Chapter 97 The possibility of being beaten is infinite

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  Chapter 97: The possibility of being beaten is infinite.
  Fang Hao opened the document bag, took out the information inside, and looked at it with Luo Wenjing respectively.

  "Last night? We didn't go out last night."

  Song Yuanzheng naturally wouldn't believe such nonsense.

  Fang Hao has so many extraordinary powers, what happened to [Teleportation]?
  "It doesn't matter if it's you. Emperor Yan and I are just curious. Why did you kill him? How did I offend you?" "It's

  really not us." Fang Hao couldn't help laughing, "There is no injustice or hatred, why should I kill him?"

  Song Yuanzheng looked at Luo Wenjing.

  Luo Wenjing smiled and said nothing.

  This made Song Yuanzheng less convinced.

  "It's really not you?"

  "I swear, it's really not me."

  Fang Hao played a trick and said "it's not me" instead of "us".

  But Song Yuanzheng didn't notice the trick here.

  Because Luo Wenjing would not just go to the South to kill people. Even if this happened, it would definitely be Fang Hao who took the lead. There is no difference between "I" and "we" in his mouth.

  But what Fang Hao said - I really didn't "hack him to death" - was just that he omitted the second half of the sentence.

  Of course, you can just fool around, there is no need to lie to yourself.

  Although it was Luo Wenjing who did it, the "real culprit" was himself. This cannot be denied.

  "Okay." When Song Yuanzheng saw Fang Hao's denial, he stopped asking and said with a smile: "The public assassination of the northern king of the southern country has attracted the attention of the world, but it has diverted a lot of attention. It is still very important to us. Advantageous."

  The assassination of an ordinary king-level powerhouse would be news at best.

  However, the assassination of a king-level local administrative head was a very serious and vicious political incident, because it was equivalent to declaring war on the entire southern country.

  Moreover, ninja, tachi, and assassination sound very reasonable.

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing looked at each other and held back their laughter.

  Now the officials of the Southern Kingdom have sent a formal note to the Kamikaze Kingdom, requesting a joint investigation into the assassination of the Northern King by the Kamikaze Ninja.

  This is like pointing at the nose of the Kamikaze Kingdom and saying: Come, let us check your ninjas. The real culprit must be among these people.

  Of course, Kamikaze Kingdom would not agree to such an outrageous request.

  The comprehensive strength of the Southern Kingdom is much worse than that of the Kamikaze Kingdom, and there is only one Imperial Realm powerhouse, while the Kamikaze Kingdom has five.

  If we agree to this request, where will the faces of the Kamikaze Kingdom and these five emperor-level experts go?
  But now is an era of general peace. Big countries must have dignity and cannot start wars easily.

  Moreover, Nanguo has such confidence because it has Yan Xia behind it.

  This powerful man in the Imperial realm from the Southern Kingdom has always regarded Emperor Yan as his teacher and hugged Yan Xia tightly.

  If the Kamikaze Kingdom doesn't want to sit down, talk peacefully, and handle the matter properly, the possibility of getting beaten up will be infinite.

  Emperor Yan has not spoken yet, but if the situation turns to the worst, he will definitely come forward.

  If it doesn't work for him to come forward, it means that he can't do it with letters and needs to use force.

  At this time, it was time for the Overlord to intervene.

  That scene is terrifying just thinking about it.

  Therefore, after discussion, the five imperial-level experts from the Kamikaze Kingdom decided to agree to conduct an imperial-level diplomatic note with the Southern Kingdom to jointly investigate this major case.

  However, the specific method of investigation still needs to be discussed.

  In short, it is impossible to hand over official king-level ninja information to Nanguo, and it would be a joke if we did.

  And now the ninja tradition of Kamikaze Kingdom has spread all over the world because of its special nature.

  In other words, king-level ninjas are not only found in Kamikaze Kingdom.

  There are king-level ninjas who can read power and the Silver Moon Flywheel. Kamikaze Kingdom has them, but they won't let outsiders know about them.

  This gave the Kamikaze Kingdom room for mediation and denial.

  Because the incident happened suddenly, both countries were unprepared. The leaders of the two countries needed time to digest, discuss, and negotiate the issues. The note was scheduled to be held on a small island in the eastern territorial waters of Hot Summer three days later.

  Because Kamikaze Kingdom is in the northeast of Yanxia and Nanguo is in the south of Yanxia, ​​this small island is the most suitable middle location.

  The upcoming meeting with the emperor-level experts will naturally attract the attention of the whole world.

  Why the Northern King died was not of concern to the public, but face-to-face communication between powerful men of the Imperial Realm was very rare.

  Maybe they started working together after just a disagreement?

  It's not like this has never happened.

  Therefore, the emperor-level experts generally do not come forward, and it must be a big event that they have to come forward.

  But big events, especially big events with "hatred", are easier to fight.

  This time the Northern King of the Southern Kingdom was assassinated by ninjas. He became the Northern King because he was the child of the powerful Imperial Realm man from the Southern Kingdom and grew up wearing a pair of pants.

  Under the blessing of this kind of "hate", it is easy to be angry and fight against people at the scene of the note.

  So I arranged it on a small island because I didn't want to hurt innocent people if I actually took action.

  Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing quickly left Song Yuanzheng's office, boarded a military plane and headed to the location of the mirror project.

  Southland, Northland.

  Jialuo's trouble was finally solved and his family members were released.

  She could guess that it was Fang Hao's mastermind, and people close to the king could also guess it.

  But guessing is one thing, and whether you dare to say it is another.

  Even if he dares to kill the king, why would he be afraid of little shrimps like them?

  The normal thought is of course to protect oneself wisely and keep silent.

  What's more, what the southern country officials are looking for now is the Kamikaze Kingdom.

  They were talking nonsense and involved Yan Xia, and they were on the opposite side of Nanguo - they were afraid that Nanguo officials would treat them as spies and execute them first.

  Buddha said, it cannot be said, it cannot be said.

  Jialuo decided to go for a walk in Yanxia after settling this matter.

  She knew that Fang Hao went hunting in the deep sea and spent a night with Fang Hao's horned dragon clone.

  So when she saw those videos and photos some time ago, her first reaction was to be happy, happy for her friends to grow and become stronger.

  When leaving the South Kingdom, Fang Hao's beast clone was only six or seven meters tall.

  But when the photos and videos were taken, it was thirteen or fourteen meters tall, and it had some extra organs on its body that only sea monsters have.

  Fang Hao himself didn't come, but he invited his friends to come and kill the indifferent king.

  It would actually be better if there was no such king in the north. At least the families, villages, and civilians no longer had to pay tribute and so many taxes.

  So when he died, the people in the north didn't feel much, and most of them were even happy.

  This great king could not protect the people of the North from the two beast kings and the claws of many alien beasts.

  Nor can we work hard to develop the economy and improve the lives of the people in the north.

  Instead, they collect taxes to provide food and enjoy luxury.

  Wouldn't it be better for us if you died?
  This incident also caused quite a stir in the Kamikaze Kingdom in the northeastern part of Yanxia.

  Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the ninjas officially trained by the Kamikaze Kingdom to assassinate the local leaders of the Southern Kingdom for no apparent reason.

  Unless there is some ulterior secret purpose.

  But no one has found any secrets yet.

  Moreover, the powerful emperors of Kamikaze Kingdom knew very well that this matter was definitely not done by official ninjas, because Kamikaze had no intention of targeting the Southern Kingdom at all.

  If they are not official ninjas, then they can only be "folk" ninjas.

  Because many folk ninjas are secretly working as killers, and their main source of income comes from bounties.

  Only these people will kill people "without reason".

  Therefore, within Kamikaze Kingdom, the focus is mainly on those private ninja families and schools.

  And the heads of these ninja sects and families, after knowing this and seeing the surveillance video of that night, were of course confused.

  What style of swordsmanship is this?
  This hard slashing move is not like our ninja style.

  Why do you still use telekinesis and Silver Moon Flywheel?

  Unfortunately, among the king-level ninjas among the people, there is indeed such a [psychokinetic] power user, who is also one of the leaders of a certain sect.

  But this person is a man.

  But what about men?

  It is not difficult for a ninja to change his clothes, shrink his body, or change his voice. It can even be said to be basic skills.

  Although he has a sufficient alibi, finding someone to pretend to be himself is not a problem and cannot prove anything.

  What's more, he was made mute to eat Coptidis chinensis, and he couldn't tell the pain.

  This is an old pervert who has a bunch of beautiful women at home and is very fond of them.

  So when I saw the king holding a beautiful maid to block the knife, he was so angry that he used the Silver Moon Flying Wheel regardless of hiding it. Isn't it reasonable?

  In fact, there are many "kings" who play well.

  If you have money, leisure, power, and a great physique, a large number of suitors and followers will come to your door, and only a few can hold them back.

  Taken individually, this is not much evidence, because other king-level ninjas also have a bunch of little wives and white-faced heads in their homes.

  But among the public, this is the only king-level ninja who knows how to use telekinesis.

  He said that he did not have the Silver Moon Flywheel, and he indeed did not have such a magical weapon.

  But this kind of thing can only be proved to exist, not not to exist.

  He said he had it and took it out, indicating that he really had it.

  But if he says he doesn't have it, or he hides it and doesn't take it out, it doesn't prove that he really doesn't have it. But what everyone wants now is "really not", but he can't prove this.

  So whatever he said was meaningless.

  Before the real murderer was found, he was the biggest suspect and was therefore under house arrest.

  This does not mean that the Kamikaze Kingdom official will hand him over to Nanguo for disposal, because Nanguo has no way to prove that he is the real murderer.

  He was put under house arrest to show that the government would not protect him.

  But in order to deal with him, Nanguo also had to produce practical and effective evidence.

  These are two different things.

  After Fang Hao arrived at the college, many students in the class were discussing this matter.

  The negative impact is too great.

  In times of non-war, the almost public assassination of a country's local leader would be quite explosive in any country.

  This is also one of Fang Hao's purposes.

  Not only did he solve the big king, but he could also help relieve Yan Xia's pressure, and he could also cheat the Kamikaze Kingdom.

  Kill three birds with one stone. If you don't kill, you won't kill.

  After sitting down, Wang Cheng at the front table turned around and asked with a smile: "Fang Hao, registration for the junior competition has started. Do you want to try?"

  Fang Hao was speechless: "Don't you think it's too early for me?"

  The boy The competition refers to the "Genius Youth Competition". Normally, you have to be in second grade to sign up.

  There are not many first-year students who have signed up, but most of them come from martial arts families. They have been tempering their bodies with medicinal fluids, training hard, and contemplating their spirits since childhood.

  These "second-generation martial arts students" may be stronger than third-year students when they enter school, so it is not surprising at all to sign up to compete.

  There is no martial arts family in Fenglin City, because one of the basic requirements of a martial arts family is to have a "king" sitting in charge.

  If there is not even a king, it will be called "Xiuwu Family" and cannot be called "Aristocratic Family".

  A family with a king in charge is fully capable of taking root in a first-tier big city, rather than settling in a seventh- or eighth-tier small city like Maplewood City.

  "I think you can give it a try." Wang Cheng looked Fang Hao up and down.

  "Didn't Teacher Liu also say that apart from your internal strength being weaker due to the short training time, aren't you weaker than those seed players in other aspects?"

  Fang Hao shook his head: "Next year, this year is too early."

  Just relying on martial arts, he Although his combat power is good, there is still some gap compared to those "Second Generation Martial Arts" who have been practicing since childhood.

  Since you can't win for sure, there's no need to compete.

  "Ding ding bell"

  the school bell rang, and Zhong Weiwei hurried into the classroom with her schoolbag in hand and a lollipop in her mouth.

  Wang Cheng smiled and asked, "Sister Wei, why are you late today? Sleeping

  in?" "No, there's a traffic jam."

  "You can ride a bicycle in traffic jams?"

  "I came in my brother's car today, can't you?"

  " ..."

  Du Yutang, who was sitting in front of her, turned around and asked with a smile: "Isn't your brother working in the provincial capital?" "I

  came back yesterday and said I had official business." Zhong Weiwei wanted to say something more, but seeing that the head teacher Liu Zhongze had already entered the classroom, he hurriedly Take the lollipop from your mouth, wrap it up and put it away.

  Liu Zhongze took a stack of paper with forms printed on it, walked to the podium, and nodded to the 30 students.

  "Good morning, classmates."

  "Hello, teacher!"

  Liu Zhongze placed the stack of papers on the podium, picked up the top one, and showed it to the students.

  "This is the registration form for the youth competition. Please fill it out."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

  What's going on? Is this?

  We didn’t want to sign up.

  "Teacher, is it mandatory to participate this year?"

  "No." Liu Zhongze smiled rarely, "But if you participate this year, you can receive a first-level blood essence crystal. If you don't want it in vain." There was silence for a moment


  The classmates looked at each other.

  A first-level essence and blood crystal costs four to five thousand yuan, right?
  Just participate?
  What's the difference between this and giving it away for free?
  Moreover, is it going to be issued nationwide?

  There are about a thousand Zhenwu academies across the country, with more than one million students.

  Doesn’t this move cost tens of billions?
  "Teacher, have you heard about the recent hot topic on the Internet about our entire army eating sea beasts in the hot summer?"

  A student asked loudly.

  "Is it our turn now?"

  Liu Zhongze said with a smile: "I don't know whether that is true or not. But participating in the youth competition will reward you with a first-level essence and blood crystal. The school has received an official notification, and it has been announced nationwide. Yes."

  Fang Hao looked strange after hearing this.

  Don't think about this matter, it must be related to yourself.

  In the past few days, he used his beast clone to hunt three king-level sea beasts from the deep sea and handed them to Yan Xia. Each of them could be exchanged for tens of billions. It was not surprising that Emperor Yan made this decision.

  No matter how much money you have, it should be used where it should be used.

  For a country, using it on these young people who are full of vigor and vitality can greatly enhance their sense of belonging and patriotism.

  They didn't tell him, of course because they didn't know their true identity and were still studying at the Zhenwu Academy in a small city.

  He also received the reward for the hunt. The Silver Moon Flying Wheel was a priceless magic weapon, and its value was greater than that of the Sea Beast Emperor, so he only received a symbolic two billion.

  With everyone signing up, he couldn't pretend to be aloof and say he didn't need the first-level blood essence crystal.

  So after the registration form was sent out, he also filled in his information.

  Just hit them casually, wherever you can hit them.

  The junior competition is divided into two parts.

  Because the difference in combat power between cultivators and transcendental beings is so great that they cannot stand together and can only compete separately.

  Extraordinary people have their own extraordinary stage, and cultivators have their own wonderful performances. The audience can watch whichever one they like.

  After both sides have competed for the top ten, there will be a friendly match to satisfy the audience's appetite for viewing and the advertising sponsors need a gimmick.

  In this friendly match, extraordinary people will be restricted from using extraordinary powers, and they will compete against practitioners on the basis of their martial arts prowess alone.

  If one can conquer opponents and audiences with martial arts prowess alone, without relying on supernatural powers, this person's reputation and popularity will of course skyrocket.

  Therefore, this friendly match is beneficial to many parties and is the most popular finale of the competition every year.

  However, Fang Hao does not expect to reach the top ten in the country.

  After all, he had only been in school for two months.

  Without the use of extraordinary powers, there is almost no chance of winning against a young man from a martial arts family.

  So just try your best and officially compete again next year and come back ranked first in the country.

  After taking back the registration form, Liu Zhongze smiled and said:

  "Not only the basic resources such as essence and blood crystals, but whoever can enter the top 100 in the province can go to the province to choose a top method to practice." "?" Hearing the key


  , Fang Hao immediately became energetic.

  The top method?

  "Nine Levels of Ultimate Power" and "Golden Crow Concept"?
  Is Emperor Yan going to speed up the improvement of the strength of folk cultivators?
  Also, now he is being targeted by other countries. In the future, if he fishes out the wreckage of the spacecraft and gives Yan Xia more advantages, the pressure he will face will be much greater than now.

  Therefore, it is very necessary to improve Yanxia's overall strength!

  Needless to say, the cultivation of official combat capabilities has always been done.

  The improvement of civilian combat power cannot be ignored either, because civilian practitioners are an endless reserve army and can be directly recruited into the army to replenish soldiers during wartime.

  This kind of thing can only be done in advance.

  It will be too late to cultivate civilian combat capabilities when faced with war.

  "Fang Hao, you are one of the top 100 in the province, right?" Zhong Weiwei asked in a low voice and handed over a lollipop.

  "It should be okay." Fang Hao nodded and took the lollipop.

  "Nine Levels of Ultimate Strength" can be postponed, and "Golden Crow Concept" must be learned!
  As long as you can learn it, you can release the current constraints on yourself and quickly improve your mental power.

  As his mental strength improves, there will no longer be any obstacles to his true martial arts realm, because his physique cannot fail to reach the standard.

  "I don't have any hope." Zhong Weiwei sighed, "There may be a chance next year, but there is no chance of qualifying for the provincial competition this year." "How many

  people from one school can qualify?"

  "Twenty. Last year it was 20."

  Then It's really difficult. Fang Hao nodded secretly.

  After all, there are still second- and third-year students, and few first-year students dare to say that they can qualify based on their ability and represent the college in the provincial competition.

  Fang Hao dared to say it, but he wouldn't say it everywhere.

   Thank you to Mr. Leg Hair for your point coin reward, and thank you to the big guys for subscribing, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets. I wish you good health and get rich every day.

  (End of chapter)

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