Chapter 9 Supernormality Can’t Save Baldness

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  Chapter 9 Extraordinary Can't Save Baldness

  "No name." "

  Smuggled in?"

  "No, I am a legal citizen born in this country."

  "Then how come you don't have a name?"

  "Uh, I forgot."


  In the simple and tidy office, Fang Hao was chatting with the inquiring lieutenant-level officer.

  The person who asked him was a man and a woman, both wearing green military uniforms, looking at each other helplessly.

  "We are the Kunlun Garrison, the national army. You don't have to guard against us." "

  I know, I really forgot who I am. How about you help me look for it?"


  The two officers were even more helpless. .

  No one would believe that Fang Hao was there to cause trouble.

  If you want to become the Beast King, why don't you send a king-level warrior?
  Is it too much to look down on the Beast King by sending someone who is truly at the first level of martial arts?

  It was only because of Chief Song Yuanzheng's "careful investigation" that they asked the female chief to bring Fang Hao back for questioning.

  This question really raised a question.

  Fang Hao actually wants to hide his identity?
  Even if he has nothing to do with the Beast King rampage incident, it must be related to other things!

  But now there is no evidence, and it is not easy to enter interrogation mode directly.

  "Then let's skip the name question first. Please tell me why you appeared there."

  Fang Hao sighed: "I was exercising my ability to survive in the wild there. Maybe I ate something I shouldn't have, such as poison. Mushrooms cause brain and memory problems."

  After he said this, the two questioning officers couldn't ask any more questions.

  "Then you go for a check-up first. There is a military hospital here. We will take you there." "

  Okay, thank you, chief!" "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

  , no, no, we are not chiefs, we are not at that level." "

  Then take me back . That female chief, what is her name?"

  "Why are you asking?"

  "She stood in front of me during the nuclear explosion and saved my life!" Fang Hao couldn't laugh or cry, "Now I can't even call my savior She doesn't know anything, and she won't tell me if I ask her."

  The two officers looked at each other speechless.

  "She won't say it herself, and we can't say it for her."

  "You go for the checkup first, and we'll talk about other things after the results come out."


  Fang Hao nodded helplessly, got up and followed the two officers out of the office.

  Want to run?
  Although he came in, he didn't have the means to leave.

  [Ability Points: 65430]

  Sixty-five thousand ability points can unlock the initial super S-level extraordinary powers.

  Finding a supernatural power for escaping couldn't be easier.

  Otherwise, unlock one that can "self-destruct" and destroy the clone directly.

  But it’s rare to come in and see more and understand more.

  The army has no ill intentions towards him, and he has no ill intentions towards the army, so why bother leaving in a hurry?

  First, upgrade the level of [Clone] to enhance the power and effect of the clone's extraordinary abilities.

  [Ability Points - 2000]

  [Supernatural power [Clone] is upgraded to level C, and the superpower has 40% of the effect of the original body! ]

  [Ability Points -4000]

  [The extraordinary power [Clone] is upgraded to level B. The extraordinary power has 50% of the effect of the original body! ]

  [Ability Points -10000]

  [The extraordinary power [Clone] is upgraded to level A, the number of clones is +1, and the extraordinary power has 60% of the original effect!

  Qualitative change!

  The two clones have 100% effectiveness respectively, and can absorb solar energy three times more efficiently!
  Extraordinary powers have 60% of the effect of the main body. If the main body exceeds S level, the clone will almost have S level.

  It is equivalent to lowering the power level of the main body by one level. The main body is S level, and the clone can have A level effects, and so on.

  After a while, I will find an opportunity to transfer my consciousness back to the main body, and let the main body create another clone to bask in the sun.

  Military hospital.

  After the two officers explained the situation, the nurse immediately brought the equipment for drawing blood.

  Fang Hao watched the nurse tie a rubber tube to his left arm and apply alcohol to disinfect it.

  Then he watched her insert the needle into the vein of her forearm and draw out the bright red blood.

  Smile. After the nurse drew the blood, as soon as she pulled out the needle, the blood in the reagent tube quickly lost its red color and turned into yellowish brown.


  The nurse, the male and female officers, and Fang Hao himself all frowned.

  "What's going on?"

  The four of them looked at me, me at him, and he at her, all frowning.

  The nurse opened the stopper of the reagent tube and poured out the yellow water inside. Suddenly, the smell of pus came out.

  Moreover, this pool of pus quickly vaporized and disappeared.

  Both the nurse and the officer looked at Fang Hao.

  "Well, I also want to know what's going on." Fang Hao laughed dryly.

  Of course he knew what was going on, otherwise how could he be so calm.

  Because this is a clone.

  A clone cannot be cloned again.

  The matter in the clone is all separated from the main body. Once the blood, limbs, etc. are separated from the clone, or the clone dies, they will disappear without a trace.

  Fortunately, this is an extraordinary world, and all abnormal phenomena can be explained by "extraordinary".

  "I'll call Director Liu."

  The nurse glanced at Fang Hao with a strange expression and turned away.

  The two officers also looked at Fang Hao with strange expressions.

  Fang Hao smiled and said, "Why don't you go through the hospitalization procedures for me and let you study it carefully?" The

  two officers looked at each other speechlessly.

  "Wait for Director Liu to come over."

  "He is well-informed and should know what your problem is."

  Director Liu, who was already in the Mediterranean, arrived quickly with a piece of paper in his hand.

  "Xiao Li, go to the library and help me find some books. It may be related to his phenomenon."


  The male officer took the piece of paper handed over by Director Liu, saluted, turned and left the military hospital.

  Director Liu glanced at Fang Hao and said to the nurse: "Go through the hospitalization procedures for him and put him in bed No. 112, which is close to my office."

  "Okay." The nurse turned back to the counter.

  "Young man, come with me." Director Liu took Fang Hao's hand and walked back.

  "Xiao Zhang, you come too."

  Fang Hao couldn't resist.

  In this world where everyone can practice martial arts, the people in the army are even more extraordinary.

  However, being extraordinary cannot save baldness.

  He looked at Director Liu's bare head and wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

  Back in the office, Director Liu directly prescribed more than a dozen examinations for Fang Hao and asked the female officer to take him for examinations.

  "If you want to queue up, let him do it first."


  Fang Hao had no choice but to follow the female officer Xiao Zhang to do B-ultrasound, X-ray, CT, etc., and some more than once.

  Because the parts to be inspected are different, the scores are scored several times.

  Fortunately, blood couldn't be drawn, otherwise he would have suffered.

  When he and the female officer returned to Director Liu's office, the male officer Xiao Li had already returned, and Director Liu was flipping through a book.

  Fang Hao couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

  Doesn't this mean that you are using your clone to deceive others?
  "You're back? Come and sit."

  Director Liu raised his head and called Fang Hao over.

  After Fang Hao sat down, he felt his pulse again.

  "Physical signs are normal, but haven't you started practicing Qi refining yet?" "


  Director Liu frowned: "Then how did you get a body that is ten times stronger than ordinary people?"

  Fang Hao could only laugh dryly: "I forgot about it too. , Maybe I ate something before I lost my memory."

  Director Liu retracted his hand, but took out a thin scalpel and placed it on the table with a serious expression.

  "I suspect that you have eaten extraordinary resources that enhance your regeneration ability. Now I want to make a cut on your hand to see if you agree?" What else

  could Fang Hao say?

  Although your guess is wrong.

  But the result you guessed is correct!
  You are worthy of being the director of the Mediterranean, I admire you!
   Thanks to Heizibai, Book Friends 20200403172907802, Longlin Gentleman Jie Xiaoshi, Heizibai and other experts for their recommendation votes. Thank you for your support~

  (End of this chapter)

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