356. Chapter 350, we are massacre! ! !

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  Chapter 350, we are massacre! ! !

  "Hey! Mr. Rumlow! Something abnormal happened after the symbiote was combined with the experimental subject! His vital signs are very strange!" The head of the laboratory staff called Brock Rumlow in a nervous and hurried tone. Reporting on the phone.

  "What's going on? What did you do?" After hearing the report, Brock Rumlow also frowned and paced back and forth in the office. He would have stayed there if he had known this would happen.

  "We are transporting experimental subjects into the laboratory normally!!! Beep! Beep! Beep!" Just when the person in charge of the laboratory staff was about to report the situation in detail, an accident suddenly happened.

  A blood-red tentacle suddenly shot out from a distance, wrapped directly around his neck, and lifted him out.

  The phone in his hand also fell to the ground and hung up immediately.

  Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Brock Rumlow frowned even more tightly. This situation was obviously an accident in the laboratory.

  Thinking of this, he also picked up the walkie-talkie to call for help, and quickly walked out of the door, ready to go to the laboratory to see what was going on.

  At the same time, in the laboratory, a blood-red tentacle was tightly wrapped around the neck of the head of the laboratory staff, causing him to struggle painfully but unable to make a sound.

  This blood-red tentacle suddenly sprang out from the laboratory and even directly broke the tempered glass of the observation room.

  After he struggled painfully for a few seconds, the blood-red tentacles wrapped around his neck suddenly tightened.

  With a crisp sound of Kabakaba's bones breaking, his struggle finally stopped, and the hand that was originally scratching the tentacles around his neck dropped weakly.

  "The boss is dead! What is that!" After seeing this scene, other staff members also widened their eyes in horror. They didn't know what happened, and they didn't know what the blood-red tentacle was. what's the situation.

  When they were frightened and confused, they saw that in the laboratory with the tentacle sticking out, Cletus Kasady, who was supposed to be tightly bound to the bed, had untied all his restraints and slowly floated away. He stood up with a perverted smile on his face, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

  What supported him in floating was a large group of blood-red tentacles. They swarmed behind Cletus Kasady. Several sticky blood-red tentacles either propped themselves up on the ground or shot onto the wall next to him, as if to him. With the addition of a pair of bloody wings, it's weird and disgusting.

  "Ah~! The feeling of freedom, the taste of fear, I really miss it all. I was an ignorant fool before, and I would throw myself into a trap." Cletus Kasady looked around the

  laboratory The horrified staff grinned.

  "But fortunately, now I have a chance to be free again, and I have already figured it out. I want blood, I want to kill, and I want your bodies and souls to tremble and surrender under my feet." "This time the game has been upgraded

  . I hope you are all ready to welcome Cletus Kasady's return and the age of massacre!!! Hahahaha!!!"

  While he was laughing wildly, countless blood-red viscous liquids flowed out of his body. It surged out, wrapping him tightly inside, and then formed a blood-red monster with a slender and weird body shape, a terrifying face, a terrifying big mouth and sharp teeth.

  The monster roared in the air with its mouth wide open and its tongue sticking out, announcing its arrival to the world, pouring out its excitement and killing intent to everyone.

  "We are, Massacre!!!"

  After roaring, Massacre also controlled the tentacles to roll up the person in charge whose neck he had just broken, and then bit his head off in one bite. "I've been holding it in for too long. Every day I stay here, I have to watch a group of you people walking around in front of me. Do you know how painful this is?!" "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about you

  . He's already dead and can't answer my question." After roaring at the headless corpse, Killing remembered that the neck of the man in front of him had been broken by it.

  It threw the headless body to the ground with a plop, then sprouted several tentacles and grabbed at the other panicked laboratory workers: "Since he is dead, it is up to you to answer me! You guys Since these weak humans dare to lock the symbiote in a cage, be prepared to pay the price!"

  Blood-red tentacles shot out, either wrapping around the waists of those people or wrapping around their legs, dragging them away. go back.

  Some people are smarter, like the big staff member who bullied Cletus Kasady and his partner before. They hid behind the heavy experimental equipment and dragged many iron cabinets in front of them. , trying to use these to block their bodies in an attempt to get through.

  "Damn it! Damn it! That guy didn't die! He turned into a monster!" The big man's partner leaned against the cabinet and panted in shock, the scene just now still replaying in his mind.

  The experimental subject that they didn't care about actually merged with the symbiote and turned into a monster, biting off the head of their leader in one bite.

  Several people were dragged over just now, and their heads were bitten off in the same bite.

  "Shh! Don't talk, don't make any noise. We'll wait until this monster is full and leaves before we go out." The big man stopped his partner from continuing to speak. He was afraid that the sound would be too loud and his position would be exposed.

  Screams echoed in the laboratory, and then a person's scream suddenly stopped after a while, followed by the sound of chewing.

  The big man and his partner knew very well that this was the sound of their colleagues being killed one by one and then having their heads chewed off.

  After about less than a minute, the screams stopped, and the chewing sounds also stopped. The only sound in the entire laboratory was the breathing of the massacre and the thumping heartbeats of the two of them.

  The big man and the others were very nervous now, because the cessation of the sound meant that everyone except the two of them was dead.

  According to their plan, they would hide here silently until the massacre left.

  But now there are still sounds from time to time, which means that the massacre has not left yet, and it also makes them more and more nervous and their heartbeats are beating faster and faster.

  "Squeak~! Bang!" The door of the laboratory suddenly opened and closed.

  Hearing this sound, the big man and his partner also let out a sudden breath, which meant that the monster was gone.

  But just as they were moving to leave, Slaughter's hideous and terrifying face suddenly stretched out from above and appeared in front of them.

  "Ha! Found you two!"

  (End of chapter)

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