328. Chapter 323, Fear

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  Chapter 323, Fear.

  Listening to Venom's arrogant cry, Thoros also snorted coldly, then raised his eyebrows and concentrated his energy, clenched the big sword in his hand with both hands, and exerted one round in the void, and a round consisting of sword energy came out. full moon.

  This round Yuanyue flew forward like a broken bamboo, repelling the countless black thorns stabbed by the venom, freeing up a large space in front of him.

  Soros seized this opportunity and stamped on the ground. After turning a corner, he accelerated instantly, gripped the sword and stabbed Chen Lin'an from the side.

  Rena and Bora, who were still on guard against Chen Lin'an's sneak attack just now, were ready for a sneak attack at any time after seeing Chen Lin'an and Soros fighting.

  At this time, Soros had an opportunity to attack from the side, and they could attack from the front and back.

  So while Soros was attacking, Reina also waved his long whip towards Chen Lin'an.

  The thorns and barbs on the whip shine with a black metallic luster, mixed with a trace of green light, which is extremely sharp and highly poisonous.

  Next to Rena, Bora also pulled out his spare short knife and threw it hard at Chen Lin'an.

  She didn't dare to fight Chen Lin'an directly up close like Soros, but she could still harass and attack her from a distance like now.

  Chen Linan's senses were all activated when the battle began, so he knew the movements and actions of the three of them clearly.

  Although the attack from these three parties seemed terrifying, it still posed no threat to him.

  He first dodged the sword thrust by Thoros, then turned around and grabbed the long whip thrown by Rena with one hand.

  The sharp barbs and poison on the whip had no effect on him at all, and it was no different from a piece of hemp rope when he grabbed it.

  After he grabbed the whip, he was followed by the dagger thrown by Bora for a sneak attack.

  Behind him, several tentacles shot out, directly intercepting the incoming dagger in the air, and wrapped around it tightly.

  In less than a second, these three attacks were easily resolved by Chen Lin'an.

  Then Chen Lin'an pulled the whip hard, pulling Reina who was standing not far away, and flew towards Thoros, who had just been dodged by him.

  Looking at Rena flying towards him, Thoros also had a hint of irritation in his eyes, but he still had to stop the momentum of his attack and prepare to catch Rena to prevent her from flying out again.

  At this time, he had interrupted the attack and was about to catch Rena. At the same time, Chen Lin'an pulled the whip again and pulled Rena towards him.

  At this time, Rena also felt that the dangerous aura was rising, but at this moment, even if she loosened the long whip, it would not help, and there was no way to change her line of movement.

  Did Chen Lin'an also give Rena a chance to react? While she was flying towards him, Chen Lin'an also reached out and took Bola's dagger from her tentacles, then stepped on the ground and ran towards Rena.

  Bora's dagger was inserted directly into Reina's heart by Chen Lin'an, and during the stirring, her heart and surrounding internal organs were shattered into pieces.

  Blood overflowed uncontrollably from the corners of Rena's mouth, and some internal organ fragments were coughed out by her uncontrollable coughing.

  She could feel her vitality disappearing rapidly along with the injury on her chest.

  Immediately afterwards, she felt a chill on her neck, and the whole world began to turn upside down and dark.

  "If I say chop your head off, I'll chop off your head. Even if you're about to die, it's the same thing. I didn't expect your bones to be quite strong. Judging from the current progress , you can currently be ranked second." While his head was chopped off, Venom bared his teeth and looked over Chen Lin'an's shoulder as he looked at Rena's eyes that were gradually losing their vitality and said.

  As Rena's body fell to the ground in two parts, Soros' figure appeared next to Chen Lin'an again.

  He saw with his own eyes that Rena was stabbed through the heart and had her neck cut off in front of him.

  Rena's death did not affect any of his movements, and it did not even make his hands tremble, because he knew that Rena was only experiencing the pain of death again, but would not really die.

  To be honest, Rena's death not only did not cause any fluctuations in her heart, but actually made him feel relieved.

  Because during the battle just now, he discovered that his family could not provide him with much help. Instead, they would become a drag on him at certain moments, making it impossible for him to have a hearty battle with Chen Lin'an.


  A sharp and powerful Crescent Moon slashed out from Thoros's sword, directly hitting Chen Lin'an's chest and knocking him away.

  Because Soros seized the momentary opportunity for Chen Lin'an to deal with Reina, he finally landed a complete attack on Chen Lin'an.

  Seeing Chen Lin'an finally being knocked away by his attack, Soros couldn't help but reveal a cheerful smile on his face.

  But before he could be happy for long, his smile froze on his face again after a few seconds.

  The attack from Soros just hit Chen Lin'an firmly, and he also felt the intensity of the attack.

  The sharpness of the crescent moon and the huge power it carried made Chen Linan fly backwards and couldn't help but admire in his heart that Thoros was worthy of being the patriarch of the heir family. This attack alone was many times stronger than the magic wheel.

  If any Spider-Man encountered this attack, he would probably be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

  But for Chen Lin'an now, apart from making him feel a little pain, this attack did not break through his skin or even the venom defense.

  And he also took advantage of this opportunity to fly backwards, made a 90-degree turn in the air, and flew towards Bora not far away like a sharp arrow.

  Seeing her brothers and mother die tragically one after another, the fear in Bora's heart has reached its peak, and the courage she had raised before the war has now dissipated without a trace.

  Now she just wants to wait and see from the edge of the battlefield between Chen Lin'an and Soros, and no longer dares to plan a sneak attack or get involved.

  After all, her quaint short knife was still stuck in the chest of her mother's corpse.

  She didn't want to wait a while and her head and body would be separated as well, turning into a cold corpse lying on the ground.

  Although as a member of the heir family, she can still come back to life even if she dies, but only those who have experienced it know that the feeling of death is really uncomfortable.

  Every time she felt like she was drowning. She was suffocated in the darkness and was in excruciating pain. She couldn't take a big breath until she revived and opened her eyes again.

  (End of chapter)

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