256. Chapter 254, reversal of procedure, rescue begins

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  Chapter 254, Reversal of Program, Rescue Begins

  After arriving at their laboratory, Tony and Chen Lin'an began to listen to Sylvia's introduction and looked at the instruments in the laboratory and their functions one by one.

  "These are all the experimental equipment and raw materials we will use. What I just told you is what is needed now." Sylvia said as she led the two of them to the instrument for making large black holes.

  Chen Lin'an also turned to look at Tony when he heard this. Tony also nodded and said, "Jarvis has recorded what he needs and is going to prepare it now. It should be all available in a few hours." After hearing Tony's

  words In reply, Sylvia also said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you for your help."

  Chen Lin'an was also groping for the instrument for making large black holes at this time, looking at the operation panel and continued: "Before those things come, I I think you still need to introduce us to the technology of cross-time and space research." "

  Speaking of which, I have to admire you for actually realizing this technology. Although there are still many problems, you can already see its potential. There is a bright future."

  Hearing Chen Lin'an's emotion, Sylvia also looked at the instrument and said softly: "This is all Jonathan's idea. Without his persistence and genius, I would not have thought that such a technology could be realized. "

  After speaking, Sylvia also patted the instrument, then walked to the side and took out some information and handed it to Chen Lin'an and Tony.

  "This is a report about cross-time and space technology. We are doing this work because the experiment has reached the final step." "The final

  part was supposed to be completed yesterday, but I didn't expect such an accident." "

  Can you please give it a try? Will you try to help me rescue Jonathan from the black hole first?" "

  With him, it will be more convenient to solve these black holes in New York City. After all, his research on cross-time and space technology is unmatched by anyone."

  Xi Sylvia looked at Chen Linan and the others with a hint of pleading, intertwining their fingers until their knuckles turned white.

  After hearing Sylvia's plea, Chen Lin'an also comforted her: "Don't worry, we will try to rescue him first."

  In the next few hours, Chen Lin'an sat at the table with Tony and Felicia Before looking at the report on research technology across time and space.

  Sylvia continued to receive the instruments and raw materials delivered in the laboratory and arranged them properly.

  After a while, Peter, who was invited by Chen Lin'an to study the data together, also arrived and joined the scientific research.

  After reading the information for a while, Felicia realized that she really had no talent in this area, so she left the laboratory and wandered around the city to fill the vacancy after Peter left.

  A few hours later, Sylvia told them that all the instruments were ready.

  Chen Lin'an and the others then closed the materials in their hands, calmed their heads, and then stood up to start the experiment.

  "I have some new ideas, which I feel can increase the stability of the instrument operation and also improve the stability of the produced black holes." Chen Lin'an said while putting forward his ideas to them.

  Tony also came up with some new ideas after listening to Chen Lin'an's ideas.

  His idea was to try to reverse run part of the program to clearly distinguish the black hole in the laboratory from other black holes, so as to send a signal to Jonathan Owen on the other side of the black hole, so that he could sense the black hole in the laboratory. .

  If the other party is still conscious in the black hole space, he should be aware of this abnormality and try to make contact with it.

  Although the drone has not always broadcast the picture inside the black hole, based on discussions between Chen Linan and the others, they guessed that the interior of the pushing space should be connected to each other, but they did not know the specific form of expression.

  Chen Linan and Tony's new ideas surprised Sylvia.

  Sure enough, when smart people discuss issues together, they can create different sparks.

  With these two changes, she believed that the probability of rescuing Jonathan Owen would be greatly improved.

  Just do what they said, and after they had new ideas, they began to make new changes in the instrument.

  After a while, after the new changes were verified to be correct, they pressed the start button and reconnected the instrument with the black hole in the laboratory that swallowed Jonathan Owen and then shrunk and then returned to stability.

  During the time they arrived at the laboratory and then re-experimented after waiting for such a long time, the black hole was still running smoothly in place without any abnormality.

  "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

  As the start button was pressed, the instrument began to make a sound.

  The energy was transmitted from the instrument and connected to the smoothly running black hole, causing its originally unchanged size to slowly grow.

  As energy continues to be transmitted, the size of the black hole gradually increases, and finally stays at a circle with a diameter of two meters.

  This size is also the size of the first black hole that Jonathan Owen and Sylvia experimented with at that time.

  "Currently, the black hole is operating stably without any abnormalities." Peter looked at the various data on the console and said to Tony and Chen Lin'an next to him.

  "Should we run part of the reversal program now? Or wait a little longer."

  After hearing Peter's reminder, Tony thought for a while and said, "Let's start running it now. We have no time to wait and waste."

  "The operation of the partial reversal program can last up to half an hour, otherwise part of it will become the complete reversal program, and the black hole will be eliminated." "

  This black hole is the black hole where Jonathan Owen disappeared at that time. It is very important, so we are Remember to cut off the program when it runs for 28 minutes. It must not exceed 30 minutes."

  Hearing Tony's instructions, Peter nodded and responded: "I understand, I have already set the time, and it will stop at 28 minutes. The program will be cut off, no later than 29 minutes."

  After saying that, Peter pressed another button, causing the black hole to start running part of the reversal program.

  When the partial reversal program is running, the black hole no longer runs smoothly like before, but there are some waves on the edge, like breathing, flickering.

  Fortunately, through Chen Linan's suggestions and improvements, the stability of the black hole operation has been greatly improved.

  Otherwise, if it is a previous black hole, running a partial reversal program is likely to cause collapse due to structural instability.

  While part of the reversal program was running, Sylvia also slowly approached the black hole, and then kept calling Jonathan Owen's name.

  (End of chapter)

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