291. Chapter 288, "The Book of Cagliostro"

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  Chapter 288, "The Book of Cagliostro"

  While the Ancient Master and Chen Lin'an were improving their strength in the mirror world, Stephen Strange also finished washing and came out of the room towards the library with a stack of books in his arms. Go.

  As of yesterday, he had read all these books, so he is going to the library to find Wang today to prepare a new batch of books.

  This feeling of being surrounded by knowledge all the time and fully absorbing it has not been experienced for a long time. Stephen Strange felt like he was back in college. At that time, he also spent every day in the library, reading books, write thesis.

  Moreover, his university library and Kamal Taj's library have one similarity, that is, the librarian is unsmiling and always looks very serious.

  Stephen Strange was thinking to himself as he stepped into the library lightly and placed the book on the library table.

  The strange thing is that Wang didn't know where he went today, and there was no one in the library.

  Stephen Strange looked around when he saw this, and then shouted from time to time: "King? Are you there?"

  "I don't know where these books are, you have to help me."

  In the library After calling in circles for a moment, Stephen Strange confirmed that Wang was indeed not in the library now.

  "So do I have to spend time finding where they are and putting them back one by one? What a waste of time."

  Stephen Strange thought to himself as he sat in front of the table.

  After thinking for a moment, he also looked at the bookshelf in the library, picked up a book and flipped through it while waiting for Wang to return to the library.

  He didn't want to waste time finding and putting them back one by one. If he had this time, he might as well read two more books, and then let Wang put them away when Wang came back. After all, Wang was the librarian, and the position of each book was He remembers them all.

  While Stephen Strange was reading a book, he also took out an apple from his arms. This was something he took while having breakfast, and it was just ready to eat now.

  Although Wang had repeatedly warned him not to eat while reading, as there was a risk of contaminating the paper, Stephen Strange had this habit since he was a child and it was difficult to change, so as a compromise, he tried to eat some juice and liquid. Less, less likely to contaminate books.

  "Crack!" The crisp chewing sound echoed in the empty library. Stephen Strange leaned back in his chair comfortably, looking at the books on the table, and turning another page from time to time.

  When he raised his head between reading, he suddenly noticed the unusual bookshelf opposite, the books that were locked with chains and still glowing with magic.

  Wang also introduced these to him when he came to the library before.

  These books are all the private collection of the ancient mage. They are some relatively esoteric and seemingly obscure magic books.

  Although knowledge is shared in Kama Taj, because these magic books are too esoteric and risky to practice, it is generally not easy to borrow these books under the strict review of the librarian.

  Especially the current librarian king, he believes that although Stephen Strange is very talented in magic, he is too anxious, so he has never been allowed to borrow books here, unless he has the permission of the ancient master.

  Now that the king was away and there was no one in the library, Stephen Strange suddenly thought that this was a good time to satisfy his curiosity.

  He believed that with his intelligence, no magic book was obscure or incomprehensible.

  Thinking of this, he put down the apple in his hand, took a few bites of it, and walked quickly to the bookshelf where Master Ancient One's private collection was stored.

  After seeing a familiar cover, he also unlocked the chain and took the book off the shelf.

  This book is "The Book of Cagliostro". He wanted to take a look at this book last time, so he asked the king about these books.

  He took the book down and flipped through it, and found that several pages were missing.

  According to Wang's explanation, the missing pages in this book were taken away by a mage who fell into darkness. That person was called Casilla. He was originally as talented and full of personality as him, but due to excessive The pursuit of power fell into darkness.

  He beheaded the previous librarian while the Ancient One Master was away, and then defected from Kama Taj with those pages recording the dark rituals because he was now dead, and these pages were used

  by He took it away, so now there is no way to retrieve the missing pages.

  At that time, after the introduction, Wang stopped Stephen Strange from continuing to ask about the dark ritual, took the book back and put it away.

  The reason why Wang was unwilling to lend these books to Stephen Strange was because he was too similar to the dark mage who defected from Kama Taj.

  They are all equally gifted and have made rapid progress in learning magic. They are all equally full of personality and have their own unique opinions on everything. They all have their own ideas and ignore the advice of others.

  To put it nicely, such a character means perseverance. Once you decide on something, you will work hard towards it and never give up no matter how difficult it is.

  To put it bluntly, he is a stubborn ass, and he is very stubborn and stubborn at all.

  Opening the "Book of Cagliostro", it contains dense Sanskrit records about the mystery of time, as well as the experiences and experiences of past mages in exploring time.

  "The Supreme Mage Ajimoto, and the Eye of Ajimoto, a treasure that can control time."

  Stephen Strange whispered the contents of the book while looking at the simple eye-like figure drawn on the page. An exquisite magic weapon.

  This eye-like magic weapon is the Eye of Ajimoto. On the page, next to its specific image, the opening and manipulation methods of this magic weapon are written in detail.

  "This doesn't seem to be difficult." Stephen Strange looked at it carefully, then thought about it, and felt that there seemed to be no difficulty for him.

  "It would be great if I could try it." Stephen Strange murmured to himself, took a bite of the apple, and continued to read the book.

  Behind the Eye of Ajimoto are the missing pages. Because the paper recording these is quite thick, even though there are only a few pages missing, the gaps appear to be very obvious.

  Looking at the missing pages, Stephen Strange shook his head with regret.

  (End of chapter)

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