and was very angry and annoyed.

  A large part of the funding for his current research comes from Jin Bin's support, but he concealed a lot of research results from Jin Bin.

  The evil ghost didn't know where he found this information, so he used these things to threaten him and asked him for two million U.S. dollars, otherwise he would bring the matter to Kingpin and let Kingpin deal with him.

  How could Herbert Langdon get two million? All his funds were spent on research.

  But he couldn't let Kingpin know about it, so he had no choice but to act evil and decided to design a plan to blow up the evil ghost directly.

  He invited the evil ghost to a warehouse and planted a remote-controlled bomb in an empty box filled with newspapers.

  After placing the box on the ground, he immediately got in the car and left, and pressed the remote control button to detonate the bomb.

  He thought that the evil ghost should be reduced to ashes together with the bomb, but he did not expect that the other party actually cheated. The evil ghost in the warehouse at that time was just a projection. No wonder he was not allowed to come close, and he was only asked to put the money box on the ground.

  "Damn it! Damn it! I will definitely find a way to deal with you!" Herbert Langdon swore viciously in his heart as he stood up from the dilapidated venue.

  Chen Lin'an and Peter in front of the TV also fell into a daze after seeing what happened at the venue.

  No one expected that such an ordinary press conference would be attacked by weird criminals like evil spirits. I wonder what kind of grudge the two of them have.

  Because it was a television broadcast, the two of them did not hear what the evil ghost and Herbert Langdon had to say, but these were no longer important. The important thing was that nothing happened to Herbert Langdon.

  "The evil ghost will not come just this time. He is just a warning this time. Herbert Langdon's safety will not be guaranteed next time." Peter said seriously as he looked at the picture on the TV.

  Chen Lin'an also frowned at this time and said, "Why did this evil ghost suddenly show up after being silent for such a period of time?"

  "I want to set off to find Herbert Langdon now." Peter turned to look at Chen Lin'an and said .

  Chen Lin'an also nodded when he heard this, and had no objection. Who knew whether Herbert Lan and others would be alive and well when the next attack came, so they had to communicate as early as possible.

  Then the two of them stood up and prepared to set off. Peter took out a small tube of reagent from his waist and stuck it on his arm.

  This is the preliminary result that the two of them have come up with in the past few days. It is based on the reagent they obtained before and then improved it based on Hank's information to obtain the first generation version of the gene stabilizing reagent.

  The effect of this version of the medicine is relatively short-lived, but it can last for several hours, and it can be used continuously. However, if used too much, some resistance may develop.

  This version is just excessive, and there will definitely be better versions in the future, but it is enough to cope with the current situation.

  After getting ready, they quickly rushed towards the Brand Group Building where the venue was located.

  (End of chapter)

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