Chapter 102, Kingpin’s plan and Professor Xavier

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  Chapter 102, Kingpin’s plan and Professor Xavier.
  He eliminated all his connections with these criminals as soon as the report appeared, lest relevant departments or enemies with a keen sense of smell find any clues.

  After doing all this, he fell into oppressive silence again.

  What did he gain after spending a huge price? Not one of his enemies was wiped out, and not a single one of his own men was left.

  He is the gang leader and criminal empire controller Kingpin, not really the philanthropist Wilson Fisk.

  Everything he did was to get his enemies eliminated and to gain greater benefits for himself, not to save criminals from prison or to heal the wounded.

  "Crack, click, click!" Jin Bin's thoughts were swirling, and the extremely precious ceramic cup in his hand made an overwhelming click sound, and then turned into pieces.


  Kingpin roared and threw the fragments in his hand to the ground. The fragments that were already broken became even more broken.

  His eyes were dark and fierce, and his broad chest undulated like a huge bellows, making a huffing and puffing sound.

  Ever since he became a gangster, he hadn't been this angry for an unknown amount of time. None of the things that happened recently were in line with his wishes, and all his plans were just like jokes.

  Thinking of this, he became even more resentful towards the ungrateful Doctor Octopus. Among the incompetence and shameful betrayal, the shameful betrayal was obviously even more infuriating.

  He picked up the phone on the table, answered it, and coldly ordered to the person opposite: "Issue a hunt order for Doctor Octopus with a reward of 10 million! No matter life or death!" After saying that, he hung up

  . I picked up the phone and started smoking a cigar.

  Although Kingpin has no shortage of expensive cigars, he usually doesn't smoke them. His abnormal behavior now fully illustrates his inner irritability.

  Who else could help him build a unified army, an army that would do his bidding and stand up to his extraordinary foes?

  "Alister." Kingpin thought of the disabled scientist.

  Before, he only regarded the other party as a capable assistant and a rare scientific research talent, and did not care about the other party's spider killer robot.

  But now after this series of events, he realized that it seemed that only Alister could give him an army that could meet his requirements.

  A robot army is absolutely obedient and has no other ideas at all. The only question is whether their ability can solve enemies like the Green Goblin.

  Kingpin stood up and walked outside while thinking.

  He was going to take a look at Alister's laboratory.

  "Ding dong!" The elevator reached the corresponding floor, and Kingpin walked out of the elevator and walked towards where Alister worked.

  Alister is currently transforming a huge robot.

  This robot seems to be made up of more than just machinery. You can see that Alister also has some blood and flesh when operating it.

  "Is this a rhinoceros?!"

  Jin Bin looked at the huge gray-skinned figure about the same height as himself and asked in shock, unable to hide his words.

  Hearing the exclamation, Alister, who was concentrating on his work, also turned his head.

  "Mr. Kingpin, why are you here?" Alister was obviously surprised by Kingpin's sudden visit, because the other party had never taken the initiative to come to him before.

  King did not answer Alister's question, but looked at the rhinoceros body being transformed and asked him: "What are you doing?" After hearing Kingpin

  's question, Alister proudly showed him : "I received some inspiration after modifying Doctor Octopus's body, so I prepared to make some modifications to the previously recovered rhinoceros carcass." "See if I can

  make him "alive" again while retaining his super defense. , of course, in a robot way."

  "You can transform him into a robot?!" Kingpin obviously didn't know that Alister could do such a thing, and his tone was filled with uncontrollable surprise.

  "That's right!" Alister said proudly, his face full of excitement.

  "The rhino's defense is extremely powerful. While retaining its defense, I replaced key parts with machinery, then hollowed out his brain and installed a central processor." "In this way, I can remotely control his movements

  . , and can also input instructions and programs to let him operate by himself."

  "Coupled with the purely mechanical robot army, I believe they can definitely destroy all enemies, including Spider-Man!"

  Looking at the huge mechanical rhinoceros, and the laboratory With the other robots inside, Jin Bin felt that he had gone in the wrong direction before.

  Obviously he only needs to continue to support Alister and let him create a robot army, but he still spends a lot of time organizing some criminals.

  "Alister, can these robots of yours continue to be upgraded and mass-produced?" Kingpin asked, looking at the robots in the laboratory.

  Alister was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he realized something and said excitedly: "Of course!"

  After visiting Alister's laboratory, Kingpin's original gloomy expression also improved a little.

  He decided to provide additional research funds to Alister and let him create a powerful robot army.

  In addition to the special mechanical rhinoceros, Alister's spider-killer robot has also been upgraded several times, abandoning its spider shape and becoming a more flexible and powerful humanoid.

  With these robots that completely obey his orders, Kingpin's sense of crisis due to the death of Tombstone and others has been reduced a lot.

  At least in the future, his personal security force will be more powerful. Even if the Green Devil attacks him again like before, he will no longer be in the same aggrieved situation as before.

  "Green Devil Norman Osborn, you guys won't be proud for long." Kingpin murmured to himself, the light in his eyes gradually flashing.

  Since he decided to change his strategy last time, he has begun to secretly infiltrate the Osborne Group, and most of the shareholders of the Osborne Group have gradually been controlled by him.

  I believe that it won't be long before he can kick out that smug old dog Norman Osborne and take complete control of the Osborne Group.

  Just as his thoughts were wandering, the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

  After coming back to his senses, Jin Bin reached out to pick up the phone and listened to the report from his subordinates on the other side.

  "Sir, a gang with unknown background suddenly appeared in New York recently. They claimed to be the tyrant's subordinates. They directly broke up and integrated some gangs, used their power as a stronghold to develop, and invaded the drug market in New York." "Tyrant

  ?! That's not a small tone." Jin Bing heard this and sneered: "How far have they expanded now?" The subordinate on the other end

  of the phone continued to report after hearing this: "Now the main market is still controlled by us and Silverman. They We are consolidating the remaining fragmented markets."

  "Although they have not threatened us yet, they are expanding rapidly. According to our investigation, we found that their products are of high quality and slightly lower than the market price, so competition It’s also very powerful.”

  After hearing these reports, Jin Bing also narrowed his eyes. This suddenly rising gang seems to have great ambitions. Although it has not directly collided with them yet, it can be seen that the other party has great potential.

  After thinking for a moment, Kingpin ordered into the phone: "Don't have any conflicts with them yet, but always keep an eye on their movements, and don't worry about them until they don't infringe on our interests." "By the way, wait until

  they Let me know when the scattered markets are almost integrated, and then we can make initial contact with them." After

  giving the instructions, Jin Bing also sat on his chair and thought quietly.

  Although this newly emerged gang is gaining momentum, Kingpin has not taken them seriously yet.

  Only when they integrate the scattered forces will they be qualified to enter his eyes.

  As a legendary figure who has been in the underworld for many years, there are many gangs that integrate scattered markets like the tyrant reported by his subordinate just now.

  Jinpin and the others generally let such existence go, because it does not infringe on their interests. They will not contact them until they have integrated the fragmented market.

  At that time, these people have only two options, either surrender to Kingpin and merge the small gangs into his criminal empire, or they can be eliminated as if they never existed.

  In the dark forest of the New York underworld, Kingpin was like the king of the forest, and the scattered gangs either relied on him or were eaten by him as food.

  In the outer suburbs of New York, a quaint and gorgeous manor sits on a green lawn.

  The sun was shining brightly, the sky was white, and many young children were running on the grass. They looked very happy, and there was endless laughter and laughter.

  On the second floor of the manor, a bald old man was sitting in a wheelchair, looking out through the window. When he saw the children playing happily, a kind and kind smile appeared on his face.

  "Every time I see them playing carefree down there, I feel that my efforts are meaningful." The old man said softly with deep feeling.

  Behind him stood a very tall and strong man. He exuded a wild aura, and the messy beard on his cheeks also added to this aura, making him look like a wild beast.

  After hearing the professor's words, the man nodded and said, "If you hadn't appeared, professor, I don't know what would have happened to these children. Most of them would have been regarded as monsters." After hearing this, Professor Xavier also controlled the wheelchair and turned around

  . He looked at the man and said happily: "Logan, I am very happy to see your changes now." "

  I still remember how you looked when you first came here. You looked strong but you were very sensitive and fragile inside."

  " Now that your heart is becoming stronger and stronger, I believe that sooner or later you will be able to retrieve your lost memories, and this day should not be far away."

  (End of Chapter)

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